Love's Story

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Love's Story Page 27

by Christner, Dianne; Billerbeck, Kristin;

  Feeling uneasy at the attention she’d received entering the church, Rachel patiently waited until everyone had left the building to rise from her seat. Perhaps Maria was right; I shouldn’t have come. She had noticed the looks she got from both Mrs. Steele and the town’s men, all of them looking as though they’d like to eat her for lunch. The men had eyed her lustfully, and Gretchen’s eyes had fixed upon her with a deep rage. This certainly wasn’t the reaction she had intended.

  Seth had followed his parents out earlier, and Rachel was agonizing over how to leave the sanctuary without being the object of attention once again. Her gown was simply too much for a small town like Searsville, and as the town’s teacher, she should have known better.

  Just as the last person exited, Rachel rose, and her pulse raced at the sight of Chase Dylan ducking through the doorway. He was handsomely dressed in a gray pin-striped suit with a black tie, and his dark, thick hair was combed neatly to the side. Rachel’s heart thundered at the sight of him, and her hand went quickly to her chest as though to keep her feelings to herself. Momentarily, she was glad for her gown choice, hoping he would take notice and feel differently.

  Chase strode confidently toward Rachel and she was caught breathless as he smiled, but to her dismay, he continued walking past her row toward Pastor Swayles at the altar. Rachel’s shoulders dropped with disappointment, and she remained transfixed on his back until a small voice startled her: “Bye.”

  “Seth, did you come to find me?” The toddler’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Well, bless your heart. You certainly know how to escort a lady properly.” Rachel lovingly reached for his outstretched arms to lift his little body to her hip.

  “Pastor Swayles, forgive me. I know this probably isn’t the best time.” Chase also had been caught breathless from the striking sight of Rachel in her city gown. He had never seen anything more exquisite than Rachel in the soft pink dress, and her appearance threw him. It took every ounce of his inner strength and a quick prayer to walk past her, but he knew by the very display she was making today that a conversation between them would be powerful ammunition against her among the townspeople.

  “Chase, don’t be silly. My work is done here. How may I be of service?” Pastor Swayles asked. “Perhaps, you’d like to have a ceremony of your own performed?” The pastor nodded slyly toward Rachel, and Chase became flustered; his mouth opened yet he remained silent.

  “Oh, come on now, Mr. Dylan. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice?” The pastor needled.

  “Of course, Pastor Swayles. Miss Phillips is quite beautiful today, but I see she already has a date,” Chase said, trying to make light of the situation by referring to Seth.

  “Well, I suppose it’s just as well. Never see the girl in Sunday service anyway.”

  The comment was a splash of cold water in his face. Rachel hasn’t been to church? Why not? Were the women of Searsville too cruel or were there deeper, more important reasons for her to not attend service? Chase’s mind was reeling with the possibilities. He tried to compose himself quickly, and remembered his reason for speaking with Pastor Swayles.

  “Uh… Joseph and Martha Williams, friends of mine from Redwood, are in the process of remodeling their hotel, the American House. Mr. Williams has elected to stay and oversee the finishing work, but Mrs. Williams is in need of some temporary housing, and I was wondering if you thought asking Thelma Hopper might be appropriate.”

  “I don’t see why not. Mr. Hopper is running his mill this winter since there’s been no rain to speak of, so he’s not likely to be back until the holidays. I’ll speak with her if you like.”

  “That’s a fine suggestion, Pastor. Perhaps I’ll discuss it with Mrs. Hopper as well today at the reception.” Chase walked away, thankful his plan had worked. His mind was full of Rachel and her present status in the community. What happened while I was gone? Maybe she met someone. He had never declared his feelings for her before he left for Redwood; perhaps that had been a mistake.

  “Rachel, we’re going to sit for a while under the tree. Maria is worn out from all the excitement.” Robert motioned to his wife’s rounded belly, and Maria smiled self-consciously. Rachel relinquished Seth’s hand, and he followed his parents under the pleasant shade of a nearby oak. Rachel stood motionless, unsure if she should follow them or stay put where her path might again cross Chase Dylan’s.

  “Beesh, Beesh!” Seth announced ecstatically, pointing toward the lake.

