A Fey's Wolf

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by Elle Boon

  A Fey’s Wolf

  A Mystic Wolves Novel

  Elle Boon

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  A Fey's Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #5)


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Their Wicked Wolf, Mystic Wolves book 6

  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  A Fey Wolf © Copyright 2018 Elle Boon

  Cover Art by Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

  Editing by Tracy Roelle.

  Proofreaders: Naughty Girls

  Copyright notice: All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  A Fey’s Wolf

  When a wolf catches the scent of his mate, he’ll do anything to claim and protect her, even if that means protecting the little Fey from himself.

  Torq loved being an enforcer for the Mystic Wolves. His job gave him a chance to search for his mate, but when his mate is revealed, he realizes things aren’t always as easy as he’d hoped. Years of waiting and hoping has honed him into a patient man, and for the injured Fey, he’d wait a lifetime.

  Talia’s tired of hiding, but isn’t quite ready to make that final step as a normal female after years of captivity. Hiding out on the Fey Realm seemed like another form of being caged, however being caught in the sights of a shifter far larger than any man she’d ever seen was more than she’d bargained for.

  Things don’t always go as planned, but when the Goddess puts two of her people together, she assumes things will end up how they should. However, outside forces realize a powerful Fey are within their grasps, and want what they didn’t have...a link to the Fey Realm.

  Will the wolf and his Fey have a chance to find their happily ever after, or will they be destroyed before they get the chance?


  Talia bit her lip, knowing her people wouldn’t accept Keith and their joining. He had a darkness inside him that only a few of the Fey were known to have. They were known as The Dark Fae, a species similar, yet very different to her kind. But he’d said he loved her and had shown her a side of himself that surely meant he was good. Surely the Goddess wouldn’t have given her a mate that was wholly evil? In all her hundreds of years, she’d never found another who made her soul sing the way he did. As she looked across the clearing at Keith and his brother Kurt, a shiver of dread skated up her spine. He lifted dark eyes, meeting her stare with his.

  At first, she was taken aback at the anger in his gaze, but then he smiled, the one he only gave to her, melting away her reservations. The rest of the Fey who’d come to Earth with her were going back to their Realm during the full moon that evening, but she was staying with Keith. He’d asked her to be his mate, something wolves only did once in a lifetime. Talia had known a little about shifters and knew they only found one truemate in their lives and wondered if that was what she was to him; a truemate. Although they didn’t have as long a lifespan as the Fey, they weren’t fragile like humans, many living hundreds of years. Knowing he’d chosen her out of all the other women who wanted him, gave her a sense of pride. That his wolf wanted to mark her as theirs made the decision to stay with him all the more easy. Surely the Fey Queen Jennaveve would understand as well as her family and friends. It wasn’t like she couldn’t visit and vice versa, Talia reassured herself silently.

  Mind made up, she smiled back and stood. It seemed that was the signal Keith had been waiting for as he rose to his feet. Again, she felt power emanating from him, his mixed heritage of shifter and Dark Fae no longer worrying her. Shoving her reservations down, she made her way around the large fire pit, the smell of sulfur burned her nose the closer she got to him. “I’m ready, Keith,” she said in a soft whisper.

  Keith smiled, his teeth looking sharper than before. “Of course you are, my pet. Come,” he said, holding out his hand.

  Talia looked down at the outstretched hand, seeing a tattoo on his palm. Her mind felt fuzzy as the air got thicker with the strange scent. “What’s happening?”

  “You agree to become mine of your own free will, yes?” Keith pulled her into his hard body.

  Talia shivered, needing to think, but his finger beneath her chin had her looking up into his mesmerizing eyes. “Talia, you said you loved me. Don’t you want to stay with me forever?”

  The hurt in his voice made her wince. She didn’t want to be the cause of his pain. “Yes,” she answered.

  “Then say it. Say you’re mine for eternity,” he demanded in a harsh tone, his lips a breath away from hers.

  Talia licked her lips, wanting him to kiss her. “I’m yours, Keith.”

  His mouth swept down to hers, crushing her lips in a kiss that turned harder by the second. She had a moment to enjoy their first kiss, and then, a sharp stabbing pain emanated across her back and down her spine, streaks of pain like fire singed her from the outside in. She tried to pull away, fearing they’d fallen into the flames of the huge fire, but Keith continued to kiss her. The stench of sulfur filled her nose and just before darkness took over her sight, she saw the once lovely dark gaze of the man she’d pledged to be with forever, turn a sickening yellow as he gazed down at her with hate and malice stamped in those eerie eyes.

  “Oh Goddess, what have I done?” she murmured before she blacked out, his words of ‘Mine’, echoing in her ears.

  Chapter One

  Talia glanced out the window above the sink, seeing the dual suns from her home realm gave her peace, a peace that had been missing for over twenty years. Years that she’d been held prisoner by the man she’d given her heart, mind, and body to. “Such a foolish child I was.”

  “We’ve all been foolish at one time or another. It’s not how we became to be in such situations, but how we come out the other side. Did you come out a shell of your former self, or are you stronger?” Belle asked.

