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Scored Page 8

by Sloane Howell

  “I know you spent a lot of time taking care of Jenny after, but did you take some time for you, too?”

  I wanted to dodge the question and go back to having fun, but something about Matt set me at ease a little. He was so easy to talk to.

  I shook my head and awaited judgment that never came.

  “Well, you should think about it. But don’t let anyone pressure you into it. It won’t help unless you’re the one who makes that decision.”

  Wow, this guy was full of surprises. Most guys I’d been around would laugh at talking about feelings, like it somehow made them less of a man. Not Matt Stallworth, though. He somehow made it manly and attractive.

  “I’ll think about it.” I paused. “You sound like you have experience with this.” It was more of a question than a statement.

  “We have therapists and things with the team. I know people think professional athletes live in a fantasy world, and to an extent we do. But guys on the team are married and travel away from their families a lot. And when you get paid the kind of money we do it comes with expectations. It can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.” He took another giant bite out of his burger.

  “I hadn’t thought about that before. It makes sense.”

  “You have to keep your mind as healthy as your body. It’s just as important.” He took another gigantic bite of food.

  “Is that what the burger is for? Your mind instead of your body?” I grinned.

  Matt stared at me over the top of the bun. “You really do catch on quick. This counts as a workout.”

  I threw in the towel on the cheeseburger after a couple bites.

  Damn bananas.

  Matt glanced at me but didn’t mention anything about not finishing.


  Matt pulled down my street and I couldn’t stop smiling at him like an idiot. The more we hung out the more I liked him, and in the back of my mind disaster still loomed. Nobody was this perfect.

  A few weeks ago this was all just a fantasy. Now, when I looked around, it seemed to just work. My chest pinched when he parked in front of my apartment building. When he opened the door my legs weighed a thousand pounds each. I didn’t want to leave his car and I didn’t want the date to be over.

  Truth was I liked Matt, a lot. I couldn’t lie to myself. He held my hand as I labored up each step on the way to the door.

  “Big plans for tonight?” He turned to me and smiled.

  “Not really. You?”


  Damn it, Matt. We have to work on finishing your sentences.

  I didn’t want to be a clinger and ask him what he was doing. I mean, I guess we were dating, but did he have to tell me where he was going? I’d never really cared with anyone I’d dated before.

  “Cool.” We arrived in front of my door. “Well, thank you for the burger. And have fun, okay?” My words rushed out of me, short and snappy. I took a step toward the door.


  On my wrist.

  It pulled me back to him and before I knew what happened I had two palms on the sides of my face and a pair of bright blue eyes locked in on me.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  As if the air hadn’t rushed from my body at his words, he pressed his lips to mine. My entire body sparked at his touch and quickly went up in flames. Matt held his lips to mine for a brief second, strong and firm, yet he waited for me to give in before he took what he wanted.


  I melted into him and parted my lips. One hand snaked into the back of my hair. Our tongues danced and my heart started to gallop. I reached up and wrapped both arms around his neck, then ran my nails lightly up the nape of his neck and into his hair.

  Every nerve in my body fired simultaneously, straight between my legs, and he pulled me tight against him. When he finally released me I thought I might pass out. Or just float away into the sky. Jesus. Nobody had ever kissed me like that before. Ever. I finally willed the courage to turn my eyes up to his, and his smile warmed me up once more.

  “I’m having dinner with my family tonight. It’s something we do.”

  Relief washed over me. I wasn’t sure why. Matt was free to do whatever he wanted.

  “Oh, well, that’s nice.”

  “So was that kiss.”

  I nodded. “Mmm.”

  Wait. He was going to eat? Again? “Didn’t we just have dinner?”

  Matt smiled. “I have to eat all the time. For the job.”

  I shook my head. “Sounds awful.”

  “It is. Trust me.”

  Matt’s hands both fell to the curves of my hips and he pulled me closer to him. “I don’t like watching you go through that door.” He nodded to my apartment and his words were a growl, like he wasn’t ready to give up what was his for the day.

