The Outsider

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The Outsider Page 30

by K'Anne Meinel

  Robyn increased the pressure with the addition of the second finger, her hand already completely wet from Joy. She was relishing the taste of the blonde as she played with her clit using her tongue and lips as well as a slight sucking now and again. She slowly increased the pace as she gauged how much Joy could take. She hesitated to add a third finger, not wishing to hurt the blonde, and not sure if she would be able to handle it in her virginal state. She thrust deeper, a little harder, and definitely faster as she went along, and Joy began to dance and arch beneath her. She could feel the band of flesh beneath her fingertips that proclaimed Joy a virgin. She debated about plunging through it and decided that was up to Joy, it was her decision.

  Joy didn’t know the question, she didn’t know there was an option, but her body had a mind of its own and she had no control over it anymore as she twisted and ground against Robyn’s mouth and fingers. Without even being aware of it, she plunged herself down against Robyn’s fingers, breaking her hymen and continuing as she enjoyed the passion that Robyn had ignited in her.

  Robyn felt the tear, worried that her fingernails had caused it, but realized that no, it was in the heat of the moment and Joy’s body had caused it. She increased her pace, watching up the blonde’s body as she lost control and began to cum. The added gush of moisture, mixed with blood, told her that Joy was cumming.

  “Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” Joy shouted out, clutching at Robyn’s head, pulling her tighter against her, her legs wrapping around her torso, her fingers practically pulling out the hair on her lover’s head.

  Robyn held on for dear life, having never deflowered a virgin before and not knowing if this was the norm or if Joy was just proving to be an exceptionally passionate woman. She hoped it was the latter and she blinked back tears of pain as the hair on her scalp was pulled. She didn’t slow her pace until she sensed that Joy was finally over her peak. Gently, she began to pull her fingers out, first one and then the other, surreptitiously wiping the cum and blood mixture on the satin comforter as she began to climb up the blonde’s now sweaty body.

  Joy welcomed her, feeling suddenly cold and enjoying the warmth of Robyn’s body against her own. As the blood in her body, which had centered at her core for those moments, returned to her brain she kissed Robyn passionately, tasting herself on the brunette’s lips for the first time. She wasn’t sure she liked the taste, but she wanted to convey to her lover how much she appreciated what she had done for her just now. Her legs wrapped around Robyn again and she rolled them so she was on top, wincing at the newly opened passage between her legs.

  Robyn smiled into the kiss, sensing that Joy wasn’t finished. She could have cum again and again, but Robyn didn’t want to hurt her, and her own arousal demanded satisfaction. She had thought to grind against the blonde’s body until she came, scissoring to a degree as she rubbed her own wetness against the abundance that was Joy’s, but Joy apparently had other plans as her hand caressed down the brunette’s body and between them.

  Joy was looking to give her partner as much pleasure as she had given her, she just wasn’t certain how. She knew she wasn’t ready to go down on Robyn, not yet, but she looked forward to it another time. Meanwhile, she knew she could enjoy the exploration of the brunette’s body and give her pleasure that way. With that in mind, her hands started to wander between them. Her mouth left Robyn’s lips and worked her way down to the rosy peaks of the brunette’s breasts. At the same time her hand encountered Robyn’s wetness, her lips had their first taste of another woman’s nipple. She licked at it and was gratified to hear Robyn’s indrawn breath.

  Robyn was desperately trying to grind against Joy’s wetness, but the blonde kept moving and making it difficult. She was so hard and the sensation so immediate, she would have taken her pleasure against Joy’s hip if it meant getting off. When she felt Joy’s hand on her, as well as the sensation of her lips against her nipple, hesitant, soft, and unsure, it sent a blinding jolt from her nipple to her clit. She had never felt that before and it threw off her original plan as her body exploded beneath the unschooled and newly opened blonde. She could only attribute it to her own excitement over what she had done to Joy. She didn’t realize that with the love she felt for the woman, her excitement had been increased and she had been ready, so poised to cum. Her body had known and not told her brain, instead taking her along for the ride.

