Kalazaron Thaedon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

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Kalazaron Thaedon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors) Page 10

by Maia Starr

  Chapter 2


  “Bam!” the blow to my side nearly knocked me off my feet. I recovered quickly and threw my fist in an upper cut motion to Orgun’s chin. He flew in the air backward and landed flat on his back. He did not get back up. The crowd was silent and then they cheered. They began to shout my name “Dalik! Dalik!”

  I stood up tall. I had done it. It was the last competition of the Stanit Trials, and I had won.

  “Dalik Moscurn!” the master and ruler of our Kalazaron Empire shouted.

  “Master Gorgeen Bresh,” I said kneeling down on one knee and bowed my head to him.

  He continued, “You have proven yourself worthy of being my second in command. You have beaten three of the elite who were well versed as warriors and as leaders of our systems. You passed all the tests, both of the mind and of the body. I now declare you my second and the new Kalazaron Consulate!”

  The crowd cheered as I was named the new second in command with a heavy metallic blue long medallion chain that draped over my shoulders and low on my chest. It was the highest ranking you could get besides being the supreme master. I was born for this. I had been trained and sculpted for this by my father who held the same position before he died five years before. I had now accomplished my highest accomplishment.

  “I am most grateful Master Gorgeen Bresh. I hold this in the highest of hearts and mind and will do my duty to the Kalazaron for my eternity life,” I said humbly.

  “Rise, the new Kalazaron Consulate, and lead your brothers and sisters of Kaethon,” he said.

  I stood up on my feet and turned in a slow circle to the crowd as I raised my hands in a high V over my head. The crowd cheered and I grinned.

  I spent the entire night in an orgy of celebration ceremonies. The Kalazaron females threw themselves at me, but I was not interested. I was not ready to begin a family. I had just gained my new position and I meant to throw myself deep into the responsibilities of being a leader. There were many systems that I thought were out of date and I wanted to lead my race into a more progressive direction that was long over due. I would not let anything distract me from that mission. That was until I met her, a human. I would never expect what happened between us, or that it would change everything forever.

  “These are your new quarters Consulate. Please do not hesitate to ask for anything. Your apartments are high over the capital city so that you may see everything you rule,” the habitat coordinant said to me as he showed me my new home in the Buildings of Order. This was where the elite leaders lived in a gathering of towers that were high above the capital city of Konthos.

  “Yes, it will do well to see how the city is run from this vantage point,” I said as I looked out the glass walls. Behind me movers were bringing in my possessions from my former home and I was anxious to get started with meetings.

  “Now if you will follow me. Master Bresh has a gift for you?” he moved toward the door.

  “For me? But I really would prefer to get started on the day’s orders and meetings,” I moved over to a large table.

  “Yes, of course, but I must advise that the Master may see it as an insult that you do not wish to receive his gift of congratulations for your new position.”

  I sighed. He was right. No use getting off on the wrong foot now. “Yes, you are right. How careless of me. Please lead the way,” I feigned interest in whatever gift of precious metals he would have for me. My mind was filled with plans of what I wanted to implement on my first day that I was in a daze when we arrived at the slave cages.

  “What are we doing here?” I looked around at the long halls of cages. Each one held a creature from a different planet or galaxy. Some were closely like us, whom we took as household slaves, and others were animalistic.

  “Master Bresh learned of a new female captive from the race of humans of Earth. He wants this to be your gift. You will need a slave to keep your house, as you will be busy. He did not want to give you a standard Kalazaron slave, so he wanted you to have this,” he stopped in front of a cage.

  There in the corner was a small creature of a human sitting in a bundle hugging her knees. As she lifted her head she shot anger with her blue eyes at me. I thought she would be shaking with fear but she was not. There was defiance and hate in those eyes. Good, I thought. I could not have a whimpering human in my home. I had seen that before with a few of the other human females we had gathered over the years, and I was not impressed. But this one seemed different. I could learn from this one. “Stand up,” I said.

  “No,” she said with anger.

  “What are you doing?!” a voice boomed.

  “That one is mine. I am taking her now,” Commander Nankor Yun shouted at me.

  “Commander, back from shooting your load at innocents in space I see…” I said with a mocking tone that I knew he would hate. I enjoyed playing with him because I hated him. Kalazarons like him were going to bring the downfall of our race and I meant to do away with him as soon as I could, but these things took time.

  “How dare you speak to me like that you imbecile,” he got in my face.

  “Have you not heard? This is the new Consulate,” my companion said to the commander.

  I could see the anger in his eyes and his veins popping out of his forehead as he bit his lip and dropped down to one knee and said, “Consulate.”

  “This captive has been given to the Consulate by Master Bresh as a gift for his triumph.”

  “Master Bresh must not have known that I had claimed this captive for myself,” Commander Nankor Yun said with a restrained tone of anger as he rose up to his feet.

