The Boss's Love

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The Boss's Love Page 22

by Casey Clipper

  Derrick placed his finger on her lips. “Stop. That’s enough. Courtney, I love you more than any woman I've ever loved in my life. I would be honored to be your husband. I’ll take care of your needs and wants, love you, and watch over you like nothing else in existence. It will only be you, sweetheart. I will never cheat and never have a wandering eye. You own me, body and soul, if you’ll have me. I know I can’t replace Darren, but I’ll be someone else for you to love and able to depend upon. I know I’m not the sappy man that Darren was but I'll never love anyone as much as I love you. I've loved you since Darren introduced you to us the first time at Sunday dinner. Do you remember?”

  “I do.” She smiled fondly. “I couldn’t believe how much you two looked alike. So handsome, intelligent, and ready to rip off Max’s face for trying to goad you into a fight.”

  “And you were the one who calmed me. No one, and I mean no one, has ever been able to talk me down. Not Darren. Not my parents. No one. Only you,” Derrick said, almost as if admitting a flaw. “It’s as if you were put here for both Darren and me. So if you don’t mind, I'd like to make you my wife now, start to move forward by helping you grieve over our loss, and then start our family together. I’ll love Darren’s baby as if he or she is my own.” He placed a protective hand on her belly. “I love you, Courtney. Please marry me.”

  There was no choice in her answer. Unfortunately, for her safety, she had to say yes. She was carrying the heir to the Murphy Empire and held a majority of incomprehensible power. She wasn't "in love" with Derrick, but she did love him. She hoped she wasn't making a mistake, for both of their sakes.

  “I know you’ll love me one day as much as you love Darren. I’m patient. I’ll wait,” he said.

  Was she that transparent?

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  "Good, I'll call Judge Waters and have him here this afternoon. I'll also call Mom and Dad and your parents, Sean and Ryan. We'll have a small family affair. If that's all right with you," he added.

  "That sounds good," she responded, finding herself sinking into stunned mode.

  "If you'd like something bigger down the road all you have to do is say the word and whatever you want you'll have," Derrick insisted.

  She smiled. "Thank you."

  “You’re quite welcome,” he said, kissing her forehead, standing and leaving the room.

  Once again Courtney felt herself on the whirlwind ride that's become her life.


  Eight that evening, Derrick and Courtney sat on the back deck having just said goodbye to Sean and Ryan. They had discussed their plans with her giving birth at home. They were the last to leave after Derrick and Courtney's small, private wedding ceremony that was more somber than joyous. Derrick's parents and sister attended, along with her parents, Jack and Carl, and her cousins. All remained unusually quiet. In fact, right after the ceremony they all left, not staying for the dinner Derrick had catered. Sean, Ryan, Jack, and Carl were the ones who struck up any form of conversation. They managed to keep the event from turning altogether uncomfortable.

  "I'm sorry,” Derrick said, interrupting Courtney appreciating the serene horizon over the backyard.

  "What for?" she asked confused.

  "That it wasn't a more celebratory occasion.”

  She swore she heard a tone of sadness.

  "It's all right," she said reassuringly.

  He frowned. "My parents and your parents weren't exactly bouncing up and down for joy."

  "It's hard for anyone except for us to understand,” she said.

  "Sean and Ryan did."

  "My cousins are extraordinary men,” she said wistfully.

  "That they are," he agreed. His eyes crinkled as he smiled, showing the formation of tiny lines.

  He was tired, she thought. And stressed. She needed to care for him. If Darren had those lines, she'd insist on making certain they were erased.

  "It'll be fine, Derrick." She took his hand into hers and squeezed.

  "We'll buy rings tomorrow," he insisted.

  She glanced down at their borrowed rings. They'd belonged to his grandparents. Plain gold bands represented her new marriage. On her right ring finger, the rings from Darren now donned that hand. She wasn't ready to part with them. Tears formed in her eyes. She knew Darren took his time picking out the perfect set for her. How could she possible take them off as if they meant nothing to her?


  Derrick watched Courtney get lost in the expensive rings his brother had given her. At their ceremony, she'd hesitated a bit too long for his liking before taking them off and sliding the set onto her right hand. It was then he realized he was in for a long haul, fighting his brother's hold and memory over his new wife.

  Visibly composing herself, she straightened her shoulders and gave a small, tight smile. "You should move into the bedroom," she said.

  The lack of sincerity behind her words did not go unnoticed. Now that they were husband and wife, he would move into her bedroom. Gladly he'd sleep next to her every night. Hell, she currently crawled into bed with him nightly. Consummating their marriage wouldn't happen until she was ready. Derrick wasn't sure if it was a win for him. To be that close to her and not able to have her body would frustrate the hell out of him. Cold showers might be a future he'd need to get used to.

  "I'll move in if that's what you truly want," he tested.

  "It is. You're my husband," she said. "I also need your comfort. I can't sleep without you," she said honestly.

  That admission sealed the deal He kissed her, lingering, tilting her head upward for a better angle. Her lips were soft, like velvet, not wet but not dry, just...perfect. Derrick molded his lips to hers, both their mouths moving together. The kiss turned deeply romantic. A possessive husband showing his wife his love for her. A small moan escaped her mouth. He pulled away with a small, chaste kiss. Gazing deep into her eyes, he felt his body burn for his newlywed wife.


  Uneasy Courtney waited in bed for Derrick. It felt strange moving him into the sacred space of Darren's bed. Then there was the issue that she didn't know Derrick's expectations about intimacy. Certainly he understood she wasn't ready. Right?

  After about twenty minutes of waiting for her husband to join her, Courtney laid down the book she was reading and slid under the covers. Unable to keep her tired eyes open, she felt them drop heavily.

