The Hookup Handbook

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The Hookup Handbook Page 10

by Kendall Ryan

  Sienna wraps her legs around my waist, using the new leverage to pull me even deeper. Bringing one hand between us, I touch her in soft circles and groan as she grinds herself closer, eager for every inch of pleasure I can deliver. With a shuddering sigh, she lets go, and the feel her body contracting around mine is almost enough to finish me. But I stay focused, helping her ride out the waves of her orgasm—the first of many, if I have anything to say about it.

  “Come here,” I say once her breathing evens out, scooping her up in my arms. She wraps herself around me, her skin warm and soft against my chest.

  Our lips meet in a frenzy, her tongue reaching out to stroke mine. I take a handful of her ass in each hand, squeezing her curves and rubbing her core against me. Turning so the backs of my knees hit the bed, I sit on the edge, slowly lowering us both until we’re flat, and she’s lying on top of me.

  From this angle, Sienna takes a little more initiative, which is exactly what I was hoping she would do. It’s one thing for her to tell me what she wants. Now I want her to show me.

  With her knees resting on either side of my hips, she aligns herself over me, running her delicious pussy over my shaft. She gasps for breath as I take one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking it and biting softly. After a few minutes, she can’t take it any longer, greedily reaching between us to grip me. I catch her by the wrist before she can reach her prize, causing her to stop and look at me, her eyes wild and hungry.

  I need to slow her down, because damn, this girl is about to ruin my stamina. She’s so eager, and so sweet.

  I may have done this many, many times, but it’s never been like this. There’s something I like about having her here, in my bed. There’s something intimate about it, seeing her in my personal space. And I love watching all her reactions to me. It’s as if every emotion she’s feeling is right on the surface. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are hazy with lust. Her lips are swollen from my kisses. And, shit, her pussy? It’s fucking magic.

  “Let me.” I growl, placing her hand by her side.

  She sits up, lifting her hips to allow me in. My tip enters her easily, and I move my hands to her ass, pulling her down onto me while thrusting as far as I can up into her.

  She throws her head back at the first thrust, her blond locks tumbling over her shoulders. Her hair is so long, I could grab a fistful of it if I wanted to, but right now, my hands are busy with another operation.

  I pull her down onto me again and again, watching as she brings two impatient fingers to her center, touching herself. After a few minutes, she comes again, her whole body tensing around me before she collapses on top of me, her breathing heavy and ragged.

  Shit. She’s incredible. So sexy and vulnerable. I like it way too much.

  Kissing her neck, I wait until she steadies herself again, then I roll over on top of her, setting us up for the grand finale. A devious smile spreads across her lips as she takes my cock in one of her hands, tugging painfully slowly, watching as my eyes close and a groan erupts from deep within me.

  “Keep that up, and I won’t last much longer.” I’m half joking and smile at her, watching her efforts.

  “Does it feel okay?” There’s a hint of uncertainty to her voice.

  I don’t want her to think just because I’ve been around the block a few times that she’s not adept enough at pleasing me. She’s more than enough. Shit, she’s too much.

  I bring one hand to her jaw and touch my lips to hers as a shuddering breath catches in my throat. “It feels fucking amazing, sweetheart.”

  Her hand picks up the pace, working my shaft like this is the job I’ve hired her for instead of the one in my office. I can feel the pressure building at the base of my spine, my balls tightening, the grunts coming out of me more frequent and uncontrolled. Sienna’s watching me with a mix of wonder and lust painted across her sexy features. She really is beautiful. I could watch her do this all night.

  Before I get too close to the edge, I lift one of her legs over my shoulder, eager to get back inside her. I take my time, enjoying the sensations of our bodies moving together until I finally unload with a primal groan. Sienna comes again at the same time that I do, leaving us both a sweaty, breathless mess.

  “If I’d known that’s what it would be like, I would have propositioned you way sooner,” she says between breaths, pushing a few stray damp hairs off her forehead.