  Joy wasn’t sure what she should do. She had planned to explore Robyn’s body more…intimately. However, as the brunette came against her, she held on and continued with exactly what she was doing—the hesitant licks, playing with the wetness—and continued until she could feel the brunette slowing from her contortions and her breathing calming down. Slowly, Joy released the nipple she had been laving attention on and reached up to kiss the brunette again. “Are you okay?” she asked softly, lovingly.

  “Mmmhmm,” she answered, unwilling or unable to talk at that moment. Her eyes were shut tightly, enjoying the last of the sensations as her body squeezed and contracted in mini-orgasms for a while.

  Joy watched in awe, wondering if it would be like this every time, if they would always have this kind of passion between them.

  As her breathing slowed and her body stopped contracting, Robyn slowly opened her eyes to find the blue of Joy’s eyes looking worriedly into her own. There was more there though, she smiled at her and leaned in for a kiss.

  Joy wondered at how cold Robyn’s lips were, not realizing that the blood had rushed out of them. Slowly, she warmed them for her.

  “How about you?” she whispered, her hands coming up to cup either side of Joy’s face. “Did I hurt you?” she worried.

  Joy shook her head. “No, it was wonderful.”

  “Are you sure…?” she began, but the blonde interrupted her.

  “I am sure. Thank you for that,” she whispered in return and then kissed Robyn into silence, feeling the lips warming beneath her.

  Robyn wasn’t sure she had ever been thanked for making love to someone before. She was just going to enjoy it and see where this took them. With that in mind, she wrapped herself around Joy and rolled with her further onto the bed.


  Their relationship only seemed to strengthen after their shared lovemaking. It made both feel loved, and they were enjoying the depth of it. It took two weeks before some of it began to come apart.

  There were reporters waiting at the trailer office for Joy when she parked. They mobbed her car, making it almost impossible for her to get out. “What the heck is this?” she asked, bewildered, as they shoved microphones in her face, yelling questions. This went on for a while as they blocked her from making her way to the office. Suddenly Robyn, who had started work that very morning in her own office in the trailer, brought along a couple of the contractors who cleared a path and allowed Joy to make her escape into the trailer. She was very upset and it looked like they had pulled at her hair and clothing. “What…the…hell…was…that?” she huffed when she got free of them and was in the quiet of the trailer.

  “They’ve been waiting for you for a good hour,” Robyn said as one of the secretaries they had hired nodded.

  “They got here shortly after seven and haven’t left, looking for you, waiting,” she confirmed.

  “What the hell for? I couldn’t even hear what they were asking with all the shouting going on at once.”

  “They are looking for the Powerball winner,” the secretary, Sue Ellen said quietly.

  “Powerball? I haven’t played that in…” suddenly she realized what that meant. After all these years, they were running after that old story? “Jeezus, get the police here so they can’t stop our production schedule. We’re so close to a start date. I do not want to scare off the people we’re helping,” she ordered and then realized a couple of her contractors were staring at her as well as Robyn.

  Straightening her fine clothes, she pulled her hair back and began to retie the band holding it. “I think, a good ‘no comment’
will go a long way if they ask you anything,” she said primly to those staring. “Yes, I won money years ago, and as you see, I’m putting it to good use. All your checks have cleared over the months and will continue to do so, so please,” she made shooing gestures, “get back to work?” She was pleased when all the contractors left the office. She looked at Robyn, who was staring at her. “Yes?” she asked, ready to do battle with the woman she had been seeing all these weeks.

  “I start today,” she said almost sheepishly.

  Flushing, Joy finished tying her hair back, smoothed it with her hand again and said, “Oh yeah, I was looking forward to that. Let’s walk to the offices.” She looked to where Sue Ellen was on the phone and waited until she had finished. “Well?’ she asked, knowing she sounded short to her own ears, but who wouldn’t be bitchy with the mob outside.

