In Love with a Stranger

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In Love with a Stranger Page 26

by Rose von Barnsley

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.” She snuggled into my side and yawned.

  “Rest, beautiful, this’ll all be over before you know it.”

  Once I knew she was sleeping deeply, I slipped out of bed to call my father. He must’ve seen my name on his caller ID, because he answered sounding frantic. “William, are you alright?”

  “Almost, I’m safe at the moment, but my PI has requested that I bring you into the investigation. Two of our suspects are in Nevada. One had been stalking Marvin Dooley, and we suspect the second one is behind the attack on him.”

  “Attack? Marvin Dooley is the fellow who defended Hannah all those years ago and caused the death of Lily’s brother. You think she’s in the states?”

  “That’s what we need your help with. Can you locate her? Stuart said he isn’t positive of her identity, but it’d be a strong motive for her to attack Marvin.”

  “I’ll get right on it and get back to you ASAP.”

  “Thank you,” I said and then hung up, before he could try and make any more conversation. I wasn’t ready to deal with him yet.

  Hannah was a crying mess, as we made our way to the airport. Ophelia would be accompanying them to New York and promised to make sure they made it to Carter’s home safely.

  I was determined to get things done as fast as possible. My father didn’t let us down. By the time I arrived in Nevada, he had faxed Stuart a new file. Lily was indeed in the U.S. and staying at a seedy motel in Carson City. He also sent new files on Layla and Marvin. He confirmed Layla had indeed been stalking Marvin, but even more disturbing, he suspected Marvin might’ve been stalking Hannah. Marvin had made inquiries regarding her whereabouts, and he’d made a short trip to London, before he’d flown into Nevada. He’d then attempted to bribe the registrar at their old college, looking for her previous home address. Stuart had said he’d claimed he was trying to look up old friends. I was livid that he’d dropped the ball on something so important as Hannah’s safety. I truly didn’t think Marvin had burned the shop down, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t cause harm to her in another way. The lapse was inexcusable.

  I wanted to say I was shocked, when my father showed up at Stuart’ headquarters eight hours after my asking him for assistance, but I wasn’t. I was ready to storm the hospital to get to Marvin and badger him into telling me what he knew, and then string him up for following my girl, but only family was allowed to visit. I found it disturbing that he had also put Hannah’s name on his allowed visitors list, but there was no way in hell I was bringing her in to talk to him.

  My father used his corrupt power to get one of his men in to question Marvin. I didn’t know how he had pulled it off, and I figured it was best that I didn’t question it, because it’d most likely been illegal.

  Marvin insisted he was only following Hannah because she was his friend, and he didn’t believe she was safe with me. He’d had no idea Layla was following him, and he hadn’t seen who’d shot him. Basically, he was useless to us.

  My father somehow got a hold of Layla. The fact that she was dragged into the room and restrained by two men didn’t make me feel any better about it. I couldn’t afford to be associated with any sort of crime, if I was going to be granted U.S. citizenship, and I was pretty sure what he’d done was considered kidnapping.

  I was going to confront him, but he put his hand up, stopping me. “Don’t say it, William. I know you don’t approve of my methods, but I won’t have my family put at risk. You knew I didn’t always handle things legally, but the urgency of the situation requires a hard hand. She won’t be harmed, but she will give us answers.”

  She was forcefully sat down into a chair. Any sane person would’ve been scared, but she looked pissed. “I know who you are!” she shouted, pointing at me. “You’re the bastard who can’t keep his girl satisfied. That slut of yours did something to my Marvin, and now he runs around after her all over the damn world! Well, she can’t take him from me! I’ll get rid of her. I was sure if she left New York, we’d finally be happy together, but she did something to him. That bitch ruined him!”

  “Did you find a way to make Hannah leave New York?” my father asked way too calmly in my opinion.

  “Who are you?” she sneered at him.

