A Fey's Wolf

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A Fey's Wolf Page 11

by Elle Boon

  Alaina gasped, her hand reaching out for Niall. “That’s not good. Not good at all.”

  Talia nodded in agreement. “The Dark Fae are described as that. Humans don’t scent them the same, so they can actually live side-by-side with them and never be the wiser. However, we as the Fey can sense them by their color or scent. Since shifters are Fey born, you too can tell when someone isn’t right to an extent. I wonder if you’d be able to do the same if confronted in person?”

  Torq felt his wolf raking at his skull. “My brother had a child with a woman who was part Dark Fae. His daughter is part shifter and Dark Fae, but she’s nothing but good. His truemate is—something else entirely, but he didn’t realize there was anything amiss with Rebel’s mom, that’s his daughter, anyway, he didn’t know her mother was anything but human, and he’s the Omega of the Iron Wolves. So, unless the Dark Fae want us to know, then we won’t. Or if they’re careless. Hell, I don’t know, maybe his babymama was powerful and could cloak herself. Whatever the reason, we need to figure out a way we can know, or we could all be fucked.”

  “Shit, I wish we could call the Fey Queen, but she’s heavily pregnant and due any day. Her mates wouldn’t be too keen on her flashing here to help us out, and I wouldn’t risk her or her babies.” Niall raked his hand through his hair as he paced.

  Talia cleared her throat. “I know you don’t trust me to be strong enough, but I’m Fey. I’m also a battle trained warrior. Yes, I was stupid and got caught in a trap, one that I allowed through my own ignorance. Most of you haven’t seen true evil, but I have, and not just evil like Keith. For over a hundred years I was one of the warriors who pledged their life to keep the Fey Realm safe from the Dark Fae. Because of us, they came here to Earth. In our ignorance, we never thought about other realms getting hit by them. To be honest, I thought we’d slaughtered them all in the final battle. Many lives were lost that fateful day. I barely escaped with my life.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “What I’m trying to say is that I am not a weak woman who can’t fight.”

  She held her hand up, showing them the field, she spoke of. The ball grew until it was a huge movie screen. With a shift of her arm, she allowed them to see the final day of the battle.

  Talia swung her sword, cutting a deep gash down the middle of the man in front of her, his eyes glowing with hate. A shout had her rolling to the right, coming up with her sword over her head to block the blow of a beast. Goddess, what the heck had the Dark Fae brought into their realm?

  She shoved the animal away, pulling her Fey Blade from the sheath at her waist. Jumping up, she twisted in the air and landed on his back, ignoring the yells and screams around her as her friends battled on. The huge beast beneath her bucked, his body began to vibrate. “Holy shite, what the hell?” She raised up as spikes began to form on his back. “A Godsdamn porcupinodoggie?” she muttered. Before one of its huge quills could slam into her, she sliced the thing’s throat, taking its head almost completely off.

  In one hand she held her sword, the other her blade. She looked around, searching for the source of the hellbeast. A female stood near the entrance to the forest, a serene smile on her face. Talia walked toward her, planning just how she was going to come up against a woman who looked too calm to be anything other than crazy, and powerful. A crazy, powerful female truly did make Talia a grumpy girl. With a yell, she ran toward the woman, catching her off guard. Did all evil doers think you’d come at them all silent like? Nope, she was of the mind to scream like a banshee, make them pause in whatever they were doing to think ‘What the hell?’, giving her an opening to kill them quickly.

  The woman raised her hand, the word stop coming out a whisper. Talia wanted to laugh. As if that would stop her. However, it did. Her feet stopped moving. She struggled, trying to get her body to move, only to feel as if concrete were moving over her from her feet to knees. Squinting her eyes, she realized the female thought Talia was less magical than her. Many of the warriors weren’t able to wield magic like Talia. Being from the House of Talu, she wasn’t only a magic wielder, she came from a royal house, which was one of the strongest in the realm.

  She closed her eyes, focusing on the intricate binding the female had created, and just like that, she was free.

  “How?” she gasped.