  It sent goosebumps pebbling up my arms and a tingling up my spine. I couldn’t remember being the center of anyone’s attention or affection the way I was with Matt.

  He bent down and pressed his forehead against mine. “This is me restraining myself and respecting your wishes. I hope you know how much self-control it’s taking.”

  My stomach twisted in a good way. “I really appreciate that. And I do notice. I promise.”

  “Thank you.” His hands moved up to my ribs and he backed me up to my door.



  My breathing shallowed and my heart pumped even harder than before. Matt could be so sweet, but at the moment he looked like he wanted to rip my clothes off and own me. Shit, I would’ve let him. Totally would have. But at the same time I hadn’t ever felt so protected in my life, because somehow I just knew he wouldn’t.

  My back slammed into the door and I stopped breathing altogether. He took both of my wrists and pinned them against the door over my head. I stayed there for a second, but it was like it all played out in slow motion. His wicked eyes roved my body down to my hips and then up to my breasts.

  I may have let out one of those excited whimpers at the way his hungry stare seared into me. His half-hooded eyes finally rolled up to meet mine. “Fuck, you’re hot.” He went in for the collarbone, and when his lips met my neck my mind went to shit.

  If Matt hadn’t been holding my wrists against the door I might’ve fallen straight into a crumpled pile of Kelsey on the ground. He worked his way up to my ear and I squeezed my thighs together and focused everything I had on not having a big O just from having my neck sucked on by a gorgeous, hot, bastard baseball player.

  “God, you taste incredible.”

  His words.

  Hot in my ear.

  My whole body quaked under his hold and he planted one last kiss on my lips.

  His tongue is magic.

  I moaned into his mouth and he swallowed every sound without missing a beat. Jesus, he could probably get me off in less than a second with his head between my legs. When he pulled away I started to lunge back out at him and caught myself. Matt grinned at the gesture and moved my hands down from the door before letting go of my wrists.

  Matt was like a drug and I already needed my next fix.

  “I’ve gotta go or I won’t stop kissing you.”

  Please stay, then!

  “Okay, you better go, then.” I giggled. A giggle. The worst part was that I didn’t even care anymore.

  “Okay, I’m gonna—” He pointed a thumb back over his shoulder but his eyes stayed glued to me.

  “Go! Before you change your mind.” I should’ve made it easier on him but I didn’t want to, because I needed his mouth on other parts of me. My nipples were harder than they’d ever been in my life and he’d left goosebumps pretty much everywhere. I pushed my breasts out and wrapped my arms around myself underneath them, pressing them up higher.

  Matt’s eyes dropped down to them. Even the saints had their weaknesses, it seemed. I glanced down at them, nipples definitely clear and defined through the fabric, and then back up to him. I raised my eyebrows.

  “You’re an evil wom
an.” He stalked toward me with a hint of devil in his stare.

  His lips slammed into mine as one of his hands cupped a breast and he rolled my nipple between his fingers. God, I wanted him to fuck me so damn bad. No, I wanted him to lick every inch of me and then fuck me, hard. His other hand twisted through my hair and then he gripped it in his fist.

  His mouth moved to my ear and he panted. I ground my hips against him then reached down and palmed his cock over his jeans, trying to grind myself against his leg at just the right angle. I was so damn hot and wet for him he could probably feel the heat through both layers of denim.

  “Keep this up and you’re going to get fucked.”


  His filthy mouth almost had me undone, before he’d even undone my pants. I should’ve pushed him away, because I knew I was rushing into things. I also didn’t want to be a tease and get him all riled up and then send him on his way, either, even though it was probably too late for that. I just couldn’t help myself. It probably wasn’t a good idea to dry hump a professional athlete—well, anyone, for that matter—out in public.

  “Okay, okay.” I took in a deep breath. “Yeah, slow. We should take it slow.”

  “Yeah, we should.”

