Seized by the Star Wolf

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Seized by the Star Wolf Page 3

by Jennie Primrose

  The nasty-looking old one approached me and my captor. He looked at me with his one squinting yellow eye, then turned to Emily, who was still clutched in Gall’s arms. He tilted his head, sniffing at the air, and bared his teeth.

  “Rakh,” my captor said, “Thank you for getting us away so quickly. We’ve made a good haul, jarr.” He nodded towards the two diamondite chests. “We’ll have to get some plasma torches up here and break the seals on those two.”

  “I’d like to break the seals on these two,” old Rakh chuckled, leering at myself at Emily with his single yellow eye. “Open them up nice and wide. I’m sure the lads would like some sport with them. Too bad you only brought two females, and that dark-haired one Gall has is so tiny, besides. Bet our big wolf cocks are gonna split her in half, ha.” He laughed again. “But we’ll use them as well as we can, right, boys?”

  Rakh turned to the assembled Star Wolves to gauge their reaction. Most of them looked towards my captor, their leader, to see what his response would be…

  But I could see the lust and animal need in their eyes.

  Please, I silently begged, keep us safe, tell them NO…

  Rakh turned back to us. I could smell him now, his stench like garbage that had fermented in the sun mixed with stale urine and dirt. The awfulness of his odor made me want to gag.

  Rakh wore only a thin, dirty loincloth. I could now see the outline of his own large erection tenting the material…

  Gods no, I thought. Now, I shivered, feeling a real chill of fear such as I hadn’t felt until this vile one had shown up.

  My captor only seemed to ignore his comments. “Rakh, as your captain I tell you I am pleased with your piloting of the ship. You and copilot Tinnee have done a fine job, and the Patrol will not be able to track us, I am sure.” He nodded towards the younger pirate in the flight suit, who grinned broadly and bowed with a flourish. “Accept my praise and do not taint this victory.”

  But Rakh shook his head. “Words are no reward. You should have brought females for all of us. Come, let us enjoy these for as long as they last.”

  “No,” my captor said. “They’re not for sharing. We shall find mates for you all soon… I have promised that, jarr.”’

  From beside us, Gall added: “This little one is mine. I have claimed her and she has accepted the claim. We shall bond. Do not put your filthy snout near her.” And he snarled at Rakh, who jerked back from the younger wolf’s warning.

  Rakh sniffed at the air. “I smell her desire. But she does not smell like a bonded female. You have not claimed her yet, not with your cock. I think she is too delicate to survive that, jarr?”

  “I shall prove my claim right here and bond with her!” Gall proclaimed. “In front of the pack, as is our way!”

  Prove it right here? I wondered what he meant, but I suspected what he had in mind was no meek wedding with vows and flowers.

  For her part, Emily reached up and stroked one of Gall’s furry shoulders. She smiled dreamily and adoringly at the aggressive male who had announced his claim upon her.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, staring into Gall’s amber eyes. “Claim me.”

  Rakh snorted in derision at Gall. “She is too small to be a mother of Star Wolves, fool. You make a poor choice.” Then, the old wolf turned back to me. “What of this one, jarr? She is bigger, stronger, she might give us some fun. No one claims her, yes?”

  My captor growled in warning. “You can see that I hold her close. Do not mock your Alpha, Rakh… You have sorely tested me already.”

  But Rakh extended one scarred, clawed hand towards my cheek.

  My captor snarled and batted it away before the old one could touch me.

  Rakh squealed. “You have no claim on her, Alpha or not… I can see that this one is not like the other. There is uncertainty in her eyes. Her soul has not surrendered. She is not to be bonded. And thus, we all shall use her!”

  “I DO claim her!” my captor bellowed in a voice that brooked no challenge. It made me feel warm again, chasing away the chills.

  I wanted his protection… I enjoyed his arms on me, holding me secure.

  But to surrender my heart, mind and soul as it seemed Emily had… I had spent too long steeling myself against the charms of men to allow that.

