In Love with a Stranger

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In Love with a Stranger Page 2

by Rose von Barnsley

  "Hey, Hannah," Carter called to me. "Have you seen our sister? And where is my beautiful niece?" Carter and Ophelia both treated my daughter like their niece and me as their sister, always referring to us as such.

  "They went shopping, why? What's up?"

  "Oh, we have this client overseas. He's known for his bad attitude and stand-offish ways, and I was hoping that if I took Ophelia…"

  "Are you telling me you were going to pimp your sister out, so you could get a better deal? Carter, I'm appalled," I teased.

  "No, not at all, but you know Ophelia and rich men, she enjoys flirting. I was just being a good brother."

  "God, Carter, you really are a pimp."

  "I’d be doing them both a favor. The guy never loosens up. He's the same age as us, and I hear he doesn't even date. He's obviously suffering from SHAG deficit."

  "SHAG deficit?"

  "Seriously Hot Action from a Girl deficit, it causes all sorts problems in the normal dude. Symptoms are doucheyness, stickintheassitis, blue balls and the like. Nasty business, let me tell you."

  I just let out a laugh at Carter's pseudo-disorder. "What's wrong with not dating, huh? I don't, and I get along just fine."

  "Not all of us can be as cool as you, Hannah. Not dating is usually fodder for being extremely cranky, most people don't deal as well as you do with dry spells."

  "You should just leave him alone. I know I don't like people messing in my personal life. I’d be willing to wager he feels the same."

  "Yes, but he's yet to meet Ophelia. Most people don't mind her being a part of their personal life."

  "You're such a slime ball, and if he takes the bait, he is, too."

  "Yeah, yeah, Miss Prudey, when my sister named you Mary, she forgot to add 'Virgin' in front of it."

  I threw my book at him.

  "It was an immaculate conception, was it not?" I jumped on him to shut him up, and he just laughed and tickled me to the ground. "It's alright, Hannah. I'll remember to say my Hail Mary's after I make the deal," he snickered, as he ran away from me, escaping out the door.

  I just laughed and shook my head. It wasn't even my name, but for some reason, even seven years later, I was still getting teased about it. I locked up and made my way upstairs to my apartment. After years of roughhousing with Carter, I wondered why I had never developed feelings for him or anyone else. Deep down, I knew the answer. I was in love with a stranger, and that was never going to change.

  Ophelia dropped by to see me the next day. "Carter wants me to go to England with him."

  "I know, sounds like fun. I've always wanted to go."

  "Then why don't you go instead? I've been dozens of times," she suggested.

  "I can't just drop everything. I have a daughter and a store to take care of, Ophelia. Not all of us can just up and leave whenever we want."

  "Oh, oh, oh! I just got an idea, why don't I take over at the store and watch Penny for you?"


  "It's only for a few days. You'd leave on Thursday and arrive on Friday. Carter has a meeting that afternoon, but then you'll be free to shop and play tourist all weekend. He'll have one more meeting on Monday, and then you’d fly home that afternoon. You'll be back by Tuesday! I can totally handle it!"

  "Ophelia, really, I don't know. Carter wants you to go flirt with some cranky rich guy to loosen him up, so he can make a better deal. I doubt I’d be willing to do anything that’d even turn his head. Besides, he doesn't sound interested in being loosened up."

  She laughed. "I know, but he sounds more your type than mine."

  "I don't have a type, Ophelia. We both know that."

  "Exactly, and neither does he. You're perfect for each other."

  "Of course, especially since we live on different continents, and neither of us dates. That'll do wonders for our nonexistent relationship."

  "Carter won't pimp you out. You'd actually be doing this poor guy a favor by going, save him some angst. I know Carter won't push you on him, and he would me."

  I let out a sigh.

  "Come on, Hannah, you know you want to see England, and this is just too good an opportunity to pass up. Just go! I'm calling Carter and letting him know of the changes. I think he'll be happy to have your company. He gets so cranky sometimes when we go together."