  “Come sit down, sweetheart.” Maria hadn’t understood the words, but that wasn’t unusual with the toddler’s limited vocabulary. The little boy stamped his foot in defiance, but finally followed his parents when he saw them seated under the large tree near the lake.

  Rachel walked toward the bride and groom to offer her congratulations, but was stopped by a harsh, familiar tone. “Have you not caused enough trouble today, Miss Phillips?” Gretchen Steele leered down her nose at the small woman before her. Her face was wrinkled in revulsion.

  “I beg your pardon, Mrs. Steele?” Rachel’s tone was sugar-sweet and peppered with mock innocence.

  “Gretchen, it’s so nice to see you. So sorry we were just passing in Redwood.” Chase Dylan interrupted the conflict, addressing the widow as though she were the only woman present.

  Rachel opened her mouth, anxious to speak with Chase, but she closed it quickly at the obvious slight.

  “Chase my dear, what a pleasant surprise. Now, you haven’t forgotten the special trip to Redwood have you?” Gretchen smirked as she looked over toward her female rival, relishing the moment of being Chase Dylan’s chosen one. Chase wanted with all his heart to explain to Rachel about Henry’s independent trip to Redwood to ride the steam engine, but he knew it would only cause more friction.

  “Of course not, Gretchen. I’d be happy to discuss it with you.” Chase extended his arm and led Mrs. Steele gallantly toward the lake, protecting his beloved from the widow’s wrath. Rachel stood stunned, a painful expression coming over her. She looked down at her dress with disgust. A lot of good this thing did me.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Phillips.” A large, burly man with a blond mustache and beard and a plaid shirt, loomed over Rachel.

  “Hello,” Rachel said with an absent nod.

  “The name’s Jack Burbank, bullwhacker, pardon me, Ma’am, bullmaster for Dylan Mills in Portola Valley.” Jack’s forwardness released an endless stream of men who came to introduce themselves to the pretty schoolteacher and take their chances, but Rachel’s heart was decidedly spoken for. Surrounded by loggers from every local mill, she continued to make polite conversation while she intently watched Chase romantically stroll, arm in arm, with Gretchen Steele.

  I was right about him all the time. He’s an arrogant, good-for-nothing, two-timing wretch, Rachel thought. But if he was all of those things, why was she so miserable watching his familiar gait along their path near the water with another woman?

  Rachel’s attention was suddenly wrenched away from the couple, and she gasped in horror. “No!” The crowd eyed her with confusion and milled about, forming into a large group.

  In the distance, Rachel could see Seth’s diminutive figure splashing freely at the edge of the lake near the oak where his parents had once been. She cried out, “Seth, no!” But the little boy only turned and grinned as he dodged from sight behind a large tree, splashing farther out into the lake.

  Lifting her skirt, Rachel began running as rapidly as her legs would allow. “No, God! No! You can’t have him! Do what you will with me, but not my Seth!” She was so angry at God right now, she spat a series of angry protests up to the Lord she once had loved. “You will not take another from me. I will fight this time! Do You hear me?”

  Perhaps if she’d fought before, she might be living with her mother and brother still in a posh mansion in San Francisco. Another splash alerted Rachel, and she knew if Seth fell into the deeper part of the murky water, he might never be found. She summoned sudden new strength, and her pace q
uickened beyond what she thought she was capable. The noise from the reception dwindled, and once again all eyes focused on Rachel and her as yet unexplained behavior.

  “Seth, Seth!” Rachel screamed as she finally reached the path near the lake. The onlookers watched as Rachel disappeared behind the great oak near the water’s edge, the object of her desperate speed a complete mystery to them. Once Rachel reached the dark green pool, she could see only Seth’s hands flailing wildly on the surface, his head and body submerged.

  She raced into the lake and grabbed her precious little roommate, dragging him swiftly toward the water’s edge, fighting her heavy skirt. She placed the small boy over her knee and began to repeatedly rub his back forcefully, sobbing, “Seth, Seth! Please, oh please, don’t leave me. You can’t have him! Do You hear me?” Rachel screamed frantically.