  “There’s a reason I’m writing a book, you know.” I roll over onto my side to look at her, a smirk curling the corner of my lips.

  “And why they pay you five grand.” She giggles.

  I force a laugh and shrug, but her comment stings.

  Sienna goes to the bathroom to clean up while I throw the used rubber away, and even in my post-orgasm haze, I can’t help but feel a little bothered. The five-grand comment, plus her laughing when I told her not to fall in love with me, only confirm what I’ve always been worried about.

  Being in this profession means no woman could ever fall in love with me.

  Not that I don’t get it. Sex is my job. I’m tainted goods. But hearing the confirmation straight from Sienna’s pretty mouth? Well, that hurts more than I’d like to admit.

  When she returns, she climbs back into bed next to me, sliding her naked body under the covers and pulling the sheets up over her breasts.

  “Are you really going to be shy now, after we just fucked?” Lying beside her, I prop myself up on my elbow, grinning as I look down at her. I’m still a little thrown off by that comment from her, but the sight of her in my bed helps a little.

  A slow blush creeps over her face as she shrugs, artfully keeping herself covered as she rolls over to face me. “Maybe I’m just cold,” she says defensively, her gaze flicking for a moment to my semi-hard cock.

  “Not having second thoughts, are you?”

  “No, not at all. I just . . . I don’t know. I guess I just remembered that you’re my boss. And that our office is literally just a few feet from here.”

  “Several feet, actually. But that’s not important. This has nothing to do with any of that.”

  “Case, come on. You know this is complicated.”

  “I don’t see why it has to be. It’s one night. Like you said before, this is just a fling. A simple solution to both of our problems.”

  She sighs, propping her head up and running her hand through her hair. The sheet slips, exposing a rosy, taut nipple, and just the sight of it makes my cock twitch. Sienna seems to notice, arching a brow at me as she grins.

  “Your problem definitely seems to be solved.”

  We both laugh, and I climb under the covers with her. We talk for another half hour or so, our bodies naturally finding contact with each other.

  This is the kind of tenderness and affection I avoid with my clients unless they specifically request it. Nothing is as confusing as that post-sex haze, your body flooded with happy-making chemicals, the world suddenly warm and gentle and good. Cuddling with clients is how you end up hurting them. They confuse the hormone rush for real feelings, don’t want to pay you for sex anymore, and then you have to drop them before it gets too far.

  But being here tonight with Sienna, her legs intertwined with mine, her head resting on my chest, I realize I haven’t cuddled with anyone in years. I’ve been so go, go, go with work that I’ve completely let my personal life fall by the wayside. Sure, I have enough of a social life with the guys who work for me, and sex with clients is mostly good, but I didn’t realize until now what all of that really was. It was work. And somehow, I don’t have much of anything outside of it.

  As Sienna drifts off to sleep, her breathing falling into a steady rhythm, I let my fingers find her hair, softly stroking the silky strands. It’s nice not sleeping alone, but I have to warn myself not to get too attached. All she’s looking for is a fling, nothing more.

  Besides, she deserves someone better, a man who doesn’t get paid to sleep with women and make them feel safe and cherished for a pretty penny
. I’ve always believed in what I do, but now that I have to think about it in relation to a real connection, it’s hard to see it for anything else.

  I’m an escort. A certified manwhore. And Sienna deserves a lot better than that.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Apparently, the only thing better than falling asleep in Case’s arms is waking up in them.

  I don’t say that to downplay last night. Trust me, last night was pure magic. My imagination may be wild, but I never could have dreamed that sex with Case would be that earth shattering. After more orgasms than I can count on one hand, I fell asleep certain that nothing would ever, ever top this night. But waking up naked and vulnerable wrapped in his strong arms, it’s hard for me to admit, but somehow this moment of tenderness is every bit as amazing as that.

  As my eyelids flutter open, I run the pads of my fingers down Case’s forearm just to verify that he’s real. He twitches a bit under my touch. Yup, this is no figment of my imagination. He’s real, all right, and cuddled up next to me, the smell of male and sex still lingering around us.

