Engineering Her Surrender [Novum Energy 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Engineering Her Surrender [Novum Energy 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Kaley Colter

  He dragged Penny behind him to the office at the back of the pub and hauled her inside before slamming the door behind them.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked down at her sternly. “Sit,” he said, gesturing with his chin at one of the chairs.

  Penny swallowed and dropped down into the chair, glancing up at him nervously.

  “Now,” Ethan said, his voice menacingly quiet, “you’re going to tell me exactly what the fuck you think you’re doing.”

  Penny shot him a fiery look. “It’s none of your damn business, Ethan.”

  “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. It’s definitely my business. And we both know that you’re not the type of girl to get piss drunk, take off her clothes, and go trolling bars looking for sex. Now cut the bullshit and tell me what’s going on.”

  Penny’s eyes fell to the floor. “I…I don’t know,” she whispered sadly.

  Ethan stepped toward her and pulled her jaw up with his hand so that she would look at him. “What are you trying to prove to yourself, Penny?” he asked, the severity gone from his voice. “Are you trying to prove that you don’t have feelings for me? That you don’t care?”

  Penny bit down on her bottom lip. “I don’t feel well,” she said shakily. “I wanna go home.”

  Ethan knelt down beside her and stroked the pad of his thumb over her cheek. “Penny, honey, I could tell from the first time I laid eyes on you that you had so many walls built up around you that it would be damned near impossible to get near you. I know why you’re acting like this. You’re scared that you might actually be letting me in. Why the hell are you so scared, honey?”

  Penny shook her head and closed her eyes. “I can’t…I can’t be in a relationship with anybody,” she said, her voice strained. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why not?” Ethan pressed. “Tell me why you’re so terrified, Penny. Let me help you.”

  Penny’s eyes started to glaze over with tears. “I don’t want to need someone,” she whispered.

  “Because someone you once needed failed you. What happened? Please tell me, honey.”

  She buried her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking with quiet sobs. “It was my parents,” she finally said. “They were destitute. But they were alcoholics, and every penny they could scrounge up was spent on booze. I had to steal food from the grocery store just to have something to eat every day.” She paused, unable to speak through her tears.

  Ethan cupped her face in his hands and wiped away her tears with his thumbs. Of all the reasons for her trust issues that he had come up with in his head—a past boyfriend who cheated, a past boyfriend who pushed her around, and so on and so forth—an abusive set of parents who made their little girl’s life a living hell wasn’t one of them.

  Ethan shook his head, stunned and horrified that this was the type of scar Penny was carrying around. It was no wonder she had such a difficult time opening herself up to people and learning how to trust. If she couldn’t even count on her parents as a little girl, it was all too clear why she didn’t ever want to put herself in a position where she would have to count on someone again.

  Penny sucked in a deep breath. “They…they’d make me do things when they ran out of money. They’d send me out on the streets to beg, and I’d have to do it, otherwise I’d get a righteous beating from my dad. So when I got old enough, I realized that I’d have to start looking out for myself. I worked really hard in high school so that I’d get full scholarships to university, and then I left and never looked back. I haven’t heard from or spoken to my parents since the day I left.”

  Ethan closed his eyes, his heart breaking for her. His inner dom was restless to protect her, but the damage had already been done, and a long time ago at that. What was left were the scars, and he knew without a doubt that helping her cope with the subsequent emotional trauma would be the most difficult task of them all.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he said. “I can’t even imagine what you had to go through, year after year, when you were just a goddamn child.”

  Penny sniffled and looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy from crying. “It’s okay,” she said with a sigh. “It’s over now. But can’t you see why I can’t continue seeing you? I’m too damaged for a relationship. I don’t know how to trust. I’m terrified that if I learn to rely on someone, they’re going to let me down. I’ve lived with these emotional scars for my entire life, and I don’t think it’s possible to heal them at this point. I’m sorry, Ethan.”

