Protecting His Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy with Witches, Werebears, and Werewolves (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 7)

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Protecting His Wolf: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy with Witches, Werebears, and Werewolves (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 7) Page 16

by Vella Day

  “She says no, though if she is in a good place, she wouldn’t feel any pain.”

  “I wish I could just ask her questions,” Lexi said. “Yes or no is so limiting.”

  His mom stilled. “She’s here.”

  Lexi grabbed Sam’s hand. “What do you mean she’s here?”

  “Her essence is in the room. I can feel her. She’s telling me that she’s surprised you aren’t pummeling her with questions that have a yes or no answer because you think so logically.”

  “I’m a bit overwhelmed,” Lexi said, her voice sounding a bit shaky.

  “I understand,” his mom said then looked upward. “Your mother says she’s sorry about your dad. She had no idea he’d return to his old habits after she died.”

  Lexi’s grip tightened. “So Bill drank and gambled a lot before you died? I knew he had a cocktail or two when he came home from work, but that was all.” Sam’s mom nodded. “Do you think I should go back home and help him?”

  Sam held his breath. Lexi’s face paled. She didn’t need to be going through this after all she’d been through.

  “She says you need to seek out your own happiness,” his mother said. Her shoulders slumped, and the pace of her breathing picked up. She then returned her focus to Lexi. “She’s gone.”

  Lexi released her grip. “I felt her too. Thank you.”

  His mother blew out the candle. “Your mother was very serene, more so than most. She did say one last thing, and that was not to lose touch with your brother.”

  “I won’t.” Thankfully Lexi smiled, even though it was fleeting.

  His mom was amazing, and he would have to thank her for helping Lexi make contact.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Lexi loved Florida, but she realized two things as she and Sam walked hand in hand along the shore. Being with someone as special as Sam made the experience that much more rewarding and romantic. Secondly, her skin wasn’t made to be in the sun for so many hours. While she didn’t mind the humidity, her hair hated it. She might have to be content to just visit Florida during the winter, but live in Tennessee the rest of the year—assuming Justin was caught.

  Sam tugged on her hand. “The waves are picking up. Let’s go in again.”

  While the water wasn’t as warm as she’d hoped, compared to the icy coast of Vermont, this was tepid. Together they plowed through the water, stopping and turning to the side when the wave swelled. Once they were past the two-foot waves, she bent her knees until the water was up to her neck.

  “Come here, you.” Sam grabbed her, clasped her to his chest, and kissed her. Seagulls squawked overhead, and kids squealed less than twenty feet away.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. Right now, it was as if the world had ceased to exist except for the two of them.

  When the waves separated them, he smiled. “Are you having a good time?”

  She moved closer and then wrapped her arms and legs around him, hoping no one could tell what was going through her mind right about then. “Totally. This trip has been wonderful in every sense of the word. Not only did I find your parents charming, this beach is spectacular, and the company is amazing.”

  He grinned. “It was good for both of us. I don’t think I’m ready to go back to Tennessee.”

  She furrowed her brows. “What are you saying? You want to move here?”

  “I’d love to, but I can’t. If I lived here, I’m afraid I’d never be able to stay focused on my work. I’d want to enjoy the beach every day.”

  “I feel the same way. If I had a teaching job, I’d be dreaming about walking on the warm sand and playing in the water.”

  His hands roamed down to her waist, and when he cupped her butt and drew her closer, his now-evident erection caused her wolf to go wild. “Do you know what I’d like to do now?” he asked.

  Happiness soared through her. “Do I get three guesses?”

  Sam walked them toward shore. “I don’t think you need that many.”

  Releasing her when a wave crested, they rode the waves back to shore. When they reached their towels, they dried off and headed to their hotel, located just steps from the beach.

  While the room had been expensive, Sam said it might be a long time before they returned. She’d agreed since her new mantra was all about embracing the moment.

