To Tame A Cowgirl

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To Tame A Cowgirl Page 12

by Roni Adams

  He smiled. “You are both sexy in completely different ways.” Damn it, he was touching her again. He had to stop.

  Reluctantly, he pushed her away and stood up. “Come on. You’re already going to be pissed at me tomorrow for letting it get this far. I’m not…”

  “I dare you.”

  Buck stopped and looked down at her still sitting on the couch, half-naked and smiling up at him. Her sultry eyes sparkled with heat and mischief as her slender fingers slipped the top button of her jeans open.

  “Wh-what did you say?” he stuttered, again.

  Her fingers slid the zipper of her jeans downward and then spread the fabric wide.

  “I said, I dare you.”

  Sara scooted to the edge of the couch but he was smart enough to step back so she couldn’t touch him. In one fluid movement she came off the couch and walked towards him.

  “Are you going to be the first one of us to back down from a challenge?”

  Without wobbling or swaying, she moved steadily towards him. Buck retreated until his back hit the wall next to his bedroom. The way Sara moved purposely after him, he’d swear she was stone cold sober—except for the stupid stuff coming out of her mouth.

  “This isn’t like that. This is nothing like that.”

  “Yes it is. I want to do something with you and you’re letting me down.”

  Buck wet his lips. His head spun. What the hell was she trying to pull? Did Charli put her up to this? She would never have thought to do this on her own. “What did you and Charli talk about tonight?”

  She shrugged. “This and that, nothing important.”

  Her hands fell to his waist, her fingers sliding along the top of his jeans. The open snap made them loose and he bit back a moan when her fingers flittered to his zipper and drew it downward. He pushed her hand away.

  She shook her hair back and stared into his eyes. “Look, Buck. We are going to do this, tonight. So, we can do it the easy way or the hard way.”

  Buck laughed. She was something else. “What are you talking about? You can’t make me?

  Sara nodded. “Oh, but I can.”

  She pressed her body into him. His rock hard erection nestled against her warmth, and she rubbed where their bodies met. “I want to do this with you. If you turn me down, I’ll know you were all talk that night behind the barn.” She tilted her head way back and challenged him with her eyes. “I’m telling you straight up that I’m not drunk. I know exactly what I’m doing and who I’m doing it with. I won’t be mad or regret this in the morning. Now, are you in? Or are you a big whoosy-boy?”

  What a character she was, standing here daring him to make love with her. How was he honestly supposed to refuse?

  Buck stared at her, his body on fire. He adored this woman in a way even he didn’t completely understand, and knew for sure, there was no one else in the world he wanted more. He searched her eyes but found them clear and focused. If he didn’t do this tonight, she’d never let him forget that he’d had his one shot and blew it. And this could very well be the only chance he’d get to show her how much he loved her.

  “Ahh hell, Sara.” He yanked his shirt off over his head and pulled her hard against his chest, capturing her mouth in a kiss that left her no mercy. If she wanted this, she was going to get it...all of it.

  She wiggled her hands inside his jeans and cupped him through his boxes. His found her breasts and molded them to his palms. Relief, elation, acceptance all roared through his body as he realized he was finally going to make love to her. He broke off the kiss to lower his head and capture one rosy tip in his mouth.

  Sara grabbed his hair and clung to him. He heard her breath quicken and she cried out. He lathed first one breast and then the other with his tongue until they were both wet and swollen before pulling her up against him again, kissing her long and hard. When Sara rubbed her breasts on his bared chest, he captured her firm bottom in his hands. He realized she still had on her jeans and shoved them down her hips. She shifted and kicked them away as he slid his hands inside her panties and squeezed the succulent bare bottom.

  He kissed her neck, nibbling on her skin, inhaled the scent that was all her.

  “Buck?” she whispered.

  He froze. She was going to stop him.

  Okay, he was a little pissed that she’d waited quite this long, but it was okay, he could stop. Fine—typical Sara, getting in over her head and trusting that he’d bail her out. Well, she was one lucky girl that she’d tried her seduction skills on him and not some nameless cowboy. He swallowed hard and prayed for strength. “What?”