  I was flattered and excited by my captor’s words… But resentment still smoldered deep inside me.

  But Rakh was still not satisfied. “She has not accepted your claim, she will not be your mate. Thus I say she is mere chattel. The boys need to rut. Leave her to our play!”

  “I will mark her now,” my captor announced with a throaty rumble in his voice. “This mark is my claim, and to challenge my claim is death.”

  So now he was going to mark me? I had no idea what that would mean…

  With his free hand, he drew back my thick hair from my left ear. Then, his mouth glided over my neck, leaving a trail hot and moist on my vulnerable flesh.

  He could tear into me now and rip out my jugular, I thought. Quick and easy as a wolf taking down a deer.

  But as confused as I was, and though I couldn’t exactly say I trusted him… I didn’t think he would harm me, really. Not like that.

  He drew his mouth upwards to my ear. His tongue tickled the opening, and I giggled inadvertently. Then, he sucked hard on the earlobe, and my knees felt weak.

  I felt the hot flush return to my body, with a warm tingling centered on my groin.

  He still clasped me with his right arm, holding me tight as he continued his oral attentions to my ear.

  And then, without warning…

  He bit down. His teeth clamped on my ear, and the fangs pierced the skin and cartilage.

  I whimpered and struggled in his grip as I felt the burning, pressing pain.

  He only held me tighter…

  A moment later, it was over and he removed his mouth. My ear burned with pain and I felt warm wetness there… Not just his saliva, no, I was sure it was my blood.

  Just then, a scarlet droplet fell onto my shoulder, soaking into the fabric of my dress, as if to confirm this.

  “I mark my claim,” he announced, and then he nuzzled my check with his warm nose. His electric blue eyes bore into my gaze… Suddenly the pain seemed more distant.

  He returned his attentions to my wounded ear, taking long licks of the wounded flesh. The feel of his warm, rough tongue was oddly soothing. Meanwhile, he ran his big hands down to my waist, massaging my hips and belly.

  It was a very… animal… way of soothing, but it did make me feel much better. I felt calmed, and safe.

  But old Rakh was not deterred.

  The foul-smelling pilot strode forward, a finger pointing accusingly at my captor. “What is this? That is no claim, you have not tied with the bitch or bonded! Admit it, she is not meant for you. She is for the use of the pack. We should fight you for her if you deny us.”

  “Would you do that, old one?” my captor hissed, and bared his fangs. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth… my blood, I realized, from my ear.

  Most of the Star Wolves stepped back now, unwilling to defy their leader…

  Except Rakh, who stood his ground.

  “You show weakness,” he told my captor. “You say: Do not kill civilians. Do not have sport with the human bitches. Take only cargo and do not destroy the human ships. This is not the way we were meant to be. We are beasts, meant to rend and devour!”

  “This is NOT how things are meant to be,” said my captor. “Soon, you shall have your hunting and wilding… But we are also men as well as wolves, we cannot surrender all to the beast within.”

  “Do not tell me of your forest planet again,” Rakh hissed. “Your plans are cowardly and foolish.”

  My captor let out a low, rumbling growl from very deep in his throat. “Rakh,” he said, “you owe me gratitude. I took you in when Captain Jark took your eye and threw you off of his ship for disrespecting him. And now you do the same to dear Sawagga? Even my p
atience has limits. Do you wish to challenge me formally?”

  Rakh’s lips curled up, showing his yellowed teeth and fangs. He hesitated…

  My captor released his grip upon me, then leapt forward through the air and, with a swipe of his powerful arm, he struck Rakh on the side of his head and knocked him to the floor.

  He then stepped back, leaving the old wolf to stumble to his knees, whimpering. The young red-haired co-pilot, Tinnee, helped him to stand…

  Rakh shot my captor and myself one last angry, yellow-eyed stare with his good eye, and then he and Tinnee exited the chamber.

  There was a moment of silence before everyone seemed to realize that the confrontation was truly over, and the tension was eased.

  “You should have done more than knock him down, Sawagga,” Gall said. “He deserves to have his throat ripped out for showing such disrespect.”

