Dragon in Distress

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Dragon in Distress Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  “She likes to save abandoned animals and sometimes she gets herself into trouble doing it.” Dae explained with a smile.

  “How can that cause trouble?”

  “She got caught in a bog saving a trapped dog. It was midnight before she realized a floating spell would save her. Her dad was mad when she got home and he grounded her for two weeks. She was very young then.” Ram explained.

  “I liked that story too, but the time she saved the baby horse was my favorite. When she pulled him out of the water, he was so excited, he knocked her in and she didn’t know how to swim. The horse ran away, but he came back with his mother who went in and got Sophie out. Animals can be so intelligent.” Dae commented.

  “Does she still save animals?” Knossos asked.

  “Yes, but she learned to swim and she’s more careful.” Ram offered. Knossos had found the first good quality Sophie had. She was a protector. It made him swell with pride.

  “You’ve not known your mate long?” Dae asked.

  “Just a couple of days.” Knossos admitted.

  “Take your time to get to know her. You’ll value every new thing you learn about her.” Ram advised.

  Annie and Nite came in to join them. “Don’t let us interrupt your conversation.” Nite suggested.

  “We weren’t talking about anything important.” Dae observed. “We were just killing time until you ladies joined us.”

  “It’s been a hard day, but I feel like we accomplished a lot.” Annie observed.

  “It’s a start.” Knossos declared.

  “Some of the information I found in the office, might give us more leads. They also had a list of employees we’ll want to roust.” Ram explained. “Is Sophie coming?”

  “She should be here anytime, because while I might get off early at times her job takes her all day. She works out of the shop most of the time.” Annie admitted.

  “You don’t work out of the shop at all though.” Ram observed.

  “I don’t because I have wealthy clients who expect us to come to them. It gives me flexibility that she just doesn’t have.” Annie explained. “My job is easier than Sophie’s. She deals with difficult people.”

  “Why doesn’t she just say no?” Knossos asked.

  “You’ll understand when you meet my father.” Annie observed.

  “I have a reason to meet her father, but no reason to meet yours.” Knossos said.

  “Her father will let mine discuss the mating with you. If you refuse, she will be mated to someone else.” Annie admitted.

  “Are witches so primitive as to order their people to mate for political ends?” Knossos asked.

  Chapter 3


  Sophie stood outside the door to the room they usually ate in listening in. The answer was yes, but no one would tell him that. It wasn’t all witches, it was her uncle and he had the power to enforce his decision.

  “I hope I’m on time.” She said as she swept into the room.

  “The servers have not even brought the food in so you are right on time.” Annie said with a smile. She must be relieved not to have to defend her father when she disagreed with him completely.

  Sophie’s father was under the thumb of his older brother, but at least he wasn’t the one trying to make a whole generation miserable. He just lacked the guts and possibly the caring to fight for his daughter.

  “Knossos, why don’t you sit here, between Sophie and Annie?” Ram suggested. Dae and Nite took seats as if they’d been here often. They probably had.

  Servers began to bring in the food setting it on the table family style. Usually they served it buffet style. Not that Sophie cared. It seemed they were eating roast served in the traditional way with potatoes and carrots. Gravy was inside too, but also served in a gravy boat. There was a tossed salad and green bean casserole. It was a great meal and she ate with a hearty appetite. That was when she remembered she’d worked through lunch.

  Looking up, she saw Knossos watching her. To hell with him, she was hungry. Ram and Annie were talking so made an effort to listen in. “I have the list narrowed down to those worth our effort.” Ram offered.

  “Who might they be?” Knossos asked.

  “Those in a position of some authority or those easily caught.”

  “Why those easily caught?” Knossos questioned.

  “Sometimes they know more than expected and can lead to those who know even more. It’s worth it if the effort is small.” Annie explained.

  “We’ll start tomorrow. Will you be able to join us, Sophie?” Ram asked.