  “Good morning,” I say, my voice coming out raspy.

  He pulls me tighter against his frame, and I can feel his morning wood saying hello too. “Did you sleep okay?” he whispers. His hot breath against the back of my neck is heaven.

  “Mmm.” I purr sleepily, cozying my curves even closer into him.

  I’ve spent my fair share of nights in beds that aren’t my own, but even with ex-boyfriends, the mornings were always clumsy and unnatural, like we were both too embarrassed to show the undone, bedhead, and morning-breath versions of ourselves.

  I expected this morning to be like that too, especially considering Case has almost exclusively seen me in work clothes and a full face of makeup. But instead of us scrambling out from underneath the sheets to face the day, we’re all wrapped up in each other. It’s way more natural than I would have expected sleeping with my boss would feel.

  But before I can dissect that thought, Case slides one hand over the curve of my hip and finds a new hold at the juncture of my thighs. His fingers flirt with the idea of entering me, which wakes me up quicker than a double shot of espresso. He rubs slowly back and forth, lightly caressing me.

  I let out a soft groan and part my thighs a little to encourage him.

  He kisses the back of my neck again. “That feel nice, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” I murmur, moving my hips as his fingers slide lower.

  It’s crazy how talented this man is. It’s like he’s studied maps of female anatomy and knows exactly which spots to touch, how much pressure to apply, and which speed to move.

  He pushes one thick finger inside me, and we both let out a groan.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.” His voice is deep and raspy, filled with wonder.

  I would have figured he’s been with so many women that my body would hold no mysteries for him, but his tone is so reverent and worshipful that I blush at his words. Unless he just knows all the right things to say . . .

  Which spurs my brain back into reality.

  I shift so I’m lying on my side facing him and meet his eyes. It means his talented fingers are no longer doing the most delicious things to me, but this is more important.

  He shoots me a curious look. “Not sore, are you?”

  I shake my head. “I thought we said last night was a one-time thing.” I don’t want to stop him, but I can’t help but be skeptical. And if he’s going to lead me on with heavy petting only to deny me the real deal, I’m better off nipping this in the bud now.

  “Does it really count as more than once if we haven’t even gotten out of bed yet?”

  I stifle a giggle. I’ll take that as a rhetorical question. However he needs to justify it is fine by me.

  I settle beside him again, back in my original position, and part my thighs the slightest bit, making room for Case’s hand to slide comfortably between them from behind. His middle finger slides inside easily, reaching deep within me until a low moan builds in my throat.

  Case hums with pleasure, groaning at how wet I am already. Tilting his pelvis, he pushes his growing erection against the small of my back as he adds a second finger, sliding in and out of my wetness. I rock my hips against his thrusts as he gains speed, bringing me more pleasure than I knew was possible with just two fingers.

  The thought of his G-spot stimulation chapter flickers through my mind, then immediately disintegrates. Every memory of working with this man is far, far gone. All I know of Case is here, between my legs, making my body quake and tense and moan. The muscles in my legs contract as my breath quickens to greedy panting, and the heat builds to an apex beneath his fingers.

  “That’s it,” Case says on a groan. “Come for me, Sienna.”

  He doesn’t have to tell me twice.

  As his fingers curl against me one last time, every muscle in my body releases, and I ride out the white-hot wave of pleasure pulsating through me, his fingers still snug inside me until I’ve finally stilled.

  “So sexy,” he whispers, easing his fingers out and trailing them lightly along my skin, leaving every hair in their wake standing on end. The morning wood pressed against my ass is now a full-blown erection. He’s ready for me, and I’m desperate for him.

  Case pulls away for a moment. I hear the rumble of his bedside drawer opening, the crinkle of a condom wrapper tearing open, the rubbery sound of him unrolling it over his length. Anticipation fires through me until I can’t lie still anymore. I roll onto my stomach and shift up on my knees, my ass readily offered into the air.

  “Oh, so is this how we’re doing this?” he asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.

