A Fey's Wolf

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A Fey's Wolf Page 13

by Elle Boon

  “She’d have come home if she thought they’d allow it. I couldn’t risk her coming back. Besides, if she was as powerful as she thought, she’d have known.” He flicked his wrist, showing a scene that made Torq growl.

  A meeting between Keith and Troyer. “You led your sister to an evil bastard.” Torq lunged at Troyer, slamming into a wall that shocked him as if a thousand volts of electricity hit him.

  “Now, now, don’t get foolish. Or should I say more foolish. You think I was just telling you all my dirty little secrets then, you’d rip my head off, and you could get the girl and live happily ever after?” Troyer tossed his head back and laughed. “Oh Goddess, you did. You all think you can win. This is wonderful. Go ahead, slam against the walls surrounding you. All of you, attack as one,” he taunted.

  Jett and Bronx both growled, their wolves pacing back and forth while Niall and Zayn stepped up next to Torq. “That’s what you’d like, wouldn’t it? Poor little Troyster, he was the unloved son who couldn’t measure up to big sis. Wah wah wah,” Torq mockingly cried, using his hands to mimic wiping tears.

  Talia’s brother roared. The little man cry made Torq flinch at the octave he hit. “You’ll pay for that.” He launched a sickening looking ball toward Torq, but it bounced back toward him, knocking him down.

  Moving away from Sky’s prone form, hoping to draw the battle away from her, Torq continued to taunt Troyer. “Is that all you got, little man? Hell, I bet those balls are the only balls you got.” He rolled away from the next strike, hating it when the obnoxious mass disintegrated one of the trees. With each taunt, he was moving further away from the pack, drawing Troyer further from the lodge.

  Finally, they were almost to the clearing where the elders met. He could feel their presence, lending him strength. He was done fighting with words. His wolf wanted to feel this man, who’d done so much harm to their mate, fall beneath their teeth and claws. Only he couldn’t shift, not and fight magic with magic. Standing on two feet, he could see Troyer was breathing hard. He’d expelled too much energy and hadn’t taken any back into himself. Talia said each Fey had a certain power and a way of recharging. Her brother had twisted his and clearly spent more while doing so. As Troyer realized they were no longer near the others, he spun in a circle, his hands coming up and moving in a fast motion. Before he could finish, Torq launched himself forward, taking him down to the hard packed earth.

  “With everything I am, I’ll see to it you never hurt another hair on anyone again,” Torq growled. His hands shifted, giving him claws.

  Troyer laughed, then threw Torq off of him. He faced Torq with a smile, then waved him forward, one hand behind his back.

  Torq drew on Talia’s memories, her strength and knowledge. He could fight and beat the shit out of most shifters and men. Facing off against her brother with more tricks up his sleeve, he’d take whatever advantage he could. He lifted his arm, then a sword appeared. Troyer swore, pulling his own sword out.

  Before he could go on the attack, he was pushed back as Troyer leapt the feet separating them, his sword moving faster than Torq had ever seen. He hissed as Troyer’s sword sliced across his left arm. After several minutes, his right arm holding his own sword felt heavy, blood dripped from several wounds.

  Shit, he was going to die before he and Talia finished mating.

  A blue light burst through the clearing, making Troyer pause, giving Torq a respite and the ability to go on the offense. His shifter healing was fast, but nothing could heal the dozen deep wounds he sustained that quickly. His only thought was to end the motherfucker before he could wreak havoc on his family and friends. Troyer was falling back now, blood oozing from a multitude of wounds inflicted by Torq’s blade. Finally, the other man fell to one knee. Torq yelled, jumped in the air, and brought his blade down, connecting with another blade.

  His eyes clashed with Talia’s. “Wait,” she whispered.

  Talia looked into familiar blue eyes. “Who are you?”

  Although she already knew, she needed to hear it, needed to hear him say who he was.

  “Your brother Troyer, you fucking cow.”

  Torq growled and put his sword back against Troyer’s throat. At some point, he’d knocked her brother’s sword away. Why she was allowing him to live another moment, she wasn’t sure. Her entire life, she’d lived without family, yet here was her brother, a blood relative, and he was trying to kill her mate. “Why?”

