Your Own Human

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Your Own Human Page 12

by Arizona Tape

  I felt faint and the dizziness was unnerving. I never had any trouble fledding from the building to my home, not even when I carried Heather, but somehow there was something wrong.

  Was it my body? Was it weakening?

  No, it must’ve been my imagination. Vampire bodies didn’t weaken. We were built strong. Fast. This was who we were.

  It must be something up here. Maybe the air changed, or a new chemical was released, or the earth got out of its orbit. Who knew. It could be anything, but it was not my body that was the problem.

  It couldn’t be…

  I got pulled out of my thoughts by a loud shriek. I jumped up and looked around to spot the danger, ready to shield my human from whatever was coming.

  “Ouch,” Heather pouted, waving her hand in the air.

  “What’s wrong? What happened!” I yelled as I scanned the area, frustrated I couldn’t detect anything or anyone.

  “Nothing, I just cut myself on something sharp over here.”

  I let out a big sigh of relief and crouched down next to her. Oof. Nothing to be afraid of. My stomach unclenched and as I focused on the tiny cut on her finger, I pushed my panic to the background. For a slight moment I worried I couldn’t protect her.

  Which was utter nonsense. Of course, I could.

  “Let me see,” I spoke softly, pulling Heather’s bleeding hand towards me. She must have cut herself on a stray piece of glass or something as blood was dripping down her hand.

  “I… Ehmm…” I muttered as I stared at her hand. The blood was bright red and trickled down in a little stream as the drops fell into the dust beneath us. It was so red. So… Silky… So liquid. It smelled different than I imagined. So distinct. Almost metallic but with a hint of… I couldn’t place it. It was unlike anything else I smelled before and yet somehow, it seemed so very familiar.

  So familiar. I racked my brain, trying to pinpoint what it reminded me off. It almost smelled like… But that couldn’t be…

  “Ade? Ade?”

  “Yeah?” I answered, snapping out of my haze and drawing my eyes up to meet hers.

  “I asked if you could take some tissues from my back pocket.”

  “Oh… Yeah. Umm. Sure. Sorry…” I apologised, shaking my head to compose my thoughts. This was not the time! Heather was hurt and here I was daydreaming.

  With my free hand I searched her pocket and managed to press the tissue on her bleeding hand.

  “You okay? Your hands are trembling,” Heather asked, looking at me strangely.

  “What? Yes, yes. I’m okay,” I answered, swallowing audibly as I drew my eyes away. “Put pressure on it until it stops.”

  I shoved my hands deep in my pockets as I realised they were indeed trembling and averted my gaze so I didn’t have to look at my bleeding girlfriend. I wasn’t sure why that sight made me feel so weird. Maybe it was because I didn’t like seeing her hurt. I hoped it was. But still… weird. Everything was weird.

  After a little while, the wound stopped bleeding and Heather happily waved her hand at me. She wiped the dried blood away and the nick was barely visible. Odd that such a small cut could draw so much blood from her. Very odd.

  “I’m all okay. Nothing to worry about,” she cheerfully said, as if nothing had happened.

  “I’m glad.”

  I moved closer to her under the pretence to give her a quick peck. But I just wanted to throw some dirt over the blood on the ground. It was staring at me and I just couldn’t have that. I needed to get away from here.

  This was turning into a bizarre scenario and I knew Heather was realising something was up.

  “I’m ready to keep going. You up for a run?” I proposed quickly, hoping to divert Heather’s curious mind.

  “Huh? Oh yes. Sure,” she smiled, but I could tell the gears in her head were ticking away. So were mine. I was distracted. I knew I was. She knew I was. I just wasn’t completely sure why. I wanted to say it was because I didn’t like seeing Heather hurt because she was so fragile, so vulnerable. But I wasn’t sure that was the entire reason. It was about something else as well.

  The blood.

  Her blood just dripped out of her body like it was nothing. It didn’t seem to hurt her or disturb her even, but it did disturb me.

