Kalazaron Thaedon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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Kalazaron Thaedon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 5

by Maia Starr

  "Four days ago. The very next morning after the coronation."

  "Aaagh!" I shouted flipping over a table and clearing documents and tools off a shelf. I was in a complete rage. She had been transferred as punishment. It was my fault; I had made it known that I had interest toward her. No doubt this was a great offense to the Loki family that I did not pay attention to the Kalazaron sisters instead. They transferred her out of punishment. Who knows what else they would've done to her. Perhaps they beat her. Perhaps they scarred her beauty.

  This was all on me. My extreme arrogance to have what I wanted when I wanted without thinking about consequence had caused Ella harm. I did not think about what would happen to her. In truth, I did not even think to check on her after the coronation to see if my actions had hurt her in anyway. I only thought of myself and how to get her, how to own her. Now that arrogance was making me pay a heavy price for my mistakes.

  Yet it was nothing compared to the punishment that Ella was receiving. For all I knew, she could be dead by now. The raid on the Belvenreed Outpost had been intense, intense enough to cut off communication. It was something I had been dealing with on my first few days as being master. We had sent reinforcements only today when the rebels finally made their move. I was shouting in anger and tossing things about when Consulate Dalik Moscurn entered.

  "What is all this?" he asked.

  I stopped and turned to him and realized that he had been very much against my new relations with the human female. How did Fraon Loki get a transfer for Ella so quickly? He must've had help from someone in the buildings of order.

  "You! It was you wasn't it?! You helped Fraon Loki transfer Ella to the General at Belvenreed. Admit it!"

  "Master, I do not know what you speak of. Calm," he said.

  "The human female that you lectured me about has been transferred to the Belvenreed Outpost. Right as I was preparing to transfer her ownership to me. You were against me being with her. You must have helped to have her transferred so quickly."

  "To Belvenreed? But they are under attack," he replied.

  "Yes, I am aware, and she is in danger. I will go myself to fetch her," I said, making my way toward the door.

  "No! You must not. You are the master of this planet and you cannot put yourself in such a dangerous situation. Your death means this planet will be without leadership once again in such a short span. It will not be good for the systems and for the structure. We must keep order. You must not go!"

  "None of that matters now! She is in danger because of me! I put her in the position to be punished by her owners! It is unfair to her," I said breaking free of the consulate’s grasp.

  "No, not if we have to get every warrior on you. No one will allow you to go," the consulate said, standing in front of me. I realized that he was right. No one would let me go of my own free will. I would have to sneak away.

  I calmed myself. "You are right. I have just grown angry in the moment of hearing the news. I just heard right before you stepped in. I am sure that she is fine. I will send for her when the rebels have been defeated and stay here."

  "That is better. I will arrange the transport myself to fetch her once we hear news that it is safe to send one to Belvenreed."

  "That is good of you. Thank you. Do not fail in sending that transport," I said, knowing that the transport very well might be my own rescue, because I was going to Belvenreed that very night.

  Chapter 7


  The Loki sisters were furious after the coronation. They questioned me for a long time, asking why the master would do such a thing. I never said a word; I would just shrug my shoulders. I never once mentioned that I had met him in the market. I did not tell them about our joy ride. I did not tell them about dinner. I kept everything to myself; it was still my secret that I was able to enjoy because it was all mine.

  Even though Thaedon lied to me and did not tell me that he was the master, I overlooked the anger I felt for him because he made me feel special. It was an exhilarating, natural high just to think about it. I knew that the Loki family would punish me. They would probably beat me or double my work in the living quarters, but I did not expect that they would do what they did.

  "Come with me," Fraon Loki said as he moved into my small closet like room.

  I followed him into the main room of the living quarters. There were two, official-looking male Kalazaron and a guard standing there.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "I hereby, in the presence of the authority, transfer ownership of this one human female slave, Ella Capricio, to my brother, the General Ulepio Loki."

  "What? What is happening?" I asked. I was not answered. The guard took me by the arm and forcefully led me out of the living quarters. The two sisters were standing in the hallway watching and Soko said, "Serves you right. Now you won't get in the way. I should be the one to be with the master; not you."

  I did not know exactly what was happening other than I was being transferred into the ownership of a general who was part of the Loki family. I was terrified. Who was this general? Would he be a terror? I felt some sense of relief that I would not be under the mistreatment of the Loki sisters. However, I could be going to a fate much worse.

  As I was led out of the living quarters, I was terrified. I was being taken from the only home I had known for years; even if it was an unpleasant one, it was still home and I had grown comfortable. At least it was a consistent environment.

  I was put into a large ship with a few other Kalazaron females and males. I looked over at a female and said, "Where are we being taken to?"

  "To the Belvenreed Outpost. I am being punished because I stole from the market. What did you do?"

