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Page 25

by Unknown

  ----[Don’t resist. We don’t want to kil as much as possible.]----

  As if saying that, the swarm of machines tried to pass through and get besides

  Artosh’s knee.

  “...Are----you, screwing up-nya...bunch of garbage-nya----!!”

  She knew where they were heading to.

  Straight----to the area imposed by Artosh-sama’s throne.

  “Obediently, let, the Lord be kil ed----are you saying something like that-nya your


  The light halo of Azriel who shouted that, irregularly distorted and collapsed.

  The approaching swarm of Ex-Machinas----she held up her hand towards the

  space in front of her,

  “Our (Flügels)’s attacks are just the [Air Strike]----are you thinking that we are

  idiots that only remember a single thing-nya!”

  In a moment, the space in front of her burst.

  She made an application of the Flügels’ [Shift]----working on the space.

  The space that had a hole forcefully opened, it's swing-back twisted it forward,

  breaking everything.

  The space twisted, distorted, and all scraps in its area of effect turned into

  broken pieces.

  ----In that attack just how many dozens of units were engulfed in it….but, that

  was the limit.


  Leaning her back on the door that continued to the throne, Azriel too, just like


  Overused her power, turned into a child-like form, and breathed roughly.

  ----Even so I won’t let anyone go beyond this, Azriel glared to the front but, to

  her ears.

  A despairing-like voice flew.

  “----From the Proofer [Analysis Unit] to the Bepher [Command Unit]...the

  principles of the [Shift] from the Flügels----Analysis Complete.”


  So having the color drained from the face was about this huh. Azriel noticed her

  own mistake far too late.

  The Ex-Machinas----analyzes, and create an equipment that imitates the

  “attack” they received.

  Because of the self-working, the [Shift] couldn’t be analyzed until today----but

  now it was used as an attack.

  As for what that meant----was affirmed by the following sound of communication.

  “----From the Zweihen [Examination Unit] to the remaining machines----Shura-

  Pocrifen[False Epigraphy – Heavenly Shift]’s Designation Completed, Sharing.”

  At the same time on Azriel’s back----a flash of light passed through and shot

  down the door leading to the area of the throne,

  “Targeted point visualized. Sharing to all machines----the neutralization of the

  enemy has already been done with so----teleport there.”


  “--------Shura-Pocrifen[False Epigraphy – Heavenly Shift]!”

  Without giving Azriel even time to regret the mistake, the Ex-Machina who said

  that, disappeared from the view.

  Let alone flying, but even just walking already seemed impossible to Azriel, but

  even so.

  As if crawling, towards the shot-down door...she headed towards her Lord----

  ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

  Sure enough, what welcomed Eintihi who teleported to the objective point was,

  a gigantic build.

  It was the first time he was visualized----to be correct, in the past there were no

  machines that visualized it and shared the data in time.

  Therefore comparison is impossible. But they know even without comparing.

  The overwhelming sense of existence of thatwhich is seating on the throne.

  That which was, in this situation----irreverently, arrogantly, naturally, supporting his cheek with a ferocious pair of golden-eyes.

  It all announced that it was the strongest, War God, also the objective----[Old

  Deus Artosh].

  Before Eintihi, followed by one machine, and then another, and so on the swarm

  of Ex-Machinas kept increasing as they teleported----

  “----I allow it. You may name yourself.”

  Artosh asked, and with one sentence the space swayed, and al observation

  devices suffered variations.

  “Tools doesn’t name themselves.”

  With Eintihi’s answer, [fool], Artosh laughed like that and the time screeched.

  “What is there in asking for the name of a tool (arm). I ask for the name of

  the[Enemy] of mine.”


  Eintihi doesn’t answer. From the beginning there’s no way he could answer.

  Being quiet, only understanding the war situation, and then waiting for the arrival

  of the machines able to battle.

  The remaining war potential----eight hundred seventy-two machines----the

  machines which the Shura-Pocrifen [False Epigraphy – Heavenly Shift] could be

  shared with from those were seven hundred and one machine.