  Matt started to back away from my ear.

  “I don’t think you could handle this yet. You’re not ready.”

  His grip tightened in my hair, and my head tilted up slightly. My body buzzed like it might explode at any second and I snickered. Secretly, I felt a little bad about not letting him move away. He’d tried twice already.

  He pinched my nipple even harder and then ran his hand between my legs. His fingertips were like magnets because he found my clit without a search and ran his fingers back and forth over it. I moaned and bucked my hips against his palm, searching for a release.

  “Yeah, I bet. Since I’m the one who’s about to get off right now.”

  “Oh my God.”

  His fingers sped up on me, and his mouth went to the sweet spot halfway between my shoulder and my ear. His tongue swirled and he sucked on my neck like he wanted to have me for a meal.

  He alternated between making lazy circles around my clit to full-on stroking it with rapid-fire quickness.

  “Don’t stop. Shit. Please, Matt.”

  “I knew you’d be dirty. Getting off on my hand out here where anyone could see.”

  Oh my God.

  I teetered on the edge of release, about to take a nosedive off the cliff when Matt’s phone rang out from his pocket.

  “No cellphones!” I growled.

  Matt smirked and his hand slowed.

  “No. Keep going!”

  He reached for his phone with an evil grin on his face. I tried to pull his hand back to me, but I laughed at the same time. “You are not doing this to me right now, Stallworth!”

  “You started the teasing.”

  He answered the phone as I sat there, disheveled and playfully glaring.

  “Yeah, Mom. I won’t be late. I promise.” He paused. “Yeah, I just got done”—he glanced at me—“doing some cardio.”

  I glared laser beams at him.

  He shrugged off my stare with a grin. “I’m always on time and you always call. Uh-huh. Okay. I love you, too.”

  “Mama’s boy!” I stared at him, trying to look frustrated, but with a smile still on my face.

  Matt walked over and kissed me once more, but in a different way. It was not an I want to fuck your brains out kiss. This one said, I don’t want to leave, but I need to.

  “You’re so wrong for that, you know?”

  He leaned to my ear and reached down to my pussy. “Next time I’ll put my mouth down here to make it up to you.”

  I smacked him on the shoulder and laughed through gritted teeth. “Go!”

  He kissed me on the forehead and walked toward the stairs. Every two steps he glanced back and grinned like a fool.

  Chapter 7

  “Ain’t a woman alive that could take my mama’s place.”


  Matt Stallworth

  “Are you going to stare at your phone all night or help me out?”

  I glanced up. “Sorry, Mama.”

  Mom stood next to the center island of the kitchen, wearing a white apron with her hair up in a bun. I walked over and gave her petite five-foot-two body a giant bear hug then kissed her on the forehead. “Just got distracted for a second.”

  Mom rolled her eyes. “So who is she this time?”

  It stung a little, but I deserved it. Mom’s words reflected perfectly why I’d winced a little when I thought Kelsey had Googled me, even though I knew she hadn’t. I’d gone through quite a few women when I first made it to the show. I wasn’t an asshole to them and they knew the deal up front, but it didn’t stop rumors circulating and the media from having a field day with it. God, I was so fucking stupid.

  “This time is different.”

  Mom rolled her eyes, but then looked up and saw my stare. She smiled. “Good.”

  “Hey, Matty.” Dad clapped a hand on my back.

  “Hey, Pop. How’s the back?”

  “He needs to see a doctor. That’s how his back is.” Mom shot a glare in his direction.

  I chuckled.

  Dad waved her off without looking. “Do not.”

  Mom shook her rolling pin at me. “See, that’s the best comeback he has. It means I’m right.”

  “I’ll be fine. Just rub a little dirt on it, good as new.” He walked back with two bottles of beer in his hand and gave Mom a kiss on the cheek while he handed me one.

  “Mmm-hmm,” she mumbled.