  Ethan reached out and smoothed his hand tenderly over hers. “But, honey, don’t you see? If you give up like that you’re letting your parents win. You’re letting them rob you of love and intimacy and companionship. If you close yourself off to life like this, you’re going to wake up one day and realize you’ve barely lived at all.”

  Penny looked up at him, staring into his eyes searchingly. “I know,” she whispered sadly. “And I want to learn to trust, I want to really badly. But I…I don’t think I’m brave enough. It’s safer being alone.”

  “Oh, honey,” he said as he swept a wisp of hair back from her face. “How can you say you’re not brave enough? Do you think a lot of people would’ve been able to go through that kind of trauma as a child and end up where you are now? You’ve been brave for your entire life, Penny. You’re not giving yourself enough credit.”

  Penny shook her head sadly. “But not brave enough for this.”

  “Penny, honey, I care for you. Please, let me help you,” he said, smoothing his fingers delicately over her shoulders. “I felt something for you the second I laid eyes on you, and it’s something I’ve never felt for anyone else in my entire life.”

  Penny looked up at him, hope, fear and doubt battling in her eyes. “Really? You…do?”

  Ethan smiled tenderly at her. “Yes, honey, I really do.”

  A ghost of a smile played on her lips before she shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around her stomach, her face suddenly grimacing in pain.

  “Penny?” Ethan asked, alarmed. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Penny doubled over in her chair, her body shaking slightly. “I…I think I’m gonna be sick.”

  Ethan jumped up and grabbed the trash can, placing it in front of her and kneeling down beside her as she emptied the contents of her stomach. Her body heaved violently with each retch, and Ethan rubbed his hand soothingly up and down her back until she was finished.

  “Is it all gone?” Ethan asked softly. “Do you think you’re going to have to throw up again?”

  Penny shook her head. She was hugging her midsection tightly, her body still hunched over the trash can.

  “I’m going to carry you to the bathroom so you can rinse your mouth, okay, honey?”

  “Mhmm,” Penny answered.

  Ethan bent down and lifted her up against his chest. He left the office and carried her quickly to the ladies washroom, setting her down and turning on the tap for her.

  He held her pigtails out of the way as she cupped water to her mouth and spat out the bad taste. After rinsing vigorously for a minute or two, she shut off the water and turned around to lean back against the sink.

  “You finished, honey?” Ethan asked. She nodded up at him. “I’m going to take you home with me. You’re too sick to be alone. And I’m not in a mood to debate.”

  Penny opened her mouth as if she were about to say something, then shut it and simply nodded in compliance. Ethan smiled.

  It looks like we’re finally getting somewhere.

  Chapter 7

  Ethan placed a bowl on the coffee table in front of Penny. “A blueberry muffin with icing sugar sprinkled on top, as requested,” he said with a smile before sitting beside her on the sofa.

  Penny was sitting cross-legged, wrapped up in a blanket, and sipping from a big glass of orange juice as she watched cartoons on the television. “Thank you,” she said before taking another big gulp of juice.

  Ethan looked over at her and couldn’t help but break out into
a grin. God, she was absolutely adorable. He couldn’t believe how much fun she seemed to be having eating breakfast in front of the TV on a Sunday morning. After recalling her confession to him the previous night, however, he realized that this was something she had probably never experienced growing up.

  Penny had slept soundly through the night, falling asleep the minute her head had hit the pillow. Ethan had given her reign of the entire bed, his decision made in part because he had been hesitant to push her relationship boundaries, but also because she had sprawled herself across the mattress and left no room for him to lie down. Thinking back, he was actually quite impressed by how she had managed to take up so much room, given how tiny she was. But, regardless of how the little magician had pulled it off, he didn’t want to risk waking her by shifting her to one side of the bed, and so he had grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept dutifully beside her on the floor in case she got sick again.

  She had woken up before him, and when he had wandered out of the bedroom in search of her, he had found her sitting on the couch in the living room, her eyes glued to the television. She had promptly asked him for juice, and when he had asked her if she’d like anything to eat, she had taken a moment or two to think about what she wanted before issuing her request. Luckily for him, he had both blueberry muffins and the icing sugar she wanted on top.