  Talia shrugged, advancing toward the woman, tucking her sword away on her back. “Why magic, my dear,” Talia laughed. Not often during the past decade did she allow the other warriors to see what she could do, knowing they’d look at her differently. Of course, it had happened and caused many to keep her at a distance. In a matter of minutes, she dispatched the female Fae to the place all the deceased would go, figuring it wasn’t for her to judge them, only to make sure they were no longer a threat to her and her people.

  Finally, after what seemed hours, her arms sore, she let her sword drop. Her Fey Blade was gone, but her swords were magically coated and could slice a being in two with ease. All around, her fellow soldiers were standing, or kneeling, bodies covered in sweat and blood. The beautiful forest was charred with soot, smoke drifting up from trees that had been set on fire. “How many?” she asked.

  “The portal is closed. None from their side still stand. Our losses are less than a third. I call that a good battle, princess.” A huge man growled from behind.

  She lifted her sword and spun to face him, the blade at his throat. “Don’t call me princess. Would a princess be standing here looking like this? Would a princess have been here with all of you for the past decade? Look at me. Do I look like a godsdamnfucking princess to any of you?” She shoved him backward with a hard kick to his chest.

  Her fellow warriors, the ones she’d thought were her friends, dropped their eyes, nobody having her back. Over a hundred years she’d trained, fought side-by-side, willing to give her life for any of them, yet none looked at her as an equal. “You know what? I don’t care. The battle is over.” She waved her hand toward the remains of the Dark Fae. “You all can go home to your families and friends now. It was great—fighting with you.” She turned toward the trees, the smell of the burning wood nearly choking her. The mumbles of the other warriors fading the further she walked. They all had family, loved ones to go home to. Heck, throughout the hundred plus years they’d been battling, they’d all gone to see their families. Not her, though. She’d had nobody to visit. None who cared if she lived or died.

  Talia closed her hand, making the images disappear. She didn’t mean for them to see that last part.

  “They’re stupid,” Taya said. Her daughter Taryn echoed the sentiment.

  She smiled at her girls. “It was a long time ago.”

  Jett held his hand up. “So does that mean I’m like a Prince or some shit? ‘Cause if it is, I’m gonna need a crown and some respect.”

  Zayn shook his head. “First of all, if we’re going by that rule, then Torq’s your fucking King. So go kneel and ask him for your crown. Second, I’ll show you respect.” He grabbed his crotch.

  Talia laughed. “Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no crown, Jett. I abdicated my position in the House of Talu when I joined the warriors. When I chose to come to Earth, my family struck my name from the entire line. Basically, I’m just Talia, no longer Talia Taluleth.” Why the thought of having no last name hurt, she didn’t know, but the ache was there.

  Torq growled. “You do have a last name, and it’s Dunn, just like mine. Talia Dunn. When the dust settles, we can do all the human paperwork to make it official, but in my eyes, the eyes of our people, you’re mine.”

  One of the huge boulders on her chest lifted. “Does that make you mine as well?”

  Her mate grinned. “I’ve been yours for years, Talia Dunn.”

  Jett made a gagging sound.

  “Man, you’re just asking to be nut kicked,” River said.

  “Alright, back to the shitstorm. What did you find?” Niall asked.

  Torq pulled Talia to his side. “I think it would be better if
I let you see and experience what I did. That way, you’ll know firsthand. That is, if Talia is okay with that?”

  She realized Torq was asking for permission to give Niall access to what could possibly be her mind and memories. If she was going to be part of his life and her girls’ lives, then she needed to allow the alpha the same amount of trust. “Go ahead.” Since she had been too distracted to follow the trail herself, she piggybacked with Niall as Torq opened his mind to him. The sickening green link did indeed smell of rotting vegetation, the scent one she recognized just before Louisa had shown up. She pushed that memory at both men.

  “Louisa’s been employed with Mystic Lodge for a while. I don’t think we’ve had any complaints. Taryn, your friends, Sky and Joni, work there. Have they said anything was off about her or anyone else up there?” Niall stopped speaking as River and Raydon both growled.

  “Sky is off limits. She’s ours,” River stated.

