Ajax: Rebirth (A Konar City Stories Book 1)

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Ajax: Rebirth (A Konar City Stories Book 1) Page 29

by Gavin Magson

As he stepped out onto the factory floor Ajax sucked in the fresh air, it's very taste so different to the humid, foul air they breathed underground. This was only the second time he had stepped out of the prison since his sentence was passed; the air tasted sweeter than the finest wine as he filled his lungs. The guards were marching him towards the warden’s office once more when he felt a vibration come from his jacket

  The guards waited at the bottom of the staircase and turned away as he ascended towards the office. It gave him just enough time to fumble through his pockets and quickly read the message before entering the warden’s office.

  Camouflage is a no go, we lost the only lead for a power source. Ilya has arranged another way out of the prison for you; she's called in a favour. I know it sounds crazy, but it is your only hope. When you are offered a way out, take it – Greg

  Chapter 23

  Greg and Ilya barrelled around the corner, both sucking down air in their haste. They just managed to stop in time before cannoning into Lev, who stood stock still staring as the scene unfolded. The captain had not been wrong: they really were screwed.

  “You have got to be kidding me?!” shouted Greg, his face red with rage filled angst. “After all we've been through to steal from Weir this has fucking happened? Why do we have no luck?”

  No one answered him, they were as shocked as he was. Spotlights illuminated the scene and hovers blocked both ends of the street as a swarm of men and women emptied out the contents of Solomon's shop. A police loudspeaker relayed a continuous message for the public to stay back, drowning out Greg's words. Duke came into view, he stepped clear from the crowd that had formed to watch and joined the trio.

  “What the hell happened here?” asked Ilya. Sweat dripped down her worried face, her eyes piercing as they locked to his.

  “There was some tip off to the police about Solomon, turns out that power source was not the only thing he had stolen from the army's research and development department. We won't be seeing Solomon again; if they haven't executed him already then he'll be dead by morning.” said Duke.

  “What are we supposed to do now? There's no way we can get our hands on that power source. If anyone suggests trying to steal it back from the city I will brain you with a wrench, don't mistake that for a bluff.” said Greg. “I want Ajax free, more than any of you, but that source is lost to us.”

  “I don't suppose anyone has another idea, because I'm fresh out of them for the time being.” said Duke.

  The crew fell silent, most of them lost in thought about how Ajax was undoubtedly doomed to a life inside Justice One, now that their last chance had been stolen from them; technically reclaimed.

  Whilst the city’s police finished off the clean-up operation the crew started trudging back to the tavern. A sack slung between Lev's shoulders, that now contained some otherwise worthless documents and data chips that could not buy Ajax's freedom, was their only souvenir of their dealings with Solomon.

  “I think I have an idea, but I don't know if any of you will like It.” said Ilya.

  Duke stopped suddenly and turned around. He looked Ilya in the face and studied her hesitant smile, allowing himself a small glimmer of hope that radiated in his dark eyes. “Any idea is better than nothing right now, we've got one of our own rotting in prison in an attempt to help us out. The least we could do is help him, no matter what.”

  “What if I talk to Henry? Think about it, as mayor of this sector he must have some swing with the police, maybe he can grant a pardon to inmates? If I explain some of the situation to him, perhaps just tell him that Ajax did not mean to kill Hiro, it was only because the robbery went wrong, he might understand. What do you think?”

  The prolonged silence soon turned awkward, none of the men knew how to respond to Ilya's idea as they continued to slowly walk on. Eventually their captain cleared his throat.

  “Do you realise just how risky that is? If he decided to turn you over to the police for asking him to free a convicted criminal you would see Ajax again, except both of you would be in prison. I can’t let you ask that of the man, the risk is too great; you hardly know him.” the look of hurt on Ilya's face was enough to tell Duke he had chosen the wrong words.

