After the Fall

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After the Fall Page 33

by Martinez, A. J.

  “We had a bit of a disagreement.”

  “What kind of disagreement?”

  Lucretius looked relieved to see the Lieutenant return. “Sir, there’s a vehicle waiting to take you back to the mansion.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant.” He turned back to us. “We will pick this up at a later time. There is much to do.”

  We got into the back of the SUV and left. There was an escort car in front of us and one behind us with their police strobe lights flashing, not that they needed it. There wasn’t much traffic out tonight, which is to say there was no one out there. Everyone was locked away in their homes or some other secure location. Silhouettes appeared at the windows when we passed. The people were frightened, and with good reason.

  “We have to go to work right away. There is a lot of damage control to do. I regret that my idea to replace the Queen did more harm than good. I should have known that no one could replace you, Rayna.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Lucretius. You did what you had to do to keep Anathorn together. I couldn’t ask for a better right hand.” She put her hand over his. “Lucretius, my Prime Minister.”

  “What are you talking about? We don’t have a Prime Minister.”

  “My experience has taught me some lessons about life at the bottom, about being one of the little people. We’re going to make some changes, Lucretius. I’m glad I have you at my side to help me.”

  “Changes? Yes, that’s wonderful.”

  “I can still count on you, can’t I?”

  “Yes, of course. You’ll always have me at your side as long as I live, which has been a long time and could be a great deal longer. I would be proud to be your Prime Minister, if that is what you wish.”

  Rayna embraced him and not too long after, we arrived at the mansion.

  “Good evening,” said the servant at the door. You had to admire their bearing. If any of the staff at that house seemed disturbed at what had happened, they did not show it.

  “Hello, I trust you have received word of recent events?” asked Lucretius.

  “Yes,” said the servant. His face darkened a bit, but that was all he would tell us about how he felt.

  “It’s been a very long night. I would like to retire. Would you show me to my room?”

  “Yes, right this way, sir.”

  Lucretius left us with the servant and left us alone, but not for long. Another servant came soon after.

  “I have prepared your new room, my Queen.”

  “What, the big fancy bedroom up there?”

  “Yes, the very one, my Queen. We have changed the sheets and thoroughly cleaned it. I’m afraid the wardrobe choices are limited, however.”

  She waved it off. “We can work on that later. I’m tired. Will you show me to my room?”

  “As you wish, my Queen.”

  The servant started for the stairs. Rayna turned and said to me, “Are you coming up, Mordecai?”

  “Who, me? Yeah, where’s my room going to be?”

  “Mine, of course.”

  I raised my eyebrows and followed her. “Yes, my Queen.”

  “All right, love birds. Wake up, there’s much to do today.” Lucretius woke us up early the next night. He brought in a team of stylists that were all over Rayna before she could voice her objection. Not that it would do any good. Lucretius did not seem to be in the mood to take no for an answer.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Things are very tense out there. I’ve been doing everything I can to calm the people down, but we need something more drastic. Rayna’s coronation will be tonight.”

  “I must have the room if you want any chance of making this miracle happen,” said the head stylist to Lucretius. “Oh, my god, dear! What did you do to your hair. This is tragic! Okay, everyone out! Out, out, out! Not you two,” he said to the stylists. “Everyone else, out!”

  I ran to the bathroom in my underwear, carrying only a handful of clothes, which seemed to please the stylists to no end. I locked myself in the bathroom and began getting dressed until I heard someone knocking at the door. It was a persistent, machine-gun type of rapping.

  “What?” I yelled.

  “While you’re in there, go ahead and get cleaned up. We have to work on you, too,” said the stylist.

  “Yeah, I’ll do that,” I replied with a roll of the eyes. I bet he’d be very eager to get in here and do the scrubbing himself. I thought I’d better hurry before he got any ideas.

  There was another knock at the door. “I’m washing up, I swear.”

  “Come get these clothes before you get started.”

  I opened the door just a crack and received the clothes. He managed to get his thin face through the opening to sneak a peek. At least I was still in my underwear. He handed me the neat stack of clothes and I thanked him, making sure to lock the door afterward. When I walked out the door after finishing, one of the assistants was waiting for me.

  “Thank God. Took you long enough! She has to get in there next. She’s just a mess. Go, go!” I growled softly as I passed him, which made him jump and let out a squeak.

  It took them hours to work on Rayna, while it only took me maybe half an hour to get dressed, another half hour for one of the assistants to do my hair. When the stylist said that she was awful, I thought he was out of his mind. Imagine my shock later that night when she emerged from the room looking every bit like the queen she was.

  “What, is it that bad?” she asked. I shook my head, still speechless. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

  “No, it’s not,” I finally managed to force out of myself.

  “You’re lying. I mean, you look like you just saw a train wreck.”

  “Trust me, there is nothing wrong with you. Not…one…thing.”

  She walked over and gave me a kiss, then pushed me away. “Whatever. You’re just trying to get in good with me.”

  “I thought I was already there.”

  “No more kissing! You’ll smear the lipstick,” the stylist chided. I rolled my eyes at him again.

  He continued, “Well, you two look ready for a wedding. Maybe we could roll the two ceremonies into one?”

  “Whoa, slow down, Cupid!” she said.

  “Yeah, let’s just get through this first,” I added.