  I never saw anyone bleed. We didn’t bleed. Our skin was so strong it protected our internal organs perfectly. I had blood in our a lab for testing before, but it wasn’t as red and it certainly wasn’t that velvety.

  But her blood, human blood? It was so red. So… beautiful.

  I didn’t understand why it had such an effect on me. I’d seen it before when we did all those tests in the beginning. I hadn’t smelled or touched it, but it hadn’t affected me then. But now… It somehow did. It drew me in, it beckoned me, it called out to me. Was it because I learned about my history? Or was there another reason?

  Why did I have such a different reaction to it now? What was different?

  I urged myself to think back to our first meeting, trying to figure out what could have made this change.

  When I met her, she was unconscious. I woke her up, we talked, and then I brought her home with me. I called father urgently because… Oh right, because she was human and because she passed out. One of my +fluids had almost killed her.

  Wait… +fluids.

  When did I drink last? Hmm… I hadn’t had any fluids in weeks.

  Even though my body needed those, I could go without them for a good while. I never tried not drinking them. I kept my house fully stocked and they were tasty. Usually, I drank three packages a day for good measure. Almost everyone did.

  But Heather grabbed my attention and since we went to her world spontaneously, I hadn’t really thought about taking +fluids with me. I hadn’t really missed them anyway and down in the human world they had those little chewing tablets with a similar flavour, so I’d just been enjoying those instead.

  I really hadn’t thought about my nutrients and all. I figured I’d notice if I needed it. But with no cravings for my fluids, I didn’t really pay any attention to it. At least not while I was down there. Everything was close by and I couldn’t show my true strength. I didn’t need my body to be in top condition, that would just alarm the people around me.

  I knew that over time, I hadn’t held Heather too tight, or crushed as many poles, or swung open doors into my own face, but I just assumed I’d gotten better at regulating my strength.

  Better at being careful around Heather.

  I drank lots of water and that kept me energised throughout. Or so I thought… Now that I was back up in my world, it seemed different. But I wasn’t ready to admit what was happening here.

  Something was off, that was for sure. It could have been the air or the ground. Perhaps gravity or the oxygen or anything else, but a far more likely explanation: It was… Me.

  Was I growing weaker without my +fluids? Was I becoming…


  Chapter 16: Ecstasy

  It took me almost four painstakingly long hours to reach the city. Four hours. That was almost double of the usual time. Damn it. What was wrong with me?

  I just hoped Heather hadn’t noticed it took me this much longer or that I felt drained and weakened when we arrived at my flat. I didn’t want her to worry, so I just played it off like it was nothing, hiding my struggle from her.

  My door shrieked and I was greeted with the familiar scent of my home. I took in a deep whiff, some of my strain already disappearing. Happily, I sighed. “Ahhh, home sweet home.”

  Heather shook her head in amusement as she watched me greet my little end table. With a big grin, she fell down on my sofa.

  “Aah, a real couch. Much more comfortable than your back,” she teased as she ground her butt into the pillows and stretched her limbs. She must have been a little sore from being on my back the whole time.

  I flashed her a quick smile, noting how she still fit perfectly in between my furniture and resisted from joining her. I knew I neede
d to do something else first and it just couldn’t wait. I placed a soft kiss on her temple, muttered I’d be right back and waved the VDR on. As quietly as possible, I pulled open my cabinets and grabbed a +fluid package.

  I sighed in relief, pleased I was fully stocked and didn’t need to go out to get some more. Immediately, I opened a blueberry one and chugged it down in one go, not even bothering with the straws. As soon as the fluids touched my tongue I felt much better. The dizziness disappeared, the burning in my lungs lifted and I could feel my senses dulling again.

  The consistent buzzing from my ears disappeared and instead of hearing everything, it finally went back to the usual tone. My eyes focused on one spot instead of keeping everything sharp and I finally dared breath through my nose without being attacked by all the scents of this world.

  Dear gods, what a nightmare it had been.