  I realize I haven’t kissed those lips since we fell asleep last night. Suddenly, I’m craving a taste. I flip over into a sitting position and place one hand on his stubbled cheek.

  The man must be a mind reader, because he gives me precisely what I want.

  Planting his hands on the bed on either side of me, he leans in and his mouth envelops mine in a deep, firm kiss. The softness of his lips matched with the biting scratch of his five o’clock shadow is enough to leave me breathless the second he pulls away.

  “Why don’t you get back on your knees for me?” Case suggests in a low, deep voice. “I liked that view.”

  My breath flutters in the back of my throat. God, how can someone be so gentle yet so domineering? He knows how to treat a woman right, but won’t for a second let me forget he’s the boss. Literally.

  I return to my prior position, the bed shifting as he kneels behind me, his thumb circling my clit. I tremble at the slightest touch, still fresh off my orgasm. His free hand floats up to meet my left breast, taking hold of the hard pink bud of my nipple and gently rolling it between his fingers. I’m so captivated by his touch that I hardly realize I’m moaning again.

  And then, at long last, his hands find their grip on my hips, and as he lets out one long, smooth exhale, his full length enters me.

  Oh. My. God.

  If I thought last night was magic, then this must be pure wizardry.

  Unable to hold the full weight of my body with the intensity of him filling me so deeply, I drop to my elbows and rest my cheek against my forearm.

  “Holy fuck, Case,” I say under my breath.

  He chuckles darkly and caresses my ass cheek with one hand. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  I push my hips back experimentally, and revel in the soft grunt he releases. “It’s so good. So, so good,” I cry out.

  His hands tighten their grip on my hips as he pulls me back onto him.

  “Goddamn. Fuck.” His voice rumbles low, vibrating in his chest, and I shudder at the sound of it.

  The heat inside me builds again as Case quickens his pace. Every thrust hits my G-spot with laser precision. He tangles his fingers in my bedhead while mine hold tight to the sheets, every thrust deeper and sweeter than the last.

  “Yes,” I murmur, lifting my
ass to meet his thrusts.

  “Oh fuck, Sienna. Fuck.”

  Need rips from his throat in heavy groans as his grip tightens. He takes me harder and quicker, my whole body tightening and tensing around him until it’s too much for either of us to hold.

  I fall helplessly into the warm, pulsing buzz of my second orgasm, with Case following just moments behind. As he comes, I can just barely hear him groan my name, and although I’m drained, it still sends a tingle across my skin as we collapse into each other.

  “Wow,” I whisper on a sharp exhale, finding my breath. “Like . . . wow-wow.”

  I search my brain for a hint of eloquence, but I can’t come up with anything even marginally romantic to say. Hell, I think if he asked me my name right this second, I might not know the answer. He’s drained me of everything.

  “Yeah?” He half chuckles, half sighs.

  I lie there, wrapped in his strong arms again, just the way I woke up. I weigh the idea of falling back asleep. Maybe if we slept this off, we’d have the energy in a few hours to do that one more time. If we don’t leave the bed, it doesn’t count, right?

  As I begin to nod off, Case makes the practical decision for both of us. He unwraps me from his arms and sits up, the thud of his feet meeting the floor a sound of finality. I guess we have to get back to being boss and employee.

  “You wanna borrow a T-shirt or something?” he asks, swinging open his closet door and scanning through his options.

  I hold back a giggle. If I’m going to wear Case’s clothes to work, I might as well hang a sign around my neck that says I SLEPT WITH MY BOSS LAST NIGHT.

  “I think I’ll head home to shower and come back. I told Ryder I was spending the night at Allison’s. Probably best not to show up to work wearing yesterday’s clothes and looking freshly fucked.”

  I swing my legs over the side of the bed, looking for where my clothes ended up. A smile twitches my lips as I spot my ripped ballet tights on the floor. Yup, definitely need to go home and grab new clothes. I pull on my leotard and skirt, tucking the tights into my purse to dispose of later.


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