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Protecting His Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy with Witches, Werebears, and Werewolves (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 7)

Page 11

by Vella Day

  “I can wash your hair,” he said, craving the intimacy.

  She handed him the shampoo and smiled. “Let me wet it first. Have you ever washed someone else’s before?”

  He hadn’t. In fact, he hadn’t even been in the same shower with a woman for a very long time. “No. Remember, until a few months ago, I’ve been overseas where fraternizing with the opposite sex was forbidden. I’m not saying it never happens, but I never did.”

  “I can’t imagine what it was like being away from your family and not being able to hug them or talk with them every day. I’d go crazy being cooped up like that. Can you imagine if you and your mate were stationed together and yet you were forbidden to be together?”

  Why was she bringing up mates? “Thankfully, that wasn’t an issue.”

  As much as Sam wanted to ask if she thought he was her mate, he didn’t really want to hear the answer, especially if she said no. Believing he wouldn’t find his mate for a long time, he hadn’t asked enough questions about how this fated mate stuff really worked. Only his grandfather had spoken of it when he was young.

  Sam poured a bit of shampoo onto his palm and then rubbed it into her hair. It barely lathered. “You take more than me.”

  She laughed. “Well, I do have a lot more hair.”

  He hadn’t been thinking, though who could blame him? Water was rushing over her perky tits, sending rivulets cascading between her legs. His mind kept jumping ahead to later. Lexi touched his arm, and he returned his focus to the task. After adding more shampoo, he was able to lather her hair. “Much better,” he said.

  She spun around. “I need to rinse.” Facing him, she dipped her head back and let the water wash her hair clean. The temptation to lick her tits overwhelmed him, and sparks burst from every part of his body at that thought.

  He cupped her breasts and lifted them. She squealed. “None of that. We’re here to get the smoke off us,” she said, but she didn’t sound all that serious.

  “You continue rinsing, and I’ll play with these,” he said.

  She laughed as she shook her head. Once clean, she grabbed the liquid body wash and rubbed some on her arms. “You can do my back.”

  “I’d love to.” He dribbled the soap over each shoulder. Unfortunately, it ran down her front, and his imagination turned wild. Before he had the chance to lather her tits, Lexi rubbed them slowly and teasingly. Sam closed his eyes and soaped up her back. Being this close to her and not thrusting his cock into her was driving him crazy. He wasn’t sure if he could even handle her touching him right now. Hopefully, she’d become so desperate that they’d spend much of the night making love.

  “Sam? I’m clean enough.” Lexi laughed.

  What the hell? As a soldier he never daydreamed. It could cost him his life. “Front good?”

  She spun around. “I’m squeaky clean. Now, it’s my turn.” He thought she’d start with his hair, but he was wrong. She poured soap on his cock and pumped her fist up and down. Not only did his sparks shoot around the small shower space, but Lexi’s did too. Before he could grab her hand to stop her, some of his cum spurted out. Because Lexi didn’t react, she probably didn’t notice.

  He flipped around until his back was toward her. “I need my back worked on.” Once more she did the unexpected. Lexi polished his rear to a shine. “You’re asking for trouble, you know that?”

  “Am I?” She rubbed her hands up and down his back, and he began to glow. This wasn’t good. “I can see you appreciate my technique,” she said.

  Sam swung around. “I more than just appreciate it.”

  He pressed her against the back wall and kissed her until he was unable to hold back any longer. His need outstripped his desire to keep his distance.

  After rinsing, he turned off the shower then led Lexi onto the bath mat. Without saying a word, he rubbed her down, hoping that by not touching her directly he’d calm down. His plan failed. With each drag of the terry cloth, her moans grew louder, and her sparks turned a deeper blue, sending his libido sky high.

  Not caring that he hadn’t dried off yet, he lifted her up and carried her toward the bedroom.

  “You’re all wet.” Her complaint didn’t ring true as her eyes turned pure amber.

  “The better to slip into you, girl.”

  Lexi laughed and a bit more of his heart was lost to her.

