Her Hero Was A Bear_A Paranormal Werebear Romance

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Her Hero Was A Bear_A Paranormal Werebear Romance Page 28

by Amy Star

  Matthew’s fingers retreated and Nadine let out a disappointed, frustrated groan, twisting her hips to keep the contact even when it was obvious that Matthew wasn’t going to give her satisfaction.

  “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” Matthew’s soft, reedy voice was full of amusement, and Nadine shrugged shamelessly, meeting his gaze without any sense of embarrassment. Matthew hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and tugged down in one sharp, quick, fluid movement, dragging them over her hips—nearly tearing them in the process.

  Nadine gasped in shock, lifting her hips and wriggling to get the whisper-thin fabric off of her body more quickly. She could feel the heat and hardness of Matthew’s cock pressing against her, digging into her thigh—and in spite of any misgivings she’d had before, she knew that she wanted to feel it inside of her. Matthew didn’t move to strip off his boxers, however; instead he kissed her on the lips briefly and then began to work his way down her body inch by inch, lavishing attention on every patch of skin his mouth met on his way to his objective.

  Nadine squirmed and writhed, threading her fingers in his thick, surprisingly soft hair as Matthew lingered at her breasts, worshiping her with lips and tongue, barely grazing her with his teeth. He continued onward just when Nadine thought she couldn’t possibly take any more teasing, his hot breath tickling her ribs, making the muscles in her abdomen twitch, even as she became almost unbearably turned on in a matter of moments.

  Matthew paused at her hips, and Nadine—against her will—found herself remembering Dylan, the way he’d devoured her their first time together, the way he’d told her that she tasted exactly like honey to him and how much he wanted to eat her again and again and again.

  “Fuck, sweetie,” Matthew murmured, pressing an idle kiss to her inner thigh. “You are just bear-bait, aren’t you?”

  He looked up at her face with his dark eyes glimmering. Nadine shrugged in confusion, unsure of how to take the comment, and Matthew chuckled, spreading her legs wider, his fingertips parting her outer labia. He cast one last, lustful look at her face and then slipped between her legs, and in an instant, Matthew buried his face against her soaking wet pussy, licking and sucking, teasingly sliding his tongue up and down along her inner labia.

  Nadine moaned out, reaching blindly as her body reacted to the pleasure that Matthew’s attentions sent coursing through her. She threaded her fingers in his hair, her hips bucking, twisting, moving as if they had a mind of their own. Matthew held her down easily, nuzzling against her soaking wet folds, working his tongue deeper, teasing her relentlessly. Nadine thought—fleetingly and guiltily—that it was one thing the two men had in common and then immediately dismissed the thought, focusing instead on the way that Matthew teased her with lips and tongue and even, to her astonishment, with careful grazes of his teeth. Nadine threw her head back against the pillows, writhing as she felt the tension growing stronger and stronger inside of her.

  She felt Matthew slide one finger inside of her slowly, pushing past the resistance of her body, and Nadine moaned out, grabbing at his shoulder and head. Matthew added another finger, sliding both in gradually deeper and deeper, rubbing along her inner walls. Nadine cried out in pleasure as Matthew’s lips closed on her clitoris, his tongue flicking against the cluster of nerves as his fingers worked her. She grabbed at the sheets underneath her, at Matthew’s burning-hot body, at anything within reach as her body twisted and arched under the impetus of his attentions. Nadine lost all track of time, wrapped in the haze of pleasure that burned through every nerve in her body, caressing and tingling.

  All at once, Nadine felt the tension that had been mounting somewhere deep down between her hips give way, and wave after wave of pleasure washed through her as she came. Nadine cried out, her hips bucking, twisting down to get better contact between her pleasure centers and Matthew’s mouth and fingers. Her orgasm intensified as Matthew continued his attentions, sucking and licking, his tongue flicking against her clitoris so fast that Nadine couldn’t even keep track of its movements. His fingers rubbed and stroked her g-spot, and Nadine felt a brief flicker of fear as her climax continued to rack her, pleasure so intense that it might have actually been pain, but she couldn’t tear herself out of it.

