The Billionaire's Daughter

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The Billionaire's Daughter Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I’m doing very well,” Dante replied, going along with the deception. “Except for the fact that I sprained my ankle rather badly. Fell out of one of your trees.

  “You did?” the older man asked, concerned and surprised. This was news.

  “I did but it’s nothing serious. And Kate has been nursing me back to health,” Dante replied.

  “I can’t imagine my spoiled daughter doing anything like that. But regardless, I’m very sorry. Glad your injuries weren’t any more serious.”

  “I was lucky. But about Kate, she’s very upset. Has something happened?”

  He glanced over at Kate sitting at the table, her face buried in her hands. He was holding the phone a little off his ear so she could pick up a word or two, perhaps even more.

  “I’ve just informed her she’s going to be cut off and will have to work in my office in Los Angeles as a gopher. She’s going to have to find an apartment and start supporting herself. I probably should have done this sooner but better late than never.”

  Dante paused.

  “May I suggest an alternative?”

  “I can’t imagine what it could be,” Bill Hollister remarked. “She’s been out of control far too long. Losing her last job after only a few months was the last straw. I think it’s the only solution.”

  “Kate and I have come to a rather unique understanding,” he said slowly. “If you give me a little time I think I can reform your daughter.”

  He watched Kate slowly lift her face from her hands, hope filling her reddened, puffy eyes.

  “Really? I find that hard to believe,” Bill Hollister said, doubtfully.

  “I can certainly understand your skepticism,” Dante replied, enjoying the conspiracy, “and perhaps I may be wrong. But if you’re willing to give me a chance I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.”

  Kate jumped from the table and ran to Dante’s side, anxious to overhear her father’s reply.

  “Hmmm. Well I do remember you’ve always had a way with her. But I’ll have to discuss it with her mother. I’ll let you know in a day or two. Are you staying there at the house?”

  “Yes I am. I hope that’s alright with you. It’s a bit difficult to get around with this ankle at the moment.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Thank you,” Dante said.

  “I’ll get back to you soon. I’ll leave you to pass this along to Kate.”

  They said their goodbyes and Dante hung up the phone. Leaning against the wall he crossed his arms and looked at his tearful charge.

  “Your father is extremely upset with you but he’s considering my suggestion. He’s going to discuss it with your mother and let me know in the next day or two. If he says yes you’ll have a month to get your act together,” he said sternly.

  “Dante!” she cried, and throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

  “He hasn’t said yes, and even if he does, it’s not going to be an easy month,” he warned, attempting to disengage her.

  “I’ll try and be good, I promise,” she stammered.

  “I’m sure you will,” he replied, pulling her back, “and rules, my dear, are a very important part of your being good!”

  She swallowed hard and a deep frown crossed her brow. She stepped back and looked up at him.

  “Disobey the rules and you’ll be punished.”

  She nodded her head. Her throat had constricted and she didn’t want to squeak her reply. The sound of Lois approaching interrupted their exchange. She smiled at them as she entered the kitchen and headed to the table to clear the dishes.

  “Lois,” Dante said, hobbling a step away from Kate, “I have a favor to ask.”

  “Certainly,” Lois beamed, happy to do anything the handsome young man might ask of her.

  “Kate would like to help around the kitchen and learn the basics of cooking.”

  He glanced over at his lovely young vixen. The look of surprise flicked across her eyes and her face reddened.

  “Is that true Miss Hollister?” Lois asked, taken aback by the request.

  “Uh - yes,” Kate replied quietly.

  “Well if you’re sure,” Lois answered, still shocked by the news.

  “Excellent. Thank you Lois. And you can call her Kate from now on. Isn’t that right Kate?” he asked, turning to face her.

  “Um. Yes,” Kate responded, surprised that the cooking lessons were going to begin immediately. And working around the kitchen was news to her! She hadn’t promised him anything about that!

  “Great. Then I will leave you two to clear things up. I have a couple of calls to make. I’ll be in my room, Kate, when you’ve finished helping Lois.”

  Leaving the two surprised females alone, Dante, on his crutches, moved out of the kitchen and back to his quarters. The phone call had shaken her up so he didn’t think Kate would give Lois too much trouble. In fact he was pretty sure the next few days would be smooth sailing. But once the shock of her father’s threat had worn off he suspected the quick tempered, impatient Kate would resurface.

  Once back in his quarters and settled on the couch, foot elevated and phone in easy reach, he sat down to make the list of supplies he’d need. It didn’t take very long and once complete he made the call. The goods would be delivered in three to five days. Hanging up the receiver he smiled to himself. Kate was in for some surprises. But the truth was he didn’t have much time. Four weeks to rehabilitate a strong willed, opinionated, spoiled young woman such as she would not be an easy task.

  He closed his notebook, then his eyes. The sound of the door opening stirred him and he realized he’d dozed off.

  “So?” he asked, blinking his eyes open. “How did it feel? Did you enjoy your first taste of domesticity?”

  “To be honest, it was kind of fun,” she smiled. “Lois is a really nice lady.”

  “Yes she is, but you never took the time to find that out, did you?”

