Ajax: Rebirth (A Konar City Stories Book 1)

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Ajax: Rebirth (A Konar City Stories Book 1) Page 13

by Gavin Magson

  Ajax had remained on course, avoiding the weird and wonderful wares on display. He did think that on the return journey he might pick up some fruit, as it seemed to be missing from his diet of late. There were a few foreign objects that he would not mind inspecting either.

  The door glided open silently, until it caught a small bell that chimed away enthusiastically as Ajax entered the shop. It was dark and mysterious inside, even from the street he had struggled to see much beyond the large exterior window. A plump lady of indeterminable age appeared through a beaded curtain behind the counter, flanked by a small cloud of smoke. Whatever she was smoking smelled foul to Ajax, but he knew better than to complain about it. Her garish clothes were the only thing of colour in the drab shop.

  “And what can I help you with today, my dear?” asked the lady.

  “My name is Ajax, I was told to talk with a woman named Beryl at this store.”

  “Oh, you must be the lad Steiner was talking about. I can't have been off the phone more than ten minutes, top marks for showing up so promptly. I'll just pull out the selection.” said Beryl, proprietor of the weapons shop.

  Could this sweet old lady really be a weapons dealer, pondered Ajax? She certainly didn't have the appearance he was expecting, her demeanour was far too innocent and sweet. He decided that looks could certainly be misleading, remembering the doorman from last night.

  Beryl muttered to herself as she rummaged under the counter, which displayed a few knives, several small guns and some strange devices he could not identify. They didn't even look like weapons, some were gently pulsating orbs, glowing with different coloured lights, whilst others could have been children's toys for all he knew.

  With a loud thud Beryl dropped a large case on the counter, somehow managing not to crack the thin glass underneath. Her thick fingers scrabbled at the catches in front of Ajax until they popped open, the cases' lid sprung up as two trays folded outwards. Contained on both trays were several different handguns, along with ammunition magazines and attachments of various size and functionality.

  “Ignore the telescopic sights, those are for amateurs who think these guns are good over distance. Steiner is paying for whichever weapon you choose, so don't worry about price, just make sure you are comfortable with it,” she reached back under the counter and pulled out a holster. “I'll give you one of our jackets as well, to cover up the gun. I don't want you getting picked up on your way out of the sector, that would be bad for repeat business. Now, try one of them out.”

  Ajax picked up the nearest handgun from the case, unsure how to assess its features. He hefted it in his palm, thinking that it seemed a lot heavier than its appearance suggested; he picked up another gun to compare their weights. Beryl watched as Ajax alternated which of the six guns he checked, comparing weight, size and asking the shop owner how many bullets they held.

  The guns were put back in their places until Ajax had two set down on the counter in front of him. Both were similarly balanced, one had a longer barrel than the other but otherwise they seemed to be identical to him.

  “I don't know what I'm doing here. Which one would you recommend?” asked Ajax.

  “I would go for the shorter gun, it uses a more standard ammunition so you will find it easier to acquire more, should you run out. It's a fine choice, nice range and good stopping power.”

  The gun fitted well into the holster Beryl supplied, which Ajax looped around his broad shoulders and tightened the strap across his chest. Beryl produced a jacket from the back of her shop, which easily concealed the weapon; it was also the smallest she had in stock and was far too big for him.

  The jacket was cheaply made and matched the rest of his outfit. The black dye already looked faded, though by the smell of things it was still new and had been manufactured to appear that way. There were plenty of pockets outside and in, ideally placed to carry ammunition and weapons, Ajax noticed.

  “I probably don't need to explain this to someone like yourself, but I will, just in case. That gun is unregistered, which means if you are found with it in your possession, or the police can trace it back to you, that is a death sentence. You do not know me, you have never seen me and if you crack under interrogation I will make sure everyone who is close to you shares your fate. I hope that we have a mutual understanding here. The gun has a special coating to it, which handily stops your finger prints being left on its surface. It will also make it a little slippery, so make sure to always be aware of that when handling the gun; complacency can, and will, get you killed.

