Wait for the Wind

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Wait for the Wind Page 7

by Brynna Curry

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Aunt Liv is screaming. She’s hurting. Something’s wrong, Mom, we have to go.” Allaina tugged at her lab coat.

  “How do you know that? Did you get a call from her?”

  “Her screams are splitting my head.” Devin grabbed her hand. “Got a bag?”

  Her daughter had come home safe, but hadn’t they noticed how trashed the clinic was? “No.” Was he blind? “Stay here, Allie.”

  “I’m going.”

  “Your dad’s in my office cleaning up the mess. Stay and help him find supplies.”

  “I can’t transport you both, Allie.”

  “Fine. I’m sorry about your clinic, Mom.”

  Kate knew her daughter would be right behind her, one way or another.

  “Close your eyes, Kate.”

  She obeyed. When she opened them again, she was standing in Liv’s kitchen. Jack held Liv’s head in his lap. His face was wet with tears, his expression worried.

  Molly clung to her daughter’s hand and bathed her pale face with a washcloth. “Kate. The clinic line didn’t ring and your cellphone went to voice mail. I think she passed out from the pain.”

  Or the blood loss, so much of it everywhere. When she looked at Liv, she froze. Sister. Friend. Dying.

  Devin grabbed her shoulders, shook her and looked into her eyes. She’d probably have bruises from his fingertips later. “That’s right. She’s your sister. The sister of your heart. You have the power to save her. Will you let her die because you’re afraid? Remember why you became a doctor. They’re all counting on you.”

  As good as a slap, his words had her snapping to attention. “Devin, Jack. Pick her up gently and lay her on the table. Be very careful. We’ll have to do this here.”

  She watched as Devin swirled his fingers in Liv’s direction. Kate’s hair ruffled as he stirred the air, lifting Liv. Liv descended gently to rest on the tabletop.

  “Um. Thank you.”

  Kate saw Liv’s eyes flutter open on a new wave of pain. She pulled a penlight out of her pocket and lifted Liv’s eyelids, checking the pupils.

  “Kate? Kate, I’m scared. Where’s Jack? Jack.”

  “I’m behind you. It’s going to be all right. I promise.” Jack soothed from one end of the table.

  “What happened?” Kate demanded. Had she fallen? Hurt herself in any way?

  “I’ve just felt weak and nauseous. I thought I was okay.”

  “Listen to me. I’m going to take care of you. Don’t be afraid. The baby’s coming now.”

  “Too early.”

  “A little bit, but I have faith in her and you. Trust me.”

  Those storm cloud eyes met hers as they had for years. Direct. Trusting. No way in hell was she going to lose them.

  “We’re going to have to do this the old-fashioned way, honey. I don’t have anything to give you for the pain.”

  A loud bang sounded in the living room as Skye, Ryan and Allaina all tried to get through the door at once.

  “Don’t break my house. I plan on needing it for awhile. Can’t a woman have a bit of privacy?” Liv’s voice crackled, but Kate heard the strength in it and felt steadier, until Liv’s screams once again split the air.

  “Do you want them to leave?”

  “No. I’ll feel stronger with them here.”

  “Skye, take Liv’s hand. Ryan you take the other one.” Liv’s brothers moved to comply. “Allie, get me some towels, scissors, and clean water. Get it as hot as you can and put the scissors in it.”

  Kate stopped adjusting Liv’s dress long enough to watch Allie materialize two fluffy blue towels from the linen cabinet. A bowl of water appeared next to it. She watched Allie’s lips move and steam began to rise from the bowl.

  “Okay. Later, I’ll have to ask what you’ve been teaching her, Devin.”

  “And I’ll tell all.” He winked at her.

  Kate smiled at him. “Jack, help her sit up a little and support her back. Devin, sure you want to stay for this?”

  He nodded.

  “Is there anything you can do to ease her pain?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Do what you can. Molly, I need you here.” Kate watched Devin move to the head of the table and stand beside Jack. He whispered in Liv’s ear, while rubbing her temples in circles.