  "Fine, ask Carter. I said ASK, okay? And if he's cool with me going, I'll pay my own way. Just have him call me with the amount. If Carter agrees, then I'll go and save this poor stranger the mental and emotional duress of having a knock-dead gorgeous blonde thrust at him like an unsolicited, not-quite-so-virginal sacrifice."

  "I'm sure he'll appreciate it," Ophelia grinned wickedly at me.

  Somehow I doubted it.

  Chapter 3 - Stranger I Know


  I couldn't believe I’d let Ophelia talk me into going to England, though Carter seemed genuinely excited to have me along for the company. Apparently, Ophelia had only planned on going shopping and nothing else, and Carter was pleased to find out he’d have a companion for some sightseeing. Not to mention the rescue from having to hold Ophelia's purse. Again.

  The suite we were staying in was insanely huge, at least twice the size of my apartment. Granted, mine was a tiny place, and the suite was probably small enough to fit into Carter's living room, but his house was massive, so that didn't count.

  We decided I should accompany Carter to his meeting, so we could leave directly after to start our sightseeing. I sat quietly in the waiting area, as Carter set up his presentation. A few people had started to arrive. I knew it would be a while before the actual meeting started, so I was prepared. I’d brought a book, Phantom Scars, by Rose von Barnsley, my old standby favorite. I slipped off my heels and tucked my feet under myself, getting comfortable and settling in to read and wait.

  I was well into the third chapter, when I felt like someone was watching me. I didn't bother looking up, though. I’d found over the years that if I kept my nose in my book, people would move on and leave me alone. I heard the receptionist clearing her throat. "Ms. Harper, would you like a quieter place to read?"

  I looked up at her, surprised and a little annoyed at her overly-sweet tone of voice. She smiled at me in a way that made me realize she wasn’t actually being nice, and I wanted to throw my book at her for some reason. That was odd, but she really was just rubbing me the wrong way. Could be my PMS kicking in, or maybe my bitch detector was just going off. I hadn’t been feeling well since our arrival. I should've known better than to come here and surround myself with so many people speaking in English accents, just like him.

  I stood up and smiled politely, gripping my book a little tighter, lest she find it rapidly approaching her face. "That’d be nice, thank you. Could you please let me know when my brother is done?"

  "Yes, of course. Right this way, Ms. Harper." I couldn't believe Carter was making me use that stupid name this whole trip. She turned to lead me down a hallway in search of the promised quiet haven. When I turned to follow her, I saw who’d been watching me. His striking violet eyes seemed to look right through me, and I couldn't help but blush. He was in an expensive tailored suit that made him look like perfection, but his messy auburn hair showed this man was not perfect. His hair didn’t detract from him, though. He was gorgeous, and I wondered why he was looking at me the way he was. For some reason, it hurt.

  Had I offended him? I wondered what I’d done, and when I looked back at him, I was hit with flashes of a day back in New York. I wondered if the man I’d once loved enough to run off with looked anything like this man. I pushed the thoughts aside and quickly hid in my reading room, fighting off tears. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I suspected it had everything to do with being in England. I really shouldn't have come. I was sure the flashes of old memories would only get worse. I settled into the chair, putting all thoughts of the beautiful violet-eyed man from my mind and losing myself in the safety and comfort of my book.


  I was on my way to yet another meeting. Carter Harper's presentation was promised to be a good one. He was supposed to be a well-seasoned investor. Duncan had told me that Mr. Harper would be bringing his sister along. I was not interested in Mr. Harper's sister, especially when Duncan described her as a glamorous platinum blonde beauty. He went on and on about this woman, as if he worshiped her, which was ridiculous, seeing as he'd never even met her.

  Apparently, she was pretty famous in the states, so of course, I was completely shocked as I entered the office to see a gorgeous petite ginger blonde. And not just any ginger blonde, but one who looked strikingly like my Hannah. My heart stopped for a moment as I watched her. It had to be her. She was reading that same book she’d always had with her. I wanted her to look at me and tell me why she’d left. What was she doing here? Why had she just completely disappeared?