  “I’m someone with a common goal. I don’t want Hannah in New York, or around Marvin Dooley, either. I’d be happy to help you get rid of her.”

  “You bastard!” I lunged at him, but was held back by his goons. “I knew I couldn’t trust you!”

  “As you can see, we truly do have the same agenda, so can you tell me what progress you’ve made so far?” he asked, like they were having a pleasant dinner conversation.

  “I burned that bitch’s place down! She has nothing and nowhere to go,” Layla cackled, but then looked livid. “I was sure my plan had worked, but he’s still trying to follow her!”

  “It did work to some extent. I appreciate the push you gave her to leave New York. I have a bit of a vendetta against her myself.”

  “I swear I’ll kill you both, once I get my hands on you!” I struggled to get to my father.

  “William, don’t make me sedate you,” my father threatened, and another man opened a bag and pulled out a syringe.

  “You’re insane, you’re bloody insane!” I struggled against the men harder, scared I’d never see my family again.

  “Here’s my card, Madam. Please, call me if you make any more progress or need further assistance,” my father said with a sick smile. He nodded to the exit and opened the door for Layla, letting her leave. “Let’s go, Son, we have other matters to discuss.”

  The men didn’t let me go, but held fast, while they dragged me out the door. My father nodded down the block at a pair of policemen, who were casually approaching us. I was about to shout for assistance, when suddenly, someone opened fire on us. One of the men holding me was hit. My father slammed into me, and I felt the sharp burn in my arm. He laid over me, not letting me up. The man who was on my other side had been hit as well. He pulled out a gun of his own and shot up at a window in a building across the street.

  I looked up at the cops, hoping they were calling for help, and saw Layla’s lifeless body lying not too far from us. The cops were running toward the building with the shooter. I could only hope they’d catch them. It had to be Lily. If they could get their hands on her, my family would be safe.

  “William, answer me, answer me!” my father shouted frantically, and I looked at him, still in shock. “Where were you hit?” he panicked.

  I looked down at my body. After I was shot in my arm, I’d pulled it across my body to cradle it, and my whole chest was covered in blood. “My arm, just my arm.”

  “The ambulance is on its way,” the goon said to the other, who’d been shot in the leg. I was sure he’d been hit in the chest.

  My father must’ve recognized my bewildered expression. “This is Officers Turley and Jones. I was never in league with Layla, Son. I needed her to believe I was, so she’d talk.” He moved his shirt, exposing a wire. “The two policemen up the street where also in on it and were going to pick her up.”

  The men must’ve been wearing bulletproof vests. It was a good thing, because that was what had saved them.

  The sound of sirens blasted through the neighborhood. Several were not headed in our direction. I worried Lily was going to get away. Two ambulances took sharp turns down our street. One stopped by Layla’s prone body, and the other came to a halt right by us. The paramedics quickly hopped out, one came to me, and the other went to Officer Jones.

  “I was shot in my arm, nowhere else,” I informed him and looked over at the officer worried. I glanced across the way to see them loading Layla into the back of the ambulance, and then they were off.

  They were loading the officer into the ambulance, while the other paramedic wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and set into working on my arm. “Another ambulance is on its way,” he reassured my father.

  “I’m fine,” I insisted. I didn’t need an ambulance.

  “You will be, but you need to go in and be checked out,” the medic insisted. A third ambulance came rushing down the street, and the man who was with us waved them down.

  I was moved into the vehicle and was pissed, when my father climbed into the back with me. “Don’t start, Son. You need another person to stay with you. Unless you want your wife to come to Nevada with the shooter on the loose, you’ll have to make do with me.”

  The bastard was right. There was no way I was going to bring Hannah into this situation without knowing it was resolved for sure. I was certain the police would be able to apprehend Lily quickly, and this whole mess would be over soon.

  When we pulled up to the hospital, my phone began to ring. I ignored the disapproving look the medic gave me and answered it.

  It was Carter. “William, oh god, I’m so sorry!”

