Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2) Page 44

by Statham, Mayra

  “Hunter Dennison is my choice for who I admire on a personal level. We grew up in the same town, and even though he didn’t know I was alive, I found one of my most favorite pastimes was watching him. Most people would say his ambitions were great from high school soccer star to student body president to valedictorian of his graduating class, which earned him full scholarships to many Ivy League schools. He organized summer soccer camps for younger kids and volunteered many of his weekends to making the town square and parks beautiful and pristine. Whether it was planting flowers, spreading mulch, mowing, raking, or shoveling, Hunter Dennison was just a genuinely unselfish person.”

  Blah, blah, blah, Allison thought. Give me something juicy!

  Ask and you shall receive!

  “However, none of these traits are why I am drawn to him. It is the way his dark hair falls across his forehead when he sits in the library studying. The way he tucks his pencil behind his ear, emphasizing the lush, thick locks of hair that you just want to run your hands through. How his hands and arms flex the corded veins that run up and down, regardless if he is carrying his books down the hall, to working the earth, or the way he affectionately used to pat Cocoa, my deceased and much-missed pet. So powerful yet also so gently. Those very hands should be forever encased in marble to show future generations the flawlessness that our creator put in flesh form. Dreams for years were centered around the magnificence of those hands and how they would feel against my skin. Would my body strum a beautiful symphony just because it is touched by perfection? However, let us not dwell only on his upper body. The other half of him is just as nice. The way the denim of his jeans molds and stretches over his skin, still showing the power beneath, could have encyclopedias written about them. His face haunts me even to this day. Every look and every smile permanently burned into my brain so as I will never forget witnessing such wonder. When he smiles, I pretend those are private smiles just for me. Even if we were in the auditorium for a school assembly, when he would speak, I would envision only me in the audience and every word, look, and movement of his lips were meant just for me. Never did a boy’s lips look so soft and inviting when he smiled, showcasing perfectly white teeth and just a hint of an overbite, as did Hunter’s.”

  Allison actually laughed aloud and rolled her eyes before bringing her own hand up to cover her mouth as to not wake up sleep delusional here.

  “But nothing compares to any of the previously stated precision than when he says hello to me. My stomach flips with anticipation and curiosity of being his in every way. What it would be like to be under him in an intimate and passionate scene that would incorporate every private and erotic thought I have ever had of him.”

  And just like that, Allison knew exactly what her next game would be.

  She put everything back just as it was before acting as she just entered the room. She woke Molly with a gentle shake and cooed, “Molly, honey, you fell asleep. Come on, wake up.”

  Molly sat upright, wiping the sleep from her eyes and the drool from her mouth.

  “Oh, my goodness, what time is it?” Molly said, focusing on her computer screen. Apparently realizing what was still glowing on the screen, she applied the few keystrokes, and the screen dwarfed before shutting down completely.

  “Late. I told you; you need to have some more fun and not keep your pretty nose in those books all the time. Over at B7, there was an epic party. Logan was there, and he was looking for you…” The end of Allison’s statement rising in voice, giving a meaning that Molly seemed to ignore.

  “Oh, Allison, trust me, I would have liked to come, but I’m just not feeling the guy situation. I’d rather ensure my GPA stays up so I can apply for the Excelled Business program next semester rather than waiting until next year.”

  Allison stripped in the middle of the dorm room wanting to roll her eyes again at the boring academic efficiency of Molly but knew if she was going to play this right, she had to play it perfectly.

  “Oh, I’m sure you will get in. After all, I’m sure with your can-do attitude, you must get everything you really want.”

  Allison literally wanted to rub her hands together at the utterly lost look on Molly’s face, knowing this wasn’t going to be just any old game; this was going to be the game.

  “Allison, you are always too kind to me but so far off the mark,” Molly said as she grabbed her bathroom kit and made her way out the dorm room door.

  Allison finally did cackle. Falling onto her bed, feet in the air, she wiggled in adrenaline-filled glee.

  Oh, I can’t wait to get to that hobunk town of hers and meet this mysterious Hunter. And then once we check that off the list, I will make him mine.

  Allison moved so she could bring the covers over her and switched out the light. Not caring that Molly still had to come back in. She hated the light shining on her when she was trying to sleep.

  I hope he doesn’t have zits. I hate zits. But other than that, this should be like shooting fish in a barrel.

  Allison fell asleep quickly, consumed in joy with the thoughts of misery she was about to unleash.


  “Here you go, girls,” Florence said placing first the salad down and then Molly’s BLT while bringing Allison out of her thoughts. “Can I get you anything else?

  What the hell is this? Iceberg lettuce? I thought that stuff was just a myth.

  “No, it looks incredible, Florence. Thank you.” Allison smiled sweetly.

  When left alone again, Allison looked across the table at Molly happily biting into the colossal sandwich that had mayonnaise running down her chin. Allison picked up her fork and nonchalantly pushed this poor excuse for a salad around on her plate.

  “It’s good, Ally, I promise,” Molly said with her mouth full of her lunch.

  “Looks delicious,” she answered, piercing a hunk of tomato and placing it in her mouth, trying not to gag.