  “No,” she replied, looking at the floor.

  “Feeling a little ashamed?” he pressed.

  “Kind of,” she answered.

  He smiled.

  “That’s good. Now come over here and kneel.”

  Kate moved forward and knelt in front of him, positioning herself between the coffee table and the couch.

  “Time for the rules. The first one is very basic. Do as you’re told, when you’re told. Even if you think I’m ordering you to do something you think is beneath you, you must trust that I’ve only got your best interests at heart.”

  Kneeling in front of him she felt her sex automatically moisten. She couldn’t comprehend why she responded as she did but there was no denying it.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Rule number two. If I choose to give you pleasure it’s because I wish to see it, or perhaps I’m rewarding you. It’s not something that you should expect or take for granted. Got it?”

  “Got it, Sir,” she replied.

  Good grief. What have I got myself into.

  “Rule number three. You will be subject to my discipline. You’ll be punished when you’re disobedient or behave badly. But you’ll also be rewarded when you’re a good girl.”

  “Yes, Sir”.

  “Rule number four. Whenever I tell you to take your place, you’re to kneel before me, hands behind your back, knees slightly apart, eyes lowered.”

  She nodded her head and mumbled her “Yes, Sir”. She could feel her growing wetness and knew her face was crimson.

  “Rule number five. I expect you to be polite and respectful to everyone in this house, and I do mean everyone.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled, and couldn’t help but think about the manner in which she ordered the staff around. They were all a bit afraid of Kate and her temper.

  “Stand up and take off your clothes then take your position.”

  Quickly she stripped, this time without embarrassment, and kneeled before him again, legs apart, hands behind her back, her eyes on t
he floor. He reached out a hand and softly brushed a breast. She closed her eyes, surrendering to the tingle - the tiny spark - that his touch generated. Suddenly a sharp pain sliced through her nipple. She yelped.

  “Pleasure and pain,” he said quietly.

  He had pinched her little red rosebud and her nipple was now stark and erect, tingling with the abrupt, unexpected bite of his fingertips.

  “You are now subject to both as it pleases me. Do you understand that, Kate?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I’m about to spank you again Kate, but it will harder than you’ve had.”

  She gasped, staring up at him, trepidation in her eyes.

  “Do you know why?” he asked, once again stroking her breasts. His touch was sending an intense fever between her legs. She never wanted him to stop.

  “No, Sir, I don’t,” she answered tremulously.

  He removed his hand from her breast and slid it down her body. Moving his palm around her back, he began to caress her sweet, round, perfect backside.

  “Because I need to know you’ll accept my discipline.” he continued. “Spanking will be a large part of your ongoing training. Some spankings will delight you, others you will come to dread!”

  She trembled.

  “So, Kate, after hearing the five rules and knowing what’s about to happen, do you wish to continue?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered, solemnly.

  He instructed her raise her hands in front of her, and she watched, mesmerized, as he pulled off his belt and wrapped it around her wrists. He bound them tightly together, not enough to cut off the circulation but certainly enough so as to prevent their escape.

  Kate moaned softly, feeling her pussy respond to the restraint. It took all her self control not to beg him to touch her but the thoughts were short lived. A minute later she found herself once again, stretched across his lap.

  Her body was trembling with anticipation and her pussy throbbed with its own life. He shifted her, moving her body so as to position her as he wished. She was helpless and overwhelmed, especially when his large hand began to fondle her upturned cheeks.

  He asked her if she was ready, and though she didn’t know if she was or not she said yes. The entire episode felt so different than the last. There was a formality to it. Dante was all business. This was for real. The whole ‘training’ thing was for real. Before she was able to consider anything further the comforting touch was replaced with a sharp, stinging slap. It was quickly followed by another, and another, and she found herself wriggling and squirming, all thought vanquished by his spanking hand. Though she was writhing under the smarting smacks, his hand, firm around her waist prevented her from going anywhere.

  The burning sting increased and so did his tempo. She begged him to stop, promising she would behave, but it was to no avail. Over the sound of the slaps he informed her he would spank her as he saw fit, and any pleading on her part only served to show him she needed more. Obedience was acceptance.

  Immediately she stopped her appeals and tried to tolerate the punishment with greater fortitude. A few minutes later the spanking ceased. She was breathless, panting and gasping, very near tears. The spanking he’d delivered was much harder than the previous one. But that’s what he’d promised and she had agreed. He waited for her to compose herself somewhat, then slipped his fingers between her legs.

  “Mmmmm. Kate - did you know you’re positively dripping.”

  She was too overcome to speak. He slid a finger deep inside her sex and slowly began to slither it back and forth. Her libidinous hunger returned in a flash and she found herself wriggling against his hand, wanting more.

  “Greedy girl,” he murmured.

  To her dismay he pulled his hand away, wiped it against her thigh and gently helped her back to her kneeling position.

  “Do you still wish to be under my authority?” he asked, wiping loose tendrils of hair from her face.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, though her smarting behind was making her second guess. But the alternative - no money - an apartment - a horrible job.

  She hastily added, “If you still want me to be.”