  Matthew’s attentions slowed as Nadine’s body sagged, the spasms of pleasure beginning to abate. She panted, breathless and still tingling everywhere in the aftershocks of her orgasm, and Matthew lapped at her fluids slowly, as if he wanted to swallow down every last bit of her climax. Nadine trembled, her softening moans turning into whimpers, and Matthew’s fingers withdrew slowly. He gradually pulled back, his breath hot against her skin, and Nadine exhaled sharply as everything went strangely calm throughout her body.

  She felt Matthew’s weight against her bones as he slithered up along her body, kissing his way from between her legs up to her mouth. She could taste herself on his lips, but for the moment she didn’t care—it was almost pleasant, the mingling of her own fluids with his lips and tongue. Nadine opened her eyes and looked up to see Matthew watching her intently, his dark eyes almost black with desire.

  “Let me know when you’re ready for more,” he told her, his voice tight with need.

  “I—I’m going to need a few minutes,” Nadine said, smiling up at him mindlessly. She was sure she looked utterly gone—maybe even drugged in her haze of pleasure—but she didn’t care. She felt too good. Whatever flaws these two guys might have they definitely know how to get a girl off, Nadine thought. She began to giggle, curling in on herself slightly.

  “What’s so funny?” Matthew kissed her forehead, her cheek, and then her lips lightly, cradling her body in his arms, looking into her eyes.

  “Just thought of something,” Nadine said, panting to catch her breath after the laughter exhausted it. “You—and Dylan—sure know how to get a girl off.”

  Matthew chuckled, and Nadine began giggling irresistibly once more, unable to help herself.

  After a few moments, the urge passed, and she sighed, pressing up against Matthew’s body for the comfort of his heat. She could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against her—and that reminded her of another similarity between the two men.

  “If I do let you and Dylan share me,” she said, reaching down tentatively to wrap her fingers around Matthew’s cock, “I think I’m definitely going to need a couple of days off a week. You—both of you—you’re kind of…” She shook her head, chuckling breathlessly. “You’re both pretty outside of my experience, size-wise.”

  Matthew grinned, his hips rocking as she stroked him slowly. “That’s good to know,” he said, his voice a low growl. After a few moments of her stroking hand on his cock, he groaned, shuddering against her. “Are you ready for me yet? I don’t want to rush you—but this is pretty fucking hot.”

  “I’m ready,” Nadine said, taking a quick, deep breath.

  She was still soaking wet, and as she’d stroked and caressed Matthew, her arousal had started up once more, her whole body tingling. Matthew shifted against her and Nadine let her hand fall away from his erection, moving up to his back. She trembled with anticipation as Matthew guided the tip of his cock against her slick folds, holding back for a torturous moment; then, as he slowly—achingly slowly—began to slide into her, filling her up by inches, Nadine moaned out, pulling Matthew’s body close. She thought he might be slightly thicker than Dylan, but not quite as long, not that it mattered, since both men felt enormous filling her up.

  Matthew rocked his hips against hers, slowly and steadily pushing deeper and deeper inside of her body. Nadine fell into his rhythm, kissing him everywhere her lips could reach, caressing him and exploring the planes and lines and ridges of his body against hers with her hands. She felt the tension building up inside of her once more as they moved together, and Nadine knew that she wasn’t going to be able to last long—even with the orgasm she’d already had. She pushed her hips down to meet Matthew’s thrusts, twisting and writhing underneath him
as they picked up the speed of their movements, as she fell into counterpoint with his thrusts. Matthew kissed her lips again and again, and then trailed his mouth along her throat carefully, down to her breasts and then to her lips once more. Nadine felt herself becoming wetter and wetter, felt the tension between her hips growing tighter by the moment.

  Matthew slowed and sped up, teasing Nadine; he brought her to the edge of orgasm and then backed off, settling into a steady rhythm that felt utterly amazing but kept her from actually hitting her climax. Nadine groaned with frustration as the torture continued, wrapping her legs around his waist and trying to manipulate his pace, pushing her hips down faster, twisting to give him the most pleasure. Eventually, even Matthew couldn’t bring himself to hold back any longer, and he began to thrust into her with abandon, pushing hard, fast, and deep inside of her body as Nadine moaned over and over again.