  In other words even if all machines arrives the greatest war potential was seven

  hundred and one machine----it didn’t fil two of the original [clusters].

  To think that just the exhausted Flügels, and one Phantasma would erase this

  much----Eintihi smiled bitterly.

  It’s just as Wil er pointed out, mathematics is a tool too incomplete, though a

  machinery recognizing it is an ironic talk.

  While thinking that Eintihi continued wordless, but Artosh,

  “Hm, affirmative. That’s fine.”

  More like, his smile deepened.

  “The opponent of the thunderous strongest of the world for three thousand

  years, is the weakest neglected by everything of the world----that’s what is


  And then, he stopped supporting his cheek----

  “I was tired of waiting----soldier who is becoming the [Enemy] of mine.”

  Artosh stood up, from the throne. Just only that----

  The observation devices of a Ex-Machina, all of them----showed Artosh’s “mass


  Wrong, that too is not correct. There’s no problem optically, the man in front of

  them just stood up.

  ----Correction. The amount of energy he was wearing increased----once again

  correction. Not energy, what increased was clearly the information of his

  existence itself. It was as if something that didn’t exist was trying to exist.

  But the seven hundred and one machines that at long last gathered in the area

  of the throne, all of those machines answered.

  ----, they said. Al machines observed the same thing.

  (TL Note: Nein is the german for “no”.)

  It can’t be true. It’s going against any and all thermodynamic laws. Magic is, the

  operation of elements is nothing more than distorting the physical laws from

  within the range of energy exchange. It’s not a talk that needs to stick with an


  But----any and all sensors from al machines just, gave out the same

  conclusion----in other words.

  The mass is increasing----the concept that engulfed the world, the heavens, and

  the earth, was once again appearing and taking form.


  Right after Artosh used the [Divine Strike]----for an ordinary time he should’ve

  remained with less than 12% of his power.

  Al Zeas [Observation Units] and Proofers [Analysis Unit] are calculating it as a

  consensus----even so.

p; Artosh said, as if reading that thought----or maybe he really read the thoughts of

  the machines.

  “----The strongest is the strongest and therefore he is the strongest. What

  meaning is there in the increase or decrease of power?”


  Eintihi honestly recognized, I see now.

  It’s completely il ogical but, as a machine who now obtained feelings, against

  that he answered “affirmative”.

  ----The concept of [Strongest]. If that’s how it is, the machine who obtained a

  [Heart] thought.

  By assuming that a similar working was its working, a single hypothesis was

  derived from it.

  That was, something that had gone unclear for a long time.

  In other words a [Essence] is----

  “It’s not something to care about. The strong is myself, the weak is everything

  else besides myself.”

  Against the Artosh [Strongest] who said that ferociously, but while slightly

  snorting, Eintihi replied by smiling bitterly.

  somehow survive then investigate again this hypothesis.>


  If the [Essence] is just like this hypothesis then, the subjugation of Artosh (the

  concept in front of his eyes)----is theoretically impossible.

  But---Eintihi asked.

  the [Essence] “exist physically, and its confirmation is possible”?>


  (TL Note: “Bejahend” is the german for affirmation/affirmative.)

  Then----there are no circumstances.

  “Al machines, what the Player [Legacy Unit] compiled, Versus Unknown

  Combat Algorithm--------!”

  The giant in front of the eyes that even now continued its mass enhancement----

  concept----phenomena, or is it a law perhaps.

  Before the righteous God that seemed like he would increase until he covered

  the heavens and earth, Eintihi let out his voice and ordered.

  At the current point it’s nothing but an hypothesis. Calculating the battle potential of the enemy is impossible.

  Then what should be done----we should move just like the soul [Heart] we

  obtained orders.

  In other words----if the enemy is unknown then, assume everything that couldn’t

  be assumed.

  Don’t try to understand don’t try to calculate----what should be trusted until the

  end is the sensation alone----isn’t that right, Player [Legacy Unit].

  ----Inside Avant-Heim, the Area of the Throne.