  Today she had divided her time between her job and the swamp witch. “Yes, I can go.” She needed to observe her fated mate to see if there was any hope for them. She feared there wasn’t.

  “I’ll be glad to have you along. Have you met Dae, the sergeant and Nite his partner?” Annie asked as an afterthought.

  “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.” Sophie said as she nodded to each in turn. Dae was hot and Nite was beautiful. She tried not to look at Dae, but since he was across from her it was hard. At least she was sure she didn’t drool. Wiping her mouth with her napkin, she made sure. She noticed Knossos shot her an irritated look, but she just shrugged. It wasn’t like he was pursuing her.

  “What do you do at work?” Knossos asked just as she’d taken a bite of roast.

  She chewed it quickly. “The store sells simple charms and spells.”

  “So you do simple charms and spells?” He asked.


  “What kind of spells?” He persisted.

  “Mild pain relief, finding a missing item, things like that.” Sophie explained.

  “Revenge spells?”

  “No, we do no harm.”

  “Not the witches from my time. Some of them were quite evil.” Knossos said his eyes glazed over as he went back in time. Was this why he didn’t want her? He thought all witches evil?”

  “I’m sure you would still find some evil witches, but the largest group believes in doing no harm through our magic.” Annie jumped in quickly to explain.

  Sophie both appreciated her trying to help and resented that Annie thought she needed it. Not nearly as much, though, as she resented getting the third degree from Knossos. It wasn’t like she’d grilled him. He was doing this in front of a table full of people as she was trying to eat supper. That was not cool.

  “Perhaps we could discuss this alone after we’ve eaten?” Sophie requested with saccharine sweetness.

  “I’m sorry.” He said not looking sorry at all. “If the answers are something not for everyone’s ears, I’ll be glad to wait.”

  “Since I’m hungry because I’ve not eaten today, why don’t you entertain everyone with your actions the last four hundred years? Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot you slept past any danger.” Sophie knew her face was bright red with her fury. “Perhaps I’ll leave so I can have a peaceful meal elsewhere.” Sophie rushed out of the now silent room. Damn that male pissed her off.

  In order to calm down, she tried to think of something pleasant. The only thing that seemed to go right in her life right now was her lessons with Althea, the swamp witch. She’d moved through the books she’d gotten briskly.

  Althea had been impressed. “Now you will be in the book given to apprentice witches back in the day when we actually had them.”

  “Really? Oh, goddess that’s wonderful.”

  “Mind the spells when you’re working with them on your own. They can wreak havoc if mishandled. Now let’s do some basic ones together. Why don’t we try a freezing spell? Not the cold kind, but one that stops an attacker in their tracks. Read the words and point your wand or your finger at the cat.”

  Sophie did and the cat froze. “What do I do now?”

  “Use this spell to unfreeze him.”

  She did as she was told. “That was perfect.” Sophie said. “I never knew I could do that.”

  “You can do a lot if you try.”

  “I h
ave a question, but it doesn’t really concern magic.”

  “I’ll help if I can.”

  “I need to know a little about dragons.”

  “Dragons! Why would you need to know about them?”

  “You’ll keep this quiet please?” She asked and Althea nodded. “I’ve found my mate and he’s a dragon.”

  “Oh, my. My recommendation is to ask your cook. She used to be the resident dragon specialist back in the day.” Althea answered with a huge smile and a glitter of friskiness in her eyes. Was she joking? With nothing else to go on, she had no choice but to ask cook. “Why don’t you take your book and head home?”

  She nodded, but home wasn’t where she headed, at least not then. It was Ram’s and Annie’s place where Knossos ruined her day. Now she was heading home. The light was still on so Nan was up. She always made her feel better. The woman had been more a mother to her than her own mother had ever been. Nan refused to tell anyone her name and Sophie’s mother got angry when she called her anything but Cook, which was what everyone else called her. It also seemed to be what she preferred. Sophie wasn’t sure if her mother was jealous of their relationship, or just concerned about what others might think of they heard her call their cook Nan.