  Taryn lifted her finger, pointing at the two men. “Is she aware of this or did you two cavemen just decide this turn of events. Like ‘Me caveman, you my woman. I hit you on the head and drag you back to my dwelling and make you mine.’ Because I’ll have to buy some popcorn and prepare for that show.” The middle part she spoke in a deep voice, ending with a sweet tone.

  Raydon stood straight, his hands flexing at his sides as if his wolf was too close to the surface. “Trust me, when we finally get to her, she’ll accept and be happy.”

  Talia rolled her eyes but didn’t dispute what he said. “I didn’t meet Sky or Joni the other day. What do they do at the lodge?”

  Her daughter Taryn shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. They both were just happy to get away—sorry, mom.”

  Realization dawned. “They grew up in the compound?”

  Taryn nodded. River and Raydon growled. Niall growled louder, the word enough reverberated around the room.

  “With the trail from Torq, I think I can track the bastard. Who’s ready to go hunting?” Niall asked.

  “You gonna share with the rest of the pack, brother?” Zayn looked at Torq, then Talia, finally staring at Niall.

  Niall lifted one brow, clearly waiting for a signal. Crap, she knew what he wanted, and it was her approval to give access to everyone.

  “They’ll only have access to the link, T. Nothing else. You and I are the only two in here.” Torq touched her head. “And in here.” He placed his hand over her heart, lifting hers and putting it over his chest, letting her feel the reassuring beat.

  “Let it be done,” she agreed.

  Fuck, she was the best damn female he’d ever met. When she’d shown the final battle, he’d wanted to jump in and rescue her. Only, she didn’t need rescuing from the fights but from the hurt of her fellow warriors. Why did it matter that she had powers they didn’t? Hell, in the pack, the stronger members were lifted up to protect, but the ones who weren’t as strong were no less in anyone’s eyes. If anything, they were cosseted, protected above all others. If he ever had the chance to meet any of the fuckers in the memory, he’d make sure they knew just how fucked they were. His wolf howled in agreement.

  “Alright, let’s go hunting. While I know you females are fierce as fuck, I’m ordering you to stay here.” He raised his hand, making a fist. “I’ve got three pregnant females plus my mate, making that four. That means four babies are growing inside you ladies. We’re going to face off against some magical dark fucker. If he or she were to hit any of you with their shit, it could harm your unborn.”

  Torq watched as the women all wrapped their arms around their middles.

  “Which is why Payton and Emerson, along with some help are coming here to keep you ladies safe, while we go hunting.” He tilted his head to the side. “My boy is going to be here in five point three seconds.”

  The back door slammed open, the sound of little feet could be heard as a giggle became clear. “Dad, I did it. I shifted and look, I’m not naked.” Nolan cheered.

  Niall held his arms open, then lifted Nolan into them. “Way to go, buddy. How many times did it take you?”

  Nolan scrunched up his nose. “Grandma said that’s not a polite thing to ask.”

  Payton came through the door. “No, I said it wasn’t polite to ask a woman her age or to ask how much someone weighed.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t actually ask a female those things, Nolan?”

  The little boy looked into his father’s eyes, placing one hand on each side of his father’s cheeks. “Of course not, silly. What kind of male do you think I am?”

  Torq covered his laugh with a cough.

  “But, if I were to wonder how old someone was, and I were to say, write it down on a piece of paper, and then they found that paper, wouldn’t it be rude if they didn’t answer?”

  Niall sighed, loudly. “Boy, where do you get this shit?”

  Nolan covered his dad’s mouth. “Bad word, dad. Mom, he owes the jar a dollar.”

  Alaina nodded. “I’m keeping track.” She tapped her head.

  “Can you count that high? Because I think it’s like a bazillion dollars now.”

  “Maybe closer to a million, but I got it,” Alaina answered.

  The big bad alpha kissed his son on the forehead, then put him down. “Go get ready for bed, and no, you can’t skip a bath. You smell like wet dog.”

  Torq wondered if he should mention the fact they could use Fey magic, then bit his lip as Niall met his eyes. Clearly, they had a nightly ritual.