  She looked over her shoulder, meeting the sparkling, green gaze of the woman who could turn into one of the largest predators on any realm. Belle was a gorgeous female, but she was also a fierce dragon shifter. “I don’t suppose you’d have allowed yourself to have been enslaved by a maniac for years upon years? The things I saw and was forced—I’ll never regret my girls, but I’m not sad their father’s dead.”

  Belle tilted her head, long, cotton candy pink hair drifted over one shoulder. “You think because I can become a big flying beast I am not vulnerable? Please, sisterkin, we all can be, at some point, weaker than another. For you, it was with a man who used magic and then the threat of your children against you. For me, there’s alwa
ys something or someone bigger than I. Yes, I’m a fearsome dragon, but don’t you think there’s one even more so than I?”

  As she listened, Talia realized she didn’t know Belle’s past any more than she had allowed the others to truly know hers. Yes, they knew what they saw when she was rescued, and obviously, what they’d assumed had happened to her. What they didn’t know was the years she was kept locked in a cage and made to watch as the man she thought loved her did as he pleased, right in front of her. Keith took great pleasure in bringing other women down, knowing they couldn’t see Talia locked away behind whatever magical veil he’d created. However, he didn’t try to keep her from seeing, knowing she still thought they were soulmates. Her foolish heart had been tricked into thinking she loved him and he her, making the pain of his betrayal like a knife into her every time. When she’d finally been able to sever the fake bond, he’d taken to other means of torture.

  She shivered as memories resurfaced, making her feel as if she were back in the dark cellar again.

  “Breathe, Talia, you’re safe,” Belle soothed.

  At the repeated words, Talia blinked. She could see her heart beating through the thin shirt she wore, was sure the organ was going to burst if it continued to work so hard. Could a Fey die from a heart attack? “I can’t—I feel like I’m going to pass out.” Goddess, she needed to get out of the kitchen.

  “Stop it. You need to sit down before you fall down. Now listen to me. Look at me. You’re not a captive any longer. Keith can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe. Do you hear me?” Belle shook her, then pushed her down into a chair, kneeling in front of her. “I may not have been held in a damp dark cellar for years, but I know what it’s like to have the man you think is the love of your life turn on you. You’re a survivor, Talia. All those years, you could’ve given up, but you didn’t.”

  A hot tear tracked down her cheek, followed by another and another. “My girls were left to fend for themselves. I saw through Taryn’s mind what she went through. He beat her. Her own father took pleasure in breaking her bones, knowing she was suffering because he could. What kind of monster does that?”

  Belle wiped her thumbs under Talia’s eyes, humming. “You called him a monster, and that was precisely what he was. A father doesn’t do that to his child. When the darkness enters the soul, you become filled with that evil. Keith and his brother were overtaken with it. As a Dark Fae, he hid it well because he also had shifter in him. You were too young and naïve back then. It’s what you do now that defines the woman you will be. Not who you were then. You picked yourself up and stood up when you got the chance. Are you just going to lie back down and feel sorry for yourself? Soon, your girls are going to become mothers themselves. Don’t you want to be there for them?”

  Talia listened to Belle’s words and wondered if Belle had encountered a man with a dark soul. However, she feared rejection from the other woman by asking. “I’m tired of being scared and tired of being a shell of a woman. How can I be a mom, or grandmother, if I can’t be me, Belle?”

  “You need to figure that out for yourself. You’re Fey, and with that comes great strength along with great responsibility. I know you don’t trust yourself or your instincts, but I think you should try.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Can you teach me how to be—tough, like you?”

  The woman who could shift into a fierce, pink dragon tossed her head back and laughed. “Ah, I would love to teach you, my dear. Come along, let the teaching begin.”

  As Belle held her hand out, waiting for Talia to take it, she had a second to consider before she gripped the dragon shifters smooth palm. How could she truly go up against a dragon? Well, she’d rather learn how to fight a friendly dragon than be tossed in with a pack of wolves.

  Torq texted his brother Arynn back, waiting for the reply he knew would be swift. When they’d split up over twelve years ago as their wolves had called them to two different packs, a part of him had been missing. A brother’s bond like the one he and Arynn had wasn’t something that could be severed by miles or different packs, but he had been sure his mate was one of the Mystic Wolves.

  For almost thirteen years, he’d been patiently waiting, knowing the Goddess had a plan for him. While Arynn was the Omega of the Iron Wolves, Torq was a mixture of Omega and Enforcer for the Mystic Wolves, riding a line between the two. It made things hard for him when his wolf wanted to take away pain, yet at the same time, he needed to protect, which tended to cause friction between his halves.

  “What’s that sigh for?” Niall asked.

  He could shrug and pretend, but Niall was the alpha of the Mystic Wolves. To lie to your alpha was one of the worst offenses, and besides, Torq didn’t want to. He’d been lying by omission for a long time. “Talia’s my mate.” He let the words drop into the silence.

