Gemini - Mr. Versatile: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 6)

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Gemini - Mr. Versatile: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 6) Page 11

by Tiana Laveen

  “They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but that’s a lie, Chinky. I like this… being with you. I like change, and this, well, it’s different. Told you I haven’t been in a relationship for over ten years, by choice. Didn’t want it. I saw it as a hassle.”

  “You said you didn’t want me with anyone else, too. Is that why you tried to secure your position?” She didn’t believe that was the only reason, but she was curious about his response.

  “Nah, it’s not because I was afraid someone else would get you.” And then he burst out laughing and slapped his knee. “I’m such a liar. All right, well, yeah, that had a little to do with it but it was mainly because I’m just ready, baby. Right time… right person.”

  He ran his finger through her hair, then tucked a few strands behind her ear. “I’m ready for this, all right? Big boys do big boy things… like dedicating themselves to the one they need. It’s not every day we meet a soulmate, right?”

  She smiled at his words. The lights in the train flashed for a split second. In that frozen moment in time, the man managed to lick the side of her neck, and then sit straight as if nothing had happened once the lights were back on…

  Slick fucker.

  “Times have changed, my life has changed… but I’m still the same.” He pulled his earbud out, then drew closer to her and whispered in her ear, “Like, I still want to fuck you every chance I get… I love sliding my hard dick in your sweet pussy, baby… hearing you groan when I first put it in… seeing your fuckface as you take it… watching you back up, wiggle, try to run from the cock but no… I make you stay there and feel every inch… ’cause I love you baby… and I need you to fuck me. You’re so damn sexy, and you know how to fuck me just right… good and broken in now, my beautiful China Doll…”

  Her pussy throbbed in sweet anticipation as he talked dirty in her ear. “In fact, I plan to tear your pussy walls down when we get back to your place. Fuck the slant right out of your goddamn eyes… But do you know what I love just as much as delivering dick to you, Chinky?”

  “What, baby?”

  “Just sittin’ back like this, ya know? And talking to you. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders and you’re supportive of who I am and what I’m tryna do, so I want to make sure you get the same level of support from me, too, aiight?”

  “I’ll let you know if you fall short.” She smirked.

  “I bet you will, and you should. I’m almost a virgin at this commitment shit, so keep that in mind but today we’ve done nothing but enjoy each other’s company, heart to heart, soul to soul. We’ve got one mind now.”

  He pointed at his temple as he chewed on a wad of gum. “So connected to you, baby.” He pulled her close as they both laughed, lazy and beautiful like. “I just love you so damn much, baby. Promise me you’ll always be my best friend…”

  She kissed the tip of his nose and looked up into his eyes.

  “I can only be your best friend forever if you’re mine. It takes two to make a thing go right.” She extended her baby finger. “So, let’s pinky swear.”

  He curled his digit around hers, locking fingers. The love was so damn deep, she could feel it all over…

  My nonna lives on Bernard Street in Centereach, New York, Long Island. She’s about 5’6 and her body wide. Her hips birthed our entire tribe. Her hair is like silk—straight silver strands with a few remaining black ones woven throughout that reaches down to her waist. Most times, she keeps it tied up on top of her head. She has friendly bright blue eyes and always wears gold earrings. She smells like lavender, White Diamonds perfume, and gardenia, and she drinks her coffee with a tablespoon of Coca Cola. Nonna is life… life is Nonna…

  Giovanni waited for his chance and pulled up to his grandmother’s three-bedroom, two-bathroom house that was now painted avocado green. He assumed Uncle Emilio had been responsible for the ugly shit since he did most of Nonna’s handyman work. The entire front of the house and the driveway, all the way down the fucking street, was littered with his people’s cars but he’d caught a lucky break—someone had just pulled out and he slid in like it was baseball, stealing bases.

  Family had come in droves to celebrate her seventy-fifth birthday and he was ready to see her, dance with his baby, party and enjoy himself.

  “Wow, look at all these cars. Everyone here to see your grandmother you think, Gio?” Vanessa asked.

  “I bet they are. It’s like this all the time, but this crowd is a bit bigger than usual.”