  “I do know him, we have been together over a month now and that is plenty of time to get to know someone. More importantly, does anyone have a better plan? Or simply an idea? Nobody else has come up with anything. This could be the last chance for Ajax, if we can't get him out of there then what he has done for us is pointless. I would rather not have the money and have Ajax back with us, but that is not an option right now.”

  “You have to admit that Ilya has a point,” said Lev. “We are fresh out of ideas and Greg hasn't had any luck with that system, it is useless if the thing can't be powered up. If Ilya is willing to take the risk then I say we should support her; she might be right, this is Ajax's last chance.”

  Duke did not know how to react, his only option was to resort to silent contemplation. He had not expected this idea from Ilya and the potential repercussions scared the hell out of him. He had known her since she was a street child, scavenging scraps of food from bins and barely surviving in the slums. Back then he had saved her from that life, not for his own gains like most men would but because he saw real promise in the young child. Duke had no children of his own, so it was only natural that he doted on her like a father. Now she had started courting he was losing her to a man he had never met, and who he now would have to trust with this woman's life and the life of a man he would forever be indebted to.

  “Just promise me you won't get yourself imprisoned as well, I can't lose two people over my business. I want you to know how much I don't like this idea before you go see Henry. Just, be careful, for me?”

  Ilya hugged Duke tightly, both arms constricted his neck as her scented shampoo filled his nostrils. He planted a light kiss on her hair as he basked in the comfort of her embrace. “I'll do my best, don't you worry about me. I'll see you all back at the Haven.” she said, releasing Duke and heading off in the opposite direction. They all waved as she turned onto another street, briefly flashing them all a smile and energetic wave, before disappearing into the night.

  “I just hope we have done the right thing.” said Greg.

  Ilya made it to the front gate of the mayor's mansion just as the dark clouds unleashed a torrent of rain upon her; she mashed the intercom button and prayed that someone would answer. The orb above the intercom swivelled, focussing in on her face, and static crackled as someone finally answered.

  “Steel residence, who is calling?” asked the unseen voice.

  “Could you tell Henry that Ilya is here to see him?” asked Ilya.

  A quick pause and the voice came back. “No need miss, please come right in.” the gates swung inward soundlessly as a fork of lightning lit up the clouded sky.

  Ilya jogged the last hundred meters up to the mansions front doors, only to find the butler was already waiting for her under the alcove. He handed over a fluffy towel and robe to the soaked woman.

  “I'm so sorry I did not recognise you, miss, I shall make sure the light on the gate is fixed tomorrow.”

  “Don't worry about it, a bit of light rain hasn't hurt me yet. Besides, I enjoy the odd thunderstorm once in a while. Is Henry back from the office yet?”

  “Yes, he arrived home about an hour ago. I think you'll find him in his study, that's where I last saw him. Would you like me to bring you a hot drink to take the chill off?” asked the butler.

  “No need, I'll warm up in a few minutes. See you in a bit, Alf.”

  Ilya knew the butler did not like her abbreviating his name, but it was so peculiar that Alf was the closest she could come to pronouncing it correctly. She kept the robe and headed up the circular staircase, passing two floors before walking down the corridor of the third.

  Henry's study was at the very end of the corridor, only two rooms down from his bedroom; she had mentioned before that he could always knock throu
gh the walls and sleep where he worked. He had not seen the funny side to her joke.

  Outside the study Ilya hesitated slightly, listening out for any sound beyond. She heard nothing and rapped her knuckles on the door gently, waiting for an answer from within. She waited a full minute before knocking again; no sound greeted her. With caution Ilya opened the door and stepped inside the study.

  It amazed her that Henry had amassed so many books, since reading was not a common thing in her life she found no real use for them. He already had a vast library on the first floor, where he often entertained guests to the backdrop of thousands of books; yet his study already held enough books to last anyone a dozen lifetimes.

