A Fey's Wolf

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A Fey's Wolf Page 16

by Elle Boon

  “Well, be more careful. I was cooking and almost burned myself.”

  The sharp retort made fresh tears track down her face. Where once her mother used to hug and coddle her, now she was remote, almost loveless toward Sky. She hated Keith with every fiber of her being. He was not only an awful father, and cruel leader, but he was evil to his core. Why couldn’t the adults, the ones who were supposed to protect the innocents see that? Instead, they let him hurt those weaker than him, taking pleasure in others pain and suffering in front of the entire pack, and what he did behind their backs had to be worse. The bargain he made with Sky...she shuddered and closed off what she’d agreed to do in order to continue her friendship with Taryn, his daughter. If her taking on even a little of what the other girl felt eased some of her suffering, she’d do it, which was what she did. Silently. How Taryn could stand the actual physical pain was beyond Sky’s imagination.

  She took her first tentative step, feeling aches in every joint, throbbing in every cell of her body seemed to shout with each move she made. “For fuckssake, what the hell is Taryn going through?”

  Once in the bathroom she inspected herself in the mirror. Like every other time, she didn’t look as though she’d been beaten, not like Taryn, not on the outside. Inside however was a different story. Where nobody could see, she knew she had more than a few bruised ribs and possibly even more internal damage.

  With Keith, one never knew exactly what you’d get, however he wouldn’t want to alert the pack to what he’d done. Of course, he was alpha, so he could do anything he wanted. The thought sickened her, knowing he could and would do what he pleased, and nobody would stop him, not even her parents. She splashed water on her face, pulled her hair into a ponytail then left without looking too closely at her image. Keith had a mate once, Taryn’s mother, but he didn’t care who he forced a mating with for the night, only drawing a line with age. She shuddered at the thought of what it meant to be with the vile beast. “I’ll kill myself first,” she vowed, uncaring if he caught the thought.

  By the time she made it to where Taryn lay, her bones had cracked like she’d been to a chiropractor, making her sigh in relief. Damn, how many more times could she go through...she stopped the thought before it could finish. For Taryn she’d go through the same thing she’d gone through over and over again, like she’d done for the past ten years or so. She just hoped her body held out. An anguished cry escaped her at the sight of Taryn lying motionless in the center of the gathering. All around pack members stood, staring at the alpha’s daughter, yet none moved to help her.

  Movement from the other side showed Joni entering. Neither of them said a word as they gathered the battered and broken form of Taryn up from the ground, ignoring the blood pouring from wounds too numerous to count. The crowd of gawkers parted for them, eyes evading them as if they were ashamed. Sky wanted to shout that yes they should be, but her own body still ached.

  “She’s still alive, Sky, so stop with the heavy breathing like you’re about to breakdown,” Joni ordered.

  If only Joni knew the heavy breathing was due to the bruised ribs and the injured lungs still trying to heal themselves. She felt his evil eyes staring at her, knew he was commanding her to look toward him. Sky’s head inched to the right, her eyes finding the malevolent gaze of Keith the bastard. His stare held her spellbound for precious seconds while a fist seemed to wrap around her throat, making it hard for her to breath. “Remember our bargain, little bitch, or the life you hold will be no more.” The deep gravelly voice of Keith in her head made her hold Taryn too tightly, causing her best friend to flinch even though she didn’t wake. Sky didn’t know if Keith meant her life, or his daughter. Either one she didn’t want to lose. Not yet.

  Several days later, after she and Joni worked to keep Taryn as comfortable as possible, their friend woke a changed woman. Sky could tell their life would be forever altered as she looked into the beautiful eyes of one of the only true friends she had. Even though they’d not been allowed to do much together, Taryn had been the one person she’d held closest to her heart besides Joni. The only other person she’d give her life for. A stab of fear wormed its way through her. Sky had a feeling it would be her life that would be forfeit if Taryn found a way to escape, for Keith would look for a new chew toy. He wouldn’t look too far since he knew Sky could handle his punishments without complaint, at least the ones on the inside. Goddess, she didn’t want to contemplate going through what Taryn did, but she also wanted her friend free, even if it meant her life. Heck, she didn’t have much of one anyhow.