  Before the “God”, the seven hundred and one----machines talked, the ones with

  life screamed.

  <[Objective, Artosh Essence]----change phenomena within mil iseconds, assume

  that even the conversion of law is possible---->


  machines. Is it impossible for us (Ex-Machinas)?>


  That’s right----no matter what existence it is----no matter what thing (concept) it


  Machinas). I wish the best of luck to you machines, Aus!!>


  Towards the [Enemy (God)] that even now was enlarging and materializing, all

  machines took cooperation and shouted all at once.


  And then, looking with anticipation at the swarm of Ex-Machinas attacking----

  Artosh just----declared, with a voice that seemed to echoes until the continent.

  “Now, this [Essence] of mine----you may show the world the quintessence of

  war, oh beloved [Natural Enemy (Weakest)] of mine----!!”



  ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

  Riku thought, while holding the [Stale-Mater] entrusted by the Ex-Machinas.

  ----Just what I, am doing in this place I wonder.

  A game which the defeat is certain, and by throwing mud in it everything got


  “----Shut up. Not yet. Don’t think yet.”

  Saying that as if convincing himself, he verified the [Key] of the heart that

  seemed to be coming out.

  ----No problem. The [Key] is stil turned. Stil , stil , can keep going...

  The Avant-Heim that could be seen faintly in the far, far away distance.

  In that place, the tools (Ex-Machinas), are operating to peel off Artosh’s essence

  without kil ing anyone.

  I’m waiting for the [Signal]----just, it’l be fine if I just pull this trigger----

  And then----suddenly, a voice----no, a “severe earthquake” that seemed to make

  the star sway ran through.

  Heaven, Earth, everything in the universe----listen, that “voice” which ordered

  that spoke.

  The very definition of a God----with a echo so absolutely that was just like the

  strongest Old Deus,

  So this is defeat----I see now. It was a entertaining play (war) that made the

  heart boil up.

  You are listening right, it declared, as if confirming.

  Oh weakest without a name----you may be proud. You rightfully, became the

  “enemy” of mine (the strongest).

  --------And then.

  Riku turned one of the eyes that were like the night towards the horizon----it

  reflected the white light that fil ed the red sky.

  He thought without any deep emotions----it was the same view as Eintihi said.

  In other words it was the [Signal] that Old Deus Artosh’s essence was peeled off

  with success.

  ----That’s how, it’s being...made to be.


  In truth he knows----but, it was a fact that he had to make it be like he didn’t


  Riku just shook his head alone----and put the finger, on the [Stale-Mater]’s


  Not even a single Ex-Machina came back...without noticing even that


  ----He kept feigning that he didn’t notice.

  Probably, it was because he could guess that even for Artosh.

  It must be because he didn’t say a single word about “was shot down”----

  “...Hold on, somehow, ok...”

  He verified the [Key] of the heart that even now seemed to be about to break.

  Riku, once again thought back, on the Riku himself had decided upon.

  ----First, No one should be kil ed.

  ----Second, No one should be allowed to die.

  ----Third, No one must be perceived.

  ----Fourth, No matter the method it’s not il egal.

  ...That’s right, those rules had a missing hole.

  Not recognizing ShuVi----the Ex-Machinas as “life”, and count them as a tool.

  If the [no matter the il egal method] performed by the tools (Ex-Machinas) isn’t


  If he even acts like he didn’t notice----the won’t be violated at al .

  Riku smiled bitterly and thought----really the sophistry and the fraud too, their

  extremes intersect here.

  ShuVi who didn’t spoke anything but logic----the Ex-Machinas----spoke about


  If he perceives that meaning, there’s no way, he could deny it.

  That is, the wish from ShuVi’s [Heart

  They let go of each other’s hands----the overwhelming back foot of certain

  defeat born from that miss----so at the very least.

  ----Even if it doesn’t reach the Check-Mate [Perfect Victory].

  ----Bring it up to the last hand, a stale-mate[Draw].

  Therefore the Ex-Machinas, named like this, the last hand that wil pierce the


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