  Brittney saw me staring, and in her true jealous bitch fashion, devised a plan to remove the beautiful woman from my sight. I was shocked when Brittney called her Ms. Harper. My chest ached for a moment. Was she married? That wouldn’t be inconceivable, given it’d been seven years since I’d seen her last. Then I heard her speak, she asked to be notified when her brother was done. Not her husband, her brother. I stared in shock. Was I seeing things? Carter Harper's sister was supposed to be a tall platinum blonde model, not a tiny ginger blonde girl.

  I was trying to will the image of Hannah out of my mind, when her eyes locked with mine. She showed no hint of recognition, though she had a pained expression, and her hand went to her head, as if she had a headache. Was she ill? Then she was gone.

  Duncan came up behind me and patted me on the back. "Come on, Will, we're running late!"


  I noticed William Greyson was distracted through most of my presentation. I was worried this trip was going to be a waste of time. When the meeting was over, he was still sitting at the table, lost in his thoughts. When the receptionist came in and asked me if I’d like her to get my sister, I said yes.

  A few moments later, Hannah walked in with her nose in her book, but I noticed how Mr. Greyson's eyes stayed on her. Hannah was beautiful, but I felt protective of her. She’d made it very clear she didn't want to date anyone, ever. I instinctively pulled Hannah into my arms and glared at Mr. Greyson.

  "Ready to go?" she asked me, and then she noticed I was glaring at someone. Startled that we weren't alone, she turned around to see who it was.

  "Oh, hello, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Hannah said to Mr. Greyson, and he looked like she’d hit him. This guy was definitely a strange one.


  I stood there, my heart pounding, and I kept telling myself this wasn't her, Hannah didn't have a brother, her last name was Madison, not Harper. The resemblance was amazing, though, and it hurt to look at her.

  "Mr. Greyson, this is my sister, Mary Harper," Carter introduced her, and she gave him a dirty look. What was that about?

  I thought it odd, the way she glared at her brother, when he said her name. Did she not want to be introduced? Of course not, I was the creepy guy staring at her.

  "Nice to meet you, Ms. Harper." I offered my hand, and she took it.

  An amazing surge of searing hot energy shot through me, just like it used to with Hannah. She blushed bright red at the same time, so I knew she'd felt it, too. This had to be her, but why was she pretending to be Mr. Harper's sister? She quickly retracted her hand, and Mr. Harper pulled her to his side a bit tighter and glared a little harder at me.

  "I thought your sister's name was Ophelia?"

  "That's my other sister."

  Mr. Harper picked up his laptop bag and guided his sister towards the door. I wanted to follow them. I had to know more. Was I insane? No, I couldn't be. I’d felt the same strange energy calling to me from her hand, it had to be her. I pulled out the only picture I had of her. It was just a little black and white one from a photo booth. She looked a little more mature now, with longer hair, slightly thinner waist, a fuller bosom and hips, and her features were a little more defined now. Maybe it wasn't Hannah. Maybe I was just insane. It had been seven years. She didn't seem to recognize me. Hannah would’ve known who I was, she would’ve remembered what we’d had.

  Monday morning rolled around, and I was just outside of my building, when Mr. Harper and his sister arrived. I stood back and watched, as she climbed out of the car with such grace. That couldn't have been her, I thought to myself. But then she tripped in true Hannah fashion, and Mr. Harper caught her in his arms. It seemed like second nature to him. Their conversation didn't even stop. The misstep didn't seem to register to either of them. Was she just as clumsy as Hannah? They got close enough for me to hear what they were discussing.

  "No, it's fine, Carter. I wanted to get something for Penny before it's time to leave."

  "Are you sure you don't want to wait? You won't get lost, will you?"

  "Don't be silly. I have my cell phone. I'll call if I need you."

  "Do you even get service here?"

  She pulled out her phone and sighed. "No, but I'll be fine. I won't go far."

  "Hannah, please, if I lose you, Ophelia will kill me."

  My heart stopped. Was I hearing things, or had Mr. Harper just called his sister Hannah?

  "You won't lose me."

  "Well, at least take my phone."

  "What good is that going to do? I can't call you if you don't have your phone."

  Before I knew what I was doing, I had my phone out and was handing it to her. My eyes never left her. "Take mine."