  “Fine, I’m going, but I expect to see that jar with some money it.” Nolan pointed at his father and then the jar before he marched off down the hall.

  “He’s so going to be an alpha, someday,” Torq remarked.

  Niall shook his head. “Don’t remind me. Payton, you guys good to stay here?”

  Torq turned to see Payton standing in front of Talia, her right hand over her heart. “Thank you for your service, Warrior Talia. If not for you and the others, our realm would’ve been lost to us.”

  The elder Fey then did something that made everyone in the room gasp. She dropped to one knee, bent her head, and waited. His mate looked around, then down at Payton.

  “What are you doing?” Talia asked.

  “What all of Fey should’ve done if they haven’t. We all owe you and the others a gratitude we could spend the next thousand years thanking you for, and still owe you.”

  His mate bent and pulled Payton up. “I did what I felt was right. You’ve been here, protecting everyone, but nobody’s bending down to thank you. It’s what we do. Never kneel to me, or anyone, Payton.”

  The smile that crossed the other Fey’s face was beautiful when it came. “I can’t believe you’re the same female I met all those years ago.”

  Torq felt Talia’s mind reach for his. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t remember meeting her.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Payton patted Talia’s hand. “You and a dozen warriors came through my village when I was still in Fey. You stood out amongst them to everyone. While all Fey were gorgeous, you shone. Whispers of the princess warrior had been mentioned, but until that day, I thought it was a tall tale. You didn’t ride out in front, but at the back as if you were always on alert for danger.”

  Talia let out a breath. “I was. I mean, I was always looking for danger. We only went to villages if we heard there was a darkness there. Otherwise, we stayed to ourselves. Our presence tended to induce fear.”

  “That day, you were the one who stopped first. You were the one who found the evil residing inside what we all thought was a harmless orphan. Nobody thinks a sweet child can be the host for evil. However, you got down from your horse and calmly went to the little boy. You touched his forehead, whispered some words, and then you were battling a demon the likes of which I’d never seen.”

  At Payton’s description, that day came back to her. It was the day she’d shown her powers and made the other warriors wary of her. “How old were you then?” she asked Pay

  “See, she asked, and I don’t see anybody telling her how rude she is,” Nolan accused, coming in wearing his Spiderman pajamas.

  Niall groaned while Payton laughed, then tried to explain. “She’s asking because it was a very long time ago, and grandma doesn’t look a day older now than she did then.”

  Nolan tossed his hands in the air. “Fine, you keep changing the rules, then I’m gonna need a rule book.”

  “Boy, what you’re gonna need is a pillow for that ass for when I whoop it.” Niall pointed at his son.

  With his hand held out, Nolan grinned at his dad. “More money for the swear jar.”

  Alaina laughed, then high-fived Nolan. “Keep it up, and I’m going to have enough money to buy a new car.”

  Talia placed herself between the boy and his father. “You won’t lay a hand on him.” Her Fey powers pushed out, creating a bubble around Nolan.

  Niall held up his hands, looking behind Talia. “It’s a saying, Talia. Nolan will tell you I’ve never laid a hand on him in anger, ever. Now, release my son.”

  Nolan’s laugh had the room quieting further as he did flips inside the bubble that held him aloft. “This is soo cool. I’m like a hamster or bubble boy. Oh, if I turn into a wolf inside here, would it break me out?” Nolan asked.

  Talia bit her lip. “I’m sorry. The thought of a father hitting his child—angers me.”

  Zayn clapped Niall on the shoulder. “I guess you should be glad it’s Nolan in the hamster bubble and not you.”

  Niall grabbed Zayn’s arm and twisted. Both men began wrestling, jostling around until they fell on the floor like two boys. “Don’t give her ideas,” Niall grunted as he rolled around trying to pin Zayn.

  “Are you two done yet?” Alaina asked, tapping the bubble that held a now shifted Nolan in wolf form as he jumped up and down, running up one side and flipping in midair, only to repeat the action on the other side. “Can we order these for when we want an escape from the crazy?” she asked Talia.


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