I Am Yours (Heartbeat #3)

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I Am Yours (Heartbeat #3) Page 20

by Faith Sullivan

  “Are you sure you’re up for something like that?” She examines me closely, looking for any sign of hesitation. “It can’t be easy for you to go back there and revisit your lifeguarding days.”

  “But it’s more than that, Jada,” I reassure her. The last thing I anticipated was having my gift to her turn into a pity party for me. But that’s Jada—always putting my needs ahead of her own. “I want to share a place with you where I feel whole and at peace. There’s nowhere else like it in the world.”

  “Not even in cold and snowy Pennsylvania?” She smiles up at me.

  “Not even here.” I bend down, pressing my forehead to hers.

  “Man, you really went all out. I only bought you a new pack of hair ties and a jumbo-size box of condoms.” She shrugs unapologetically.

  “You didn’t.” I tickle her nose with mine.

  “I sure did,” she proclaims proudly.

  “Jada, there’s something I have to tell you.” I take a step back, and the dog whimpers plaintively against my chest.

  “Oh no, Adam. Do I really want to hear this?” she questions, crossing her arms in front of her.

  “I don’t think you do,” I admit bravely.

  “What did you do now?” she asks like I’m the petulant child in this relationship.

  “I went to see Simone on our lunch break to get you one of her certificates as a gag gift, but she was all out of them.” I take a deep breath, unsure of how Jada’s going to react. “But when I told her what I really got you, she thought my hair could use some shaping up…”

  “Please tell me you’ve been wearing that knit hat all day because it’s freezing outside and you’re a fool who never wears a coat…and not for some other reason.” Her voice rises with every word as she starts to panic.

  “Jada, I can’t lie to you.” I yank off the hat. “I let Simone cut my hair.”

  For a minute, Jada stands stock still, not moving a muscle. The dog whines, but she ignores his cries. She’s too dazed to notice. All she can do is stare at my head.

  “I know you like it long,” I ramble awkwardly. “But I can always grow it back. I just wanted to try something different. Simone sort of talked me into it. But if you hate it, I’ll go out and buy a wig or get extensions. Whatever it takes.”

  Jada approaches me slowly, running her hand across the top, fluffing it out. Her fingers trace the length of my sideburns then over my ear. Her touch is driving me wild, and I groan as her nails skim the back of my neck. Luckily, no one’s around to hear me. We still have the corridor pretty much to ourselves. Her chest is heaving, pressing against the buttons of her uniform, and I’m encouraged by how her body is responding.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but I absolutely love it,” she squeals, clapping her hands together. “You look so fucking sexy. If it weren’t for that damn dog in your arms, I’d have you pinned up against the wall right now.”

  “Good. That was my intention.” I grin at her wickedly.

  “Tired or not, just wait until I get you home,” she asserts, sliding her thumb through one of my belt loops.

  “Is that a promise?” I whisper against her ear as the door swings open and we jump apart.

  All she does is nod as a frazzled receptionist comes hurrying toward us.

  “Oh good, you have the dog!” she exclaims, reaching for him. “The patient’s father is out there looking for him. What a brute. He didn’t even bother to inquire how his daughter was doing. He’s more concerned about this little rascal.”

  “You’re kidding, Doris?” Jada grumbles. “What an asshole.”

  “Especially considering how he lost his other daughter in a car accident about a year ago.” She lowers her voice. “I remember how he acted when they brought in that poor girl’s body. As rude as all get out. Looks like he hasn’t changed one bit. Adam, you were on that call, weren’t you?”

  For a moment, the world seems to tilt out of focus, clouding my vision.

  “Yeah…yeah, I think I was,” I say, clearing my throat as Jada looks at me with concern.

  “What a tragedy, huh? That girl was so young. It must’ve been hard for you to deal with.” Doris pats my shoulder reassuringly.

  “You can say that again.” Echoing her sentiments, I give her a weak smile.

  “Well, I’ll let you get to it then. No doubt you two lovebirds have something special planned for tonight.” She gives us a wink, using her backside to push open the door while carrying the dog in her arms.