  Lexi would have suggested they shower first, but she couldn’t wait to make love with Sam. He was too enticing, alluring, and so fucking sexy that if she didn’t have him right now, she’d be in her wolf form in a heartbeat. What consequences that would have, she didn’t know, but she didn’t want to find out.

  “Your trunks are still wet,” she announced a second before she tugged them down. His cock was at attention and sparks were shooting off everywhere.

  He laughed. “We need to shower first. I think I have sand in every crack and crevice of my body.”

  She did too. Lexi plastered her chest to his and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to be away from you for that long.”

  He untied the straps around her neck and lowered them. Without undoing the clasp in back, he stepped away from her then leaned over and licked one cold nipple. “Mmm, salty.”

  His slightly pinched brow implied it wasn’t even close to being enjoyable. She chuckled. “Fine, we’ll shower.”

  “I want to make love to you this instant, but trust me, you won’t be happy if I don’t clean up first.”

  She loved how he wanted to pass the blame onto himself. Hand in hand, he led her to the shower tub where he turned on the water. While it warmed, he finished stripping her in a slow, sensual manner. “Good choice on the bathing suit. It shows off your perfect body,” he said as he raked his gaze over her from head to toe.

  She was anything but perfect, but if Sam liked her shape, that was all that mattered. “I’m glad you like it.”

  Once Sam lowered her bottoms, she stepped out of them. He then yanked back the shower curtain and motioned she step in first.

  Once under the warm spray, Lexi’s muscles relaxed. Until now, she hadn’t realized she’d been so chilled. She moaned and ran her hands over her body to get rid of the sand. Lexi could stay there for hours, but she didn’t want to take too long. Sam was waiting.

  He was watching her with pure lust in his eyes, “Feel good?” he asked as he switched places with her and washed.

  “Yes, but I can think of a better place to put my hands though.” She grabbed his cock and dropped to her knees. “I think you missed a spot.”

  Before he could stop her, she swiped her tongue from his balls to the tip. His groan was her reward.

  Sam clutched a handful of her hair and tugged. She swirled her tongue around his cock as she pumped her fist up and down.

  “I’m not going to last,” he groaned out. A second later, his cock blew, spewing his hot seed up and over her hand.

  Lexi smiled. “I guess you weren’t kidding.”

  He pulled her to her feet. “Hurry up and finish washing woman, you got some hard loving coming your way.” He grinned, poured a palm full of liquid soap, and cleaned his cock.

  After she ducked under the water, she lathered her hair, while Sam finished washing. Then they switched places so she could rinse her hair. While she was under the water, he ran his soapy hands down her back, waking up her contented animal.

  “Someone’s excited,” Sam said.

  Only then did Lexi notice all the sparks shooting off her. Her nails and teeth were transforming too. “I am.”

  While she scrubbed her face and front, Sam washed what was facing him. The problem came when he dragged the soap between her legs, and her wolf inwardly howled.

  She stepped around behind him and went to work on his back and sandy legs. Between the two of them, they finished in less than five minutes. By the time he turned off the water, her body was vibrating, and their need for each other was almost unbearable. As they dried each other, the sexual electricity sparking between them was pulsing in waves of blu

  Sam cupped her shoulders, pressed her against the vanity, and when he kissed her, Lexi’s heart and soul spun with joy and elation. Needing more of him, she ran her hands up and down the planes of his corded back. Sam was everything she wanted in a man and in a mate, but before she mated with him, she needed to hear him say that he loved her.

  Reaching between them, she grabbed Sam’s cock again.

  “None of that. This time, we do it my way.” He stepped back, and then lifted her in his arms.

  Once he placed her on the bed, Sam’s lustful gaze traveled down her body once more. “I’m going to make a meal out of you.”

  His mere words heated her up further. Lexi spread her legs in an open invitation and gave him a sassy grin. “Welcome to your very own buffet; help yourself.”

  “Oh, baby, that is music to my ears.” Sam pounced and spread her legs wider.

