Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Five

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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Five Page 5

by Desiree Broussard

  “Shit,” Zander muttered from behind him, a long, painful scream signifying the end of his opponent. He quickly rejoined Kosmas, his face set in determined lines as he growled, “I know you're going after her. Even if I didn't have a very pointed interest in finding Keely, it would still be my responsibility to accompany you. You can't just walk around without protection.”

  Kosmas growled at his words. “Just stay the fuck out of my way,” he warned Zander, his voice barely recognizable. “And know this... you're no longer in the running.”

  His statement brought Zander to a halt. To Kosmas' surprise, the other man didn't respond. Strange. He'd been expecting an immediate denial.

  Out of the dimness of the hallway, several vampires stepped into the large ballroom. Despite their size, their entrance was silent. He recognized Laryn and the other Seiyadians immediately, but it was the woman held in between them that interested him. Keely was barely conscious, her head tilted forward as it hung limply from her shoulders. What had they done to her? Kosmas immediately halted, his body filled with a fury that wiped out any rational thought.

  A strong, powerful hand grasped his elbow from behind. “Easy,” Kyle muttered out of the side of his lips, his tone too low for the others to hear. Kosmas' nod was nothing more than a short, quick movement, but it was enough. Kyle released him, stepping back to survey the room.

  Immediately, his guard fell in behind him, but they were careful to remain there. None of them would have ever considered usurping their leader's authority by acting without his approval. The sight of the Seiyadians brought the battles within the room to a close, but the vampires didn't relax. All of them were tense and on edge, just waiting for the fight to resume. Kosmas stared at Laryn, his voice as cold as ice when he demanded, “Release her.”

  They were just two simple words, but they held a wealth of meaning, and every vampire within the room knew it. Kosmas had every intention of walking away the victor. Laryn's death was imminent, but how he would die was still debatable... and how much he had to suffer in the process. A smart vampire would have released Keely immediately, but Laryn was anything but. Instead he just smiled at Kosmas, his expression confident and cocky as he ignored his demand.

  “Shame on you, Kosmas,” Laryn chided him, making a small sound of disapproval. “I can see why you wanted to keep this tasty morsel all to yourself.” He stopped to rip the black cloak away from her body before silently staring around the room for effect.

  Kosmas' eyes widened, but it was his only visible concession to the violence he felt inside. They'd stripped Keely and redressed her in a blue corset and black panty hose, with only a small pair of panties that revealed more than it covered. Zander and Kyle exchanged puzzled looks, but Kosmas was too far gone in his rage to even ponder it. Not only had they seen her nude, but they had touched her, defiling her body with their filthy hands.

  With one dirty finger, Laryn lifted Keely's chin to reveal her unnaturally pale face and exaggerated red lips. Quickly scanning her face, Kosmas zeroed in on the two large fang marks on her throat, and the thin blood trails that ran down to her chest. It was gruesome, but even more the Seiyadians had demoralized her. And the fear of how far they'd taken their attack upon her body was crippling for Kosmas. What kind of horrors had Keely experienced at the hands of the cruelest vampires in existence? Weak and mortal, she would have had no defenses against them.

  “Your puppet has a new master now,” Laryn informed him, his eyes hungry as he lazily watched the blood dripping from her wounds. “Tonight everything that was yours will now be mine. Submit to me, Kosmas, and I might let you live long enough to watch me mate her.”

  “And if I don't?” Kosmas asked, silently willing Keely to open her eyes. She didn't, which confirmed his worst fears. Even from where he was standing, he could hear her heart's slow, sluggish attempt to keep her alive. Laryn had all but drained her of blood. If Keely passed away before he could get to her, there would be no way to bring her back.

  “Then I'll have you chained to the wall, forced to watch as I take her over and over again for as long as it pleases me... and anyone else I choose to share her with.” Laryn stopped to laugh, carefully watching Kosmas' face for a reaction. “You see, I have a bone to pick with this one. You've spoiled her, Kosmas. I'm going to enjoy breaking her spirit... and yours, too.”