  In her eyes, he saw excitement. They sparkled with mischief.

  “Wouldn’t this be a whole lot better in bed?”

  Without preamble, he bent and scooped her up in his arms. After kicking open the door to his room, he set her on his bed and shoved his jeans off. Tomorrow could go to hell. He wasn’t going to think beyond tonight. And tonight, he was going to show his best friend that some things were more fun than drinking beer and shooting pool together.

  Sara watched Buck, surprised at how she wasn’t in the slightest bit nervous about this. Her gaze slid down his body as he stepped out of his dark boxers. She’d seen pictures of naked men—hell, she’d been around enough men in her life that a glimpse here or there wasn’t unusual—but she’d never seen a physique as incredibly perfect as Buck’s. Even when they’d swam together, she’d had no idea how well proportioned he truly was.

  “Okay?” he muttered and moved to the bed.

  Sara scooted over and laid back against the pile of pillows. “Hmm, I think you’ll do.”

  She laughed as he growled, pouncing to half-cover her. His strong thighs slid over hers and his heavy weight made her desire spike even higher. She sifted her hands through his hair, springy and soft and so thick she just wanted to nestle her fingers in and play with it all night long.

  His mouth lowered and she parted her lips, kissing him back, letting him know with her actions that this was exactly what she wanted.

  Why had all this time gone by and they’d never thought to do this before! What a waste. If she’d known it could be like this, she would’ve enjoyed some of this ‘friends with benefits’ stuff sooner.

  Buck’s hand slid to her belly and she tingled all over. Already wet and aching, she could barely stand the wait for him to touch her.

  His fingers slipped to her panties and down between her thighs. She couldn’t hold in the moan of pleasure as his fingers stroked the soaked material. In a split second, he had them off and his large hand cupped her intimately. Her insides clenched with need and she lifted her hips in encouragement.

  She kissed him hard, her teeth clashing with his, their tongues tangling. She drew him into her mouth and suckled as he stroked her harder.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as the first waves of pleasure began.

  She shuddered, arched and cried out as she reached her first climax. He never left her, touching her, stroking her exactly as she needed while he suckled her breast.

  Sara couldn’t breathe. The room was a kaleidoscope of colors as she began to settle back to earth. She was aware of Buck kissing her chest, her neck and nibbling at her ear lobe. He moved over her spreading her legs gently to settle between her thighs. Her hands reached around to stroke his rock hard bottom and squeeze the tight cheeks. Buck drew her ear lobe into his mouth as his fingers caressed a breast, teasing her nipple.

  She wasn’t a complete innocent—she and Cole had fooled around—but she had to admit, that the next step was a bit unnerving. What if she was too small? Buck was a big man, and from what she’d already seen, he was that way all over.

  He must have sensed her concern because he slid to the side and lifted his gazed to hers. “Okay?”

  She reached her hand out to trace his lips with her finger. “I’m fine. But I hope that was just the appetizer, and not the meal...or I’m going to be one disappointed cowgirl.”

  He narrowed his eyes and
touched her lips with his fingers. “You talk a big game. I’m wondering how far you’re going to take this before you chicken out.”

  Sara licked her lips and slid her hand down. “I’m going all the way, and so are you.”

  Buck’s eyes closed as her fingers clasped around his erection. She stroked him in her palm, sliding her thumb along the tip and rubbing the moistness she found there. She watched his face as she fondled him and cradled the soft sacks beneath. Forest green eyes open, staring back at her as if he could see right through to her soul.

  His breathing grew hard. With her other hand, she pushed gently until he was on his back. Going on pure instinct rather than knowledge, she moved over him, brushing her breasts against his hard chest. She kissed his nipples, and he moaned. Not sure exactly what was going to give him the most pleasure she experimented, and copied what he had done to her. She kissed her way down his body, caressing him with her hands as she tasted his skin, and nibbled gently.

  When she reached the hardness of him, she watched the expression on his face change. He closed his eyes and laid his head back against the pillows. His tongue shot out and wet his lips, moaning her name.

