The World's Most Bizarre Murders

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The World's Most Bizarre Murders Page 25

by James Marrison

  Lombroso, Cesare. Criminal Man. Duke University Press, 2006.

  Lombroso, Cesare; Guglielmo, Ferrero. Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman. Duke University Press, 2004.

  Rafter, Nicole. ‘Apes, Men and Teeth: Earnest A. Hooton and Eugenic Decay’. Popular Eugenics: National Efficiency and Mass Culture in the 1930s. Currell, Sue; Cogdell, Christina, eds. Columbus, Ohio, Ohio University Press.

  Rafter, Nicole. ‘Earnest A. Hooton and the Biological Tradition in American Criminology’. Criminology, Issue 42.

  Rafter, Nicole. ‘The Murderous Dutch fiddler. Criminology, history and the problem of phrenology’. Theoretical Criminology, Vol. 9, 2005.

  Rafter, Nicole. ‘The Unrepentant Horse Slasher: Moral Insanity And the Origins of Criminological Thought’. Criminology 42.

  Rafter, Nicole. ‘Rethinking criminological tradition. Cesare Lombroso and the origins of Criminology’. The Essential Criminology Reader, Henry, Stuart; Lanier, Mark, eds. The Perseus Books Group, 2006.

  Ramey, Jessie. ‘The Bloody Blonde and the Marble Woman: gender and power in the case of Ruth Snyder’. Journal of Social History, Spring edition, 2004.

  Staff. ‘Pessimist’. Time Magazine, 7 January 1935.

  Staff. ‘After Lombroso’. Time Magazine, 30 January 1939.

  About the Author

  In 1996, after completing a Masters in History at the University of Edinburgh, James Marrison moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where he now lives and works as a freelance journalist. Many of the stories collected here are taken from the True Crime Archive of Bizarre Magazine in the UK where he was a regular contributor. While working for Bizarre, Marrison interviewed some of the most eminent psychologists, criminologists and CSI investigators operating in their field today and he has since written extensively about some of the world’s most notorious killers.


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  ePub ISBN 978 1 84358 698 2

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  Published in hardback in 2008

  First published in paperback in 2010

  ISBN: 978 1 84454 975 7

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