  Ilya found Henry sat behind his desk, positioned between the two speakers he had once talked at lengths about and gazing out the window behind the solid wood desk. This explained why he had not heard her knock, he had mentioned that the speakers were directional, emitting sound that could only be heard if someone sat directly in line with their square surfaces. Ilya could no more hear what Henry listened to than he could hear her approach. She decided to walk around the desk to move into view, in the hopes that he wasn't shocked too much.

  The plan paid off slightly, he still jumped and swore at her but at least a smile quickly replaced the curse. Henry pressed a button, shutting down the speakers and finally hearing Ilya talk.

  “You know a man of your wealth could probably afford a ring so he could marry his job.” she teased, smiling at his scowl.

  “I'm sorry if I take running the sector seriously, it's not the kind of job where you can take days off and neglect from time to time; it takes a lot of dedication. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight, I thought you said that you would be spending time with your friends?” asked Henry, standing up from his chair. He was a little relieved that she did not pick up on the inflection.

  Ilya moved around the desk and let Henry grip her by the waist. She leant into the kiss and savoured the moment, feeling his hard body pressed against hers, his strong smell both heady and tantalising.

  “I know I did, once I had finished with them I thought to give you a surprise visit. If you aren't happy to see me I could always go home, I'm sure the rain has begun to ease off.” Ilya flicked her damp hair for added effect and looked longingly out of the rain battered window.

  “You must be freezing, we need to get you out of those damp clothes before you catch something. Come with me, I think a warm shower should do the trick.”

  Henry was far from wrong. The warm water was doing wonders for her skin, as were his fingers rubbing soap into her back. His fingers glided up and down her spine, sending chills that left her whole body tingling and begging for more. At some point she would have to broach the subject of Ajax, but that could always wait until certain desires were taken care of; namely the bulge pressing into her lower back that Henry made no effort to disguise.

  Ilya turned around and pushed Henry gently against the marble wall, his sharp intake of breath as skin touched the cold stone left her with a mischievous grin. He moved to kiss her, but Ilya held him back by placing a finger on his lips. She traced it down his taut chest, then stomach, finally sinking to her knees in front of him. The gasp as her warm lips wrapped around him only spurred her on harder, his evident arousal turning her on even more.

  She could not help herself, the man was so kind to her she took great pleasure from making him happy, and she could feel how happy he was. Her head moved backwards and forth, she upped the tempo then backed it off constantly, until she could feel the muscles in Henry's legs begin to tighten. It was difficult but she managed to look up into his lust filled eyes, the pleasure easy to read on his contorted face. She decided he had been teased enough.

  Ilya picked up her speed, flicking her tongue along his shaft as it penetrated her mouth until Henry's hands reached for her head, gripping it tightly. The force of his hands was uncomfortably painful, but she knew he was close. The eruption was sudden, filling her mouth with that familiar sharp taste; Ilya swallowed it down.

  Henry picked Ilya up, not just standing her but wrapping his thick arms under her buttocks and lifting her clear of the floor. Before she had time to react he lowered her down onto his shaft, this time she was the one who gasped as he entered. Ilya put her arms around his neck and clung on, his desire for her far from sated.

  Chapter 24

  The message weighed heavily on Ajax's mind and he did his best to not give rise to panic. Greg's words confused him and had left an opening for the fatal claws of dread to creep in. As Ajax reached the top step the door before him slid open once again, allowing him to step through into the warden’s office. This time the warden was not alone.

  “Mr Frost, I am glad you could join us today. I see you have not picked up any serious injuries from your latest fight,” said the warden, gesturing to Ajax's bruised eye. He was not wrong, Ajax's latest opponent had only got one blow through his defence. He had been impressed that it was a good strike; he had nearly lost his balance and revealed an opening.

  “I try my best not to get injured, I don't want myself to get any uglier.”

  They shared a tense laugh at his poor joke, the third man in the office only allowed a thin smile to spread across his face. There was something about the manner of how this man held himself that caused Ajax to take an instance dislike to the man. He sensed that the stranger was only going to be a problem for him.