  Chapter Twelve


  For much of the next day, Sam tried not to wander into the reception area, recognizing that his ability to keep from ravishing her was growing weaker by the day. Having the safe room a few feet away didn’t help either.

  A knock sounded on his office door, and Devon popped in. “What’s up?” Sam asked.

  “I went to the restaurant to speak with Jacob, your waiter, who you suspected might be one of Kapok’s men.”

  Sam sat up straighter. “Yes, what did you learn?”

  “He wasn’t there.”

  “Aren’t they open for business yet?” Except for the blown up podium, it would be an easy cleanup. The odor from the smoke bomb would have aired out in a matter of hours. It wasn’t like smoke from a fire.

  “They opened for lunch today. According to the manager, the smoke cleared out rather quickly. Someone by the name of Brian Stanley said he could build a makeshift stand for them in a couple of days, so all’s good.”

  That was nice of Jillian’s mate to offer. “Was this Jacob guy supposed to work today?”

  “Yes. Both shifts, but he was a no show. And yes, I asked for his address, but when I arrived, the address didn’t exist. I asked around, but no one remembered ever seeing him.”

  “That gives some credence to the idea that he works for Kapok. What about the hostess? Did she get an ID on the woman?”

  “The hostess said no one approached her.”

  Damn. “So this waiter must have been working under someone else’s orders.”

  “It’s possible. If you want me to follow up on anything, let me know.”

  “Thanks.” Devon took off, and Sam returned to his deskwork, his mind spinning. He would give it a day or two to see if the guy showed up at work, and then he’d investigate more fully.

  Before he had the chance to click a key on his computer, his cell rang. It was his sister! She rarely called during business hours. “Hey, Teagan.”

  “Hey there. Rumor has it you’ve found your mate!”

  His heart sputtered. “Who told you that?” He hadn’t meant for the anger to sneak out, but between the blast and the frustration at not finding any clues, he was at his wits end.

  “Oh, you know what it’s like in our close-knit community. Connor might have mentioned it to Rye who in turn spilled the beans to Izzy, who mentioned it to Missy, who just happened to tell me.”

  He had to laugh. That was probably quite accurate. “I can’t be positive, but because I can’t get into Lexi’s head at all, it just might mean she is my mate. At least that’s what Grandpa Pompley told me years ago.” He wasn’t going to tell his sister the details about how hard it was to keep away from Lexi. “But please don’t say anything to her. We haven’t even discussed it yet.”

  “Mum’s the word. I called because we want to meet her.”

  We? “As in you and Izzy?”

  “Those and a few more.”

  “That’s great, but until this crazy man who’s after her is caught. I don’t want to let her out of my sight,” Sam said.

  “Relax! There will be a ton of us to protect her. If Elana can’t shift and deal with the pesky wolves, then Izzy can throw fire at them, though if Anna changed into her tiger form, no one would survive. Hell, I can always Taser one or two. I’m getting quite good with my new skills.”

  “I need to remember not to piss you off.” She laughed. If Jackson’s mate was going to be there, she could easily become invisible and attack several wolves at once. Jackson claimed that when four wolves had jumped him, the Changelings had no idea what was happening. Ainsley was that good. “Fine,
but don’t fill her head with too much stuff. The poor girl is still in shock from everything. I’ll ask Lexi to see if she’s up for it. What day and time?”

  “Tomorrow evening at six thirty at Rye’s house. We’ll supply everything. If you drive her there, one of us can take her back to the office when we’re done.”

  He smiled. “I’ll let you know. And thanks.” Sam placed his phone on the table, pleased that his sister had reached out. If Lexi had some friends, and was made welcome, she might consider staying when this was over.

  He pushed back his chair and headed out to tell her, figuring she’d be excited to go if only to get away from the office. Sam could have called or texted her, but he wanted to see her in person. Man, did he have it bad.

  As he passed through the main room, Connor was fixing some coffee. Sam debated asking him what right he had to blab that Sam and Lexi were an item, but in the end, it was probably for the best. Sam would have to let everyone know eventually. When he would broach the topic to Lexi about them being mates, he didn’t know.