  He popped out of his Ferrari and opened the passenger side door, then helped Vanessa to her feet. In the distance, he saw other vehicles pulling along, music thumping from cars, and people honking at each other to either say hello or tell someone to get out of their way. Vanessa tugged her navy-blue dress down along her knees, then grabbed her large, shiny white bag with glittery tissue paper spilling out, containing a present she’d spent the better half of the week driving him crazy about.

  “Would you stop it? Ya look fine. Trust me, you’ll be the nun of the group. Ya should see how my cousins Angie and Dottie put themselves together. A hooker looks overdressed compared to them,” he teased as she viewed her reflection in his car window.

  “I just want to make sure this dress isn’t too short. It didn’t seem that short when I put it on, but it keeps riding up. You’re terrible by the way.” She faced him as he took her hand.

  “Yeah? Just being honest. Oh shit, I think that’s my cousin Dom from Jersey… I haven’t seen him in forever.” He let go of her hand and screamed at the top of his lungs, “Yo, Dominic!” he yelled out, ignoring how Vanessa backed away from the loudness of his voice carrying in the air. The man hastened to catch up to him.

  “Ayyeeee! It’s Gio!” The man jogged up the way, his keys dangling in his hand. They grabbed one another and embraced hard, slapping each other’s backs. Music poured out of the house—Tony Renis singing ‘Quando.’ “I haven’t seen you in what? Like, three years, Gio! You look great. I’m proud of ya! You’re a big star now.”

  “Ahhh, I don’t know about all of that but yeah, it’s been a while. You haven’t come to Nonna’s bashes in a while. I know you spent a lot of time on the west coast though for work.”

  “I was spending time all right, but not at work. Can’t go to Nonna’s parties if you’re in Northern State.” The tall, skinny guy with light brown hair rolled his blue eyes and grimaced, looking angry as hell.

  “Awww fuck, ya kidding me, Dom? Ya been in the pen?”

  “Yeah… I’m surprised you didn’t know.”

  “No, I didn’t! Ma didn’t mention it. Why in the hell didn’t anybody tell me?” He threw up his hands. “I can’t believe this.”

  His cousin shrugged. The music changed to Peppino Gagliardi’s, ‘Ti Amo Cosi.’ “What tha fuck you been doin’, man? You shoulda called me, ya know? You need to let me know what happened… for real.”

  His cousin slapped his back as they proceeded to walk up the sidewalk together.

  “Long story… I’ll tell ya later, Gio.”

  They approached the open front door, with only the screen between them and all the festivities. Taking Vanessa’s hand, he led her inside. The place was packed, wall to damn wall. Dom walked off and got lost in the troop.

  The ceiling was decorated with thick paper streamers and gold, white, and green balloons floated about. A punch bowl filled with some blood red concoction sat in a nearby corner with towers of red paper cups around it. He heard his name being called from various corners but couldn’t see the source.

  “Giovanni!” one voice carried to him.

  “Gio!” came another.

  “Luciano, man! Hey!”

  Before he knew it, arms were circling around him, bodies colliding into his as family held him close. He clutched Vanessa’s hand tighter, though he could no longer see her in the swarm. Otis Redding crooned “Cigarettes and Coffee” now, a change of vibe.

  She slipped away from him, her fingers sliding away like
a reluctant goodbye. He smiled in the crowd, but suddenly felt naked without her. He couldn’t even hear his own voice, and he fought a sneeze when cigar and cigarette smoke filled the place. After a few moments, he was finally able to come up for air and he looked around for his woman. He turned to the left, then to the right, and there she was…

  His Aunt Sibilla, a woman who used to babysit him and his brother on his parents’ date nights and had taught him how to sing the alphabet, was standing there with her in a black and white polka dot dress, her waist cinched with a red belt. The lady had a cigarette dangling in one hand and in the other, a red plastic cup undoubtedly filled with something not from the kid’s table. Her hair sprayed high and wide like a Triceratops head, she sported a big smile on her face as she spoke to Vanessa. He watched for a moment or two, then saw Vanessa burst out laughing at something Aunt Sibilla had said.

  “Gio!” his cousin Donnie yelled at him. “Long time no hear! Gloria said she saw ya on Good Mornin’ America doing the Double Dutch.” This caused a roar of laughter. Gio grimaced and shook his head, smirking at the smart-ass son of a bitch.