  He was silent a moment, studying her, and she felt a flash of panic and wondered if he was having second thoughts as well. To her relief he reached out and laid the palm of his hand against her face.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Without all that dreadful make-up I can see your face again. You will throw it all away. And I do mean all of it.”

  She nodded her head, murmuring a ‘Yes, Sir,’ and leaned her cheek against his fingers. He let her rest there a moment, then removed the belt from around her wrists and instructed her to crawl to the bed, climb up, and lay on her back with her legs spread. She was to place her arms above her head and keep her eyes closed. Shakily she dropped down on all fours and self consciously scuttled across the room.

  The mattress was soft and inviting as she laid down, though her burning flesh left no room for comfort. Sighing deeply she closed her eyes and raised her arms. Her pussy felt empty and ravenous, and the simple act of rubbing her thighs together would have helped but he had said legs apart so she wasn’t afforded even that little relief.

  She felt the minutes tick by but had no sense of time. It could have been a minute, or five, or fifteen. Then, without warning, fingertips brushed the inside of her thigh. She let out a little moan and prayed for more. A moment later he placed his hand under her head and lifted it off the pillow. A blindfold slipped across her eyes, and as the darkness engulfed her a wave of erotic anticipation sent a warm chill down her spine. There was movement on the bed and she felt his strong solid member press against her thigh.

  He told her she could moan or whimper but was not to speak. Her arms were to remain above her head and under no circumstances was she permitted to orgasm. If she felt it approach she was to alert him by simply saying, “Sir”.

  His fingers moved lightly across her stomach then slid between her legs. She groaned and wriggled, every nerve in her body alive and sparking, the blindfold heightening her senses. His mouth explored her breasts and she moaned at the intense pleasure. As his lips danced across her nipples and his cock teased against her thigh, his fingers slithered inside her. He moved them slowly at first, then more vigorously, and when his thumb began to rub and circle her sensitive little nub she let out sharp little cries in response. She could already feel the shadows of an orgasm and wriggled against his heavenly hand.

  His finger, deeply embedded inside her hot depths, touched the tantalizing, sensitive nerve. She yelped in shocked surprise at the stunningly sizzling sensation.

  He was still for a moment or two, then cried out once again as his finger pressed and the intense moment rippled through her a second time. She held her breath, waiting and hoping for the next touch but his finger remained still. She began to squirm against his hand, trying to communicate her potent need.

  “I think,” he whispered, nuzzling his mouth against her ear, “it’s time for an obedience test.”

  As he pulled his hand from her between her legs she groaned in disappointment. She felt him rise from the bed and her erotic craving was joined by trepidation. Obedience test?

  She heard the sliding of a drawer. A moment later something cool slid across the inside of her thighs. It felt like a thin piece of leather. He instructed her to bring her hands down and rest them over her pussy. Nervously she did as he said. Instantly she felt the hot wetness on the tips of her fingers.

  “Pleasure yourself for me, Kate, while I watch. When I smack you like this,” he said, slapping the inside of her thigh with the instrument he held, “you’ll stop. When I smack you again you’ll start. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir,” she whimpered, jolted by the sharp sting on her tender flesh.

  She had never pleasured herself while someone was actually watching. It felt very different than when she would do such a thing during the heat of the moment. Fe
eling her face flush she started to move her fingers against her clit, and sighing deeply surrendered to her self inflicted pleasure.

  A sharp sting bit her skin. She yelped, ceasing all movement. The piercing burn tingled but her focus on the bite was fleeting. Her fingers longed to return to their work, and she waited anxiously for the second crack. She waited and waited, and when it finally landed on her opposite thigh, making her jump, any self consciousness was a distant memory. All she wanted was to feel the bliss.

  So it continued until she was suffering, her orgasm constantly looming, brimming with its imminent explosion. But frustration was to be her companion. He started and and stopped her incessantly, the slapping leather tongue scoring her white inner thighs with bright red imprints, until the last crack of the crop brought an order to raise her hands back above her head. Breathlessly she did as instructed, and once more heard the opening and closing of a drawer. The red blotches left by the crop were zinging, and he barely heard him when he he idly informed her there would come a time when she would be required to fetch his instruments of discipline.

  “When you’re in need of punishment, bringing me that which will correct you will be part of the procedure,” he explained as he retuned and sat on the bed next to her.

  “What do you want, Kate?” he asked, gently caressing her body, brushing his hands across her tits. She sighed and arched her back, thrusting up her chest. Every part of her was alive, every inch of her skin wanting his touch.

  “To obey you, sir,” she whimpered.

  “Excellent. On your hands and knees and face the foot of the bed,” he ordered.

  She rolled over and struggled up on all fours, weak with craving, yearning for his cock, desperately needing to have it sink deep inside her. She could feel him moving about on the bed, somehow sliding his body under hers. His hand patted her bottom then slapped each cheek. Still tender from the spanking she felt the smacks keenly, but his fingers touched between her pussy lips, turning her yelps of pain into soft cries of pleasure.

  “Put your head down and find my cock,” he murmured, “and please me with your mouth.”


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