  “Gretchen, go get Doc Winter, NOW!” Chase had finally understood what was happening and ran to Rachel’s side, taking the boy from her and laying him carefully on the soft ground. Chase pressed the boy’s stomach and the child promptly began to cough and sputter water. Soon Seth was wailing loudly. “Well, little fella, it looks like you’re going to be fine,” Chase chuckled, sitting back in the dirt with a sigh.

  Rachel had lifted Seth’s head to her shoulder and embraced the boy with all her strength, then separated from him. “Seth, you must never go in the water without Mama or Papa or Rachel, do you understand?” Rachel rested her hand upon Seth’s cheek and stroked it soothingly. Seth inhaled raggedly between cries and calmed enough to nod his head.

  “Beesh, beesh,” Seth said in explanation.

  “Seth, we catch fish with a pole, not by swimming. You are not to go in the lake again, do you understand?” Rachel’s voice was stern and the little boy nodded tearfully.

  “What on earth happened?” Robert’s surprise at Rachel’s appearance was quickly replaced by fear at the sight of his son. “Seth!” The small boy looked at his father’s face and began to cry heartily once again. Robert picked up his son and held him tightly. “This is all my fault. Maria needed a rest so I took her into the church for a moment; we thought Seth was right behind us.” Robert exhaled deeply.

  “It’s all right, Robert. He’s fine. Just had a little scare, that’s all.” Rachel’s voice was gentle and soothing. “Let’s get him home with his Mama and pour him a tall glass of buttermilk; I know that will make him feel better.” Rachel stood up, entangled in the dripping, muddied mess that had once been her dress. The beautiful pale pink gown was ruined, but Rachel didn’t care one wink; her precious Seth was safe.

  “Rachel?” Chase’s familiar voice made her want to cry all over again. She looked up and tossed her head to free her face from the wet, tangled mass of ringlets that stuck to her cheek.

  “What is it?” She asked, crying easily now.

  “I’m so very sorry,” Chase said sincerely, his bluish-green eyes gazing warmly into her own. Rachel didn’t know exactly what he was sorry about, but she assumed his apology referred to Seth’s accident. Rachel smiled in vague acknowledgment and followed father and son toward their ranch. She turned and glanced at the handsome sawyer, his clothes soaked from cuddling Seth. Rachel felt a loss that was overwhelming, the kind she’d felt when leaving her mother and baby brother on the pier in San Francisco. It wasn’t just Seth, it was the acknowledgment that Chase Dylan didn’t want her the same way that she longed for him.

  “If Doc Winter comes, send him to the ranch, please,” Rachel added.

  “Certainly I will,” Chase agreed readily. He turned to find the entire reception had migrated to the lake and probably had witnessed Rachel’s wrathful outburst against God, not to mention her dripping frame. It was suddenly clear to Chase why Rachel had not been attending church. She was angry at God, angry and bitter. The very thought caused Chase to grieve for the woman he loved. Oh Rachel, why have you forsaken God when you need Him the most?

  Chapter 13

  Rachel, we’re going to have a family prayer time, praising the Lord for saving our Seth. Will you join us?” Robert asked, peeking his head into the doorway of Rachel’s lighted room.

  “I don’t think so, Robert. I’d like to get a little work done.” Rachel dropped her head and continued to scratch with her quill on the paper before her.

  “Rachel, let me rephrase that. We have everything to be thankful for today. Our son was spared from a dreadful, untimely death. Seth admires and loves you. Whether or not you choose to give proper credit to the Lord, that’s your business alone, but tonight you will join us for Seth’s sake. This house rests upon the foundation of the Lord; we thought you understood that when you moved here. You will honor that as long as you live in this house.” Robert’s face was red as he spoke through tightly clenched teeth.

  Rachel was appalled. She had never even heard Robert get angry before, much less carry on in such a way. Robert’s voice was low and steady, but unmistakably commanding. He turned, expecting her to follow. Rachel was livid at his audacity. They are the ones that should be grateful! They can thank God all they want, but He’s the one who wanted to take Seth away from them. Don’t they understand? God always wants the good ones. If I hadn’t seen Seth, he would have died today. Rachel’s thought pattern remained unchanged as she grimaced and followed Robert into the front parlor.