  We said goodbye to the stylist entourage and got into the back of a white limousine. It was the Queen’s chariot, so I knew many enhancements had gone into this machine.

  The square was filled to capacity, despite the terrible events that had occurred in the last few days. It was clear the false Queen ruled with her iron fist from beyond the grave. Everyone was scared of the consequences of not attending. Only the old and infirm were excused from these events, but it was not rare to see a great deal of them. They knew that this was their last chance to see a coronation in their lifetimes.

  Lucretius was waiting for us at the stage. I could see how busy he had been. I wondered if he’d even been to sleep at all. He managed to arrange the clean-up, found a small army of dressmakers to build a fantastic dress from scratch, and stylists to turn rough-and-tumble Rayna into a majestic beauty. I had this strange feeling inside every time I looked at her again, like I was a young mortal man of twenty all over again. My chest swelled and I felt a foot taller. Maybe it was due in part to the make-up and skillful placement of lights, but she appeared divine.

  “Are you sure I don’t look stupid in this old thing? It feels so tacky.”

  “No, I think you look wonderful. You’re the shining star tonight.”

  “Oh, stop. I think I’m blushing.”

  “Okay, you two,” said Lucretius, “let’s get this thing started. Everyone is waiting.”

  I took my place with Rayna in the background and Lucretius stepped up to the microphone. The crowd went silent. A few brave ones clapped.

  “Hello, citizens of Anathorn. It is good to see you here tonight. I know it wasn’t the easiest thing to do, considering the recent events that have pl
agued us. It is a day of sorrow for me—for all of us. Just know that I am here for you. There is only one way to survive in this new world, and that is together. Many changes are on the horizon for Anathorn. I am happy to announce the first one.

  “Before we get to that, I must apologize to all of you for all the suffering we have endured. The death of Anna Thorn many years ago brought this city to the brink. We came very near to extinction. I needed your help then as much as you needed mine. We assembled the Council and moved forward. Her resurrection was supposed to be a happy moment, a new start in our history, but it was short-lived. I’m afraid her time in the grave took a toll on our beloved Queen.

  “The truth is, the woman she believed to be a traitor was actually her own blood. Rayna is guilty only of trying to make Anathorn a better place, which is why I have reversed the Queen’s previous sentence.

  “As senior councilman, I have the unique honor of bestowing this crown upon your head. Rayna, if you will, step forth and accept what is rightfully yours.”

  She took slow, short steps to the front of the stage and joined him. The way that she swayed her hips was almost hypnotic to me. A chubby boy dressed in a sharp suit and tie came up with the crown upon a cushion. Lucretius took the crown from it and dismissed him with a nod. He turned to Rayna and went to put the crown on her head, but she did not bow. Instead, she stripped away the veil and headdress, tossing it aside. The crowd was amazed to see the exact likeness of the statue of Anna Thorn just further down the square.

  “I will not rule from under a veil. I will be visible to all.”

  “As you wish, my Queen.” He placed the crown upon her head. There was scattered applause from the front, but it began to spread until the whole crowd was clapping and cheering. “I now present to you, Queen Rayna, Monarch of Anathorn and all the bordering lands. Do you have any words for your people?”

  Rayna looked to him as if to say you know I do. He stepped away from the microphone and gestured for her to take his place. She stepped into the spotlight and looked at the people packed onto this square, all those expectant eyes waiting for her to speak.

  She was an ancient Vampire, an old soul. In her new incarnation as Rayna, she was a strong, independent woman who refused to bow to anyone and would rather be alone than take orders from anyone. Strong, independent Rayna was nervous to get up and talk to an audience.

  It seemed as if everything conspired against her. She felt her throat go dry. Her palms were sweating and her body was trembling. She hoped the people could not see how nervous she was. Rayna Espinoza, Queen of Anathorn, was afraid to talk to her own people.

  “Okay, Rayna, it’s time to get your big girl britches on,” she whispered to herself, low enough that only Lucretius and I might be able to hear, and we both smiled on her.

  “People of Anathorn, my subjects, my children. I come to you not as your supreme leader but as a humble woman. My road has been long and hard. There was not one moment that I imagined I would be here, leading this great city into a new age.

  “It is a great honor indeed to serve as your Queen. I want you to know that we’re going to change the way we do things. The people will be allowed to have a say. I am dissolving the old council, to be replaced by a new two-chamber system that will better serve the needs of our citizens. The upper chamber will consist of officials appointed by me. The lower chamber will be composed of elected officials. We will hold a vote to get your approval for these changes, as we will do whenever we decide to make major changes to the government.

  “Above all, I want you to know that this city and its people are dear to me. I will protect you as a mother protects her children. Neither violence or pestilence will darken our doorstep. I know that I can count on my citizens to help us move forward as one. For Anathorn!”

  The crowd erupted in a cheer that spread through the square and adjacent blocks. Soon the whole city was in a roar as they celebrated the arrival of a new leader, then thanked the heavens for their answered prayers.

  “Mordecai, come to me,” she said. I obeyed and she clamped her lips down on me. It surprised me at first, but I realized that she wanted to display her feelings for me for the world to see. With the whole of Anathorn looking on and cheering, we kissed.


  Started April 3rd, 2013

  Finished July 26th 2013

  Written in Kandahar, Afghanistan




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