  I start to follow her into the waiting room when Jada grabs me by my shirt.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asks, full of trepidation.

  I peer through the circular window in the top of the door, and there he is. It’s the man I remember from the movie theater parking lot. He’s real. I didn’t make him up. I don’t know why but seeing him in the flesh calms my nerves somewhat.

  His rudeness comes as no surprise as he badgers Doris about finding something to use as a makeshift leash since he doesn’t intend to sit with the dog on his lap for the next few hours. Doris rummages behind the desk as he drums his fingers on the counter, making her even more nervous. Their voices are muffled, but I can make out that he’s none too happy about having to wait until she finds something.

  “Is that him?” Jada whispers, as if he can hear us.

  “Yep, that’s him all right,” I mutter, unable to pull myself away.

  “Are you going to talk to him?” Jada wraps an arm around my waist, evidently advising me to stay put.

  “I don’t think so.” I sigh heavily.

  “Why not?” She’s relieved yet puzzled.

  “Because I’m actually okay with letting go of the past.” I slide my hand across her back. “Just seeing that he exists is enough for me.”

  “Wow, the real Katie Turner’s father.” Jada stands on her tiptoes to get a better look. “And to think we had her sister in the ambulance. What are the odds of that?”

  “Probably a million to one,” I mumble against her hair.

  “Maybe the real Katie Turner is trying to send you a message.” Jada glances up at me, and I lose myself in her soulful brown eyes.

  “That her dad is a complete jerk?” I spit out angrily before glancing away.

  “No. More like thanking you for caring so much about her.” Jada tugs on the collar of my shirt, forcing me to look at her. “Even before Savoy got involved, you took her death to heart. You were probably the last person she saw before she died. Wherever she is now, I bet she’s smiling down on you, grateful for all you did to try and save her.”

  I catch myself tearing up and I drop my head nodding in agreement. I’m too choked up to speak. But she gets it, hugging me tighter.

  “It’s okay to mourn, Adam. It’s a part of the job. It’s a part of life. We can’t escape it. We just have to learn how to lean on each other when times get tough.” Her fingers brush against my chest as I rest my chin on top of her head.

  “The only Valentine’s Day gift I need is you,” I say softly, running my fingers through her ponytail.

  “I know,” she responds, tears glistening in her eyes as she reaches up to kiss my cheek.

  It’s one of those rare moments in life that I want to revel in a bit longer, but we’re interrupted when the other side of the double doors is thrown open.

  “Excuse me, but can you get out of the way?” It’s Mr. Turner. “I have to see my daughter.”

  We move against the wall, giving him enough room to get by as he storms past, leading the dog with what looks like the detachable shoulder strap to Doris’s purse. I hold my breath, willing him to keep going, but he stops.

  “Hey, don’t I know you?” He squints, furrowing his brow. “You were at Katie’s funeral, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, sir.” I gulp, hoping to avoid an argument with him.

  “Now I remember. You were that paramedic.” He glares at me, but I refuse to look away.

  “That’s right, sir. I was.” I keep m
y voice firm, maintaining eye contact with him.

  “Jesus!” he cries, shoving out his hand for me to shake. “I was out of my mind at the time, and I don’t think I ever thanked you properly.”

  I’m rendered speechless as he stares at me expectantly, waiting for me to respond.

  “Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you,” Jada chimes in. “We brought your other daughter in just now and it seems that she’s going to be okay.”

  “You did?” He releases my hand, taking a step back. “What are the chances of that, huh? You must be this family’s guardian angel.” The dog starts chewing on the cuff of his pants and his temper flares up again. “Adam, stop that!”

  “Your dog’s name is Adam?” I blurt out.

  “Yeah, Katie named him when we got him. It’s a strange name for a dog, but it sort of stuck.” Mr. Turner, obviously impatient to see his daughter, turns and starts walking down the corridor. “Which way do I go?”

  “Down the hall and to the left,” Jada calls out as he disappears around the bend.

  “Okay, I think my mind is completely blown.” I exhale deeply.