  “So, what would you like to do with the afternoon? Like I told you, there isn’t much party atmosphere around Clearwater Falls.”

  “Whatever you would like, I’m just happy to be here with you.”

  Molly smiled and took another bite of her sandwich before saying, “I know I’ve said it already, but I’m really surprise you gave away your trip to come up here with me. But I’m glad you did.”

  “Me, too,” Allison answered wanting to roll her eyes at the mushiness.

  The bell that announced the opening of the restaurant door sounded, catching both Molly and Allison’s attention.

  Suddenly, Allison knew the fish were being dropped into the barrel.

  In walked three of the most gorgeous men Allison had ever laid eyes on. All three were tall with dark hair and walked with obvious comfort in their sexy as hell skin. She watched as they took a seat at the counter, ignorant to the corner booth. None of them looked at a menu but greeted Florence joyfully.

  From this vantage point, Allison had a clear view of all three, and she had to admit, none was worse on the eyes as the other. Looking at her booth mate and noticing the blush and attempt at making herself smaller to go unnoticed gave Allison the undoubted conclusion that one of the sexy trio was in fact Hunter.

  Hmm, but which one. Maybe there is something up here in the water of the great woods of Northern New Hampshire if this is how they grow them.

  “Who’s that?” Allison asked making her voice soft while still looking toward the eye candy.

  In an equally soft voice, Molly answered, “Uh, one of the families from around town.”

  Oh, you do want to keep this close to the vest.

  Too late.

  Molly pushed her plate away, leaving what was left and fiddled with her napkin.

  Now, how am I going to get an introduction? She obviously isn’t going to do so. Guess I will just have to make the magic happen myself.

  Allison took a quick bite of something in her salad and acted as if it was now stuck in her throat. Soon she feigned a cough, actually hitting the table with her palm to incr
ease the need for attention. Molly was up and out of the booth, rushing to get her friend something to drink. She returned to the table with a glass of cold water and Allison made a great effort to show how well the drink remedied the situation. And in doing so, all the eyes from inside the restaurant were now on her, including three sets of dreamy blues.

  Florence, who was now at the table, asked, “Oh goodness, Allison. Are you all right? Can I get you anything, more water or a piece of bread or a roll?”

  Allison drained the glass and contrived the difficulties she was still having. Then placed a smile on her face and shook her head toward the two concerned women. She closed her eyes and nodded her head, rounding out her performance.

  “Yes. Yes, I’m okay. I’m so sorry to cause such a scene.”

  “You don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m sorry that I hadn’t brought your water over,” Florence said, placing a hand on Allison’s shoulder. “Are you sure you are okay, honey?”

  Allison again nodded her head, clutching the empty glass between her hands.

  “Let me at least get you some more water. I will be back in a jiffy.” Florence walked away, giving way to the reward Allison had been hoping for.

  Two of the three men were now at their table. The one closest to Allison was a smidge taller than his brother, and in Allison’s opinion, the one to put the effort into, but given how red Molly had turned with the one who slid into the seat next to her, Allison would place her money on that one being Hunter.

  “Were you just going to sneak into town and not tell anyone you were here?”

  That brought Molly out of her shy stupor.

  She smiled at the still standing guy and answered sassily, “Just from you, Reed Dennison.”

  “Phew! Glad I wasn’t included in this misleading ruse,” the one she assumed was Hunter responded with a flirtatious smile.

  Son of a bitch! Maybe Molly wasn’t the only one who was keeping her feelings a secret.

  Allison watched as Molly looked toward the handsome guy next to her, and it was as if Molly was at a loss for words. He, on the other hand, had no problem looking her straight on, making it obvious to Allison that he was happy with the face in front of him.

  “Are you bothering these nice girls?” The third brother now joined them. Their looks were so similar, they had to be brothers.

  He was intimidating, Allison had to admit, but sexy nonetheless. He stood shoulder to shoulder with the one Molly had called Reed. The two of them were almost identical, where Hunter’s edges were softer. His features weren’t as harsh or his physique as defined, even through their clothing. But Allison had to admit that Hunter had his own attractive quality.

  Perhaps the perks of this game will be more than Allison had originally thought.

  “Not at all, Trooper Dennison. Just being friendly. Even if she isn’t being,” Reed answered with that sexy smirk as he pointed toward Molly before crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Is that true, Miss Sowards? Has college in the big city made you forget all small town rules?” the obviously oldest one inquired with a lift of his brow and a deep velvety baritone.

  Molly’s face lit up all of a sudden. “Oh, that is right. You passed your test for the State Police! Congratulations, Gage!”

  Now a smile, a sexy smile, graced the oldest’s face as he accepted Molly’s congrats with understated appreciation.

  They all remained silent for a moment before Molly physically jumped up and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, how rude of me. Guys, this is my friend Allison. She and I are roommates. Allison this is Reed, Gage, and Hunter.”

  “Finally a name to put with such beauty,” Reed crooned, as he slid into the both next to Allison.

  Gage and Hunter asked Molly how school was going and about her ride home before Gage excused himself back to his seat over at the counter.