  Anticipation soared, and the first swipe did not disappoint. Lexi bucked her hips upward and dug her fingers into his skin. Her scalp itched. On the next few licks, her glow continued to expand. Not wanting to hurt him with her newly sharp nails, she clutched the spread again. It almost wasn’t fair that Sam already had a release. It meant he’d be able to last longer.

  “I’m ready,” she panted.

  Sam reached up and kneaded her right breast as he continued the sensual assault on her clit. Waves of lust swamped her, and she had to work hard not to come. You don’t have to hold back, her wolf said.

  With his free hand, Sam slipped a finger inside her, and her orgasm immediately came crashing down. Lexi opened her mouth to draw in more air as she arched her back, pressing hard against his mouth and finger.

  Sam somehow knew when to stop to prevent her wolf from having her way. With his gaze on her, Sam crawled on top, and his thick shaft slid right into her wetness. Holy hell. “That feels so good,” she whispered.

  Sam’s lips met hers and together they embarked on an erotic journey, kissing and thrusting. With each plunge she soared higher and higher. His glow grew too until both of their orbs touched and then combined.

  Mate, mate, her wolf urged. Bite him.

  Not yet, she cautioned.

  Sam lifted his head and groaned. When he closed his lids, the lines around his eyes disappeared. “Yeah, baby. That’s it.”

  Lexi pressed her heels into the mattress and lifted up once more. She met his thrust with one of her own, causing them to explode at the same time. His hot seed streamed inside her, and her orgasm took control and sent her soaring.

  Holding her tight, Sam rolled them over so that she was on top. “I love you, Lexi Laramie. I know you might think it’s too soon, that there is no such thing as love at first sight, but I can’t help how I feel.”

  While she could tell he really cared for her, never did she expect him to tell her that he loved her so soon. “I hope when you first saw me in that dumpster, you weren’t enamored.”

  “It happened after you showered.” He grinned.

  She chuckled. “As long as we’re confessing, I love you too.”

  “You really do?”

  He didn’t have to act so surprised. “Yes. I thought I’d shown you in many ways.”

  Sam grinned and joy spread across his face. “You have, but I don’t want you to say it just because I said it first.”

  Men never cared about those kinds of things. “That’s just silly.”

  “I’ll show you silly, but first I need a towel.”

  He pulled out and dashed to the bathroom. Once they cleaned up, Sam sat on the bed opposite her. “Are you hungry?”

  “You should know by now that I’m always up for food, especially after having amazing sex.”

  “Then come on. We’ll see what restaurants are nearby.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Returning to Silver Lake was bittersweet. Sam had enjoyed visiting with his parents who for the first time seemed excited about returning to Tennessee when their teaching term ended. They said that seeing Sam with Lexi made them realize that they wanted their family to be together, and that when their grandchildren arrived, they didn’t want to miss out. Sam assumed they were thinking about Teagan and Kip, though if Lexi were willing, he’d love to have a few little soldiers to train.

  No sooner had their plane touched down in Knoxville than the lines around her eyes and mouth tightened. Even as they walked through the terminal, Lexi stayed vigilant, clearly expecting Justin to materialize at any moment.

  Sam wrapped his free arm around her shoulders. “I doubt Justin will try anything in this sea full of people.”

  “Probably not, but just knowing we’re back has me on edge.”

  He wished he could turn around and fly back to Florida, but they couldn’t hide forever. They exited the airport, and he located his parked truck quickly. After he paid his fee at the tollbooth, he headed back home, making sure to check for anyone suspicious in his rear view mirror.

  Much of the last snowfall had melted, but the weather forecast claimed they were in for another storm to hit this weekend. Being office bound would really bum Lexi out, but it couldn’t be helped. “If the weather cooperates, how about I show you how to shoot a gun tomorrow?”

  Her face instantly brightened. “Really? I’d love that.”

  As Silver Lake came into view, all looked calm. No red or white moon in the sky to cause the Changelings or the crazies to be about. “I think we should spend the night in the safe room. Are you okay with that?” He doubted she’d argue. Lexi understood the risks.