  “I’m shocked he didn’t scream at you,” she says before whistling through her teeth.

  “So am I,” I admit ruefully.

  “Why don’t we get the hell out of here? What do you say?” Jada teases, jabbing me with her elbow.

  “Race you to the parking lot,” I chuckle.

  “Not a chance. You cover more ground in one stride than I do in three,” she laughs.

  “Okay, make fun of my freakishly tall height. I don’t care.” I pretend to be put out, but I smile as she steps onto a nearby chair in order to kiss me on the lips without a struggle.

  “I like freakishly tall guys,” she whispers, breaking away.

  “And I like hauling around little dynamos like you,” I say, scooping her into my arms.

  “Adam, people are going to think you’re nuts,” she protests as I carry her through the doors and into the waiting room.

  “They already do. What’s the difference?” I smile down at her as we draw more than a few curious glances as I walk through the seating area.

  “Put me down!” she urges. “Everybody’s staring at us.”

  “Let them,” I scoff. “I want everyone to know how crazy I am about you.”

  We emerge into the brisk evening air and gaze up into the star-filled sky above. She feels so good against me. I don’t even care that the Neon is parked blocks away.

  I’d carry her anywhere.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “By the way, how’s Kelly doing with the baby?” Adam asks as we float lazily in a secluded cove off the Pacific Ocean. “I meant to ask you earlier, but we got sidetracked.”

  And by sidetracked, he means when he untied my bikini before ravishing me on the beach.

  “For supposedly being a preemie, he’s doing fine. I guess Savoy already has a new assistant though,” I grumble, holding on to Adam’s waist as a wave rolls beneath us.

  “What else did Katie have to say?” he asks, threading his fingers through mine.

  “She and Brian appear to be hitting it off. He even took her on a date to some fancy restaurant.” It’s quite an odd pairing, but I’m happy for Katie from the bottom of my heart. She always asks me how Adam’s doing and she was thrilled to hear that he reached the six-month anniversary of his sobriety. Thanks in no small part to her initial efforts in clearing out all of the liquor from his apartment.

  “Well, I’m glad she finally got her date, even if it’s with my lousy brother.” I strain to notice if there’s a hint of jealousy in his voice, but I don’t hear one.

  “You should call him, you know. Break the ice.” I nudge his foot under the water as we bob on the surface atop his surfboard.

  “Maybe I will. What the heck? But don’t think we’re going on a double date with them any time soon.” He glowers at me playfully.

  “No, that would definitely be awkward.” I scrunch my nose, and Adam leans over and kisses it. “But after all that went down, I never thought I’d end up friends with Katie Turner. Do you know she calls me at least once a week to see what’s up?”

  “She could use a friend like you. I don’t think she has many people in her life she can depend on.” His eyes search mine as what he said sinks in.

  “Yeah, I guess her dad went ballistic and basically disowned her. It sucks when you get stuck with an asshole for a father. Trust me, I’m an expert on the subject.” I sigh, and Adam rubs the side of my face with his knuckles.

  “What about me? Do you think I’d make a good dad?” he asks, and my mouth drops open until I see the twinkle in his eye.

  “Maybe in ten years, after you’ve had a full decade of Jada Martin boot camp under your belt.” I slap his arm, showing the dimples he loves so much.

  “Well, we’ll definitely have fun practicing until I’m deemed worthy,” he whispers against my neck, kissing me softly until I turn my head, taking his lips with mine.

  “I’m all for that,” I say, rubbing my nose softly against his.

  “I’ll even let you drive the Neon when we get back. How about that?” He gives me a sly wink out of the corner of his eye.

  “You do know how to please me, Adam O’Malley,” I moan contentedly as his hand finds the inside of my thigh.

  “You’re going to make this difficult on me, aren’t you?” he asks, shifting uncomfortably on the surfboard.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I laugh, boldly squeezing the bulge between his legs.

  “I don’t think we’re going to make it back to shore. I might have to take you right here,” Adam groans, attempting to control his breathing as I increase the pressure of my hand.