  “No,” a woman wailed out, her voice anguished. Kosmas dared a quick glance, surprised to see Eve standing amidst the carnage. He glared at the guard that stood behind her, but the other man just stared back at him with a helpless expression on his face. Clearly, he was no match for his mother. Not many were.

  “I won't let you get away with this. We had an agreement,” Eve continued, her voice harsh as she walked in Laryn's direction. “And I expect you to honor it.”

  What the hell? Kosmas ran a hand over his chin in a mixture of frustration and impatience. Never had he experienced such a strange turn of events. Could it get even weirder?

  Much to his chagrin, Eve positioned herself directly in between the two vampires. “Take your men and leave,” she ordered Laryn, her back to Kosmas. “And leave the concubine behind.”

  Laryn smirked at her, his feet spread wide as his eyes slipped down her body. “What agreement?” he asked, shrugging off her demands. The men behind him laughed cruelly. “Do you boys ever recall agreeing to anything?” He didn't wait for an answer. His eyes narrowed at Eve as he watched her like a snake waiting for its chance to strike. “All I can recall is a pitiful slut spreading her legs for any of our males that wanted her. Get the fuck out of our way. I don't take orders from a Neiyadian whore like you.”

  Eve didn't back down. “If I'm a whore, then you're a liar.” She leaned forward to spit at his feet. “I wouldn't have let you within twenty feet of me had you not promised to leave our people alone, you disgusting piece of filth. Call me what you will, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do to protect my son. I certainly didn't bed you for the pleasure of it. You should be used to it by now, Laryn. I doubt there is a woman alive that would willingly spread her legs for anything that looked or smelled like you.”

  Her revelation floored Kosmas, but there was no time to question her. She spun back to Kosmas, a pleading expression on her face as she said, “I'm sorry. I've made so many mistakes. The only thing I ever really wanted was for you to be happy, but I always thought I knew what was best for you. I don't, though, and I can admit that now.” Laryn's black eyes took on an icy glint. It was the only warning they got. In the blink of an eye, he yanked Eve around to embed a dagger into her heart, twisting it painfully as he snarled in her face.

  Eve moaned painfully, but somehow she managed to stay on her feet. Laryn lifted his large leg to kick her off of his blade, sending her flying backwards, directly toward Kosmas. Kyle interceded as he caught her in mid-air, but she was past standing. He carried her as he backed away, removing her from the threat of immediate harm. Laboring to breathe, Eve turned her face in Kosmas' direction and whispered, “Be happy,” before quickly dying, amidst the horrified gasps of the vampires in the room.

  Kosmas threw his head back and roared in rage, the veins in his neck bulging from the full extent of his grief. Laryn had planned his attack well. The silver dagger in his hand was one of the few items capable of ending a vampire's life immediately And now Eve was dead. Her apology had come too late for them to truly make amends. He was filled with bitter regret, the pain within him impossible to bear. He charged in Laryn's direction, but the other vampire had already anticipated his move. Blood dripped freely from his punctured wrist as he held it close to Keely's mouth.

  Stopping once again, Kosmas bared his fangs, his mind racing as he sought out the best way to end Laryn. As much as he would have loved to torture the other vampire, the situation was too volatile. “Your cowardice knows no bounds,” he sneered to Laryn, with a pointed nod at Keely. “Why don't you stop hiding behind women and fight me?” The room was silent as everyone within watched and waited.r />
  All of a sudden there was a disturbance in the hallway. An instant later Nora stepped through, her eyes widening when she spotted Laryn. “Run,” Kosmas yelled at her, his eyes never leaving the other man's face. To his dismay, she remained where she was. Another target for Laryn's cowardice.

  Nora stepped closer to Keely and Laryn, horror etched on her face. The Seiyadians made no move to grab her. Kosmas frowned. He would have expected them to be only too happy to recapture their captive, yet they appeared to be disinterested in her presence. “Something isn't right,” he warned Zander and Kyle in a low voice, prepared to grab Keely at a moment's notice.