  She hit her second orgasm all at once, the tension increasing between her hips until it was nearly unbearable and then breaking, and more waves of sensation washed through her body. Words tumbled out of her mouth without Nadine even knowing what they were, and she barely heard Matthew’s low growls of pleasure, or his roar as he reached his own climax. She felt the hot, sticky-slick gush of his orgasm flooding into her, but all Nadine cared about was how good she felt, the pleasure caressing every nerve in her body, driving out even the idea of worry or stress or guilt. They both continued moving together until neither one could move for another moment, and Nadine collapsed against the bed, Matthew on top of her, his weight strangely comforting as she shivered in the aftermath of her orgasm.


  “So,” Dylan said, as Matthew and Nadine came out of the bedroom and into the living room area of the suite. “You two finally get it over with, I see.” He smirked as both Matthew and Nadine blushed—Nadine more deeply than Matt.

  “Don’t make her feel bad about it, Dyl,” Matthew said, glancing at Nadine with a protective look in his dark eyes. Dylan sat down on the couch, shrugging.

  “It’s not like I’m bothered by it,” he pointed out. “I’m kind of relieved, actually. I didn’t feel right having sex with Nadine again until you had a chance to get your innings in.”

  Nadine looked up, meeting Dylan’s gaze, and he saw the flush on her face transform from embarrassment to anger.

  “Hey! I am not a fucking toy for you and Matthew to play with. Nor am I some kind of—sex doll.” She strode towards him, and Dylan saw the struggle on her face to keep from showing the pain that the steps she took caused her ankle. “If either of you thinks it’s okay to talk about me like that,” she said, glancing from Dylan to Matthew, “then I am going to leave both of you.”

  Dylan let the smile fall off his face; he looked up at her more seriously.

  “I don’t consider you a sex doll, or a toy,” he said quietly. “But I did want to give Matthew a chance to see if things could work between the two of you before I made any kind of move to make you my mate.”

  “So,” Matthew said, throwing himself onto the other couch in the living room, “how are we going to work this out? And what’s the word from our contacts?”

  Dylan chuckled slightly. “I think working this out is going to take a lot longer than giving you the news from our contacts,” he said. He’d stayed in the lobby longer than he’d strictly had to, suspecting that there would be enough time for Matthew to make his move—if his friend wasn’t too craven to do it. But Dylan had had reasons for staying in the lobby above and beyond that, he needed to figure out whom he could get information from amongst the people they’d met so far in South Florida. He hadn’t been entirely optimistic about the prospects, but he’d eventually figured out whom he should talk to, and he had made the arrangements they needed.

  “Okay, so tell us. By the way, we’re training Nadine to work with us.” Matthew smirked at Dylan, and Dylan shrugged, accepting that fact without comment or argument.

  “I got in touch with C,” Dylan explained. “He wants to meet us at a club tonight to discuss the situation. Apparently, we were right on the money about this being bigger than some group of misfit lions getting offended that their friend was killed.” Dylan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He didn’t like feeling like he was outside of his depth; it reminded him too much of what had happened in Portland weeks before. Has it really been only about a month since we were exiled? Dylan dismissed the thought and turned back to the matter at hand.

  “Is it safe for us to meet him?” Nadine asked as she sat down a few feet away from him on the couch.

  Dylan wondered if he’d screwed things up with the woman by the way he’d reacted to her having sex with Matthew. Life is too fucking complicated right now. We need to make it as simple as possible as fast as possible.

  “It’s as safe as anything,” he said, glancing at Matthew.

  His best friend seemed to have taken the comments with much more aplomb than Nadine had—but then, Matthew knew Dylan much better, in most respects.

  “It’ll take that group a while to track us up to here; I don’t think they’ve managed it yet. And even if they have, we’ll be sticking to places where they can’t just attack us or they’ll expose themselves.”

  “Why would they worry about that?” She glanced from Dylan to Matthew and back again. “I mean—as long as no one changes, why would that be a problem?”