  Allison really was beginning to fall for Reed’s spell, but she couldn’t make this trip all for not. She knew Reed’s kind was a dime a dozen. No, her head needed to remain focused on Hunter, the one who was watching Molly out of the side of his eye as she answered Reed’s unfiltered questions about her college experience thus far with pink cheeks.

  Oh, he has it bad! Doesn’t make the challenge any less winnable, just raises the stakes. Perfect!

  “Allison, if you are done with your lunch, we can head over to the house and get settled,” Molly said putting an end to Reed’s never-ending interrogation and Hunter’s quiet presence.

  “Uh, yeah, I guess so,” Allison answered, blushing innocently.

  Both men stood, allowing the girls to pass. Molly gave Florence a goodbye kiss before heading toward the door with Allison following behind.

  Reed trailed behind them to the door. “Ladies, some of us are heading over to the pit tonight about nine. Feel free to join us,” he offered, looking straight at Allison as he said it.

  Allison eyes connected with Reed’s and then she looked past him to where Hunter had turned around to watch their departure. He heard the invitation and was clearly interested in the response.

  “Maybe,” Molly said putting her sunglasses on, unaware of the attention ten feet away. She grabbed Allison’s hand and dragged her through the door.

  As they made it to the car and got in, Allison asked, “What’s the pit?”

  “It’s an area up at the falls. You have to hike to it. It is a manmade hole dug for bonfires. And voilà, the name ‘the pit.’”

  How boring.

  “So, are we going to go?” Allison asked, with a pouty puppy dog lip toward Molly.

  “Wow, that must be a record for the Reed Dennison effect!” Molly exclaimed as she put the key into the ignition.

  She is almost making this too easy.

  “Oh no, not like this. I’m really done with the dating scene. I just want to hang out with you, so if you’d rather not go, that is fine.”

  “I guess we are going. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I had let a friend down when it has the potential to make her happy,” Molly answered as she pulled out of the parking spot.

  That is what I’m counting on.

  It was just about 9:30pm when Molly pulled the car into a wooded lot. She had explained again that they would need to hike for a bit, and Allison inwardly cringed but insisted she wanted to go even though Molly had given her every opportunity to back out.

  “Well, at least we can thank the unusual warm spell for the lack of snow. There is usually at least a foot or two on the ground this time of year.”

  They had followed the rocky trail toward the glowing light when they finally crested a hill. By this time, Allison was chiding to herself, he’d better be worth it.

  She looked down at a dirt-covered area about fifteen feet around. There was a gaping hole in the middle and a formation of rocks stacked around a roaring fire. Around the perimeter, there were logs where people sat. Some people had carried in lawn chairs and coolers. Beer cans were littered around and many of the participants were involved in hot and heavy make-out sessions, including Reed. One of the only people who was staring into the fire was Hunter until he noticed our arrival. He made no attempt to move but looked toward Molly with a fleeting glimpse of emotion. Conveniently, there was an open seat next to him, she mused.


  As they stood on the path looking down into the seating area, Molly whispered to Allison, “Oh, I’m sorry Allison,” implying the disappointment she thought Allison would feel at finding Reed already occupied.

  “Oh, that is all right. I’m sure I will manage,” Allison replied taking the lead. Molly, however, didn’t make it very far.

  The cosmos are on my side.

  “Hey Molly, how have you been?” an awkward overweight zit faced guy said to Molly as he approached the duo, blocking Molly’s view. The ever polite one, Molly began conversing. Leaving Molly to her distractor, Allison knew exactly where she was heading.

  “Hey, is this seat taken?” Allison asked, perfecting her act of coy and

  “No, feel free,” Hunter answered without making eye contact, but obviously disappointed with who was asking.

  Allison squeezed in close to Hunter on the large log, purposely aligning their thighs and shoulders. He tried to move but given the person on the other side of him was clearly sliding into second, Hunter wasn’t going to get very far.

  She sat in silence watching the glow of red and orange as it licked the large logs in a teepee formation. She tried to keep the glee from her face at the continued anguish that Hunter miserably failed to mask. He kept looking toward Molly.

  After a few silent minutes, Allison cleared her throat. “Are you enjoying Clearwater Falls?” Hunter asked quietly.

  Allison shrugged her shoulders, rubbing up against him before extending her legs out in front of her and crossing them at the ankle.

  “It seems nice, but honestly the surroundings aren’t really my current concern.”

  Hunter cocked his head to the left where Molly was still standing now surrounded by two or three local guys whom she had gone to school with, smiling every now and then.

  When Allison didn’t think he was going to say anything, he turned to her and let his blue eyes focus on her. “What is your current concern?”

  Oh God, this is just too easy!

  “Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

  Now it was time for Allison to get a taste of what had Molly so folded like a pretzel around him. Hunter looked toward Allison, and she would have sworn his eyes just smoldered. He had just a hint of a dimple on his right cheek. His smile was a bit lopsided but just as breathtaking. Allison actually felt her heart increase in beat.

  “Let’s not. Sometimes it is best to get things off your chest, even to a stranger.”

  “I don’t know. After all, she is like my best friend. But I just don’t know what else to do,” Allison whispered.


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