  “The police will be here shortly to keep them off your property,” she said softly, wondering if she should quit or would be fired.

  “Any idea how they found out?” Joy asked, watching how uncomfortable Sue Ellen looked.

  She shook her head. “They were here when I arrived this morning to unlock the office. Remember the phone company said they’d come over early to transfer the phones over to the actual offices?”

  Joy did remember that. She had looked forward to moving their offices from the trailer so that landscaping could get in here after the office trailer was taken away. She smiled at the girl, seeing she was intimidated by the situation. “You take a couple of volunteers from people you recognize who have worked here before, I do not want any reporters sneaking in here, and you start moving things over like we planned, okay?”

  Sue Ellen nodded, looking relieved as she hurried to the other door of the trailer and went to get some help to move boxes and things.

  That left Joy and Robyn alone in the office. Joy was still breathing a little hard. “Would you like to see your office?” Joy asked, rather tentatively.

  “You want to explain what that was about?” Robyn felt brave enough to ask, her thumb pointing at the mob of reporters waiting outside.

  Joy shrugged. She felt like hanging her head in shame, but she had nothing to be ashamed of. She had just avoided that very thing for years. She had been very lucky to have missed some of this for years, from what she had been told. “I won the Powerball years ago.” She shrugged again. “I did not do a press conference. I took the money and went to school,” she said simply. “There really isn’t much more than that. I guess they want the story they were deprived of so long ago.” She shrugged again. “Not much I can do about that.”

  “I knew you were rich,” this was punctuated by her spreading her hands wide to encompass the office around them. “You wouldn’t have been able to start this project without money, but I heard what they were shouting. Did you really win over three hundred million?”

  Joy felt really deflated as she sat back on the edge of a desk. So, it was coming down to this. Robyn did not care before that she was rich, it was the amount that was bothering her? She saw no reason to deny it. She nodded, “Yes, it was over three-hundred million. In fact, it was three hundred forty-one million seven hundred twenty-six thousand one hundred and seventy-eight dollars and ten cents to be exact,” she answered sarcastically, her head tilting as she spat out the enormous and memorized amount. “Is there something wrong with that? I haven’t squandered it. I set up trust funds immediately and one of them was to take care of the shelters. That did not happen. I’m suing those thieves now.” She was not about to tell her about her investments or the fact that she had more than doubled the initial amount. She was feeling resentful of whoever had tipped off the press. She had planned a press conference for the new shelter, the housing for the homeless. They’d given out tidbits of information over the course of the months they had been building it. After all, they couldn’t keep it quiet, but she had wanted a formal opening with press seeing the finished project. Not like this. Not sensationalism. She could see the shock in her girlfriend’s eyes and her heart was breaking over it. She was going to lose her too, she could feel it. “Is that a problem?” she asked, the chip on her shoulder becoming a boulder.

  “N…n…no!” Robyn answered, feeling flushed. “I just didn’t know and it surprised me is all.”

  “We were fine before, but now that you know the amount it bothers you?” she asked. She had to know. She would never be certain again that Robyn had not dated her for her money.

  “No,” she answered feeling stronger after seeing all that and absorbing the news. “I think you’re an admirable person. You didn’t squander it,” she agreed, “and whoever stole it deserves whatever you throw at them. You thought you were helping those people all these years and now I understand why you needed to see for yourself from the inside that the shelters hadn’t been taken care of.”

  “I need to know, Robyn,” she sighed, feeling like crying for the first time in a long time. “Can you deal with this?” she spread out her hands to encompass the media they could still hear from inside, calling out to workers for answers to their questions. It all sounded so hostile.