  “Nan, I’m home.”

  “What’s wrong?” Nan asked instantly there at her side.

  Sophie had thought she was alright, but at the concerned beloved face, she broke down into tears. “Supper was horrid.” She sniffed.

  “Bad food is nothing to cry over. I’ll fix you right up.”

  “Are you a dragon expert?” Sophie asked.

  “What? Why would you ask such a thing?” Nan asked as she continued to gather a meal for her.

  “You must keep this absolutely secret.”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “I found my fated mate. He’s a dragon and he hates me.”

  “Ah, child. How could anyone hate you?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never faced this before. Most people like me or they just don’t care one way or the other. He abhors me. I wanted to find my one, but it was a big mistake. He’s grouchy and mean. He wishes he’d gotten Annie instead.” Sophie explained.

  Nan set a big bowl of bean and bacon soup in front of her. Comfort food. There were hot yeast rolls, the big kind with lots of butter. A piece of cherry pie, supersized, was there for dessert.

  “Tell me all about this crazy dragon so I can help.” Nan said.

  Sophie began to talk between delicious bites of food. By the time she was done, she felt better and Nan was informed. “That cherry pie was your best.”

  “I know how much you like it. So tell me, where is this fated mate of yours staying? When I get a chance, I’ll kick his ass.”

  Sophie laughed until tears ran down her cheeks at the thought of Nan kicking Knossos’ ass. Not that he didn’t deserve it and Sophie wasn’t sure what she was but she was tough; but maybe not that tough.

  “Okay, you think I’m a wimp?”

  “No, but he’s big and strong. He’s staying at Phoenix headquarters. Go get him tiger.” She felt better, but tomorrow would still be hard. She’d have to face them all after she’d turned and run away.

  “Want another piece of cherry pie?” Nan asked.

  “That would really hit the spot.” She brought it with a big glass of milk. Nan always knew how to give her comfort.

  “Now you need to get ready and go to bed. Tomorrow, things will be better.” Nan said as if she somehow knew. She was usually right.

  Hurrying up the stairs to her suite, Sophie took a hot shower to help her relax and after she dried off she threw on a night gown. She went to bed, getting to sleep quickly. For once, she wasn’t looking forward to her day off.

  She woke as the alarm blared in her ear. Groggy, she managed to find the damn thing and shut it off. Sophie wasn’t a morning person like Annie was. A night job would be preferable, but the family business didn’t have one. It was a real shame.

  Dressing quickly, she made it down stairs to the delightful aroma of a traditional breakfast complete with coffee. “Thank you, Nan. I could use a good breakfast.” Cook’s eyes moved to the right, but it was too late.

  “Why would that be?” Her father asked.

  “Just some annoying customers yesterday. I’m sure you remember how it used to be.” Sophie said. Just her luck he was here this morning.

  “It’s part of the job. You’ll get used to it.”

  “So you tell me.” Sophie replied. Her father’s attitude really annoyed her sometimes. She began to dig into her sausage, eggs, and toast hoping her father would just leave.

  “I wanted to tell you that your uncle is moving forward with your mating.” Daddy dearest informed.

  “Tell him.” Nan urged.

  “Tell me what?”

  “I found my fated mate.”

  “Who is he?” Her dad asked.

  “His name is Knossos and he’s staying with Ram.”

  “I’ll have to tell your uncle about this. How long have you known?”

  “Only a couple of days.” Sophie admitted.

  “We’ll have to meet him to make sure he’ll be good for you.”

  Sophie nodded. She was pretty sure Knossos wasn’t any good for her at all. Her father left, no doubt to inform her uncle. “What happened when he finds out Knossos doesn’t want me?”

  “It will delay them no matter what.” Nan pointed out.

  “You have a point. I guess I better eat and run. Annie will be waiting.” Sophie shoveled her food in filling herself up completely. It didn’t pay to be hungry around Knossos.