  “Here are two magazines,” she said, handing them to Ajax, “that's all Steiner has paid for. Fifteen rounds to a clip, a box of twenty five bullets will set you back sixty credits. I also have some special ammunition types that will fit your gun as well, if you are interested; those are a little pricier.”

  “What do you mean by special ammunition?” asked Ajax, his curiosity aroused.

  “I have incendiary, armour piercing and explosive tipped for this gun. They are worth the extra money if you are in a tight spot, all pack a lot more punch than standard rounds.”

  The credit chip Steiner gave Ajax almost flew out of his hand, he pulled it out of his pocket with so much enthusiasm. “How much will this chip buy me?” he asked.

  Beryl picked it up and held her finger down on the curved face until it displayed a number. “Five thousand credits, that'll get you a lot of ammo.”

  “You might want to run the prices by me.” said Ajax, grinning inanely.

  Ajax found that it was difficult to walk without rattling, he had so much stuffed into the pockets of his jacket that he feared being caught at any moment. Beryl had included spare magazine clips for free, probably because he had spent so much on additional ammunition, and a pair of gloves coated in the same substance as his gun to prevent him leaving finger prints on the bullet casings.

  Ajax had almost left the store, eager to put his gun to the test, before remembering to inquire about sheaths for his new knife. The blade he had acquired from the bumbling attacker last night was trying it's best to get loose from his improvised solution. If he had waited much longer it probably would have cut its way free and ruined his leg. Beryl only stocked one sheath that the knife fitted in, which made the task of choosing one all the more simple for him. Ajax managed to holster the gun under his left arm and the knife was now tucked below it inside his waistband.

  His walk back to the Haven was slow going, now that it was reaching midday the streets were seemingly gridlocked with the cities inhabitants. Ajax made sure that all his new purchases were stuffed into the pockets inside his jacket, ensuring any pickpockets were left empty handed if they dared target him. He used the smaller chip Aiko had given him yesterday to buy some apples and a sweet smelling fruit he could not recognise, though it looked very appetizing.

  He was still chewing through the last of his purchases when he reached the tavern. The courtyard was quieter than when he had left it, though there were enough people outside enjoying the sunshine on weather beaten benches, drinks in hand. He could see several dark, ominous clouds heading for the city in the distance; judging by the winds direction and speed the rain was imminent. It was a pity that the jacket did not look waterproof, he would just have to tough it out should the rain arrive before he returned from the slums. Ajax pulled open the tavern door and stopped just short of walking into Ilya.

  “There you are, we've been looking for you all morning. Where have you been? And what happened to your face?” asked a flustered Ilya, her hand reached up to touch the bruising around his eye and left him wincing.

  “I can explain, but it would be safer if I did so in my room; I don't want anyone overhearing what happened last night.” he said, leading her inside.

  They squeezed past a couple talking on the stairs and made their way up to Ajax's room, which presented a difficult obstacle as his key was now buried in one of many pockets. Ilya's face went from concern to amusement as she watched him search pocket afte
r pocket until the illusive bronzed key finally made an appearance. Ajax opened the door and led Ilya inside, who sat down on the edge of his bed without invitation and looked up at him expectantly.

  With the door shut and locked behind him Ajax began to empty his pockets onto the desk, pulling out enough fire power to start a small war. Ilya's eyes bulged at the sight of his mobile armoury, shocked that someone could find enough space to hide it all, or that he had been carrying it all this time.

  “I take it you weren't just out shopping for food?” she asked, watching as he tossed an apple core into his bin with a satisfying metal ting.

  “No, a lot has happened since I last saw you. I'll have to start from the beginning, just don't interrupt if it starts sounding like make-believe.”

  Ajax told Ilya about the underground fight organiser Aiko, her arrangement for him to be tested by her accomplice and his close brush with death later when fighting the monster Kayne. Her expression shifted from intrigue and concern to bemusement and fear, she even had to turn away when he told her about the brutal kill in graphic detail. The mention of Steiner caused her to face him, a question on her lips.