  “I did the Double Dutch all right, right on top of your baby’s mama and her sister, too.”

  “Ohhhhhh!” The crowd cackled and urged them to keep going, but Donnie reached out and grabbed him in an embrace. It was great seeing each other again.

  “Let the man through, here!” Uncle Enrico screamed as he waved his arms about. “Yeah!” He grabbed Gio up with his meat hooks and gave him a noogie across the head. “How’s my porn star doin’, huh?! I swear I live vicariously through you, kid! You’re gettin’ up there in age now though. Better put down some roots sooner or later.”

  “Actually Enrico, I have a—”

  “Look-eee here!” his father yelled as he burst through the crowd wearing a white jacket, white shoes, and a skinny red tie. His thinning salt and pepper hair was slicked back, helping to expose his handsome, clean-shaven face. Dad was rather flamboyant, much to his mother’s dismay.

  “I know he’s a star, he gets it honest, but get away from my son!” Dad teased. “He’ll sign ya autographs later, geesh. Give him some goddamn room ya jerkoffs!”

  He hugged his father hard, happy to see him. It had been a few weeks.

  “Where’s Ma?” Gio looked about, eager to introduce Vanessa to her.

  “Helpin’ your grandmother finish getting dressed. You wanna beer?”

  “Nah.” He waved his father off. “I’m good.”

  “Tryna keep the ol’ eight pack in check, right? That’s your bread and butter. Jesus, you’re big! I never get over it… solid like a rock. You must work out twenty-four-seven… impressive client list I hear, too. I’m proud of ya.”

  He smiled at his father. The man winked, twinkling green eyes locked on his.

  “Thanks. Dad, I’m sure Ma told you but I brought my girlfriend tonight for you to meet.”

  “Yeah, she said you were bringing someone by. Let’s meet this lady!”

  Gio turned around but Vanessa was nowhere to be found. The crowd seemed to have gotten impossibly bigger in that short duration of time.

  “I have no idea where the hell she went off to.” He faced his father once again. “I could try and call her cellphone but she probably won’t even hear it.” He took his phone out of his pocket anyhow.

  “Go ahead and try. Yeah, she must be around here somewhere. You can never turn your back on your lady though, Gio. Your Uncle Mario has a thing for younger girls, so watch out! He might slide up and steal her,” the older man joked, causing him to shake his head.

  “Uncle Mario is a pervert, no doubt about it, but aren’t we all?”

  “Of course!” Dad shrugged before they both burst out in hysterics.

  “You know what, I’ll just send ’er a text.”

  He typed out: Chinky, where are you? Come over here by the punch bowl. I want you to meet my father. In less than fifteen seconds, he got a reply.

  Vanessa: OK. Coming.

  “Good, she’s comin’.”

  “Fine.” His father tooted a bottle of beer up to his lips and swallowed hard. Gio turned away and finally saw the top of Vanessa’s head. He smiled at her as she approached, excited to let everyone see who he was so fucking crazy about. As soon as she stood by his side, he took her hand and turned back to his father.

  “Dad, this is Chinky. I mean, shit…” He laughed. “This is Vanessa.”

  Dad thrust his hand out to shake hers but before words could be exchanged, Aunt Emma sauntered over in skin tight jeans, a black turtleneck, and her curly, dark brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

  “Finally!” she said, rolling her eyes. “You’re here!” Latching her hand onto Vanessa’s shoulder, she jerked his girlfriend towards her, pushing her in the direction of the galley. “Look, we’ve got the kitchen all cleared out but you guys didn’t call me back when I needed the confirmation order number so now, I didn’t have time to add to the menu. Is it too late to get some salad?”

  Oh shit…

  “Salad? What? Um, there’s some mistake. I’m not someone you hired.” Vanessa’s brows rutted as she shook free from the woman. He stepped in front of her, blocking her from Emma before things took a worse turn.

  “Emma, are you serious? This isn’t the fuckin’ help… the damn caterers. This is my girlfriend,” he hissed through gritted teeth. It seemed, at that moment, the world disappeared inside of a vacuum. The music kept playing, the voices kept laughing, but the huddle of people around him drew somber as they stared at Vanessa, speechless.