  She wasn’t sure what he wanted but she lowered her mouth until she could taste him...and then she began to suck. Buck lifted his hips, his hands restless as they tried to reach her, but she scooted out of the way. This was her show and she planned to make him half out of his mind. She suckled, licked and caressed, stroking hard and then soft, slow and then fast, his softly spoken reassurance guiding her.

  All of a sudden, he sprang up and flipped her onto her back. He lowered his body over hers, shoved her legs apart with his thighs and settled between them. He kissed her with a hunger that made her heart race. She arched her hips towards him, urging him to make the next step. Beyond ready for him to take her, she didn’t want to wait any longer and spread her thighs wider, bucking her hips under him. She dragged her nails into his buttocks trying to convey without words what she wanted.

  Buck lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “You gotta tell me,” he moaned.

  What did he want to know, now? “Tell you what?” She wet her lips, trying to draw enough breath into her lungs to speak

  “Have you done this before?” He swallowed hard.

  When she shook her head, he started to pull away.

  “No!” She clung to his shoulders, her fingers digging into his muscles “Buck, everything I’ve ever done first was with you. Don’t stop now, please. I want this. I want you.”

  Buck dropped his head to her chest and she knew he was wrestling his conscience. Damn him. She jerked his head up by the hair until he looked her in the eye. “Would you rather my first be with some nameless cowboy or someone I care about?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t believe you and Cole never...”

  She slapped her hand over his mouth and narrowed her eyes. “Do you really want to talk about him when we do this?”

  His mouth lowered to nuzzle her cleavage and then his tongue was on her nipple again. Damn, he’s stalling!

  “Buck, don’t make me hurt you,” she muttered, and wiggled her hips up towards him again.

  He laughed against her breast, but thankfully shifted his lower body until the velvet hardness of him nudged her entrance. His fingers drew down to brush against her sensitive spot. They stroked gently, making her insides tighten deliciously again.

  “Okay, but you are so going to hate me tomorrow.”

  She arched her back and closed her eyes. “I promise I won’t. I swear.” His deft fingers were making her lose her sanity again, and she wanted him inside her when it happened the second time. “Do this with me, please.”

  He slid into her slowly and the most pleasure she’d ever felt coursed through her body. As Buck filled her, and she stretched to accommodate him, it was as if every nerve ending in her body jolted alive. She lifted her hips, opening her legs further. When he was all the way in, he began to move in and out slowly. Nothing in the world had prepared her for how good this felt and she cried out.

  He stilled immediately. “You okay? Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head. “It’s beyond amazing. Come on, show me what all those girls whisper about.”

  Buck kissed her in such a way that she knew, without a doubt, he was telling her how much she meant to him. How much what they were sharing meant to him.

  His hips pumped in and out in perfect rhythm with hers. She grasped his bare buttocks with her hands and lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist. “I’m not going to break,” she moaned, wanting him to take her harder, faster. She knew he was holding back.

  He picked up the pace and she laughed as the pleasure heightened even higher. His body tightened and he muttered nonsense into her hair.

  “God, Sara. God,” he said over and over.

  His movements were jerky, hard and frantic. Her nails dug into his skin as he shuddered and came, carrying her over the edge with him.

  Long moments later, he collapsed against her and she dropped her legs from around his waist.

  Sara kept her eyes closed and held Buck’s head pillowed against her breasts. It was the most wonderful experience of her life and she was so glad that she’d shared this moment with him. Overcome with emotions, tears welled in her eyes. If he saw them, she knew he’d immediately think she regretted this, so she blinked them away and pushed against him.

  He moved off and she twisted until she was on her side so they looked at each other across the pillow.

  “Well, that was fun.” She forced a light tone into her voice and a sassy grin.

  Buck searched her eyes and she made sure he couldn’t see any doubts there. All the issues they’d have to deal with could come later, now that she’d done this, all she wanted was to do it again and the hell with the rest of the world.

  He leaned forward and kissed her. She caressed his face, kissing him back. Before too long his hand found her breast again and snuggled it in his palm. Sara leaned into him and they kissed long and slow, touching each other until the passion of a few minutes ago flared up again. This time, the pace was slower, less hurried.