  “This man, was he about average height, very little hair and has a notch missing out of his nose?” she asked.

  Ajax had been so preoccupied trying not to stare at the man’s comical comb over that he almost could not remember any discernible facial features, even if the notch had been a more prominent one. “Do you know him?” asked Ajax.

  “He's bad news, Ajax, not someone you want to be involved in. This deal you are supposed to be providing security for, I can guarantee it's going to be illegal augments. They don't just stop at killing you for being involved with those, they torture you first, then execute you and everyone you are associated with in public to make an example. Sometimes it can take a whole week for the guilty to die of their wounds.”

  “Fuck, I really wish that I knew this beforehand, I've already received the first half of my payment. If I don't show up the whole crew will be at risk; he does not sound like the kind of man to forgive my not showing up in a hurry. I can watch out for myself, I need to pay off this debt and the only way to do that is by earning more credits. I don't know how to do anything else but fight, I'd hardly be of any use trying to help on Duke's ship.”

  “Fine,” Ilya said, filling the word with as much reluctance as she could muster, “but don't say I didn't warn you. God knows what they could be trading, just remember that you can't trust Aug’s; they can really tip the odds in someone's favour if it turns into a confrontation. I've got to talk to Duke, he's downstairs waiting for me. When you've finished with this come see us, there are some things he wanted to discuss with you. Probably going to officially announce your adoption and throw an overdue birthday party.”

  Ilya finally allowed herself to smile at the joke, which Ajax could not help but return. Ajax was still hesitant about the connection he had made with the crew, he was painfully aware that he did not yet belong and that their friendship was not a guarantee. Still, they were the closest thing to friends he had in this time and any hostility towards him that might have once been there seemed long gone now.

  Before she left Ilya gave Ajax a quick hug, holding it for longer than he expected. He could smell the fruity shampoo she used and the fragrant perfume on her neck; he even enjoyed the warmth of her body. Ilya let go, gave him one of her forced smiles and left, leaving Ajax alone once again.

  Ajax checked the time on his tablet and realised he needed to work fast. He slipped on the gloves Beryl had gifted him and began to slot bullets into the empty clips. The magazines were ordered on content, which he stowed away in individual pockets to ensure they were kept separate. If Ilya was right he might need all of his arsenal to make sure he got out of Sector Six alive; he wanted another chance to earn one of her hugs once more.

  Once he was done loading the magazines Ajax stored the small excess of bullets in the drawers beside his bed, which most would describe as a considerable amount of munitions if he was starting a war. Perhaps he had over done it a little. Ajax took out the credit chip Steiner had given him as part payment, which had taken a considerable hit in Beryl's shop. He reached inside the top draw and jammed the chip into a gap in the wood above his munitions store, so that it was out of sight should anyone try to rob him.

  Ajax loaded up the multitude of pockets in his jacket with magazines and slipped it on, then adjusted the knives sheath so that it wasn't pressing into his abdomen. He checked that he still had the tablet, Aiko's credit chip and keys on his person. Satisfied that he was suitably outfitted for whatever was awaiting him Ajax left the room and headed downstairs, which was predictably bustling with yet more customers.

  Ajax saw the curvaceous Sarah gliding a path through the crowd whilst juggling plates of food and several assorted sizes of glasses, all undoubtedly brimming with alcohol. He couldn't help but watch her at work, fascinated by just how effortless she made it appear. It looked almost impossible to juggle so much without spillage.

  Duke and Ilya were sat a couple tables over from the one he had enjoyed breakfast at this morning, already deep in conversation. His attempts to navigate the crowd were a lot less graceful than Sarah's, resulting in a couple elbows to the ribs, some trodden toes and a few disgruntled faces by the time he sat down at their table.

  “I'm glad you could join us, Ajax, I've been told by Ilya that you are opening a weapons shop out of your room soon. I'm glad that you have decided to go into retail, these fights are no good for your pretty face.” said the captain, grinning like a child.