  "I do not know," I said to her. But inside I knew. I had danced with the master and he now thought it was a mistake. He now was sending me as far away from him as possible. This was his doing. At first I thought that it was the Loki family transferring ownership. However, I now knew that the master must have some influence on this. He must have agreed to it. He possibly even ordered the family to do it.

  Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I realized that he now felt ashamed of me. He felt so ashamed that he was sending me far away to an Outpost that was considered very dangerous. I thought it was very ironic that I had off and sat on the roof looking out toward the Blue Mountains wondering what it would be like for me in that environment. Now, I was getting to see for myself. I was terrified. Now that I was having the opportunity to go, I did not want to go. I wanted what I had with the master to be true and real. Now, I knew that it was not. It broke my heart.

  When the ship landed, I was panicked. I did not know what to expect. The door opened and we were led out into the blue dirt. I was surprised by the size of the place. It was an entire village inside of tall walls. Over the walls, I could see the Blue Mountains in the distance. We were in fact very close to the rebels. Closer than I would like to be. I could see a lot of the sky and nature; it had a calming effect on me. I had been in the city for so many years that I forgot how beautiful the countryside could be. This was my first time seeing it on the planet of Kaethon, but it was very close to the countryside of Earth. I could hear creatures around us, the creatures similar to birds on Earth. It was beautiful.

  "Hello, I am Dr. Lavender Prost. You must be Ella. I was told that you were coming," another human female said to me. She was older, and by all appearances, seemed to be happy.

  "Yes, I am Ella," I said to her very confused.

  "I often meet the new human females as soon as they land. It is a better transition if another human meets them. It is less scary. Do not worry; I was once in your place as well it is not as bad as it seems."

  "Okay, do you know why I am here? I belong to another family in the capital city and I was transferred," I asked her.

  "I do not know the particulars. I only know that you have been transferred into the ownership of General Ulepio Loki."

  "Oh, I understand."

nbsp; She leaned in close to me and said, "Do not be fearful of him. He is very old and he only likes the company of other male Kalazaron. Do you understand my meaning?"

  I took a second to process what she had said and then I began to laugh as I understood, "Yes I think I know what you mean."

  "Good. He is harmless. Let me show you around. You will be helping me in the reconstructionist building. It is a lot like a hospital back on Earth. Do you have any nurse training?"

  "No, none whatsoever, but I am a fast learner," I said to her, suddenly feeling excited that I would be of some help and doing things other than cleaning the living quarters of two spoiled brats.

  "I do not doubt that. I know it is all strange. It was strange for me as well when I came here many, many, years ago. It seems very long since then. I have become quite settled in my new home."

  "I am glad to hear it. It is very helpful to hear something so hopeful."

  "First I will show you to your living quarters. You shall be living with a few other human females in a dorm-like environment. It is like University," she said. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her as I asked, "You mean I will not be living with my owner, the general?"

  "No, he has requested that you live in the human living quarters. As I said before, I do not think he enjoys the company of humans, or females. I think he thinks of you as a property asset and nothing more. I would be surprised if you saw anything of him. He already has a male Kalazaron servant that keeps his living quarters for him. I don't see what you purpose he would have for you. He requested that you work in the reconstructionist building, as that is where the Outpost needs the most help. We are very communal like that. You will see," she said as she jerked her head in a direction for me to follow her.

  I walked with a bounce to my step. I had lucked out. I had landed in a very agreeable place. I would be able to live with other human females in a dorm-like environment that gave me some freedom to be my own person. My owner wanted nothing to do with me. It was such a complete change from what I had been used to for so long. I smiled a big smile.

  Dr. Prost showed me the living quarters. I had a room with two beds in it. My roommate was out in the Outpost working in the nutrition hall. I would meet her later and find her very agreeable and easy to talk to. She was not mean-spirited at all. After I was shown the living quarters, I was taken to the reconstructionist tent.

  Dr. Prost started me on a very easy to follow, structured schedule. I helped with small things, like sanitizing instruments and making beds. I enjoyed the work. The doctor allowed me to listen in on her work.

  At the end of the day, I took dinner with the other human females in my living quarters at the nutrition hall. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and Dr. Prost introduced me to her mate. I was surprised to see that it was a male Kalazaron warrior by the name of General Rendor Moscurn. They had been together for many years and their coupling was accepted. If Thaedon was not master, there would be hope that we could be together. But because he was the master, he had me sent away from him.

  I felt jealousy as I watched them playfully feed each other and whisper to each other over dinner. My heart ached for that sort of intimacy. Perhaps there would be romantic prospect for me here at the Outpost. I was already feeling at home and settled in simply because I had more freedom than I had ever had since I arrived on the planet.

  After dinner, the other human females and I rested in the dirt and I was shocked to see how many stars were in the sky. In the capital city, there was so much light at night that you could only see the two moons. Here in the middle of nowhere and in darkness, you could see the two moons and billions of stars, like glitter. It took my breath away.