  Troyer looked up, a grimace on his face. “Because you live.”

  She shook her head. “That makes no sense. I’ve had no contact with any of our family for hundreds of years. Why now?”

  Her brother licked at his lips, wiping a smear of blood off with his tongue. “Because, if you’re dead, I get to claim our House.”

  She stepped back, stunned. “Are—are our parents, gone?”

  Laughing, Troyer wiped his arm across his forehead, blood oozed from a gash running into his eyes. “Give the girl a prize. Of course, they’re dead. Why else would it matter if you lived or died? With you alive, you’re next to inherit. They should’ve disinherited you like they said, but when word spread of how great a warrior you were, they didn’t. How could they, when their mighty daughter was so great?” The hatred he felt towards her was like a punch to her gut. She’d never known about him. Her parents had never reached out to her in all the decades she’d been gone.

  “Talia, look out,” Torq warned.

  As if in slow motion, Troyer pulled a blade from his sleeve, the sharp steel aimed straight toward her. Torq, launched himself between them, half shifting as he swiped out with one clawed hand, taking Troyer’s head off.

  She stumbled backward, falling onto her ass, stunned. Her eyes locked onto her brother’s, watching as his body fell.

  “Talia, you need to help Torq.” She heard Niall yelling from a distance.

  Her mind felt fuzzy as if she had water in her ears. Blinking, she stared down to see Torq lying with a blade sticking out of his chest. “Torq,” she cried, scrambling forward on her hands and knees.

  Before she could remove the blade, Torq raised his hand to stop her. “It’s magically infected or something, love.” He coughed, blood bubbled out of his mouth.

  No. Oh Goddess, no. She couldn’t lose him, not when she just found him. Not when she was finally going to get her happily ever after.

  Her warrior, with his gorgeous blue eyes, wrapped his hand around her neck and brought her face down to his. “I love you, Talia. One year, or a hundred, I was blessed to know you. Thank you for agreeing to be my mate.”

  “Damn you, don’t you give up on me.” She pushed her Fey powers into him, slit her wrist, and dribbled her blood over his wound. The place where the knife had gone in looked as if the skin had already started to die, turning a sickening grey until her blood touched it. She squeezed more onto the wound, watching as the skin began to take on a pinkish color. The knife began to glow.

  “Fuck, it burns, T,” he swore.

  The ground shook, but she kept her focus on Torq, pushing her power into him, sealing up his wounds as she found them. His body was battered and bruised from the fight, making the final wound almost too much. No, she wouldn’t allow it. Water dripped down her chin, but she didn’t stop until the knife began to vibrate, and then she pulled it free, watching as the skin knitted together. Utterly exhausted, she dropped the knife with a soft thunk behind her, still cradling Torq in her arms. His eyes were closed, but he breathed.

  She could feel the rest of the pack surrounding her, offering their strength through the pack bond. Time ceased to matter as she pushed more of her essence into her mate, willing him to live.

  Torq stirred, making her lift her head, the motion harder than she thought possible. “Hey, stranger.”

  He brushed his hand across her cheeks. “Don’t cry, farfalla.”

  Talia blinked, she hadn’t realized she was crying.

  “I’ve been told that sometimes when things get ugly, you just gotta cry
and realize you ain’t gotta cry pretty. I’d say things got real ugly tonight,” Lula said from beside her.

  Talia laughed, wiping at her tears. “Are you saying I ugly cried?” She’d shared with Lula Torq’s words from before. Hearing the dragon female repeat them made her heart clench.

  Lula looked at her then Torq. “Yep, but that’s alright. Your tears saved your mate. Jeez, now I gotta tell Jennaveve she was right. Again. Do you know how much she’s gonna gloat?”

  They all took a step back as Lula stood. “Thank you for all your help, Lula.” Talia sniffed.

  “I had to bring that one back. He’s all better, but he cusses worse than the Iron Wolves. I think he needs his mouth washed out. Ock, what’s wrong with her?” Lula rushed to Sky.

  Talia heard the two men, or wolves growl, but Lula being Lula ignored them both. She turned back to Torq. “You scared the tar out of me.”