  My heart clenched. “What happened? What are you apologizing for?”

  “I have Penelope, but they took Hannah. She stepped out to get some milk at the corner store. She’s done it a million times-”

  “What do you mean they took Hannah?” I shouted at him.

  My father’s eyes darted to me, and he immediate pulled out his phone.

  “Was this you? Did you have something to do with this?” I grabbed the front of his shirt, ready to kill him. The medics pulled me off of him.

  “No, absolutely not, I’d never hurt your wife.”

  I turned my focus back on my phone. “Who took her, Carter?”

  “A witness said there was a man in a black van. When she didn’t return right away, I went looking for her. I swear I didn’t think this would happen.”

  “Who’s with Penelope now?”

  “Ophelia is at my house with the alarm set. There’s a cop on his way to take a statement and make a report. They have video footage.”

  “Did the footage show who it was, did they get the plate number, anything?” I asked frantically. I had to find my wife.

  “Ask him if a hired car was following the vehicle. One of my men isn’t responding to my calls. He’s the one on duty.”

  Carter must’ve heard my father, because he answered without me relaying the question. “Yes, they’re investigating the rental now.”

  “There’s a GPS in Samson’s phone, Richard can assist you. I’ll text you his number. What precinct are you working with?”

  “Fifty-fourth,” Carter answered again.

  “We’re on our way,” he replied, composed. He pulled out his phone and walked off in another direction. I wanted to follow, but was restrained by a nurse or doctor of some sort.

  “Come with me. We need to get your arm treated. It’ll only take a moment, and then you can be on your way.” His eyes cut over to where my father was standing. I suspected he’d overheard our conversation.

  I didn’t want to listen, but the man seemed to be working quickly. I felt the painful sting of antiseptic, as he cleaned my wound and wrapped it.

  A woman shoved a clipboard and a pen into my hands. “Please fill these out.”

  The man working on my arm glared at her, and she rolled her eyes in response. She was about to walk away, when he stopped her. “Hold the clipboard, so he can write while I work.”

  “He can-” she started.

  “Hold it now! He has another emergency to tend to. You will help him, or I’ll report you,” he threatened.

  She scoffed at him, but did what he said. I thanked him. I just hoped I could get out of here and to my wife before she was hurt. I’d never forgive myself if she was.

  Chapter 34 – RUN!


  It’d been four hours since I’d been grabbed. I knew Carter had to have noticed I was missing by now. I had no idea who the man was who’d taken me. When I begged him not to hurt me, he said it wasn’t his job. I was locked in a vacant master bedroom of an old rundown apartment. There was no furniture, and the only window had been painted shut and was boarded from the outside. I could see between the boards and could tell there was no fire escape by it. I was at least three stories up. Even if I could’ve gotten it open, there would’ve been no way to get down. The fact that there was absolutely nothing in the room or bathroom to break the window, so I could call for help, had pretty much sealed my fate. I was trapped and at the mercy of a man who seemed to have absolutely no interest in me, which was a blessing in itself.

  I heard him talking in the other room, but I couldn’t make out the words. I could only guess he was on a phone, because the conversation was one-sided. I heard his footsteps fade and the outer apartment door shut. I waited, careful not to make any noise to give away that I was listening, just in case he hadn’t actually left. I didn’t want to upset him and risk him hurting me and possibly hurting my baby.

  The bedroom door was locked from the outside, but I jiggled and shook the decrepit handle. I wedged my fingers under the old door and braced my feet on the wall, trying to pull it off kilter or even break the damn thing. I could pry it a good three inches from the frame and painfully wedged my hand up the side, shaking it in hopes of knocking it loose. Old doors were sometimes unsettled, and I knew if I could shift it just right, it’d pop open.