  When Buck moved over her a second time, Sara opened her legs and he slid inside as if they’d been making love for years. They moved together in the waltz of lovers, keeping their eyes open. Neither said a word, just let the passion push them higher and higher.

  This time when it was over, Buck pulled the covers over them both and held her tight in his arms. Sara fell asleep with her head on his shoulder and her legs twisted around his. She’d never felt quite this satisfied in her life. It was even better than the best steak at the LoneStar.

  Chapter Ten

  Buck was awake in just a few hours. Sara was still sound asleep and, if her soft snoring was any indication, she might not be awake for several hours yet. He gently disengaged himself and covered her back up. He wasn’t stupid, there was definitely going to be hell to pay when she realized what they’d done. He grabbed a pair of clean boxers out of the drawer and slipped them on before heading out to the sitting room.

  Waiting for the coffee to perk, he sat on the small couch and dropped his head into his hands. He’d done some idiotic things in his life, but to make love with Sara because she’d dared him to? What the hell had come over him? She could at least claim she’d had too much to drink, but he’d been as sober as a judge.

  Maybe he should be asking, what had come over her? It had to have been something Charli said to her. They’d been in Houston for five days and nights and Sara hadn’t even hinted at doing what they did last night. Yep, Charli was definitely behind this somehow. Whether that was good or bad remained to be seen.

  She had surprised him in so many ways last night and again this morning, but he hadn’t been surprised to find she was still a virgin. He knew if she’d ever done it with Cole, she’d have told him all about it. They told each other everything.

  The doorbell to the suite rang. “Room Service,” a male
voice called through the door.

  Buck frowned. He hadn’t order breakfast. He walked across the room and opened the door. Maybe Sara did and forgot to tell him.

  In a few minutes, he’d signed for the cart of food and given the bellboy a tip. An envelope sat in the middle of the cart, addressed to him. You can thank me later—signed with a red heart and the initial C.

  He would have grinned if his heart wasn’t so heavy. Charli obviously didn’t know Sara as well as he did. What he’d done last night, what they’d done changed everything. Sara had told him that sleeping with friends mucked everything up, and she was right. He’d never be satisfied with going back to just being her buddy now. He wanted far more than just friendship with her. He wanted her in his bed, every night.

  And what of her father’s Will? Was sleeping with him last night her decision? If so, good. At least that issue was resolved. Sara wouldn’t have done what they did, no matter what she had to drink, if she was still considering marrying Cord.

  The thought cheered him enough that he half-thought about going back and joining her in bed. The added thought of her waking up and then having to deal with the wrath that was sure to follow was enough to keep him firmly in the living room.

  The cart was full of every imaginable type of breakfast food. Charli must have thought they’d be ravenous! He popped a plump grape in his mouth and picked up a couple strawberries before pouring a cup of coffee.

  Another hour crept by and Buck had read the paper and flipped through the program for the day’s events. It was barely seven—he couldn’t stand the wait anymore. He was going to climb back into bed and wake her up the way a new lover should. Plus, at least that way if she decided to attack him he’d be lying somewhere soft.

  Buck turned off the lights in the sitting room and crept back to the bedroom. Sara was still sound asleep so he slid his boxers off, carefully lifted the covers and climbed back in beside her. Back to him, he wrapped his arms around her middle and spooned around her. He brushed her hair aside and kissed the warm curve of her neck as his hand covered a breast. Her nipple immediately pebbled at his touch and he stroked it while kissing her neck and shoulders. He could sense her body waking up and he slid one hand down between her legs to nestle in the moist curls. Her legs parted of their own accord, inviting him inside to stroke her. Her body shifted restlessly, bare bottom shoved up against his erection. He squeezed her breast as he moved closer so he could enter her from behind. She pulled her bottom up and arched her back slightly and he slid inside her hot center. Her breath caught and the soft moan of pleasure that he adored. The sounds of enjoyment she made as he stroked in and out were intoxicating and, before long, she cried out and he joined her in a joint climax.


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