  “I’m good either way. I’ve had my taste of freedom, and it was wonderful, but I know Justin will be chomping at the bit to try something. Unless he has found a group of people to swindle out of their money, he’s losing a lot being in Silver Lake.”

  “We haven’t come across any gambling syndicates, but it’s possible they exist. If he’s in a nearby town, he has more freedom to ask around.”

  Sam pulled into the lot, but this time he decided to park in the garage.

  “Is there a reason why we’re hiding?” she asked, an edge creeping into her voice.

  He reached out and rubbed her leg. “Just being precautious.” If they were going to be in the open tomorrow, it would be best if Justin didn’t know they’d arrived back in town—assuming he was keeping track of their whereabouts. Kapok was a gambler, not a sophisticated investigator, or so he believed.


  After an amazingly sound sleep, Lexi awoke a bit disoriented and alone. Heart pounding, she bolted upright. “Sam?”

  Only after she received no answer did it register in her addled brain that she was at the safe house. Letting out a big breath, she checked the clock on the nightstand. It read a little past ten in the morning. No wonder Mr. Military man wasn’t still in bed. He was probably upstairs taking care of business.

  Feeling safe, Lexi stretched, yawned, and then crawled out of bed. When she opened her suitcase, she sighed just looking at the shorts and summer tops. More vacations to the beach were in her future, but for now, Silver Lake would be her home.

  Today, Sam would be teaching her how to shoot outdoors, which meant she needed to wear her warmest clothes. After she washed up and dressed, she headed upstairs carrying her coat. Sam was standing in front of the coffee machine.

  He spun around and smiled. “I thought I’d have to wake you. Sleep well?”

  “Too well. I must have been more exhausted than I thought.”

  “I’m not surprised. Travel is always hard on the body. Do you want a cup of coffee before we head out?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He poured her a cup. “How about if we grab a bite to eat at the café, and then head out for your shooting lesson?”

  “Sounds perfect. I trust you have a gun for me to use?”

  He brought the two coffees over to the table. “I have several for you to choose from.”

  Lexi sat across from him and marveled how far she’d come in such a short period. In the pas
t, trusting a man wasn’t in her DNA, but Sam had taught her to trust her instincts. Perhaps it was because he was a Wendayan that she believed he’d always be there for her. Once the coffee cooled enough to drink, she guzzled it down, the flavor different from the usual kind here. “I like this. What is it?”

  “Hazelnut. Kip brought it in.”


  “Ready?” he asked after he rinsed out both of their mugs and then set them on a paper towel to dry.


  They left through the back of the building in order to reach the underground garage. Her car sat in one bay, Sam’s truck in another one, but the last two spaces were empty. She vaguely remembered him saying that they were reserved for Connor’s and Jackson’s dads when they were in town. Parking in a garage was much nicer than having to scope out the parking lot in front every time they left. Once he pulled out, sunlight streamed into the truck.

  “Are you excited?” he asked.

  “About learning to shoot?” He nodded. “I think I’m more excited just to be outside with you.”

  He flashed her a smile. They headed east toward the restaurant. Because it was in the middle of the week, there were a lot of parking places in front when they arrived. Sam pulled into a free space.

  As soon as she stepped outside, she sensed someone. A moment later, an older man rounded the corner, and when Sam waved, she relaxed. “Do you know him?”

  “Yes, he’s a friend of Connor’s dad.” Sam held open the café door and motioned she enter first.

  Inside, she detected a few shifter signatures, but clearly these folks hadn’t followed them here.

  The café smelled of coffee and eggs, and her stomach responded with a grumble. She was so ready to eat. The sign at the front said to seat themselves, so Sam led her toward the back.

  As soon as they sat, their server rushed over with a pot of coffee. “I’ll be back in a jiffy to take your order,” she said.

  Should Justin try to take her against her will, Lexi wanted to understand Sam’s capabilities better. “What would you do if Justin and his men walked into this café and demand I go with them?”


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