  Sam stepped into the reception area and spotted Lexi hunched over her computer. The moment she caught sight of him, she sat up. “Hey! Any news about Jacob or his mystery woman?”

  “No.” He told her that Devon had been unable to find their waiter. “Apparently, Jacob gave a bogus address and is nowhere to be found.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Justin won’t give up, and when he makes his move, we’ll get him.”

  Sam didn’t like the, we part. He wanted Lexi as far from Kapok as possible at all times. “My sister, Teagan, called and wants to meet you.”

  “Really? I’d love that. Is she coming here?”

  He explained about the dinner at Rye’s place. “There’s enough magic and shifter power to take out anyone. Plus, I’m sure that Rye will be somewhere in the background.” Sam would speak with him before the party to make sure. “You’ll be as safe there as you would here with me. Maybe more so.”

  She grinned. “Sounds wonderful. I can get all the dirt on you.”

  Other than when he was growing up, he doubted Teagan knew all that much about him. “While I have nothing to hide, don’t listen to what any of those women say. They’re all lies—unless it’s good stuff.”

  She laughed. “I’ll look forward to meeting them all.” He told her when it was and that he’d be driving her, but that one or more of the women would return her to the office.

  Connor’s voice boomed in the background, calling his name. “Hey, I gotta go.” Sam glanced around, and when he didn’t hear anyone approach, he leaned over and kissed her.

  That one little taste might have been a mistake, because his body practically glowed neon blue.


  Lexi couldn’t believe the time had finally come to meet Sam’s sister and her friends. She was so looking forward to getting out and socializing. Other than the men at McKinnon and Associates, she hadn’t seen another friendly face.

  Because she had an hour break between the end of her workday and the party, she wanted to shower and then put on some makeup. Sam had picked up a few things for her at the store, understanding that she’d feel more like herself if she had some lipstick and blush.

  Once she dressed in her jeans and a nice dark plum sweater, she went in search of Sam.

  When she stepped into his office, he glanced up and placed the pencil he’d been using on his desk. “You ready?” he asked.

  “Yup.” She lifted the arm holding her coat to show him she had everything she needed.

  Even though she’d never met these women, Lexi was thrilled to have some downtime where she wouldn’t have to think about Justin and what his next move might be. Not being surrounded by testosterone would be a nice change too. Back in Vermont, she had a few good friends, but not a ton. Meeting so many others, especially who were either a shifter or Wendayan, or even a mix was going to be so much fun.

  Sam grabbed his keys and coat. “Let’s go. By the way, you look really hot in that sweater.”

  She grinned. “Maybe you can show me how much later on.”

  He laughed. “You have a one track mind. Then again, so do I.” He winked, and her heart lurched.

  The air outside, while cold, didn’t have the usual bite to it, for which she was thankful. The sky was clear and the moon half full.

  They both piled into his truck. “I’ll give you the quick rundown on who’s likely to be there,” Sam said. “By the way, the party is at Ryerson McKinnon’s house.”

  “He’s Alpha of the shifter Clan and Connor and Devon’s brother. That much I know.”

  “You’ve been paying attention. Good. His mate, Izzy, is a very powerful Wendayan despite having lost some of her powers after she mated with Rye. Izzy can control wind, water, earth, and fire.”

  Wow. “If she’s mated to the Alpha, she must be even more powerful now.”

  “She is. Being able to shift has really added to her strengths. Her sister is Missy, and she’s unattached. She’s pure Wendayan.” He explained about her healing abilities. “Missy works with Teagan at the Crystal Winds Spa. My sister used to have a lot of bad premonitions until she mated with Kip. Since then, her outlook has improved, and now she can see good things too—like Elana’s pregnancy.”

  Lexi liked hearing success stories like that. “I figured it would be hard to remember who was who, so I studied the chart you made for me. I remember that Elana is mated to Kalan, Jackson’s brother.”

  He smiled. “You’re good.”