  As Nora got closer, her small hands clenched into fists. She stalked right up to Laryn before striking him in the face. “Bastard,” she snarled, her eyes darting between him and Keely as she pulled his wrist away. “It would seem that I got here just in the nick of time.”

  Laryn backhanded her across the face, sending Nora flying. Nobody made any move to assist her. Jumping to her feet in rage, Nora glared at all of them. “Kill the whore, or I will,” she warned him, not bothering to wipe away the blood trailing down the side of her mouth. “You only made it this far because of me. Without my help, you didn't have a shot in hell in taking over Golden Harbor. I won't be replaced by anyone, much less her.”

  Kosmas was utterly disgusted by her treachery. “How long?” he spat out venomously. “How long have you been lying with the dogs?”

  Nora smirked at him, her head held high as she went to rejoin Laryn. “Since the beginning,” she gloated. “I never expected you to be such an easy target.”

  “Yet you failed.” His voice was grim. “And you found yourself back in Diabolos.”

  “Not failed,” Nora declared, turning to face him. “Delayed. We hadn't counted on the skill of your guard, and our plans had to change. But no more. Finally, we have you right where we want you.”

  “Do you?” Kosmas replied, in a noncommittal tone of voice. He shrugged before adding, “Because I don't see it. You won't be leaving Golden Harbor again, at least not alive.”

  Nora grabbed Keely's hair to jerk her head roughly. “I highly doubt that. You see, this time we have her, and I believe you'd do anything to save this mortal slut.”

  “So you're okay with Laryn mating her?” Kyle interrupted, a frown on his face. At the same time, Zander started to inch away from them, his movements small. “Because he's made it pretty clear that he fully intends on doing so.”

  Nora spun back to face Laryn, her beautiful face twisted into a furious expression. “How dare you humiliate me in this manner,” she screamed. “You've turned this into a travesty, making us both look like fools.” Her fangs extended as her eyes slid to Keely. “Enough of this. Either you kill her, or I will. It's that simple.”

  She yanked Keely forward, her mouth opening as she prepared to latch onto her throat. At the same time, Laryn brought the blade down into Nora's back, embedding it deeply in the area of her heart. “You stupid bitch,” he growled out, as she screamed in pain. “The only fool I see is you.”

  It was now or never. Kosmas slammed into Laryn, taking all three of them down to the ground. Laryn released the blade, struggling to throw his weight off of him. Reaching out with one hand, Kosmas quickly grabbed the handle, pulling it out of Nora's body in one clean motion. “Funny thing,” he told Laryn grimly. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  He brought the knife down in an eerily similar motion. Laryn roared from underneath him before falling silent. Kosmas remained on his back for another moment, somewhat deflated that it had ended so easily. In another time and place, he would have made his life a true living hell.

  Keely was crumpled on the ground next to Laryn, the other vampires fleeing when he had attacked their leader. Squatting down to pick her up, Kosmas froze at the odd noise coming from the dead vampire's body. His eyes widening in anger, he rolled Laryn over.

  The other male grinned up at him, his mouth covered in blood. And right next to him was Keely's arm, with a fresh set of fang marks in her pale flesh. Even dying, Laryn had fed from her, determined to take her with him. Barely left with the strength to talk, Laryn managed to gasp out, “You might have won the battle, but I've won the war. I didn't get to have her, but neither will you.” And then he died, his face frozen into a permanent sneer.

  “Remove this filth from my palace,” he ordered the nearest guard, turning his attention back to Keely. Kyle and Zander raced over to join him. Kosmas quickly examined her injuries before looking up at them. “He's completely drained her. She's got minutes, if that.”

  He picked her up in his arms, prepared to race away. Her weight was slight in his arms, reminding him of how delicate she was. No longer would he be content to have Keely as his mortal mate. As a human, she was too fragile. He just prayed she'd still had enough remaining blood for him to take. It was the only way to fully convert her into vampire.

  “Wait,” Kyle said, holding up a hand with a serious expression on his face. His eyes darted in Zander's direction. “You still have some unfinished business left to take care of. It's only right.”