  “How come you aren’t having a muffin?” Penny mumbled, her mouth full of food.

  Ethan laughed. “There are no more muffins left, my girl. That was the last one.”

  Penny swallowed and looked at him guiltily. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve eaten something else. Here,” she said, reaching for her muffin and splitting it in two, “do you want some of mine?”

  Ethan shook his head. “That’s your muffin, Penny. I wouldn’t dare. And you need the whole thing too. You look a little thin,” he said, eyeing her protruding collarbone. “I’m going to have toast.”

  “Toast!” Penny exclaimed as she tore off another chunk of muffin and popped it into her mouth. “I hadn’t thought about toast. That might’ve changed what I asked for.”

  “So why don’t you just have some toast after you finish your muffin?”

  “No thank you,” Penny replied. “I won’t be hungry after I finish this.”

  “But you didn’t even have any dinner last night. I thought you’d be starving,” Ethan said, growing concerned.

  He was starting to notice a pattern. Every day at work, he would catch her throwing out most of the sandwich she packed for herself. And he also had no difficulty recalling that at Nick’s dinner, she had barely touched her food. Ethan frowned. He didn’t like how little she ate.

  Penny turned her eyes to the floor and shrugged. “I guess I just don’t have a big appetite. Not everyone does.”

  Ethan could tell by her body language and the tone of her voice that the topic wasn’t open for further discussion. He sighed. He would let her get away with it this time, but he would eventually get to the bottom of why she had such a poor diet.

  Penny swallowed the last bite of her muffin and set the plate down on the coffee table. “Thanks for breakfast. And for taking care of me last night. It really means a lot to me,” she said, giving him a small smile. “But I should get going. I was hoping to catch the ten-fifteen bus.”

  She stood up to leave, but Ethan grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her back down beside him on the couch. “You should get going? And why is that?”

  Penny opened her mouth, searching for an answer. “Um, you know. I have…stuff to do.”

  “Oh ya? What kind of stuff?”

  She cleared her throat. “You know. Stuff.”

  Ethan threw back his head and laughed. “Oh, Penny. You are possibly one of the worst liars I have ever encountered in my life.”

  Penny squinted at him resentfully. “Well, you are possibly one of the rudest people I have ever encountered in my life.”

  Ethan gasped, feigning offence. “How could you say such a thing to the man who served you orange juice and a blueberry muffin? Sprinkled with icing sugar, let’s not forget!”

  Despite her efforts to the contrary, Penny’s facade of anger collapsed and she let out a giggle. “Okay, fine. I’m sorry for calling you rude.”

  He sat her on his lap and smoothed his hands over her shoulders. “I know you don’t have a TV at your apartment,” he said, “so you are more than welcome to stay here today and watch mine. I won’t even sit with you if you don’t want me to.”

  Penny looked up at him, appearing to contemplate his offer. Ethan had known the instant he’d seen her this morning that relaxing on the couch in front of the TV was a treat for her, and he was hoping she’d be too tempted to refuse him.

  “Really?” she asked, her face lighting up with a smile. “You wouldn’t mind? I haven’t gotten to watch TV in ages.”

  “Of course, honey. You’re more than welcome to stay. For the day, the week, the month. The rest of your life. Whatever.”

  Penny smiled and looked away, but not before Ethan saw the tears in her eyes. He looked at her sadly, knowing that she was so touched by his offer only because she was so unused to kindness. And it made his heart break for her.

  He captured her face in his hand and swept his thumb over her cheek. “My Penny,” he said softly. “Don’t let those pretty eyes of yours start to water.”

  * * * *

  Penny shivered as Ethan lightly brushed his lips over hers, her whole body responding the moment he slid the tip of his tongue into her mouth.