  “Oh, there you are, Seth’s been waiting for you. I’m so relieved you decided to join us.” Maria’s voice called from the kitchen.

  Seth plopped himself in Rachel’s lap and his parents gathered around him, thanking the Lord that He had used Rachel to save their special little boy. Rachel closed her eyes out of respect for Robert and Maria, but inside she fumed.

  The following Monday Rachel learned that Dennis and Aubrey had dropped out of school after learning their dreams were lost to them because they didn’t know their sums. Rachel felt broken. She had become so embittered since moving to Searsville, but all the while she had taken solace in the knowledge that she was a good teacher. Rachel was starting to see how her negative attitude was taking a toll on those around her.

  She wondered how she could have become so insensitive to other people’s feelings, making sport of the two older boys. Normally, she would have instantly prayed about the situation, but she had given up prayer altogether. God was not listening, and praying just seemed a waste of time.

  The weekly quilting circle had gathered at Mrs. Davenport’s home and Rachel Phillips was the main topic of discussion.

  “Did you see her dress?” Mrs. Irving asked, her short fingers working diligently on the quilt piece before her.

  “Disgraceful; and her the village schoolteacher!” replied Mrs. Davenport. “Soaking wet and muddied in front of the whole town; what a shame for you, my dear.” Mrs. Davenport directed her comment to Mrs. Thorne, mother of the bride.

  “I know, it was terrible. And the reception was going along so beautifully, too,” Mrs. Thorne answered pitifully, her head shaking in self-pity, “I certainly hope Veronica and Jeremiah will soon forget the whole incident. Such a terrible blight on the beginning of their marriage. Veronica certainly got more than she bargained for when she politely invited that, that teacher of hers. I tried to tell her, women like that have no place in decent society. But, you know my Veronica, always thinking of others,” Mrs. Thorne said in a hushed tone.

  “I hardly think Miss Phillips should be faulted for overlooking her appearance to save a child from drowning,” Mrs. Hopper finally injected.

  “Mrs. Hopper, she’s the town schoolteacher. She could have beckoned to any one of those pathetic sawyers drooling over her, getting them to jump into the lake and save the boy,” Mrs. Thorne reasoned, while the other women nodded in agreement.

  “Chase Dylan didn’t seem to mind her appearance at all,” Mrs. Hopper said, looking maliciously at Gretchen Steele. Gretchen’s eyes narrowed in Thelma’s direction, and her sewing instantly dropped to her lap. Thelma watched her expectantly, but Gretchen picked up her needle and returned to
her sewing as though nothing had occurred.

  The conversation was picked up by another. “Thelma, you needn’t stand up for the woman simply because you took her into your home before you knew her character. That was the Christian thing to do.” Mrs. Davenport offered her forgiveness.

  The hostess’s words caused Thelma to react unexpectedly. She stood abruptly, throwing her sewing project onto the chair behind her. “You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You sit here with smug satisfaction while you shred anything left of that poor woman’s reputation! I’ll tell you, Rachel was a dear friend while she lived with me, and I am ashamed of my behavior. I will no longer be a party to this pettiness.”

  Thelma stormed out the doorway of the formal parlor and asked Milly to get her coat. She stood in the hallway, pacing the small space until her garment arrived. The young girl helped Thelma into her wool overcoat, and she walked outside, slamming the door behind her.

  “My, what a scene,” Mrs. Davenport said, rocking nervously in her chair.

  “Was that really necessary?” Mrs. Irving asked Gretchen Steele coolly.

  “I wonder what she’ll do without us,” Gretchen said, and the gaggle of women looked at one another in knowing agreement and cackled heartily.

  “Tonight will be our last get-together for a while, Henry. I talked to your mother about another trip to Redwood, just you and me, and she doesn’t think it’s a good idea right now.” Chase Dylan sat alongside the rocky shore of Searsville’s dark green lake preparing fishing poles for himself and the young Henry Steele. His voice was filled with sadness, and he concentrated on tying his lure to avoid looking at the child.

  “Chase, you’re not going away are you?” Henry reached for Chase’s arm, pulling him away from the task at hand.

  “No, of course not, Henry, but I’ll be busy until Christmastime. I’m going to start up the mill again and I probably won’t make it into town as often.”


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