  “Where are my manners, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine, Mr Steel. He is the mayor of your old sector and it is because of him that I invited you here today. Henry here has an offer for you that I think you will find most enticing.” said the warden.

  Mr Steel, mayor of Sector Four, stopped leaning against the wall and stepped in front of Ajax, the warden’s desk the only thing between the two men.

  “I saw your first death match, Ajax, it was very impressive; you certainly stepped up from fighter to killer without hesitation. I want to organise a fight for some friends of mine, though to impress them I would rather the combatants be the best this prison can offer. I would very much like you to be one of those fighters.” said the mayor.

  “What would be the incentive to compete in this exhibition, Mr Steel? I have food, shelter and protection; what more could I want for?” asked Ajax.

  “I want to show my friends a bout between the greatest fighters in this prison. I have managed to secure a retired champion, I believe you have already been hailed as his successor. The other twenty eight men and women are all current fighters who have proven their skills in combat, and are all vying for the same reward. The prize for the survivor will be a full pardon from their crimes against the city, winning their freedom. Surely that is what every man and woman in this prison wants? Or has your time here left you without hopes and dreams?”

  Ajax looked over to the warden and noted the discomfort on his face. Henry must have called in some serious favours to orchestrate all this, or it was an offer he would not see through; either way it left Ajax with little choice.

  “I haven't heard of this past champion, what is his name?” asked Ajax.

  “His name is Joel, they call him Beast in the caves of Justice One. I am informed that he has triumphed in over a hundred bouts, his prowess legendary among the inmates. It surprises me that you had not heard the name before.”

  Joel, could this be coincidence or the man he had been sent to kill? It all made sense to him now, somehow the crew had manage to bribe or blackmail this man and had organised everything. Whoever was behind it he could not thank them enough.

  “It would be my pleasure to defeat these convicts in the ring, especially if freedom would be my prize. I shall make sure to put on a spectacle for your friends. When is the fight?”

  “Two days from now, however I did not say that the fight was inside the prison. It will be a free for all, thirty opponents all vying for the same prize under the desert sun. It seemed only fitting that the losers should get to see the sky one last t
ime.” the mayor placed his hand on the warden’s shoulder, who looked up from his leather padded chair. “If you could just give us a moment please, I would like to speak with Mr Frost.”

  The warden seemed shocked by this request but did not hesitate in leaving the room, Ajax wasn't sure if he imagined the sigh of relief just before the door closed behind him.

  The mayor sat down in the vacated seat, he unbuttoned his suit's jacket and relaxed slightly. “You seem a little confused, Ajax, perhaps I should clear things up for you. The plan your friends devised to extract you from this prison has fallen through, Ilya would not go into specific details but she told me enough. She came begging for me to somehow get you out of this prison. Since I just can't say no to that woman, and she more than made it worth my while, here we are.

  “I have done everything in my power to honour her request, yet there is no way a sudden pardon for someone with your background would go unquestioned. The only way you can earn your freedom is by making sure you are the only man left alive in this battle royal. Ilya told me that you mean a lot to her, that is the only reason you have been given this chance: it is up to you to fight for it. I just need one thing from you; if you win your freedom you are not to speak with Ilya again. Once the union is over you are out of her life for good, or I will send you back to this pit to live out the rest of your existence. Do I have your word?”

  Was this man telling the truth, to think it crushed Ajax; was Ilya engaged? It must have happened during his imprisonment, Ilya had never mentioned anything about her relationship before he left. He could not understand how the couple had moved so fast to get to this stage already. In order to keep his freedom he would have to give up an important person in his life, the steepest price that man could ask of him. Did he really have a choice, it was a life without her whether he was free or imprisoned.

  “If I cut all contact with her immediately Ilya would know something was up, she’d never accept I was willingly shunning her. She might not get suspicious if I gradually saw less of her. What do you say?” Ajax asked.


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