  But my captor shook his head and sighed. “That is just how he is. That old wolf just likes to bare his fangs from time to time. Rakh is all breath and no bite. I could break him easily in a fight… But then what? He is still an excellent pilot, which is why I recruited him for our pack in the first place.”

  Gall nodded. “But my promise stands. Whether Rakh cares to witness it or not, I am going to fulfill my claim on this little one now.”

  Gall gazed down with his amber eyes at Emily.

  Chapter 5

  For her part, the petite dark-haired beauty in his arms reached up to stroke the heavy braids of his hair and caress his impossibly thick, tattooed neck.

  Carrying her, Gall strode towards the center of the chamber, where the gurgling pool of water was set.

  “Wait…” I protested. “He’s talking about claiming and bonding and things. Is he going to do what I think he is to her? Right here with everyone watching?”

  My captor reached down and gripped my waist with his huge hands, nuzzling my neck and just barely grazing the flesh with his fangs.

  He then picked me up and carried me in front of him as he strode forward, following Gall and the others.

  “The bond is… rutting,” he explained. “What you might call love-making, jarr? But more than that, a union of bodies and souls. But she is quite ready for him, I can smell it on her.”

  “But he just met her,” I said. “He doesn’t even know her name!”

  “He knows her scent and that is more important,” he said.

  “I kind of like your scent.” I told him. “But names are convenient. I mean… I can’t just call you ‘man-smell.’”

  “I am Sawagga,” he said. “I thought you knew that already.”

  “I heard Gall use that word,” I said. “I wasn’t sure if it was your name or title, or what.”

  “You, on the other hand,” he said as he continued to carry me forward, “I could just refer to you as Sawagga’s –She. For you are property of me, my intended mate.”

  How arrogant!

  He might have been teasing me a little… But using the word “property” brought up a lot of old pain and resentments.

  “I’m NOT your property,” I told him. “Even if you did ‘mark’ me with your bite. By the way, that still stings! And it’s probably going to leave a scar!”

  I wasn’t exaggerating about the bite… though his licking of the wound had done a lot to ease the pain, I feared that the ragged impression his teeth had left would indeed leave me marked for life.

  “A scar? Good!” he laughed. “You can show our children and grandchildren and tell them of when I first claimed you.”

  He was treating me like a child, to be teased… And he was holding me in front him like a child, his arms around my waist as I was pressed to him, several feet above the ground.

  Indignant, I kicked out, thrashing in his grip. I kicked at his knees with my heels.

  He just sighed and chuckled… And I realized that my kicking was about as threatening to him as if he were carrying a baby having a tantrum.

  My captor—Sawagga—laughed. “It is good that you have fight in you. The mate of an Alpha, the mother of wolves should not be meek. But what is your name, my feisty one?”

  “My name is Sarah,” I told him. A very simple, usual, and unexciting name…

  “Sa-rahh…” he purred, pronouncing the word as if savoring the taste of it. “Sarah Sawagga’s-She. Yes. That is a fitting name.”

  I wanting to say something to challenge his smugness… Tell him that my parents hadn’t given me the name in order to suit his tastes. But I held my tongue.

  Now, a group of the Star Wolves were gathering furs and piling them at a spot near the water pool at the center of the chamber. They then stepped aside, and Gall approached, carrying Emily.

  This then, I assumed, would be their bonding place… The spot of their first tryst, which these man-wolves seemed to find as binding as any wedding vow. After which she would fully be Gall’s mate, in their eyes.

  The others stood around the spot, eyes wide in anticipation. I couldn’t help but notice—since they all seemed to be so well-endowed---that most of them were in a state of sexual excitement, their prodigious organs pushing against the material of their pants and loincloths… And in a few cases, of course, the cocks were bare and straining at the air. I tried not to stare…

  Aroused as they might be, none of them made a move towards Emily, the pliant female so close to them in Gall’s arms. They seemed to respect his claim upon her—perhaps they could smell it, too, as Sawagga had--and they were only there to witness this bonding.