  “Thank you jeezus. I didn’t think you’d ever wake the fuck up. I swear you scared like ten years off my life,” Joni said, coming to stand beside Taryn, a glass in her hand.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Three motherfucking days,” Sky growled. The longest three days of her life with Keith beating at her head asking for updates. Finally, she’d opened up allowing him to feel everything she did. The recoil of shock and...horror was almost worth the backlash she’d received.

  Taryn tried to sit up at the announcement. “What? I didn’t wake at all?”

  “I almost hauled your ass in to the hospital. One more day and you were going.” Joni held the drink out, the anxiety she’d obviously felt clear in her tone. “Drink this, and then you need to eat, and no you didn’t wake.”

  Taryn gulped the juice down, her eyes blinking back tears.

  “How do you feel?” Sky asked although she already knew the answer.

  Taryn stretched her legs out, followed by her arms, smiling broadly. “Damn, I feel pretty good for a chick who just got run over by a truck.”

  The feel of Keith’s hands wrapping around her throat kept her from responding for a few seconds. Finally, she licked her lips and tried again. “We took turns watching you, making sure none of the assholes decided to come in and take advantage of you. The second day we decided to wash you up a bit. I couldn’t stand to look at the blood on you a moment longer, but we didn’t want to jar you too much. Do you think you’re up for a bath?” Sky asked. Someday she’d make a great mate, just not to one of the jackholes in their pack. Of course, if Keith had his way she’d be one of his stable of women. Bile rose up at the thought.

  “I’d love a bath, but I don’t have one. A quick shower will suffice though. You two best be getting back to your places. I don’t want you getting into trouble on my behalf.”

  Sky could’ve told her she was already paying a price for her friendship, but she’d never do that to her. For one, Keith would know, and goddess only knew what he’d do to them both. For another, Taryn already suffered too much. “Taryn, you’re always welcome in my home, you know that.” Her parents would fall all over themselves if they thought Keith would pay them favors for allowing his daughter in their home.

  Like always, her friend waved aside the offer, making excuses and shooing them out the door. Another piece of her heart broke at the loss of her friendship. For her, Taryn and Joni were the only light in her world.

  “We’ll see you in a day or so. Rest and eat, woman.” Joni shook her finger at Taryn, hurrying out of the small space ahead of Sky.

  “When will I see you again?” The question slipped out before she could stop it. Knowledge was power. On one hand she wanted the answer, but on the other she didn’t. Keith could and would pull it from her if she knew.

  “I’ll be in touch. I just need...I need a little time.” Taryn raised her hand, smoothing her palm over Sky’s head. “Take care of you, Sky.”

  “You’re leaving.” Sky stated.

  Taryn didn’t deny her words.

  Before she could make a fool of herself, she wrapped her arms around Taryn’s stomach and gave her a quick hug. “Take care of you.” Sky turned and hurried out the door, feeling Taryn stare as she nearly ran all the way home. Goddess, she was such a pussyass little bitch. She should’ve told Taryn. She should’ve explained about the bargain she’d made with Keith all those years ago
. Now, it was too late, and she had a sinking feeling when Taryn disappeared, Keith would come looking for a new body to replace his favorite punching bag, for when he needed to beat his anger out. Only Sky wasn’t as strong as Taryn.

  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  Iron Wolves MC book 1


  Lyric Carmichael eyed the trio of giggling women on the dance floor, then looked at her best friend Syn Styles. “Tell me again why we hang out with them three?”

  “Should I count them off, or do you just want the number one reason?” Syn sipped on her margarita, laughter sparkling in her blue eyes.

  They both knew the main reason they came in a group was their big brothers would never let them come to a nightclub alone, but they also loved the three women. Renee shimmied her ass in a tight red leather skirt against the groin of a random dude, making him grab her around the waist. Lyric watched the couple for a few seconds, making sure her friend hadn’t gotten into a situation she couldn’t get out of. Only when Renee tossed her long brown hair back, laughing, and the grabby dude eased off, did Lyric turn back to Syn.