  Kate crouched down. God, there was so much blood. More than there should be. She sensed Molly move beside her, waiting to help her grandchild into the world.

  “On the next contraction, I want you to push, Liv.”


  “I’m right here.”

  “I feel like I’m floating.”

  “Devin’s magic. I think he’s trying to drug you with it.”

  “Helps. Oh God, not enough.”

  * * * *

  She felt another insidious wave of lava-scorched heat arch through her back and belly. The pain of it was almost more than she could bear. She wanted to live, wanted to bring Jack’s baby into the world, but didn’t think she could survive the hell.

  “Push, Liv.”

  Kate’s voice urged her. She bore down with the pain and screamed in agony. A hand pressed gently against her spine at her waist. Not Jack. Devin? She began to feel a numbness creep into her toes and travel up her legs. Then his burrish voice brushed her mind.

  “I can’t take the pain away. I’m trying, but you’ve lost so much blood.”

  “If I die, you have to watch over him for me, both of them.”

  “You will not die.”

  “Promise me you’ll do as I ask.”

  “My word, a laird’s promise.”

  Another push and Liv felt the baby’s head crown and enter the world. Her baby. Jack would never be alone. She could go in peace.


  * * * *

  Kate caught the baby and wrapped it tightly in one of the warm blue towels Allie handed her. “It’s a boy, Liv, with a head full of jet black hair.” A soft mewling cry sounded through the room. She clipped the umbilical cord and gave him over to Molly so she could finish with Liv.

  Liv cried out again and pushed once more.

  Kate barely had time to grab the other towel before another baby slipped into her waiting hands. Twins? She hadn’t seen a second baby in any of the tests.

  “There’s our darling girl. Looks like we both got our wish, honey.” Jack smiled in awe.


  “Skye, take her while I deal with Liv.” Kate gave the other twin to Skye and checked over the first baby quickly. She heard the girl wail. Good.

  “Kate!” Devin and Jack shouted to her at once. Both were mentally connected to Liv, focused on her conscious.

  She turned her attention back to the table. Liv was pale white. Her eyes were closed. Her chest barely moved. “Molly, I need you to take the babies to the counter. Clean them as best you can.”

  “I need to help my daughter.” Molly tried to hand off the little boy to Ryan.

  “Take care of her children. You can’t help her now. Please.”


  “Please, Ma, just take care of them.” She’d never called Molly that, but it was the truth in her heart.


  “Devin, Jack, stay with her. Ryan, I need to talk to you.” Kate walked into the living room and without thinking about it wiped her bloodied hands on her lab coat. Ryan stepped in behind her.

  “Tell me there’s something you can do. She’s dying. Isn’t there something you can do?” Ryan wrapped his arms around her and held on tight.

  “I can’t do anything more. She’s lost so much blood. She is beyond my power now, but not yours.”


  “Your healing gift, Ryan. You can save her. You may be the only one who can. I always knew you were given your power for a reason and this is it. I believe in you. I know you can do this.”

  Ryan pulled away and shook his head. “I couldn’t before.”

  “Only time can he
al a broken heart, but you can heal her body. She will die, if you don’t at least try.”

  * * * *

  Ryan felt panic creep up and try to take hold. Could he do this? What choice did he have? He let his mind clear, left his heart open. “Lay her back down on the table.”

  “What are you going to do to her?” Jack asked, worried.

  “Heal her if I can.”

  “You can do that?”

  “I’m going to try. I can’t promise more than that. It’s been so long since I used the gift to heal a person.” Liv’s face was pale and gray. Please let this work. Ryan laid his open hands on Liv’s belly, closed his eyes and let all the love he had for his family wash over him, through him and surround his sister. His chest and stomach felt like it was being torn to shreds.

  “So much pain.” He felt a small hand cover his.

  “I got your back, Dad.”

  Ryan smiled as he sensed Allie’s thin thread of energy wrap around his power and make it stronger.