  No other words were needed. Kosmas knew exactly what Kyle wanted. Zander watched Keely with a look of longing on his face, mixed in with bewilderment and hurt. Kosmas wondered if he wore a similar expression. Somehow she'd managed to turn two of the most powerful vampires in their world inside out, without even meaning to. And now, a decision had to be made. What if she picked Zander?

  “Ask her,” Kosmas snarled, refusing to release his hold on her. “But make it quick.” Not only was her life ebbing before their very eyes, but the suspense was killing him. He had to hear her say it. He just had to.

  Kyle leaned forward to gently smooth Keely's hair away from her face. She barely stirred, but it was enough. “Keely,” he said, shaking her shoulder gently. “You've been badly hurt. In order to survive, you're going to have to mate. Do you understand what I'm saying?”

  She was silent for a second before her eyes slitted open. Kosmas held his breath, his heart beating so loud he feared it would burst through his chest. In a low, broken whisper, Keely breathed out, “I do.” She stopped to swallow before adding softly, “Kosmas.”

  It was just one word, but it was a powerful one. In the span of a second, three lives were changed. Zander's eyes met his, filled with defeat. He gave Kosmas a stiff nod before turning his back to them. Kyle stared at him in sympathy, a pained expression on his face when he muttered, “Take good care of her.” It was over. There was nothing left to say, and they all knew it. Keely had made her choice.

  Chapter 6

  Keely felt the wind racing around her, but she was too exhausted to open her eyes. Her heart chugged painfully within her chest, but otherwise she felt peaceful and lethargic. She was close to death, something within her warned, but strangely Keely felt unaffected by the knowledge. There was little she could do about it anyhow, and in her weakness she found the strength to accept her impending demise.

  Vaguely, she recalled the events leading up to that moment, but they were fading fast. Was it this way for everyone? Keely had always found the thought of dying dismal and scary, but in fact it was anything but. Her body was too tired to continue, and she no longer had the energy to try. Maybe it was time to just let go. After all, she wouldn't be alone. She'd have her family to guide her along the way. God, how badly she missed them. She'd tried to be strong enough to make it without them, but she had failed.

  Her breath faltered, her lungs frozen. Even inhaling seemed to be some type of monumental task that she didn't have to energy to perform. Something niggled at her consciousness, forming a blurry picture behind the dark veil of her eyelids. Struggling to see it clearly, a face came into focus, a swarthy face so masculine and beautiful that she inhaled in reaction. Kosmas.

  A door slammed just a moment before she was placed on blessedly cool sheets. Deft, nimble fingers quickly undressed her, intermingled with soft curses as every bruise and inj
ury was inventoried. Suddenly, his comforting touch disappeared as Keely groaned in protest. The sensation of his fingers against her body had soothed her in a way that nothing else could have.

  “Shh,” he reassured her, calming her immediately. The bed dipped from the weight of his muscular frame. Something warm and rough moved against her neck, the hand guiding it soft and gentle as he cleaned her body. “You're safe now, Keely.”

  “Kosmas,” she muttered, her voice coming out hoarse and raspy. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but her body refused to cooperate. She'd expended the full amount of her energy with just one word.

  He rested one long finger against her lips to silence her. “Don't talk, my love,” he ordered her, lifting his body off the bed to stand next to her. As quiet as the room was, it was easy for her to hear the sounds of his clothing falling to the ground. Despite her weakness, the beat of her heart picked up speed. Even dying, Kosmas still had the ability to make her want him. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”

  He slid back into the bed with her, his muscular body hot against her sensitive skin. His erection was hot and heated against her hip, her reaction strong enough to make her shiver. “I've been a fool, Keely,” he muttered harshly, his face hovering over her. “I was blinded by my own selfishness and too powerful to ever consider changing. I grew set in my own ways, not realizing that my own needs had changed. What once made me happy no longer does, not since you. You've changed me, Keely. My entire future rests in this tiny little mortal body of yours.”


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