  “Maybe we should rescue them?” Lyric pointed her beer bottle toward Magee and Jozlyn, who were the center of attention of what looked like a frat party.

  Syn looked at her like she’d grown two heads. Renee—better known as Nene—Magee, and Jozlyn were great friends, but they definitely didn’t need anyone to rescue them. They’d come to party wearing tiny bits of fabric, while Lyric had on a pair of comfy jeans similar to Syn’s that fit like they’d been made for them. Strategic rips kept both just this side of decent. While Syn wore a tight V-necked T-shirt, Lyric wore a tank top with a lace back. Since they’d driven their motorcycles, she and Syn had worn boots, unlike their friends, who were sporting heels that screamed fuck me.

  “Excuse me, but I like my freedom. Could you imagine the look on Kellen’s face if he saw me try to walk out of the house dressed like that?”

  She thought of Syn’s brother Kellen and the look of horror he’d have, if he saw his baby sister dressed in a miniskirt short enough to show her ass and a crop-top barely covering her voluptuous breasts. Kellen wasn’t only the head of the Iron Wolves MC, but he was also their alpha. What he said was law, and nobody, not even Syn, crossed him. Her own brother, Xander—better known as Xan—was his second-in-command, and was just as scary if not scarier. Both stood at over six feet two inches tall, but that’s where the similarities ended. Kellen was black haired and blue eyed. He and Syn looked very much alike in their coloring and tall stature, while Xan had blond hair and brown eyes.

  “I think we’d have to go into the witness protection plan if we tried it.” Lyric laughed.

  Raising her glass, Syn clinked her drink with Lyric’s. “True that,” she agreed.

  Lyric got up from the table. “Let’s dance, girl.”

  “Bottoms up, baby.” Syn downed the rest of her drink before standing. Their shifter metabolism kept them from getting drunk, but they enjoyed the slight buzz they got from the alcohol, even if it was only short-lived.

  They ignored the college guys who called out from several tables as they passed on their way to the dance floor. Lyric was tempted to flip a few of them the bird, or toss a couple backward but restrained herself. “Seriously, do they think yelling hey baby, come sit on my face, will get them laid?” Lyric asked, scooting between the tight tables.

  “I’m thinking the answer is yes,” Syn tossed over her shoulder.

  The DJ played a mix of country, hip-hop, and rock. The song that came on was for a popular line dance that had half the people on the floor sitting down, including Renee, Magee, and Jozlyn. Syn shrugged her shoulders and got in line. Lyric smiled as their three friends flipped their middle fingers from one of the tables, even though she couldn’t hear what was said over the music. She got lost in the dance steps, enjoying the beat and movements.

  Several songs later, all five of the girls were on the dance floor. Lyric loved letting loose; she loved feeling the loud bass vibrating all the way up, from her toes to her head. She rolled her body with the music, imagining what it would be like if she was with a lover, and thought of the amazing orgasms it would cause. Of course, living with her older brother, she’d not had the chance to experience anything of the sort with anyone, other than her trusty vibrator.

  “What’s put that frown on your face?” Renee asked.

  She bit her lip, but a nervous giggle escaped. “I think it’s time for me to get my own place.”

  Jozlyn and Magee stopped dancing, their eyes looking ready to pop out of their heads. Only Syn seemed to understand her need for independence, since she had just recently been given a cabin by her older brother. It was still on his property, but not in his home. Kellen was giving his sister a little breathing room, unlike Xan, who Lyric swore still thought she was in grade school.

  “Xan will never allow that,” Jozlyn and Magee said at the same time.

  Syn growled at both younger girls. “And when did either of you become so in the know when it came to the second of the MC?”

  Oh shit! Lyric recognized the anger blazing in her best friend’s blue eyes and was shocked to see it aimed at their friends. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think Syn was jealous. Which was absurd, since they each thought of both Kellen and Xan as brothers.