  “You said my life depended on knowing this information.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Who else will be there?” she asked.

  “Besides Izzy, Missy, my sister, and Elana, there’s Anna, who is Elana’s assistant at the flower shop. She’s mated to Kalan’s partner, Dalton.”

  Both were on the list Sam had given her. “She was human and was mated to Dalton, who is Jillian’s brother. All of them can move fast.”

  “Wow. You’re a quick learner. I think that’s all, but what do I know? I’m not in town often enough to see them on a regular basis, but Connor and Rye keep me updated.”

  “It’s so nice of your sister to invite me. People don’t usually throw parties for strangers.”

  “They are nice, but I suspect their true intention is to grill you on your relationship with me. I haven’t told Teagan much, so you can make up anything you see fit.”

  “I might be discreet, or I might not be. When girls get together, there’s no telling what we might say.”

  Sam groaned, and Lexi inwardly chuckled. Keeping a man off balance was a good thing. He turned into a housing complex and then stopped in front of a house with several cars parked in front. “Here we are. Someone will drive you home, but if you’d rather have me pick you up, just call.”

  He was so sweet. “Don’t worry about me. Given the power in that house, we can take down an army of wolves.” She leaned over and kissed him. Even that small contact caused sparks to fly and her wolf to wake up. “I better go before we have sex in the backseat of your truck—which by the way, I’ve never done.”

  He grinned. “I’ll add it to our bucket list.”

  She laughed then pushed open the car door. With the house light blazing, and the sidewalk shoveled clear of snow, it was easy to reach the front entrance. After one knock, the door opened, and a sea of eager eyes greeted her. She held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Lexi.”

  “I’m Izzy.” She was very tall with long red hair and was stunningly beautiful. Izzy waved to Sam then shut the front door. “I’m Rye’s mate.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  A strong wave of shifter signatures filled the room. Supposedly, everyone except for Missy and Teagan was a shifter, either from birth or because of mating. Each of the women introduced themselves, but one name didn’t sound familiar. “Blair, how are you connected to these women?” Lexi pulled out the piece of paper with the tree of who was who on it and held it up. “Sam made me this.” She hande
d it to her.

  Blair, who was also tall, studied the chart. “You can pencil me in here. I’m Jackson’s sister.”

  “Oh!” She wondered how that had escaped Sam’s attention.

  The girls scooted over and Lexi sat between Anna and Ainsley on the sofa.

  Blair shook her head. “I haven’t contributed directly to McKinnon and Associates, so I can see why he forgot me.”

  “Help yourself to the wine,” Izzy said. “We’ll eat shortly. Tell us about yourself.”

  Lexi had a million questions for them, but it might make more sense if these women knew her better. Because she didn’t want to hide anything, she started with how her dad had tried to sell her. “I know my father had drinking and gambling problems, but I never thought he’d stoop that low.”

  The group gasped. “I thought my stepfather was bad,” Ainsley said. “Since both parents are Changelings, they merely ignored me, though for the right amount of money, I bet my dad would have sold me.” Everyone chuckled. Lexi needed to find out more about these evil beings. Sam had filled her in but not completely.

  Izzy cut in. “I don’t know about your dad, Ainsley, but your brother was horrible enough to sell you.” She turned to Lexi. “Ainsley’s brother tried to kidnap me.” She winked. “Try being the operative word.”

  Ainsley nodded. “Owen was always too full of himself, which in the end was his downfall. I’m glad Rye took him out. Speaking of alpha males, I trust Sam told you about the evil Changelings?”

  “He gave me a brief rundown. I’m glad I’m going against an ordinary werewolf and not battling one of them.”

  Ainsley smiled. “Very true. I was one, but thanks to the wonderful people of Silver Lake, I was able to be cleansed and am now Changeling free.” The smile was directed at Izzy, which implied she was involved. “But go ahead with your story.”

  Lexi would have to find out about her interesting tale later. “After Bill—that’s my dad—told me about the imminent sale, I got the hell out of Dodge.”


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