  “Yes, he is aware. I have the order right here,” the habitant coordinate pulled out a holopointer. He pressed the button and displayed the image of the order on the wall for all to see. Commander Yun let out a low guttural growl before saying, “Yes so it is. My apologies to Master Bresh and to you Consulate. I was not aware of the changes in the order and the transfer of goods.”

  “Yes well you will do well to remember that you plunder in the name of the Kalazaron and not for your own personal gain,” I said to him. He sneered, but said nothing. I looked over at the female human in the cage and could see a sense of relief on her face. No telling what this animal had done to her as his captive before landing back on Planet Kaethon. I would not leave her to be his personal toy. I would take her now into my protection. It was the least I could do for what we had done to the humans.

  “Now if you will Commander,” I nodded to him in a way that stated he was no longer wanted in my presence. He looked back at the female prisoner and then back at me and smiled before walking away. I did not need to hear any words from him to know that he meant that smile to mean that this was not over. Fine, I thought. I would like nothing more than to punish or challenge that brute. For now, it would have to wait.

  As he went out of sight I nodded to the coordinant who aimed his holopointer at the cage. It unlocked. The female still did not move. I stepped into the cage closer to her. As the light hit her face I was suddenly stunned. I had not seen such a face before. Her yellow hair shined like gold. Her blue eyes now lit by the light were the color of the Konthos sky. Her full lips were a blushing shade that I had not seen before and they were slightly trembling. She was delicate and small compared to the females of the Kalazaron. I didn’t see how she could make a good slave with such a small back. I had seen female humans before but this one was very different and yet I did not know why. What was the feeling she was giving me? I placed my hand out to the coordinant and said, “Holopointer.”

  He handed it over. I pointed the image at the wall and changed a few settings. Then I pointed it at the female human. I started at the floor and scanned upwards.

  “What? What is that?! What are you doing? Stop!” she shouted in panic.

  “No need to shout human. I am only checking your biology to see why you are so different than the other female humans,” I said as I saw her organs, her beating heart
, and her frail, small, bones as the scan moved over her.

  “Different! Are you an imbecile? I’m not different,” she said sarcastically.

  The coordinant next to me gasped at her insult. Of course she would have no way of knowing that a female slave insulting an elite Kalazaron with words was worthy of extermination.

  I stopped the scan. She was right. I did not see anything different that showed up biologically, but there was definitely something. “Don’t use insults. It will cost you your life,” I said as I handed the pointer back. Her eyes grew wide.

  “Come with me to your new home,” I said to her as I extended my hand to help her to her feet.

  “No. Leave me alone. Take me back to Earth,” she said quietly.

  I sighed and squatted down next to her, “Look human, you have two choices here and Earth is not one of them. Either you come with me to my home in the city inside the Buildings of Order, or you stay here in this cage to become the property of that animal Commander Yun.”

  Her eyes grew wider at the second choice. “Yes, I see fear in your eyes at that second choice, and there should be. He is every bit the animal you have seen so far and much, much, worse than you can imagine. I on the other hand promise you that you will not be treated so barbarically. Do your duties in my house to keep it kept and that is all that I will ask of you, nothing more. Now, what will it be female human?”

  Chapter 3


  When I woke up I was in a large cage of blue steel that was shiny but strong. It was cold. There was a bench on one side of the cage and that was all. I was quick to analyze my situation, like a good scientist would. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and remembered that the last thing that I remember was that syringe that put me to sleep and my crew being shot. I held back tears at that thought. Had they really killed everyone? How would I ever know? There were ten other people on that ship made up of the crew and a few scientists. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

  “Keep it together Jade,” I said quietly to myself as I pushed the images of the people I was with on the ship aside. I had to concentrate on my situation and how to get out of it. I stood up. I held on to the cage steel for support. I checked my arm for the syringe marks wondering if there were any, but there was none. I wondered what they had put into me because I did not even dream. It was almost as if I was just in some sort of black abyss. I looked at my body up and down. Had I been violating? Had I been experimented on? How long had I been out on that unknown drug? I would never know. I wish that I could speak to someone, anyone of my crewmembers, but that was impossible. They were all gone and I was truly, truly alone on a foreign planet. It was unsettling and I had to push these thoughts out of my mind and there was only one way that I knew how to do that. I had to push other thoughts in place of the negative ones. I decided that I would start to analyze my situation because science and problem solving always helped me cope with any situation.

  I stood quietly listening. There were all kinds of sounds that I could not identify. First I thought I heard a low rumble, like the rumble and creak of a ship, but then it grew into an all out roar. I stepped back for a second, shocked. Then there was another sound from the other side of the room that could only be described on Earth as the sounds of a large whale. It was very large. Where the hell was I?

  The sounds of creatures were a low murmur and then would erupt suddenly into loud bursts, and my analysis turned to fright. What was going on here? I slowly walked to the front of the cage as though I was going to be snagged by some unknown creature at any second. I finally reached the front of the cage and wrapped my hands around the cold bars. I looked around. My mouth fell open in utter disbelief at what I saw.