  Three more hands rested on his back. In this open state of mind, he knew they belonged to Jack, Skye and Devin. They lent what power they possessed, strengthening his gift. Ryan felt the pain worsen and he’d known it would, like the last time he’d healed.

  Opening his eyes, he saw Kate take their daughter’s hand and Liv’s limp one in hers. Love and pride shone in her naked gaze. A rush of wind whipped around them at her touch. He realized she completed their circle.

  “Heart of gold, sweet and pure, I implore you to endure. Life you gave and life you’ll give. As we will, so mote it be.” The words didn’t rhyme as they would for his songs, but his heart needed to speak them.

  “Well done, Ryan. Look! Her color is coming back.”

  Devin was right. The gray pallor had been washed away by a healthy pink. Liv opened her eyes and they were bright and clear.

  “Ryan. Your gift? Thank you.”

  “Not only mine. I love you, Liv. Welcome back.”

  Ma moved beside him and placed the little girl in Liv’s arms. Jack took the boy.

  “Have you decided on names?”

  “Yes.” It was Jack who spoke now. “Welcome Aiden Michael Roarke and…”

  “Raine Elisabeth Roarke.” Liv brushed a raven downy wisp of hair off her daughter’s forehead.

  And it punched through his gut. I missed it. I missed seeing Allaina so small and fragile. I wasn’t there to protect her. I can’t get that back.

  “You’ve been blessed. Both of you. Never forget that.” He patted his brother-in-law on the back and kissed his sister’s forehead.

  Chapter 12

  Devin opened the door into the darkened bar with a sense of purpose. The smell of cigars and whiskey was an unwelcome assault. He’d tried to give up the lesser vices over the years. A man stepped in front of him, blocking the entrance to the back room.

  “Where do you think you’re going, mate?” The burly guy opened his jacket just enough for Devin to see the butt of his pistol. Please. Like that was going to help him.

  “I have an appointment with Milligan. If you know what’s good for you, step aside.”

  The man snarled, but didn’t budge.

  Devin raised his palm in a stopping motion. “Are you stupid or something? I could kill you here and no one would say a word. We need not bother them with our little discussion this evening.” He waved toward the customers scattered across the room. Forks froze, speech slowed to a stop. Drinks floated frozen in time as they were being poured. “Open the door.”

  The man jumped out of the way, allowing Devin passage. Idiot. Some people just couldn’t sense danger, even when it was staring them in front of their face. Seamus Milligan sat behind a desk covered in spent cigars and ledgers. The bookie looked up, unconcerned at the intrusion.

  “You are Seamus Milligan? Do I have it correct?” Devin clenched a fist at his side and began pulling on his power. He’d let this end well, if possible. Otherwise, he came prepared to do whatever was necessary. No one harmed those in his charge.

  “I am. What’s your business here?”

  “You hold a gambling debt in Mick O’Connell’s name.”

  “What of it?”

  Devin shut the door behind him and locked it. “No. You are going to give me the notes he owed and return every penny Kate O’Connell paid you. You’re also going to give me the funds to cover the damage to her practice.”

  Milligan pulled a revolver from the desk drawer and pointed the barrel at Devin’s chest and fired. “I don’t think so.”

  He deflected the bullet. “I do.” He lifted his fist and opened it, slowly revealing a waving flame. The flame lifted, rolled into a ball, and hovered. “Want to try again?”

  “What the hell are you?”

  “First, I’m a wizard, second a warrior, third a laird of old. Kate and her family are under my protection. You have three seconds to choose. Do you want to live or die? And I must warn you, the latter won’t be quick. Consider yourself fortunate you have the choice.”

  The man jumped up and removed the picture behind his head to reveal a safe built into the wall. He unlocked it and handed Devin a stack of bills. “That’s all I have. Every penny. There’s about a hundred thousand. It’s everything. Please, wizard. Just don’t kill me.”

  Devin split the bills in half and tossed a portion to the man. “I only want what belongs to Kate. The notes. Now.”

  Milligan handed him an envelope. Devin took it between his fingers. The paper turned to ash instantly. The man whimpered and began a snivelly sort of crying.