  Renee stuck her finger in her ear and shook it. “Excuse me, but did you just growl at us?”

  Before a fight could erupt, Lyric stepped between them. “I gotta pee. You need to go with me.” She jerked on Syn’s arm. By the time they wound their way through the throng of gyrating people and into the bathroom, Syn seemed to get herself under control.

  “What the fuck was that all about?” Lyric jerked her thumb toward the closed door and the club beyond.

  A deep sigh left Syn in a gush as she leaned against the counter. “I have no clue. There’s this wild feeling inside me that seems to be growing lately. I feel like I’m going to snap, and if I’m not careful, I’m liable to bite someone’s head off. Ya know?” She placed her palm over her heart, tears swimming in her eyes.

  Lyric did the only thing she knew how to do and wrapped her arms around her best friend. “I understand, truly I do. Maybe that’s what I’m feeling, too.”

  “You should move in with me.” Syn pulled away, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

  Laughing, Lyric shook her head. “You think Xan would let me?”

  “If it’s safe enough for me, then why not you?”

  The logic wasn’t lost on her; however, she wasn’t sure her brother would see it the same way. “When do you move in?”

  “Next week. Well, I guess it’s more like nine days, but who’s counting.”

  “You owe the Bitches an apology.” They were all referred to as the Bitches by their friends; each one had a nickname that ended with Bitch.

  “Fuck me running, I know. I was such a beotch.” Syn’s voice sounded chagrined.

  Lyric walked back toward the last enclosure, she really did need to go to the bathroom. She shut the stall door and let the silence stretch.

  “You know, you could’ve disagreed with me,” Syn groused.

  “We pinky swore when we were kids we’d never lie to each other.” Lyric laughed when her friend kicked the door on her way out, calling her a name as she went.

  Straightening her blinged-out belt, Lyric stared at her reflection. People always assumed she colored her blonde hair—having dark brown eyes and tan skin it didn’t seem natural—until they met her brother, Xan. He shared her coloring. Even in wolf form, they were blonde wolves, a rarity in the wolf world. Syn and Kellen were both black as night with the bluest eyes. Alpha eyes. Although, Xan had the same brown eyes in his human form, when he shifted to his wolf, his eyes also turned a beautiful shade of blue, while hers shifted to amber. Had he wanted to be alpha, Lyric had no doubt he could’ve been, but Xan was happy being second. Their parents had bee
n best friends with Kellen and Syn’s, who’d all been killed ten years earlier.

  She shuddered and pushed the memories away, grateful her brother, along with Kellen, had been there to protect her. Xan, all of twenty-five at the time, had been left to raise his fifteen year old sister. Now at twenty-four years old, Lyric felt like the world was passing her by. She’d gotten her degree at the local college instead of going away. South Dakota was a huge state, but with the club being so tight-knit, and shifters even more so, she’d wanted to stay with her pack. Now she wished she’d at least gone off to one a couple of hours away.

  The MC built custom bikes on one side of the shop and was the local mechanics on the other. She and Syn ran the office, while she did more of the creative side of the business.

  She planned out what she’d say to her brother about moving in with Syn, and before losing her nerve, pulled her phone out of her back pocket. Knowing him, he’d be with his flavor of the week and not see it till the morning, but at least it would give him a few hours to simmer down before she had to face him, since she was staying overnight at Nene’s. Once she hit send, she turned her phone off, and put it back in her pocket.

  Butterflies danced in her stomach as she walked out into the dark hallway.

  When she got bumped from behind for the third time, she finally turned around and met the steely gaze of a truly mean-looking wolf. She had smelled him and a few of his pack when they came in earlier but hadn’t thought anything of it.

  “Excuse me, darling. Can I have this dance?”

  She saw the way he looked her up and down, stopping at her chest and continuing down to her boots and then back up. “Sorry, I was just going to get a drink.” She pasted on a fake smile, trying to step away from him.

  His quick-as-a-snake reflexes caught her bare arm, squeezing hard enough to bruise. “Now, that’s just rude. I watched you shaking your ass for the last half hour. I think you can dance just one more.”


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