  Please tell me this isn’t happening. Please tell me this isn’t fucking happening…

  “Girlfriend?” Emma’s thin, pink lips twisted as she glared at Vanessa in shock, then back at him.

  “What the hell is goin’ on here?” Dad yelled as he pushed closer to him and his girl. “Isn’t this a party?” Dad tossed up his hands. “What’s wrong with you people? Come on! Dance!”

  “What’s wrong with me?” Emma looked at her brother-in-law as if he were some slimy toad that hopped in from a swamp. “Jacob, this is my mother’s birthday party for Christ’s sake! I know all about what they do there in Brooklyn where you’re from, but we don’t do this shit here. Your rich and famous son you’re always bragging about brought a… ahhh geesh, fuh-get about it!” She waved her hand in disgust and stormed off.

  “Brought a what?!” Vanessa said, loud enough for the woman to hear, but Aunt Emma kept on her way until she disappeared. “Say it!” Vanessa started to follow the woman, give her what she came there for, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. She struggled to free herself from his grip.

  “Baby… chill. Come on… relax,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Uh, Vanessa, I’m sorry about my sister-in-law,” Dad said with a pathetic half smile. “She’s a real bitch. You want somethin’ to drink, sweetheart?”

  “No, thank you… but I appreciate you asking.” The light was out of the woman’s eyes, just that fast.

  “Ya know what? I change my mind. I want somethin’ to drink, Dad. A glass of Shut-tha-fuck-up to hand to Emma. Fuckin’ nutjob. What is this? 1908? The Blacks go in the kitchen, right? Wait ’till I tell Ma about this shit!” He glanced at his watch then studied his surroundings.

  “Gio… not today. At least wait until the party is over to spill the beans,” his father said.

  Aunt Sibilla made her way over to them. Her cigarette was gone, but she still had the red cup. With a big smile on her face, she placed her hand on Vanessa’s shoulder.

  “This one right here, Gio? I like her. She’s a real sweetheart.” Sibilla smiled at Vanessa like she’d known her for years.

  “Yeah, she is… sweet as fuck.” Gio wrapped his arm around Chinky’s waist, snatching her close. The woman he loved stood still like a statue, her muscles tense like the past of a complicated verb.

  Jesus Christ! Fuckin’ great! One asshole in the fuckin’ family has ruined everything. Chinky is gonna b
e pissed all night. I probably won’t get laid this evening on account of this shit.

  He couldn’t believe this. Not in a million years had he considered that bringing Vanessa would cause such confusion. Sure, he’d heard many of his family members say things about Black people while growing up, but that was a long time ago. Hadn’t people changed? He could have kicked himself for not even entertaining the fact that such a thing could take place. He didn’t give a shit what race Vanessa was and couldn’t wrap his brain around why anyone else would care, either.

  Leaning low, he whispered in Chinky’s ear, “Look, baby, don’t give her the satisfaction, aiight? My aunt’s a real card. Nobody likes her. She used to snort coke back in the 90s. It’ amazing she can still tie her shoes, fuckin’ cunt.”

  Vanessa offered a watered-down smile, and her body loosened ever so slightly in his grip.

  “Yo Dad, where’s Roberto?”

  “Your brother is here, somewhere.” His old man looked about the place, but his sights landed nowhere in particular.

  “You gotta meet my brother, babe. He’s a riot.”

  Vanessa smiled a bit more. Aunt Sibilla cleared her throat, making her presence known.

  “I want Vanessa to help me and Tammy get the rest of Ma’s gifts out of my trunk.”

  It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Before he knew it, Aunt Sibilla had wrapped her arm around Vanessa’s and they headed to the front door, Tammy following close behind. Aunt Sibilla seemed inebriated, but regardless, it was working in his favor; she was even more jovial than usual, something to help counteract the recently spewed bullshit.

  He turned back towards the quiet crowd—the same people that had been all over him, practically humping him to death with excitement and asking a million and one questions were now stuck on mute. Dean Martin crooned “Mambo Italiano” as they stared at him. This was when the crowd usually got lively. But while half of the house was rockin’ about, dancing, yelling and screaming, the other half, the section where he stood seething, feeling hot and red, was just standing there, drinking, laughing a bit, making strange faces.


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