  Robyn was a long time in answering as she thought it over. She’d known Joy was rich, but not this rich. She didn’t know if she could deal with it all. It had been nice to do things with Joy and she hadn’t minded paying for the dates now and then, but this kind of money was a little alarming. It was insane. She looked up to where Joy was watching her so closely and swallowed. She could leave. She could leave here and never come back, but she had given her notice with the state and she knew she couldn’t get that job back easily. She needed this one, she’d been looking forward to this one. She’d looked forward to working with and for Joy. She’d thought she could handle the work and date her. Did she want to lose all that? She realized she felt vulnerable. She realized she should be talking to Joy about this. She took a deep breath, “I think I can. I know you and I like you. I like what you stand for and what you have been doing here. Do you trust me enough to keep me on?”

  “Why wouldn’t I trust you?” Joy asked immediately, trying to figure out who had called the media. Was it Robyn? No, it couldn’t possibly be, she had not known…or had she. She examined her expression closely. She couldn’t lie that well…could she?

  Robyn walked closer to her, feeling suddenly shaky. “I don’t want you to think I dated you for your money and now....”

  “Now you know how much and you think I would think that about you?”

  “It was never about the money. You know that, don’t you?” she asked gently, suddenly needing to hear that they weren’t over. No one had treated her as well as Joy did. No one had loved her or made love with her like Joy had. She needed to know it was not over.

  “I thought I did,” Joy said softly, feeling as vulnerable as Robyn looked.

  Robyn laughed a little shakily. “How many times did I pay for our dates and you let me?” She smiled broader when she saw Joy smile a little. “I knew you had money, but I made up stories in my head that you worked for the Joy Foundation, that you weren’t ‘THE Joy’ of the Joy Foundation, that your family put you in charge of this as some sort of community project. Then you told me about being on the streets as a teen and I believed you, but I didn’t know what to think. I thought perhaps once we were intimate you would feel comfortable enough to tell me.” She saw that Joy’s expression had changed, she looked…hard.

  “I have family, but I no longer consider them a part of my life. They abandoned me. The only thing they want from me now is money. My brother gave interviews implying I was mentally unfit to control all that money, in fact…” her voice trailed off as she realized that just a few weeks ago, someone else had mentioned those very interviews…CALLIE!

  “In fact, what?” she asked softly, realizing she was learning a lot about this blonde she had come to love. Yes, she finally admitted to herself, she was in love with Joy Parker. It was the money, but it was not the amount of money, it was because of what she had done
with the money, creating this after coming from this.

  Joy was looking at Robyn intensely as she went over the conversation with Callie in her mind. Suddenly she asked, “Robyn, how much do you trust Callie?”

  Surprised at the change of subject, her feelings for Joy realized in her mind, it took her a second to understand the conversation. “What?”

  “How much do you trust her? Do you confide in her?”

  “Yes, she’s my best friend. I tell her everything. Why?”

  “Everything?” the innuendo in that one word said a lot and they both got it.

  Slowly, Robyn nodded. “Yes, I told her about our first night and the other nights.” She stopped and then at Joy’s expression of anger, quickly added, “Not details, just that we had slept together.”

  “She knew the night of Summerfest who I was. She recognized me that night. She asked me if I was the Joy Parker who had won the Powerball years ago?”

  “She knew who you were?” Robyn murmured wonderingly. “She…asked me some strange questions. Like about your apartment, what it looked like. Why you didn’t drive an expensive car…” she said it aloud as though she was mulling it over in her mind. “She knew?” she tilted her head at Joy as though to make sense of it.

  “I think she did,” she nodded. “Do you think she would sell me out? The papers or TV would probably pay her for the information,” Joy pointed it out.

  Robyn immediately shook her head. “No, she wouldn’t do that,” she laughed a little. “She’s my best friend.”

  Joy relaxed under Robyn’s reassurances. “I hope you’re right. Still, someone tipped them off. They must have called every station around. That one looks like it’s from Madison and that one I know is out of Chicago,” she said as she looked through the window at the vans. The police were shoving them back and one of the contractors was putting up barriers to mark the property line.


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