  I was in a large cavernous space that almost looked like a warehouse. All along the ceiling were holographic projections that seemed to be displaying readings of some sort. They reminded me of readings of vitals, like heart rate, temperature, and such but it was in a foreign language that I could not read. Each projection hovered over the individual cages. As my gaze moved down toward the cages I was scared and amazed simultaneously at what I saw.

  Along side my cage were many other cages. Some cages were like mine but none of them held humans as far as I could see. Instead, they held various creatures; most of them were animal like alien beasts. I looked at the one furthest from me that resembled a cat like a tiger but was very low to the ground like a komodo dragon with a long tail. It was very ominous looking with green and white tiger like stripes. It hissed and a snake like tongue flickered out of its mouth. I was in shock at the sight but the scientist in me was very intrigued. Where did this creature come from? Was it from this planet that I was on, or was it too a captive of the Kalazaron? I wanted to know everything about it.

  I looked further down to see large water tanks and an octopus like creature swimming about with smaller jelly fish like organisms floating here and there. It was this octopus like creature that let out a whale like groan. As soon as it did I saw the movement of the projection above it recording the sound. This was miraculous!

  This was unbelievable! It was like a galactic zoo with creatures of different planets and galaxies. I was so excited as I continued to look around at all the creatures with a big scientist heart until I made full circle back to myself. Wait a minute!

  I realized that I too was in this zoo catalogue, but why? I looked above my head to see the same projection hovering over my head. It was reading my vitals that was obvious even though I could not read it. These jerks were counting me as an animal?! Ugh! I stomped around my cage like an angry animal would, and felt my blood boiling.

  Why was I here being captive when the rest of my ship was killed off? I wondered if I were on the Kalazaron space ship or if we had landed on the actual planet of the Kalazaron. There was no way for me to know. There were no windows in this building. There was hardly any real light except for the glow of the holographic projections on the ceilings. I moved back to the front of the cage to see if I could see a door or an elevator or anything that would be a clue as to what this space was.

  As I moved I heard voices, deep male voices. I quickly moved to the corner of my cage and sat on the floor behind the bench. Maybe if I stayed quiet and unassuming they would just pass me without noticing my existence. I did not want to taken advantage of by a bunch of brutes having fun with these creatures.

  Then I overheard words that chilled me to the bone, “Master Bresh learned of a new female captive from the race of humans of Earth. He wants this to be your gift. You will need a slave to keep your house, as you will be busy. He did not want to give you a standard Kalazaron slave, so he wanted you to have this.”

  Could this be real? Had I really heard them say female slave? Was I a slave now? No, that could not be. I would not accept it. I was a scientist damn it. I would not be carted away to be some house slave for a Kalazaron brute. Two Kalazaron males stopped in front of my cage though I was hoping that there was another female human that they spoke of and that they would keep walking. I was surprised by what I saw when the light hit them. One was in a long robe of sorts, almost like a monk. The other one however was bare chested with leather like straps of sorts almost like a gun holster around his back and abdomen. There was long leather like black sleeves on his forearms from wrist to just below the elbow, the standard warrior wear of this warrior race of aliens. His hair was jet black and almost blue and longer than what I had seen on the military Kalazaron that had invaded our ship. His eyes were a light brown and he was actually an attractive specimen. But I could not think of such things at the moment, I could only think of hate.

  “Stand up,” the bare chested alien warrior said to me.

  “No,” I said letting him know that I would be no slave and no one would order me around, not even a simple command like stand up.

  “What are you doing?!” a loud voice echoed in the long hall and it was very familiar to me. I knew instantly that it was the commander that had taken my ship. I was frighte
ned as I remembered his menacing grin as he had looked at me on the ship.

  “That one is mine. I am taking her now,” the voice continued to shout as the commander came into my view and stood beside the other two. What he said echoed in my ears, “that one is mine.” My heart went cold and I filled with fright. I belonged to no one, only myself, but that thought of belonging to that beast was unbearable. I would die first.

  Over the next few seconds I watched as the two warriors talked about my fate.

  I was pleasantly surprised at the humor of the attractive warrior. He was taking a shot at the commander by poking fun. I sort of liked that. The commander was my enemy too, and this warrior seemed to dislike him.

  But when the Commander got face to face with the other warrior I thought the commander was going to kill this warrior. He had no problem killing at whim. He was a dangerous Kalazaron. I knew that my fate would be an awful one if the Commander killed this Kalazaron warrior. I held my breath as I watched them.

  I quietly exhaled when I heard that the attractive male had more power than the terrifying commander. The commander dropped to his knee and said, “Consulate.” I quietly smiled at the sudden obedience. I knew that the Consulate had power here and I was glad for it. However, I was boiling with anger. How dare they all decide on my life and my future as though I was a piece of meat to be traded and given as a gift?! I wanted to stand up and get in their faces and demand my release, but I knew that would be foolish.


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