  Talia was the mother of Taryn and Taya, two females who were mated to friends and packmates of his. She’d been a prisoner to the bastard Keith, held for years in a cage no better than a prisoner on Alcatraz. No, worse than that because she wasn’t allowed outside her cage unless it was for his pleasure. The thought of what she’d endured had his wolf raking at his skull, demanding he seek vengeance.

  “Holy shit, son, that’s—damn.” Niall ran his hand through his hair and paced away. They were at Chaps, the bar owned by the pack in Sturgis, South Dakota.

  Torq grabbed a beer from the cooler behind the bar, holding it up. “Want one?” he asked. At Niall’s nod, he lifted another out, popping the top off both, then sat Niall’s on the smooth top, while he took a healthy swig. The cold brew soothed his raw throat which felt as though he’d been gargling glass.

  “When did you come to this conclusion?” His alpha grabbed the beer and took a drink, never taking his eyes off of Torq.

  Although he was taller than both Niall and his brother Zayn, neither man had ever shown fear, nor tried to exert their dominance. Now, feeling the alpha doing just that, Torq let his own beast rise. “As soon as I entered that fucking compound, my wolf went crazy. Thirteen years ago, I was pulled here for whatever reason. I bet you anything, if she and I had a convo, there was something that happened around that time that would’ve triggered it. Don’t fuck with me on the why’s, alpha. She’s my mate, but now she’s gone to the Fey Realm, and my wolf is going insane.”

  His alpha turned toward him, the bright blue of his eyes gleaming. “First of all, I’m the alpha of the Mystic Wolves. I can do whatever I deem is necessary for the good of the pack. Second, I’m not questioning if she’s your mate or not, but the fact she’s Fey and not here brings with it a whole shitton of issues all on its own. Payton has protected our lands for years as a Fey, gifting us with abilities that others weren’t privy to. Talia is one of hers, and I won’t threaten that bond because of your wolf.”

  Torq growled, drawing the attention of several other wolves. “Don’t count down reasons to me, Niall. And don’t give me the same song and dance you gave Zayn about keeping his dick in his pants. I’m not a pup who needs to be smacked down because I can’t contain my urges, or a fuck up you had to monitor out of fear I’d out us to the humans. I’m a full-grown wolf whose mate is out of reach. I’m telling you out of courtesy that I’m not level because of it.”

  Zayn strolled in, his mate under his arm. “I totally agree. The dick in the pants was a lecture I needed, but most def didn’t heed.”

  “I for one am very glad he didn’t keep his dick in his pants,” Cora said. Zayn’s mate, the petite veterinarian had been thrust into the world of shifters by Niall’s son Nolan when he’d accidentally bitten her. He’d been injured and stuck in a trap. The inhuman contraption had locked onto his back leg, making him unable to shift or move. Luckily for the young cub, Cora had been new to the area and had been out for a jog along the trails. When she’d freed him, his first reaction was to bite her, but she’d wrapped him in her jacket and taken him back to her clinic. Of course, she’d had no clue there were such things as shifters, or that
the little wolf cub was a little boy whose father and uncle were searching for him.

  “Me either. Want to play doctor later?” Zayn wagged his brows.

  Niall flicked his bottle cap toward his brother, hitting him in the forehead. “Will you grow up?”

  “Look, I don’t have the time or the energy to listen to you two act like your in kindergarten. I’ve given you a heads up, so if you don’t mind, I’m taking the night off.” Torq rounded the bar, his empty bottle in his hand.

  “Whoa, I’m not liking your tone.” Zayn pushed Cora behind him.

  Torq tilted his head to the left and then the right. “Brother, you don’t want to mess with me right now. Second or no, I’m seriously not in the best space to show either of you my throat. Feel me?”

  Niall stepped up next to Zayn. “Torq, let’s take this discussion back to my office.” He held his hand up. “Before you say another stupid thing about kindergarten, that’s sure to get your ass whooped, shut the hell up and follow me.”

  The other man turned on his shitkickers and stomped down the hall, his shoulders stiff as if he held the weight of the world on them. Torq gave zero fucks about any of them. They had mates while his was—she was unattainable.

  “Dude, you need to calm your shit before you walk into that office. You think Niall is all nice and shit, but you ain’t never had him hand you your ass before.”

  He turned to face Jett, the wolf who was aptly named the Magic Mike of the pack. Before he’d mated Taryn, he’d been the wolf who you most definitely didn’t want to allow near a woman you were dating. They’d take one look at the bad boy with the tongue ring and fall all over themselves to get to him. Torq inhaled, the subtle hint of his mate, his unclaimable mate, clung to Jett thanks to his mate being Talia’s daughter. No, he couldn’t stick around the Mystic Pack and face the reminder of what he couldn’t have.

  His phone rang for what seemed like the tenth time, his brother Arynn’s number lighting up the screen. Ever since he’d been reunited with his daughter, and finally mated with the woman who should’ve been his all along, his brother was constantly bugging him to visit. With a sigh, he hit decline but decided he’d be heading toward the Iron Wolves come first light.


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