  Nan hovered nearby. Sophie gave her wrinkled cheek a kiss before she scampered away. She loved that old lady probably more than anyone she knew. Getting into her car, she started it and put it in gear. Driving out, she circled around then headed for Ram’s place. Usually she looked forward to seeing Annie. Out of everyone she knew, Annie was the least offensive.

  They would have been closer, but her parents hadn’t let her visit others much. She’d been kept home only allowed to get a good human education and only on academic subjects. Maybe if she’d been braver, she would have broken away. Now it was too late. The only place to go was to a mate.

  Ram’s place was an hour away. It gave her plenty of time to think, but thinking made her sad. Knossos was attractive enough, but he was a horse’s ass. He reminded her of Annie’s dad. One male like that in her life was more than she wanted.

  As she arrived, she saw Dae’s SUV was already there. Parking and getting ready, she got out and headed to the dining room. Everyone else was still eating breakfast. “Sophie!” Annie said as if she were shocked she’d come.

  “Hey!” She responded.

  “Why don’t you sit by me and grab something to eat? I’m not sure of we’ll get lunch.” Annie admitted.

  Sophie’s supernatural appetite seemed to be stronger than usual so she sat down and got two small pancakes. Maybe it was because she was feeling so bad? She ate slowly as she listened to the day’s plans. They were rousting high level leaders in Hubolla’s order. If time permitted, they would get a few of those lower level people too. At least it sounded easy enough. By the time she finished her stack of pancake’s everyone else was done too.

  They divided up by sex and she headed out with Nite and Annie. Sophie got in the backseat as she often did. Annie got motion sickness sometimes. The guys went the other way so they were dividing up the list. “Shouldn’t we have divided into pairs for this?” Sophie asked.

  “Maybe, but some of these people can be dangerous.” Nite explained.

  They headed to the rough part of town. The buildings were old and many were in disrepair. Little kids played in the streets, some looked underfed and filthy. Their clothes was torn and needed washed. Dogs lurked in the shadows, hungry and their fur matted.

  Nite pulled up to an apartment building that looked empty but she sensed it wasn’t. The walls were crumbling and as they neared, bugs
ran for cover. The alley next to it had rats crawling around through the trash. Sophie supposed she was sheltered. Her skin crawled at the sights she saw.

  “I’m sure these guys are downstairs.” Nite admitted. She had a flashlight, but wouldn’t that just alert the bad guys that they were headed their way?

  They stepped into a room at the bottom of the stairs. It looked like a play room set up with games and a TV. “Looky boys! Three pretty girls, one for each of us.”

  “I believe you’re mistaken. We’re here to ask you some questions about your association with Hubolla.” Nite said.

  “You’re a sweet bitch. I claim this one.” The man said.

  “Hell, I’ll take blondie.” He leered at Sophie.

  “They’re all a prize.” The last guy said.

  “If you don’t take this seriously, we’ll have to make you.” Nite said.

  The guy who’d claimed her walked up to Sophie. “Show me what you have, Doll.” He walked even closer. She whispered her spell under her breath and he froze in place. Sophie grinned. The spell had worked perfectly.

  “Way to go Sophie.” Annie said as she held up her hand for a high five which Sophie gave her.

  “Now what do you say?” Nite asked.

  “What did you do to him?” The first guy asked. He seemed to be the leader.

  “The same thing you’ll get if you don’t start answering our questions. They’ll never know who told us and this way we won’t arrest you.” Nite assured.

  The two guys sang like canaries as Annie recorded everything they had to say. As they left, Sophie whispered the spell to set him free. “Hey guys. Where did the women go?” She heard him asked as they climbed the steps.

  They got into the SUV and Nite took off. “That was an amazing start to our investigation.” Nite said.

  “You’re learning fast.” Annie praised.

  “I learned that yesterday.” Sophie admitted.

  “Althea is teaching you well.” Annie offered.

  “She certainly taught me the right thing at the right time.” Sophie and Annie spoke for a while before they made their next stop. Several stops later and they were all tired.


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