  “Shut up and listen to me. I want to make sure you understand. If you ever come near what’s mine again, if you even think of my family’s name again, I will find you. It doesn’t matter where you try to hide. There is no escape from me. I will melt your skin off slowly and relish your screams, and then I’ll boil your innards and feed them to my cat.”

  “I understand.”

  “I protect what’s mine. Remember that.”

  Then, just for added effect, Devin snapped his fingers and vanished himself back to his apartment.

  * * * *

  Kate followed Ryan into Allie’s room. His strong arms carried their sleepy twelve-year-old as if she weighed nothing. A mix of baby pink and blue roses covered the comforter on the bed. She pulled back the sheets so Ryan could lay her down and tuck her in.

  “She’s wiped out.”

  “It’s been an eventful day for everyone.” Ryan flipped off the lights. “She isn’t afraid of the dark. Is she?”

  “No. Not since she learned to create light balls. It’s humbling to see the things she can do sometimes. I guess I need to call Carrie and tell her not to come in tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll get the clinic open for business again. Those loan sharks won’t stop until they get their money.”

  Ryan pulled her toward the sofa and patted the cushion beside him. “I think you’ve heard the last from them. Devin called me earlier. He paid Seamus Milligan a visit after he left Liv’s house.”


  “He wouldn’t give me details other than the ‘I protect what is mine’ line and that your clinic would be ready for use tomorrow. With Devin sometimes it’s better not to ask. All you have to worry about is us.”

  He snuggled her into his chest and Kate wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I love you, Kate O’Connell. And I love our, wonderful, magical daughter.”

  Ryan kissed her slowly at first, then deeper, faster, as if his life centered on her existence. She fell into his kiss, felt him lift her into his arms as easily as he had Allie.

  “But what about Allie? She might hear.”

  “Honey, she’s asleep and since she’s very smart young lady, I’m sure she knows we’ve had sex before.”

  Kate laughed. Carrying her over the threshold into her bedroom, he pushed the door to with his heel. Ryan set her gently on the bed and then walked back across the room and turned the lock. He peeled his t-shirt over his head as h
e walked back to her.

  “I love you, Ryan. Make love to me.”

  Ryan removed the rest of his clothing. The bed dipped when he sat down beside her. “You’re overdressed for the occasion.”

  “I bet you can help me with that.” She leaned in and kissed him while he fumbled with the buttons on her shirt.

  “My pleasure.”

  Two of the buttons popped off before he gave up and ripped the thin material open. Sliding the ruined blouse off her shoulders, he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. She shimmied out of her jeans and panties. They landed on the edge of the bed.

  Impatient, she pulled him down on top of her. She needed to feel his skin against her. “I need you.”

  He settled between her thighs and Kate enfolded him as he glided into her.


  “I missed you. God, how I’ve missed you.”

  She moved with him in a remembered dance of passion and heat, of heart and hope. She’d craved his touch, the feel of him like a bone-deep ache nothing would ease.

  “I love you, Ryan, ever and always.” She flew apart in his arms and felt him join her.

  “Marry me, Kate.” Ryan breathed in her ear as her heartbeat began to settle. “I love you. I need both of you in my life.” The wind outside the bedroom window howled and shook the glass. Rain spattered through open window.

  “I’d love to.” Kate smiled into the darkness as the wind calmed and the rain settled to a soft pattering on the tin roof.

  Brynna Curry

  Ryan and Kate are very special to my heart. I ruthlessly put Ryan through heck and back with the smuggling ring and Liv’s kidnapping in Earth Enchanted. Still, even the most misguided soul needs redemption and hope. In Kate O’Connell he finds his past, future and a second chance at love.

  In Kate I see a lot of myself. She’s determined, smart and isn’t afraid to buckle down and do what needs to be done. She’s also a young mother, giving birth to Allaina at eighteen and managing to finish medical school. Nothing is as important as her daughter. At seventeen I gave birth to my son, L.J. and while I didn’t have to raise him alone it’s still a terrifying place to be at such a young age.


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