  He sat up, groaning. “Damn, I was supposed to be saving you.”

  Her world stopped and started with Torq. Yes, she loved her girls, but they had mates to take care of them. Of course, she wanted to be there to meet her grandchildren, but again, her life would be meaningless without Torq. “Don’t you ever do that again, Torq Dunn. Don’t you throw yourself in front of a blade for me.” Her demand came out on a sob.

  Torq pulled her onto his lap. “If it were a choice between my life or yours, there’ll never be a choice, farfalla.”

  “Dang it. I’m going to ugly cry again.” She hid her face in the crook of his neck. “Can we agree to not ever be in that situation ever again?”

  Her mate ran his hand up and down her back. “Sounds good to me. Um, how about we get out of here and head home?”

  Niall dropped down next to them. “That sounds good. How we getting there?”

  Zayn and the others came to sit around them as well. The clearing filled with their pack, their family. “Can we just shift and sleep in one big dog pile?” Jett asked, his mate. Taryn stood next him shaking her head.

  “Lord love a duck; do I have to do everything?” Lula asked.

  Talia blinked up at the gorgeous female with the long pink hair that looked as soft as cotton candy. “You are the mighty dragon, Lula dear.”

  Lula blinked huge purple eyes at her. “Fine. Off you all go to your beds. I’ll even make sure you’re nekkid when you get there. Ps. You’re welcome.”

  The sounds of their friends’ squeals and laughter were cut off as she and Torq landed in a huge bed. “Thank you, Lula,” she yelled, knowing the dragon could probably hear her.

  “I love that dragon,” Torq said, his arms coming around Talia.

  Talia propped herself up on a completely healed Torq. “Where are we?” She’d expected Lula to send them to the cabin at the lodge, but the room they were in was huge and smelled like Torq.

  “Our home,” Torq answered.

  She knew tomorrow there’d be questions and things to talk about, but tonight was a night to celebrate life. “Make love to me, mate.”

  “Gladly, mate.” Torq twisted their bodies, placing her beneath him. “I almost lost you, Talia. I’m going to have to make sure everything’s okay.”

  Her heart stuttered and started at the look of love and fear mixed in his eyes.

  She tried to draw him down to her, wanting to feel him filling her, driving into her, but instead, he pushed back. The gaze in his eyes changed to wicked determination. Talia knew what he was going to do, but her will was an even match for his, plus she’d almost lost him. With Fey strength, she flipped them, grinning down at him. “It’s my turn to make sure you’re truly healed. I think I see a few scratches that need me to kiss them all better.” With slow, deliberate seductiveness, she eased down his body, kissing his chin, his neck and his shoulder, giving him a small bite where the shoulder and neck met.

  At his growl, she smirked up at him, trailing her fingers down his chest, smoothing over the healing wound where she placed an open mouthed kiss. His body jerked, but she continued her exploration downward, over his jumping stomach muscles until she reached his hips. Glorious Goddess, the man was truly huge.

  “You don’t have—ohhh, fuck...”

  Torq’s words trailed away and into a ragged moan as she wrapped her hand around his length, squeezing experimentally, the feel of him in the palm of her hand like nothing before. She felt powerful, then she lowered her head and swirled her tongue around the tip, licking at the pearly fluid on the swollen head.

  He moaned, gasping sharply with his eyes closed. Talia looked up, watching him until his hand wrapped in her hair, creating an anchor for him. Slowly, she took the head into her mouth, playing her tongue over the silky skin before popping it out of her mouth. His breathing became ragged as she began to move up and down, taking more of him inside her mouth, sucking harder, hollowing her cheeks to stroke him, and swirling her tongue in a rhythm that seemed to please him.

  Talia could tell he was on the cusp of coming, his thigh muscles had tightened, his fingers in her hair flexed harder, yet he never forced her into a harder or faster pace. She gripped the base of him, using her tongue on the underside of his cock, sucking in tandem to her hand as she worked him into an orgasm.

  “Fuck, Talia, I’m gonna come,” he warned.