  Dylan shrugged. “Even without changing, if they get pinched by the cops, they threaten to expose what shifters are doing here,” Dylan explained. “If they pull that, then other shifters will come after them. This is neutral territory—nobody wants to make waves, nobody wants to bring anything to popular notice.”

  “Besides,” Matthew added from his position on the other couch, “in any fight between shifters there’s never a guarantee that no one will change forms.”

  Dylan nodded his agreement. He and Matthew had both been in more than their fair share of battles with both bears and other shifters; it was impossible to know whether things would be set into motion. The instinct sometimes overcame even the strongest self-control.

  “Do you guys…I assumed you had complete control over it,” Nadine said, her voice full of concern.

  Dylan saw the color retreat from her cheeks, smelled the faint traces of fear beginning to invade her pheromones, cutting through the scent of sex.

  “We don’t just change unpredictably, generally speaking,” Dylan said, keeping a soothing tone in his voice. “But there’s a certain amount of instinct involved. In a fight, if we’re really cornered, there’s a possibility for any of us to just change spontaneously—as a matter of survival.”

  “Neither Dylan nor I is ever going to, like, turn into a bear while we’re sleeping with you,” Matthew said.

  Dylan chuckled as he realized that aspect of Nadine’s concern about their ability to change their forms.

  “He’s right,” Dylan said. “Although bears among bears sometimes have sex in their animal forms.”

  Nadine’s facial expression shifted between disbelief, alarm, and faint dismay.

  “But you’re a human, so we’ll always be human with you—at least in bed,” Matthew said, giving Nadine a quick smile.

  “We can’t promise that you’ll never see us in our bear forms,” Dylan said, holding Nadine’s gaze. “But we’re not going to make you like, engage in bestiality or something just because you happen to be having sex with us.”

  Nadine took a quick, deep breath, and Dylan could almost see the fear and apprehension slowly dissolving from her body language and pheromones as if by sheer force of will. God, a woman like this—we have to keep her with us. We have to convince her to stay once all of this is settled, Dylan thought. He remembered Matthew’s comment from a few minutes before about training Nadine to work with them and smiled to himself, wiping the expression away after a moment so that Nadine wouldn’t notice it.

  “Okay,” she said finally, glancing from Dylan to Matthew and back again. “So the meeting
is as safe as we can expect anything to be, right? Do I get to come with you or am I stuck in the hotel waiting?”

  Dylan glanced at his best friend. He remembered all too well the worry they’d both felt when they’d been ambushed during their perimeter check the day before. If they met with C, he would spend the whole time worrying, in the back of his mind, that the lions might have finally tracked them—and that they might be abducting Nadine even as he and Matthew worked with C.

  “You come with us this time,” Dylan said.

  “I’ve been working with her on throws,” Matthew told him, smiling brightly.

  “That’s how you two ended up having sex, isn’t it?”

  Matthew nodded, snickering, and when Dylan glanced at Nadine, he saw that in spite of her renewed blushing, a smile twitched at the corners of her lips. He shook his head, unable to resist the urge to smile himself. The tension in the room was still considerable, but Dylan thought that the part of it that involved their burgeoning three-way relationship had dissolved at least a bit.

  “We’ll talk about that later, among other things,” Dylan said, taking a quick breath and turning his focus onto the issue of the meeting.

  “So how is this going to go down? Which club are we supposed to meet C at, and what kind of information is he going to be able to give us?”

  Dylan sat up straight on the couch and began to consider the information that he already had. He looked at Matthew and then at Nadine and started to form a plan of how they would handle themselves that night in his mind.

  “We’re going to do this the safest way we possibly can,” Dylan said, looking at his new lover and his old friend. “But we are going to need to fit in.” He took his phone out of his pocket and began to review the few notes he’d made on it. They only had a few hours to prepare, and Dylan definitely wanted to be on time for the meeting.


  As they approached the glass-and-neon entrance of Respectable St. Café, Matthew felt something twitching inside of him; some inner alarm he couldn’t quiet. “I don’t like this,” Matthew told Dylan and Nadine in a low voice.


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