  I’d pretty much had a perfect childhood and didn’t have much to complain about. My parents were everything to me, but I’d have been lying if I said I didn’t relate more to Mom. I’d picked up my love of music from her and my love of baseball from Dad, but neither one ever forced anything on me. It made me love the things they loved even more.

  The doorbell rang.

  “I got it. You two catch up.” Dad said it as if I’d been away for years, even though it’d been about two weeks. That was a long time for me to go without seeing my parents in the off-season, though.

  “You better prepare yourself. They’re getting bigger.” Mom smiled at me.

  I laughed and didn’t even have to ask who.

  “Uncle Matty!”

  Nolan and Ryan—my twin nephews, both five—sprinted through the living room and into the kitchen. I dropped to my knees and readied for impact. They slammed into me and I made myself fly onto my back as they tumbled over the top of me, giggling. I wrapped both of them up in my arms and squeezed them tight.

  “I caught ’em! You see this, Mama?”

  I looked up at Mom shaking her head, still prepping the homemade pizza—my favorite—all by herself. “Yeah, I see it. Some things never change in this house.”

  I picked up the boys and held them off the ground with each arm while they fought against my hold. “And you love it that way.” I kissed her on the cheek.

  “Better believe it.”

  I set them both down.

  She bugged her eyes out. “Hello there!”

  “Grandma!” they shouted in unison and grabbed her tight, one on each leg.

  “Hey, Matty!”

  I turned to my older brother, Luke. Mom had chosen our names from the gospels because she thought Jesus was a great moral philosopher and teacher.

  Mom continued to spoil her grandbabies behind us.

  “Hey, how are you guys?” I turned to his wife, Adrean. My hand reached out for her pregnant belly before I could stop it. “How’s my niece doing?”

  “Sorry to tell you this, Matt.” Adrean dropped her head.

  “What?” I reached up for her shoulder and fear shot through me.

  Had something happened to the baby? Adrean looked healthy and beautiful for being eight months along.

  “What is it?” I turned to Luke, who looked as clueless as I did.

  Adrean lifted her head and smiled. “I just worry she might not live up to all the baseball hype in this family, because she’s kicking my ass like a soccer player.”

  Luke shook his head and I belted out a laugh. Adrean had practically been a big sister my whole life and for the past five years she had actually been one. I gave her a big hug and then shook Luke’s hand.

  I kneeled down on the tile and put my hand on Adrean’s belly once more. “Is that true? You’re gonna be a soccer player?” No response. I put my ear up next to her stomach and looked up at Luke and Adrean both grinning at my antics.

  Suddenly, two hard kicks landed right in my cheek, and my face lit up.

  “Oh wow!” Adrean stepped back.

  I clutched my jaw like I’d just been in an MMA fight. “You may be right.” I looked around to make sure the boys were out of earshot. “She just kicked the shit out of my jaw.”

  Luke and Dad started to laugh.

  “I’ve never felt her kick that hard before.”

  A smack to the back of my head jolted me upright.

  “You watch your language in front of my granddaughter.” Mom’s words had morphed from scolding to baby speak by the time she got to the word granddaughter.

  She looked up at Luke. “Your brother has a new girlfriend.”

  “Do not!” I looked away.

  “Can’t stop staring at his phone. Didn’t even steal any cheese from the dish over there.”

  I snatched my beer from the counter and took a swig.

  “No cheese. Tell me more, little bro.”

  “It’s nothing—yet.” I whispered the word yet and grinned at the thought.

  “Yeah, right, so when’s the wedding?”

  I shook my head and muttered, “Dick.”

  He laughed.

  “I told you to watch your mouth around my granddaughter.” Mom didn’t even look back.

  Luke and I stared at each other wide-eyed.

  “How does she hear that shit?” Luke whispered even more quietly.

  “It goes for you, too, Lucas.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t worry. I can’t get away with it, either.” Dad handed Luke a beer and turned to me. “Ethan working on your contract?”

  “Yeah. He’s doing his thing.”


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