  She took him deeper, hollowed out her cheeks, and swallowed as he came, loving his groans of satisfaction, the fierce sensation of completeness settled over her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Torq wasn’t sure how things got so mixed up. One second, he was planning on going down on Talia, giving her the best head of her life, and the next, the little minx was giving him the best head of his life. Talk about mind blown, his was completely gone. He glanced down, watching as she licked her lower lip, her head resting on top of his thigh. Seeing her lick a drop of his come off her lip was the sexiest motherfucking thing he’d ever seen in his entire life. If he lived to be a thousand, he’d remember this moment and know he was the luckiest bastard alive. A glance out the window, he could see the moon, feel it’s power filling him.

  “C’mere,” he said, pulling her up to him.

  “Oh,” she gasped in surprise as he pulled her up until she straddled his face.

  “Told you I needed to make sure you were okay,” he laughed. Her sweet liquid honey was dripping from her pussy. His hands held her thighs while he traced her opening with his tongue. “Mine,” he said into her pussy, licking her dewy lips, his every breath filling with her scent. “Tell me, say your mine, Talia.”

  “Goddess, yes. Yours, always and forever, yours,” she gasped. His lips closed over the small pink pearl of her clit, and he sucked hard, making her cry out in pleasure.

  She grabbed onto the wooden headboard, moaning wordlessly. He teased her with licks, sucks, and bites while swirling his tongue all around her.

  Their link opened, he could feel the way her body was overflowing with liquid heat, overlapping with waves of pure ecstasy. Nothing else existed for her except Torq and what his mouth was doing to her, driving her wild with desire. He fucking loved every thought going through her head. Knowing she needed more to send her over, he eased two fingers inside her, softly stroking her slick walls as he flicked his tongue over and over her clit again.

  “Yes, yesss...” she wailed.

  Torq felt her inner walls begin to squeeze his fingers, but he wanted her to come on his cock. Pulling his finger out nearly killed him, but when he lifted her off his face, her moan nearly had him rethinking his plan. He could feel her need for release burning through her, her body pulsing on the verge of coming.

  He rolled them so she was under him, his hand cupping her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You’ve owned my heart, my soul, my everything from the moment I knew you were mine, Talia. From now until the end of our time, I’ll own yours as well.”

  Her eyes looked dazed, but she nodded. “Yes,” she agreed.

  He moved down until he could press the head of his cock against her entrance, the tight kiss as she open
ed for him had him moaning. She moved her hips, spreading her thighs wider to take him.

  Torq moved slow, taking his time, sliding inside inch by inch, taking her moans into his mouth, kissing her until the need to breathe had him lifting up. Her slick walls stretched to accommodate him. The sweet bite of pain ricocheted through his head, their link letting him feel what she did.

  When he was finally buried completely inside her, his balls resting against her ass, he felt like he’d finally come home. “I could stay right here for hours,” he said, rocking his hips back and forth, gently at first.

  Talia met his slow motion, then her breathing hitched when he began to move faster, sliding out farther, plunging all the way in. Each slam inside sent a tidal wave of pleasure rushing through his body, which he shared with her, making her cry out, but he wanted to draw their pleasure out, wanted to build the sensation higher.

  Releasing her chin, he picked up his strokes, his hips pistoning back and forth, their breathing harsh and warm against one another, stoking the fire of their arousals until they were both on the precipice of coming. He let go, pounding into her, panting as his arousal sent her over the edge, her shout of completion, the feel of her inner walls clamping down on his cock had him exploding, and then he bent down, needing to claim her all over again.

  His canines dropped, and he bit down on the same spot he’d claimed earlier, where her shoulder and neck met, making her cry out and come again.

  Talia cried out in mingled pleasure and pain, ecstasy overtaking the pain as her back arched off the bed, her pussy spasming around Torq’s cock. His shout of completion and love for her echoed off the walls of his bedroom, and she moaned, loving the feel of his come flowing into her. Goddess, one day they could possibly have a child together. Not today, but someday thanks to the Fey healing.

  They lay together, bodies locked tightly together, shuddering in the aftermath for what felt like hours before he finally slid out of her and rolled to his side, keeping his arm locked around her.


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