  She had never kissed him before. She wondered what he tasted like, wanted desperately for him to delve into her mouth, but much to her dismay, he withdrew his tongue and proceeded to gently bite down on her bottom lip, leaving her tense with anticipation.

  Her eyes drifted closed, and she could feel the heat pool between her thighs every time he probed the seam of her lips with his tongue. He was teasing her, she knew. Teasing her so that she’d want it more with every passing second.

  When he finally plunged into her mouth, her entire body melted in his arms. Her head swam with the taste of a deep, earthy masculinity that made her want to drink him in forever. He swept his tongue inside her mouth again and again as he lay her down on the couch, grinding his pelvis into hers until the delicious friction against her clit made her squirm.

  She was still wearing her tiny skirt from the day before, and Ethan was wearing boxers, so when he pressed his erection in between her thighs, Penny had to tear her mouth away from his and bite down into his shoulder at the intense sensation of contact. She grew frantic, jutting her hips upward and forcing her cunt against his groin, wanting to feel more of him, wanting to feel the head of his shaft press against her opening.

  Ethan let out a chuckle and propped himself up on his elbows. He looked down at her with that smug expression on his face, but this time it didn’t make her angry. This time, seeing that dark smile on his lips made her pussy flood with hot desire.

  “Easy now, Penny,” he said as he bent down and kissed her neck. She let out a moan of frustration, and the predatory look in his eyes intensified. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m going to fuck you. And I’m going to fuck you hard. But you’re going to have to be patient, because I’ve got a lot more to do before I take that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Penny started to pant, her body coursing with need. She wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up in this predicament, because the last thing she remembered was wanting to leave. She had been happy with the progress she’d made with Ethan and was content to go home and call it a day, but now all she wanted was for Ethan to tear her panties down her legs and drive his big cock inside her pussy.

  Ethan stood up from the sofa and looked down at her. His jaw was tight and the muscles in his arms were flexed. “Get up and stand in front of the wall,” he said.

  Penny recognized the command in his voice and found her pussy creaming in response. She got to her feet and stood where he had indicated.

than stepped toward her, slid her skirt down her legs, then pulled her hands behind her back and used the skirt to bind them.

  “You’re going to stay still for me,” he said quietly. “Is that understood?”

  Penny’s mouth went dry. She was so breathless with anticipation that she simply stared back at him with wide eyes, neglecting to respond.

  Ethan reached out a hand and smacked it hard against her ass. “Is that understood?”

  Penny let out a cry. She sucked in a breath and looked back at him. “Y–yes.”

  “Yes, what?” Ethan asked, smacking her ass again and then squeezing the hot, pink flesh roughly in his hand.

  “Yes, it’s understood,” Penny finally managed to get out, her eyes watering at the sting of pain on her buttocks.

  Ethan looked into her face and noticed the sudden mistiness in her eyes. “What’s this?” he asked, releasing her ass from his hand and sweeping his thumb beneath her eye. “Are you not able to take it, Penny? Do you need me to stop?” His voice was dark, teasing.

  “No, no please,” Penny whimpered, desperate for him to touch her again. “Please, I want more.”

  “Do you?” Ethan asked. “And why should I give it to you?”

  “Because…because I’ll be good,” Penny breathed. “I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

  Ethan smiled and lightly stroked his fingertips down her neck. “That’s a good girl,” he whispered. “You’re going to listen, aren’t you?”

  Penny nodded, biting down on her lip as he brushed his fingers across the upper swell of her breasts. “Yes,” she gasped. “I promise.”

  He grabbed the straps of her tank top and pulled them down until he had exposed her chest, letting out a groan as he swept his hand across one of her large, rounded breasts.

  “Such big breasts,” he said, tracing his fingers closer and closer to her nipple. “And such beautiful pink nipples.”

  He bent down and blew over her tight, aching buds, tearing a strangled cry from Penny’s throat. “I bet they taste like ripe berries,” he said as he delicately brushed his lips over her engorged nipple. “I bet I could suck them all day long.”


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