  With the aching and my strained body, it was much harder to suppress my heightened senses and I hadn’t experienced an overload of information like this since I was a kid. Everything was just too bright, too loud, and the overwhelming smells almost made me dry heave.

  Having Heather around didn’t really help. On the contrary. She just smelled so strongly of her and it made me very aware of her body wrapped around me as I ran. It almost made me lose my mind.

  The only thing that had kept me from ravaging her right then and there was the promise I made to her. I knew I wasn’t being myself, so I forbade myself from giving in to any temptations and rushed home as fast as I could.

  That was a good call. In my deprived state, I was dangerous. Especially to Heather. Even the strain on my body didn’t stop me from lusting after her and with my weakened self-control, who knew what could’ve happened.

  Luckily, I figured out what the problem was and I knew the +fluids would help me settle back into being myself. I quickly downed another pocket and as I smacked my lips, I could feel myself revitalise. I really needed this.

  I took a deep breath, regaining my composure. I walked over to Heather, urging her to move so I could nestle myself next to her. With my senses dulled and the aching lifted from my body, I could be around her again like a normal person.

  “It is nice being back here,” she sighed happily as she cuddled into me.

  I nodded in agreement, gingerly kissing her shoulder. I wrapped my arm tightly around her and pulled her closer to me. It was indeed good to be back.

  The human world was new and exciting, but it was exhausting being on guard the whole time. There were always people around. Always. Even when it was time to sleep, we would have to walk through a mass of people before being isolated.

  At least here, we had the apartment to ourselves and I didn’t need to hide her or myself when we were inside.

  No, being down there wasn’t easy. After all, I didn’t want to deprive Heather of any social contact with her friends or family. Although she seemed to be a bit of a loner anyway. It was just a dangerous affair. I didn’t want to be discovered and I didn’t want to endanger my girl. The consequences of anyone finding out about me and her would probably turn out horrible for the both of us and I really wasn’t looking for any trouble. I just wanted to be with her.

  Just like this.

  Our bodies intertwined, our minds at rest, our souls at peace. I would give anything to spend the rest of my years with her like this.

  Just perfect. Just perfect…

  I let my head rest on her shoulder and felt my eyelids grow heavy. I wasn’t physically tired, I knew I couldn’t be. The +fluids gave me the boost I needed to keep my body going. No, this was a different kind of sleep. This was a rest.

  I was safe here. We were safe. I didn’t need to be on guard or worried that something was going to happen to her.

  I could relax.

  I could close my eyes… Just for a second…

  Nothing would happen to her…



  “Ade? Ade?”

  I jumped up as I heard Heather call my name and wrapped myself around her protectively.

  “What? What’s going on?” I yelled as I scanned for danger. What was happening?

  “Relax, nothing is going on,” she soothed, kissing me softly. “You seem sleepy, let’s get you to bed. You will be much more comfortable there.”

  “Oh… Yeah…”

  She tugged on my arms, helping me up as she guided me into my bedroom. The bed was just how I left it. One pillow chilling casually on the floor and my sheets wrapped in a tangle. I grinned at that familiar sight and scooped up my pillow as I let myself fall like a starfish on my bed.

  “Hi pillow, hi bed. I’m back!” I announced happily as I closed my eyes for a second. I hadn’t realised how much I missed my own home until I got here. Being back in my own bed with my own stuff was just an utter delight.

  I hugged my pillow tightly and rolled towards where Heather was standing. She had a strange smile on her lips but I decided not to ask why she was looking at me funnily. It didn’t really matter, I was just happy to be here.

  She pulled the bunched up sheets from underneath me and tucked me in. With a smile, she curled up next to me. With her head resting on my shoulder and her hot breath on my neck, we comfortably fell into a peaceful slumber.

  It was indeed good to be back. This was how it was supposed to be.

  Heather and I. Together alone. Safe and sound.

  After the most relaxing nap in weeks, I woke up with Heather gingerly curled up in my arms.

  “Hi, sleepy. Finally awake?” she mused, kissing me softly on the tip of my nose.