  The pair was startled by my voice, not even realizing I’d been there. She stood there shocked. She was staring at me, her hand on her head again, surprised by my offer.

  "Did I hear him right? Did he just call you Hannah?" I finally asked.

  Hannah was about to answer me, but Mr. Harper cut her off. "I called her honey, it’s just a nickname. I use it when I'm trying to persuade her not to get lost in a foreign country," Mr. Harper said with a little edge in his voice directed at her.

  Of course, I thought, I had to be slowly going insane. Mr. Harper took the phone from my hand and gave it to her. "Call me if you get lost. Thank you, Mr. Greyson. My sister, Ophelia, would kill me if I lost her."

  "Do you lose her often?" I asked curiously, and she glared at Mr. Harper.

  "She was lost once before."

  "Shut up, Carter," she snapped and whacked his arm.

  "Fine, go and get my niece something magnificent."

  "Alright," she conceded and kissed his cheek.

  "Be back here in two hours, you hear me?" Mr. Harper shouted after her, like an overprotective father. She waved over her shoulder, not looking back. When he turned, he was surprised to see me waiting for him.

  "Niece?" I asked.

  "Yeah, that's what happened last time she got lost. Not going to happen again," he glared at me. I wondered what’d happened the last time Ms. Harper had gotten lost. She had a daughter, she was Mr. Harper’s sister, named Mary, not Hannah. I was listing the reasons why Ms. Harper couldn’t have been my Hannah. She didn't recognize me at all, not in the slightest.

  The meeting was over, and I followed Mr. Harper out to his waiting sister. I stood back a little and watched as he snatched the book out of her hands, like an annoying sibling. She just rolled her eyes at him and grabbed it back.

  "Do you want to see what I found for Penelope?" she asked him.

  My heart clenched at Ms. Harper's words. How cruel fate was, to throw a woman in my path who looked like my Hannah and who had a daughter with the name we’d jokingly decided to name our future daughter. Penelope and Theodore, we’d had it all planned out. We would get married, after things settled down in the company, and we would have a family. I found it suddenly hard to breathe.

  I stood frozen and broken, as I watched them walk away. They had a plane to catch. She had a life and a daughter to get back to. They were about to step out the door, when she suddenly stopped and
came running back to me. I was sure I was hallucinating. Then she tripped, and I caught her in my arms. The energy exploded between us. I carefully righted her and reluctantly let her go.

  "Your phone, I almost took off with it. I'm so sorry, thank you very much for letting me use it."

  It took a moment for me to register what she was saying and take the phone from her. My next words surprised me. "Ms. Harper, can I take you for coffee some time?"

  She looked at me confused for a moment. "I…I live in New York, in the states."

  I suddenly realized my mistake. "Oh, yes, well, if I'm in New York, then?"

  "I suppose, yes, that’d be fine. Carter knows how to get ahold of me," she answered and then quickly turned and hurried away.

  I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to visit the Statue of Liberty.

  Chapter 4 - Not Feeling Very Mary


  I had no idea what’d possessed me to accept Mr. Greyson's invitation for coffee. I would’ve thought the word no would’ve been second nature, but I found myself saying yes, and it scared me half to death. I was silently thankful and disappointed at the same time that he most likely would never make good on his coffee offer, because he lived an ocean away.

  I’d been plied with English accents for the past few days, causing random memories to pop up like mad. Then there was Mr. Greyson, I didn't know what it was about him. I’d nearly thrown myself into his arms, when I’d returned his phone to him, and I’d hated when he’d set me right and let go of me. I wanted him to touch me again. He was a complete stranger, and the way my body had vibrated when we’d touched was just shocking. I’d never felt anything like it before.

  I wondered if that was what being attracted to a person really felt like. He was devastatingly handsome. So much so that my instincts were telling me to run, that he'd only hurt me if I spoke to him, but his touch, his odd captivating touch, erased my apprehension. It was ridiculous, really. The man lived on another continent. I knew I was setting myself up for trouble. My insides twisted with fear, and my mind flashed to another time. I remembered the man I’d run away with, but not really. I suddenly remembered the café…


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