  “Very funny. Did Ilya tell you the reason behind it as well?”

  “Yes,” Duke said, his expression hardening. “I'm worried by the lengths you are going to in order to repay my debt. I am concerned that you are going to get yourself killed, the rate you are going at you'll be employed as a professional mercenary by next week and fighting in any of the countless wars off world. Taking down an augmented psychopath is a cakewalk in comparison to what horrors you could battle off world. At least the bruising around yours eyes isn't too bad, I think Ilya made it out to be worse than it actual is. There isn't much time, I have some things to tell you before you head to Sector Six.”

  “Maybe it was just the lighting in Ajax's room, I'm sure they seemed darker than they are now.” she protested, honestly confused that the bruising seemed to have changed shade in a matter of minutes.

  “Don't worry about it, I'm sure it was just a trick of the light. Ajax, we are launching the ship again tonight. We have little choice than to go out again so soon, all of us are running low on credits after what little was left over from selling the ore and refuelling the ship. I didn't have chance to mention it to you last night, I knew you had some problems of your own to deal with and did not want anything else weighing on your mind.

  “You can't know much about our mining operation, but to get an average haul takes us between three and six weeks. That means you'll have to fend for yourself for the time being, which I'm sure you are capable of already. I've briefed Sal on things, told him you are recovering from cryolag; he's more than happy to help you, just ask him about anything you are unsure of.”

  “You didn't tell him about the ship and smuggling me down here, did you?” asked Ajax, unable to keep the panic out of his voice and struggling to keep his voice to a whisper, even in the crowded bar.

  “Calm down, boy. I might look it at times but I am no idiot. I told him you were kept in stasis while doctors tried to patch you up from a bad accident. It's not an uncommon thing, for those that can afford it; he seemed to accept it as the truth. Probably knew I was lying, but the man values our custom enough to know not to go blabbing to the authorities; not that anyone around here would dare rat out one another.

  “You should pick it up simple enough, but when you are travelling between Sectors the common route is via the trains, unless you have a week spare and fancy the exercise. Did Steiner give you any directions?” as
ked Duke.

  Ajax pulled out his tablet and fired it into life. “Not to Sector Six, I've figured out how to pull up a map on my tablet, that is as far as I got.”

  “That map should direct you to the transport hub, and it's easy enough to find the correct train heading for Six. All you need to do is click on the bar towards the side,” Ilya pointed at the thin strip Ajax had failed to notice before, “That will display different common locations. The train station should be among one of them.”

  “You'll need to wave your arm over a scanner when you step onto the train, which will deduct the fare to travel between sectors. Just make sure you don't forget as the trains monitoring system will be alerted if anyone is on board without paying.” said Duke.

  “We'll be back before you know it, Ajax, just make sure to take care of yourself. Once this job is done promise me it is your last with Steiner, I didn't lie about him being a dangerous man.” said Ilya, her usual steely attitude returned once more.

  “Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just make sure you take care of each other up there and land a good catch; I expect to see some happy faces when you return.” Ajax hid the paranoia welling up inside of him, knowing that he would be alone for so long was a daunting prospect. He swallowed several times until his mouth was no longer dry and he could face his next question. “When do you leave?”

  “We'll be heading off this evening, it's usually quieter for off world travel at night. I've paid Sal for your board up until today, so I'm afraid you will have to start paying for that. The thousand credits on your implant should cover everything until we are back, or you could use some of your fee from today. If you are close to running out talk to Sal, he will understand and put it on a tab until you can afford your board. Don't go without in order to save money for these repayments, if I can't convince you against it then, at the very least, I need you to outlive us all.

  “From what Ilya tells me money shouldn't be a problem; if you saved any credits after buying those bullets you'll do just fine. Greg and Lev will be meeting us here, if you are back in time you should have a chance to see us off. If not we shall see you when we are back, hopefully you'll be in one piece and a little less battered and bruised. And don't worry, the ships hold will be bursting by the time we dock again, I am going to make sure of that.”


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