  “We’ve never tried it in the water before,” I remark innocently.

  “You’re on.” The passion in his eyes flares as I tighten my grip on him. “I’ll never think of California the same way again.”

  “That’s the idea.” I raise an eyebrow at him, daring him as his hand dips below my belly button.

  “They’re going to hear you screaming for miles,” he counters, and I relax into his touch as he pushes aside the panel of my bikini, allowing his fingers to slide over my throbbing center.

  “Thank goodness we’re alone out here because I sure do like a challenge,” I joke, my breath coming heavily now.

  We’ve never done it like this before, him fondling me while I’m stroking him. The surfboard starts to founder as we work each other over, sitting astride it in the waist-deep surf. I don’t think we’re going to be able to stay aboard much longer.

  “Fuck it,” he says, pulling me into the water with him. “I want to be inside of you. Enough of this foreplay.”

  I gasp as the saltwater hits me between the legs as he yanks off the bottom of my bikini completely. I try to lower his swim trunks, but he’s already beaten me to it. Tossing everything onto the surfboard, he grabs me around the waist, lifting me on top of him. I’ve never felt him like this before, with the waves rolling against us, creating a natural rhythm too strong to ignore. He’s controlling every movement, his feet digging into the sandy bottom. He turns so the incoming waves hit me in the back, the force pushing him even deeper into me. His taut hips are working furiously beneath the surface, matching the surf thrust for thrust.

  The sheer wildness of the moment sends me over the edge as I clench around his length, the intensity of my orgasm ripping through me. I collapse against his bare chest, burying my head in his shoulder and throwing my arms around his neck, silently begging him to keep me afloat because I’m drowning in this sensation.

  Bearing my weight, he cups my ass, allowing my buoyancy in the water to assist him in getting off. He’s almost there. I can feel it as he moves in and out of me, groaning as he tries to keep his balance. I’ve never seen him like this before. It’s like something inside of him has come alive and he’s claiming me for all the world to see. As a wave picks me u
p, I lock my legs around him, sliding him even farther inside of me. And that’s all it takes as he comes, releasing his grip on the seafloor.

  We’re adrift, wrapped in each other’s arms as we get pushed toward shore, letting the tide carry us in. Washing up on the beach, Adam flips me on top of him so the jagged edges of the seashells lining the bottom scrape his skin instead of mine. I feel his chest rise and fall, but I’m totally spent and don’t even have the energy to roll off of him.

  Droplets of water glisten on his body and I watch the sunlight reflect through them, my eyes half closed. The waves go in and out, lapping at our intertwined feet. The ocean breeze caresses my nakedness. All I have on is my bikini top, but it’s gone askew, and if my breasts weren’t pressed against Adam, they’d be fully exposed. He’s wearing absolutely nothing—only me.

  “I always knew I’d turn you into a surfer girl,” he whispers softly, tracing imaginary patterns across my back.

  “If that’s what you call surfing, I’m ready for more of the same,” I cajole, bracing myself over him while circling my hips.

  “We do have to go back out there and retrieve our clothing,” he teases me, propping himself up on his elbows as he raises his hips to meet mine.

  “You’re already hard,” I giggle against his stomach, feeling his length press against me. I sit up on my knees, straddling him, taking in the glorious sight before me. Pulling the string away from my neck and over my head, I toss my bikini top onto the sand. I want to be as naked as he is.

  “Yeah, well, you’re beautiful,” he says, his voice deepening as he swirls his thumbs over my nipples, bending his knees so I fall back against his legs. I need the support. I’m already starting to feel weak. Something about being out in the open and doing these things is driving me crazy. I can’t get enough of him. It’s the thrill of getting caught and not even caring. I never knew I was such an exhibitionist.

  “Adam…” I pant, running my hand up and down him as he flexes his pelvis, lifting me in the air. “I don’t…think…I’m going to…make it…back out there.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” he utters, sliding into me. “I’ll go wherever you are until my heart stops beating.” He lifts his head, capturing my lips as I start to ride him.


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