  As we lay there, each girl told me how they came to the planet Kaethon. I told them my story as well. They filled me in on how often the rebels attacked. It seemed to be quite often and they were worried now that there was another one coming because a supply shipment had just arrived, and that is usually when the rebels attacked. They would raid the supplies for their own Outpost. It was how it had always been, and they knew that one was coming. They instructed me that if an attack occurred, I should find my way underground to the bunkers. They showed me where that was before we went to sleep. Once I was in bed, I could not stop thinking about Thaedon.

  I had been at the Belvenreed Outpost for two days. I had a routine and I was beginning to feel good about myself for the first time since I arrived on the planet. I now had a purpose and meaning helping Dr. Prost in the reconstructionist building. I found solace and support with the human females, especially my roommate. I was already learning how to do basic things with the doctor, like stitching and applying bandages. She said I had promise. I liked hearing that from her.

  Then it all changed. In the middle of the night on my second day, bombs went off.


  I jumped out of bed. "What is it?!" I shouted at my roommate.

  "The rebels are attacking! Quick, to the bunkers!" she said she led me out of the door. In the hall was chaos and everyone was running below ground. I ran with them. The assault continued for an entire 24 hours. It was endless fighting. I knew the fighting had been going on all night and that the sun was rising. I wanted to be in the reconstructionist building. There must have been many that were injured and I wanted to help. I felt very useless. I walked back-and-forth in the bunker, and finally there was a silence. No more bombs. No blaster guns.

  "Is it over?" I asked to anyone that would listen.

  "We will call up and see," a female Kalazaron said. She moved over to the control panel and pressed on a holographic screen. "Hello, this is the emergency bunker. Does anyone read?"

  There was no response. She repeated the question over and over again. "Communications are down. The only way to know is to go up top."

  "I will go," I volunteered.

  "No, you are new. You do not know your way around enough to take cover," my roommate said.

  "I will be fine. I am going," I said as I made my way out the door. I could not stay down in the bunker any longer. I made it outside. It was eerily silent. I walked into the middle of the village to see lots of smoke and many injured. I ran to an injured warrior on the ground. He was bleeding.

  "Lay still. I'm going to help you," I said as I tore a piece of my dress off from the bottom and used it to tie a tourniquet around his leg.

  I looked up to see many injured being carried into the reconstruction is building. It was where I was needed. "I am going to send to have you picked up and taken into the building. Dr. Prost will take care of you," I told the warrior on the ground. He was not panicked. He was a true warrior and they were taught to remain calm even when injured. It was the Kalazaron way.

  I began to run across the courtyard area then… boom! The fighting started again. I ran for the cover of the side of the building. I was pinned in there. I covered my head and crouched down against the wall. My heart was pounding and I tried to find courage, but shots were being fired all around me, zooming past me. I was going to die any second. Then I felt a burst of wind but I dared not look up. It must have been a bomb going off near me. If I looked up, pieces of metal would be flying everywhere. Then I felt strong arms around me, lifting me up.

  "I've got you. I've got you, Ella," a deep voice said. It must have been General Rendor. But the voice was very familiar. I lifted my head to see that it was him. It was Thaedon. I must be dreaming. The panic of the adrenaline of war must be giving me hallucinations. It must be Rendor and my mind is seeing Thaedon instead[SBM9]. It was the only explanation. He ran fast and carried me inside the reconstruction building.

  "Ella! Is she hurt?!" Dr. Prost said as she ran to my side.

  "I do not think so," he said. I stood up and looked at Dr. Prost; she was covered in blood.

  "I need to help you. Just tell me what is needed. Thank you, Rendor, for rescuing me outside," I said as I began to move to help Dr. Prost.

  "That is not Rendor," Dr. Prost said. I froze in my tracks and tu
rned to see her looking at me confused as she said, "Are you sure you did not hit your head? Perhaps you should lie down."

  "That is probably best," the male voice said. I turned to him, it was him, really him. I wasn’t dreaming; I wasn’t hallucinating.

  "Thaedon? How? What are you doing here? It's really you?" I said, moving toward him.

  "Yes, it's me. I came for you. I came as soon as I knew you had been transferred. I will tell you all about it later, but I think I am needed outside. I must go fight with my fellow warriors. What kind of leader would I be if I did not?" he said.

  It was then that I noticed that all the warriors in the reconstructionist building that could sit up were staring at him. They knew who he was. They knew he was the new master and they were shocked to see that he was there and ready to fight. It must have been the first time a master had ever done such a thing. Masters of the past were old and did not fight. He pulled me close by putting his arm around the small of my back. My body pressed against his entire long, lean chest and torso. I was spellbound. He leaned down and planted a firm kiss on my lips. My arms instinctively went up to his strong chest and neck as I kissed him back.


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