  I cried in relief, when it eventually sprang open. I scrambled up from the floor, ignoring my throbbing hands, and ran to the front door, only to find it locked with a key, which I didn’t have. I frantically looked for a way out and spotted another window. I knew there had to be a fire exit in the apartment somewhere. I was met by another boarded and painted shut window, and when I peeked out of it, I could see the old fire escape was rusted and mostly detached from the building. I could see the street from this window through the cracks, and I saw that the whole neighborhood looked rundown and on the verge of being demolished. In fact, there was a crane across the way with a wrecking ball attached. I knew my only hope would be to break the window and call for help.

  The bastard who’d taken me had been quick to discard my purse, which had had my phone in it. I had a feeling the whole building was vacant, because I couldn’t hear anything, no rattling pipes or clomping feet or music. The time of day it was, people would be getting home from work, and I didn’t see anyone heading toward the build or any of the surrounding buildings.

  I searched the place, hoping to find something, anything, to break the window, but there was nothing. The pipe under the sink looked loose, and I tried to get it to come off, but then I heard the man coming back, and it sounded like he was dragging something with him, something big. I rushed back to my room, but I unlocked the door before I shut it. I prayed he wouldn’t notice and would be called away again, so I could try to escape once more.

  I heard a thud, a groan and then a gunshot. I jumped, covering my mouth, trying not to make a sound. I’d thought I was safe. The man hadn’t done anything to hurt me yet, but he obviously wasn’t above killing a person, because the groaning was silenced. I cried quietly, scared for myself and my baby.

  I must’ve cried myself to sleep, because I awoke to the slamming of the front door. I glanced out the window and saw it was no longer evening, but morning. My adrenaline must’ve crashed, knocking me out.

  “What’s this?” I heard a woman shout. I’d never heard her voice before, so I had no clue who she was.

  “He was snooping around,” the man said nonchalantly.

  “What if someone looks for him?” she countered.

  “You know they’re looking for the girl. What difference is it if someone is looking for this guy? This place is laced with explosives and will blow both their dead bodies to pieces this afternoon.”

  I jumped to my feet, panicking. I had to find a way to get away or at least hide. The empty closet would offer no cover, but when my eyes settled on the bathroom, I noticed the lock was turned the right way. I could lock myself in there and possibly buy some more time. I had to believe they were looking for me. I just prayed they were close and would find me soon.

/>   I quickly ran to the bathroom and shut the door as quietly as possible. The clicking of the lock sounded so loud to my ears, but they didn’t seem to notice it. I moved away from the door into the little shower enclosure to the side of the door, in hopes of staying away from any gunfire, if they tried to shoot it open. I knew it was only a matter of time before they got to me. I begged God again to please help me and save my baby. I needed to save my baby.

  The bedroom door slammed open, and I held my breath.

  “Where the hell is she? This door was unlocked. Did you let that bitch escape?” the woman snarled.

  “There’s no way she could get out of here.”

  “Did you leave her alone to deal with that corpse?” the woman snapped.

  “Yes, but the door was locked. I’m sure of it. I had to unlock it to get in,” the man defended, upset.

  “You’re an incompetent imbecile!” the woman shouted at him. I knew she wasn’t anyone I knew, but her English accent made my heart sink. She had to be someone involved with Henry. I didn’t think it was Lily, because William had said she was in Nevada. It didn’t make sense that she’d be in New York. Even if she was, there was no way she’d have known where I was.

  I heard the squeak of the accordion closet door being smashed open. “She’s not in here, check the bathroom,” I heard the man suggest. I knew my time was up. I took one last deep breath and closed my eyes, waiting for it all to come to an end.

  I heard the doorknob rattle, and the woman shouted for the key. The man said there wasn’t one and started kicking the door.

  “Stand back,” I heard the woman shout. I knew this would come. The gunshot rang out, and wood splintered across the room. There was another kick, and they were in. The man yanked me out of the shower and threw me onto the bedroom floor.

  I looked up at the blonde woman and knew exactly who she was. I’d stared at her picture, contemplating her motive and guilt. I guess she was proving it.


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