  It was still unbelievable to me that she would lie with him here, in front of this gathered group of wolfen pirates. From what the older women of the community had told me when I was growing up, sex was something nasty, messy and uncomfortable, best done in the dark and under the sheets. The faithful woman would stare at the ceiling and pray to the gods to let it be over quickly.

  The type of woman who would have relations in front of a crowd of men had to be the worst sort of harlot, the kind who frequented spaceport taverns. But petite, polite, shy Emily hardly seemed that type. Like most humble frontier girls, she had probably never even been inside a tavern in her life.

  And yet, here she was about to be taken in front of a group of staring, lustful man-wolves…

  Gall carried Emily to where the others had set the pile of furs.

  I wondered what he would do now… Just throw her down, rip her dress off and have his way with her?

  Again, I felt a bit nervous for Emily. She was naught but an acquaintance, perhaps… But here, as the only other pure human and only other female, I felt a strange sisterhood towards her.

  What Gall did first truly surprised me. He held Emily by her waist and lifted her high up in the air, effortlessly lifting her with his massive, tattooed arms. He was displaying her for the group…

  “Gall’s-She!” he proclaimed. “R’shaa! Gall’s-She, now and forever!”

  “Yes,” Emily replied softly.

  Then, he held her above him. She smiled broadly as she stretched out her arms as if pretending to fly. She looked like a dancer lofted by her partner, the pose so innocent, I thought, considering what I knew was to come.

  He twirled around with her like this, and she giggled.

  Now, he brought Emily down so that her slim thighs were on his shoulders. With one hand on her back, he reached up with the other—

  And tore at her dress. He ripped off one shoulder and the shift underneath it, revealing the coral pink bud of one of her small nipples, set upon her tiny breast.

  Now, his hand came up again, and I could see gray-black claws extended at the tips of his fingers, allowing him to slice the fabric like so much tissue paper.

  “He’ll hurt her!” I protested.

  Sawagga looked down at me and smiled reassuring. “No, he will not. Gall is an artist with his claws.”

  Truly, he was adept enough that he did not hurt Emily, or draw her blood. However, after a few seconds the bodice of her dress was shredded, then the ski
rt sliced clean away…

  He pulled the last strips of cloth away from Emily’s body, and now she sat, perched naked with her legs on his shoulders, facing him… So small compared to the muscled male mass of the Star Wolf who held her, so pale compared to his tan, tattooed skin.

  I envied her, though I was not sure why. Perhaps there were feelings I did not even want to admit to myself…

  Gall reached up and stroked Emily’s back, the claws on his fingers now retracted. One big hand massaged a breast, while the other held her to him as he nuzzled her belly with his nose and mouth. He planted kisses all over her midriff, his long tongue snaking into her navel.

  And then, his big hands slid under her thighs, and he gently pulled them open.

  I saw his nostrils flare, and I realized that he was inhaling her scent… Smelling the most potent and feminine source of her womanhood.

  Then, his tongue stretched out again, toward the juncture of her thighs. He took long, slow laps, closing his eyes as if savoring the taste.

  Emily moaned deeply, and shuddered.

  What was this now? I’d heard rumors that a man could do this to a woman, kissing her in her most intimate place. I’d never experienced this; certainly, my stable boy hadn’t done that for me. And I’d doubted any decent man would truly want to put his mouth there.

  But Gall was no decent man. He was after all, a wolf-blood and a pirate.

  And now, he grabbed Emily’s tiny buttocks, one in each massive hand, and buried his mouth in her womanhood. I could hear sounds of licking and slurping, and I imagined that his tongue had wriggled its way into the soft folds of her innermost recesses, touching her very core.

  Emily for her part rode his face, bucking in her pleasure, squealing and flailing her arms so that his hands on her arse were the only thing holding her up.

  Again I envied her, and I wondered… Did Sawagga intend to do the same to me?

  Certainly wolves, like all canines, must love to lick…


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