  “Hmmhmm…” I yawned groggily, pulling her tighter into me. She was so soft and so warm. Her skin just radiated pure heat as she warmed me up and even though she was in good shape, her muscles weren’t as hard as mine. Hugging her was soft and comforting and oh so warm. She was everything I wasn’t.

  I just couldn’t get enough of her. Especially not when she was wrapped so tightly around me. And now that I took my fluids and I was back to normal, nothing was stopping me from having my way with her. After all, the danger had passed and I was no longer hungry. I was back in control.

  “Do you realise this is the first time in weeks we’re truly alone?” I smirked, kissing the nape of her neck suggestively.

  “Hmm, really? That’s the first thing you say to me after you wake up?” Heather snorted, but the twinkle in her eyes gave away her true feelings.

  “Hmmhmm… And, my walls are very sound proof.”

  “You sure? We should test that out,” she grinned, pushing her soft body against mine and capturing my lips with the sweetest kiss.

  My senses dulled after the fluids, but my lust surely hadn’t. I still wanted to ravage her with everything I got and I didn’t intend to stop until I was done. She was intoxicating. Everything about her was intoxicating. The way her cheeks flushed red or how her eyelids fluttered. The little gasps and moans that left her plump lips when I kissed her naked skin. The growls from the back of her throat when I found her weak spots and the desperate whimpers she released as I denied her the peak of her pleasure. The way her hairs were sprawled over my pillow and how the rest of her body was sprawled underneath me. How her chest heaved with every sharp breath she took as my teeth grazed over the softness of her skin. How her blood rushed through her veins in excitement and how I could hear it. How after I noticed it, it was all I could hear.

  It started out soft and calm, like a small river. But the noise became much louder as her blood traveled through her with much more urgency. It raved through her veins, pumped through her body and it was all I could hear.

  Her beautiful voice and longing moans a whisper in the background as her blood ran through her body.

  It was calling out my name again. Whispering. Millions of voices at the same time. Calling out to me as the blood crashed like waves against the walls of her veins. Drawing me in with a sweet, sweet promise.

  Seducing. Alluring. Tempting.

I resisted. I tried to focus on the whimpers of her voice, on the saltiness of her skin, on the arch of her back, but it was damn impossible.

  Feverishly, I tried to draw my attention away and pursued her more aggressively, more passionately. My lower body grinding her down in the bed as I attacked her naked skin with my lips and curled my fingers deep inside her, begging her to come.

  I only wanted to hear her moans of pleasure, her whimpers of desire, the longing groans of her lust. I only wanted to hear her growl in ecstasy as she screamed my name.

  I only wanted to hear her peak. I only wanted to hear her. And then we lost control.

  Heather reached her high and was taken over by that one moment of pure bliss where nothing else mattered. And as she lost all her conscious thoughts, my animalistic instincts took advantage of that brief window of complete vulnerability. Before I knew what was happening or could stop myself, my mouth was filled with the sweetest nectar I ever tasted.

  My tongue fizzled in delight, my taste buds exploded, my body pulsated. I became dizzy, faint, lighter than air and I passed out for the shortest of moments.

  And I revelled in true bliss. For one sweet moment, I reached the high of a lifetime. But as quickly as it came on, it disappeared. The sweetness disappeared and my mouth was filled with a metallic taste. It was oily and stuck to my tongue. It left a bitter aftertaste on the roof of my mouth and my throat burned.

  All the while, Heather wasn’t any wiser. As she reached her high, it completely obscured my sin. She didn’t even notice.

  After all, how could she? It wasn’t much. I barely drew a couple of drops from her. Her whole body ached in the best way possible and my little puncture mark would get lost between the rest of the hickeys and her freckles.

  She never even noticed.

  And I didn’t dare tell her. I couldn’t. Not after I knew about our history. What would she think?

  Damn it!

  I’d been doing so well, trying to keep myself in check around her. After the last incident, I promised myself that would never happen again and yet, here I was again, hurting my girlfriend.


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