  As if on cue, Derrick strolled into the bedroom holding a pair of lounge pants in hand. He shrugged out of his button down oxford shirt. Her eyes popped open, admiring his phenomenal physique. She wondered when he had time to work out? His broad shoulders, six pack abs, and muscled pecs created the perfect V-shape women drooled over. Darren had had the same muscular tone.

  Tossing his shirt onto the corner chair, he dropped his pants to the floor, revealing a pair of black boxer briefs that caressed his mouthwatering tight ass. He fluidly slid into his lounge pants and pulled off his socks. Even his feet were attractive.

  When finished, he crawled into bed. She curled herself into his body and laid her head on his solid, bare chest. He situated them together and engulfed is arm around her. Simultaneously they sighed.

  "I promise I'll never leave your side in middle of the night, Courtney," he whispered to her after a while.

  That vow shocked her to her core. The meaning wasn't lost on her. Darren had frequently left her late at night for business deals or whatever else he dealt with. He would slip out when she was sound asleep. Eventually, when her body missed his warmth, she'd always wake up alone. She never confessed that to Darren. She refused to make him worry while his attention needed to be on the task at hand. What Derrick just promised her was something that Darren never had, could or would. Derrick promised to place her above business. He vowed to never leave his wife alone in their bed at night. Her heart felt like it was caving inside of her chest.

  Courtney slid her arm underneath his naked waist and pulled herself flush against his body. A sil
ent, grateful tear fell onto his chest. She had no words.

  Chapter 23


  Mary, a mid-fifties Italian woman, widowed with grown children was hired to cook and clean for Derrick's wife and soon-to-be-born child. After she cleared the vetting process by Jack and Carl, and Mary accepted the position, the two men explained policies and procedures. She was to answer only to Derrick, and informed her of Courtney's health concerns during her pregnancy. She'd been offered a room to live at the Murphy home but she'd respectively refused.

  Mary had taken to Courtney like a mother hen. She constantly fussed shoved food at her boss's wife. Mary voiced her concerns to Derrick that his wife hardly touched her meals.

  Meanwhile, Derrick, Jack, and Carl continued their hunt for Darren's killer, using all connections to put their ear to the ground, but consistently came up empty. They stood around the kitchen discussing their next move while Derrick eyed Courtney wander around the back deck, taking in the cool fall breeze. His poor wife complained of hot flashes during these final weeks of her pregnancy.

  "Derrick, we've drained all of our resources. This wasn't an inside job," Jack said.

  "How is that possible?" Derrick barked. He didn't buy it. That car explosion had to have been an inside job. Someone in the Murphy organization or a rival trying to maneuver himself into Darren's position.

  "We don't know," Carl answered. "We have questioned, gone after, tailed, bugged, done everything in our power. There are no murmurs, whispers, rumors, nothing. It's not an inside job." Carl glanced at Jack who gave him a short, tight nod. "Derrick, this wasn’t business."

  In other words, it was personal.

  Unable to grasp that his brother's murder wasn't an inside job, his gaze bounced back and forth between Jack and Carl. But it was a scenario that made sense. He trusted Jack and Carl's thoroughness with their investigation. They were as invested in finding Darren’s murderer as Derrick was.

  "Who knew Darren and Courtney were going shopping alone?" Derrick asked.

  Jack shrugged. "I knew. Carl knew. He was there when Darren said I wasn't needed."

  "Who else was in the house that day?"

  Derrick watched Courtney wave and smile to someone who must have entered the backyard.

  Who the hell was here?

  "Tony, the bartender," Carl said. "He had to stop by and get a check off Carl for liquor for the bar."

  "Liz," Jack said. "Tony's girlfriend. She's not the brightest bulb in the box."

  "Butch," Carl said. Butch, their runner of product, cash, equipment, cars, anything that needed delivered.

  "Trent," Jack said.

  Trent. The new guy. For eight months he worked for Darren, recommended by Tony, but only because the kid frequented the bar. And touted about his superior work ethic for the families he previously worked. Derrick hadn't done a background check.

  "Who did his check?" Derrick snarled, a sudden clarity falling into place. Derrick watched Courtney walk down the back deck steps towards the backyard.

  "Darren had said he was going to get you to do it,” Carl said.

  "He didn't."

  Jack and Carl slid each other a quick glance.

  "It was around the time he was trying to get Courtney back home and fix their marriage," Jack said thoughtful.

  "Darren wouldn't allow that to slip through the cracks," Derrick scoffed. Would he? he thought to himself. Darren had been proficient when it came to his men. Relentless in making sure they cleared their background checks. Only the best of the best were allowed to work in the family.

  "Whose family did he say he worked for?" Derrick asked.

  "The Valinti's and the Spallone's,” Carl answered.

  "Get them on the phone," Derrick ordered. Where the hell did Courtney go off to? He stalked outside.

  When Derrick stepped onto the deck, his heart jumped up into his throat. Courtney stood in the backyard having animated conversation with Trent, who nodded in agreement at whatever she was saying. Derrick marched down the steps and straight up to his wife, approaching her from behind.

  "Mr. Murphy." Trent nodded respectfully.

  "Trent," Derrick replied icily.

  "Derrick, I was just telling Trent we need a fence around the pool because of the baby. I want one put up immediately. By the time it gets warm out, the baby could be walking and it's too dangerous," Courtney said, her eyes shined with concern.

  "I agree." He wrapped a secure arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "I'm glad you thought of it before the weather becomes too cold." He narrowed his eyes towards Trent, giving him a once over. He watched the kid take an instinctual step back. "Get on this right away, Trent. I'm putting you in charge of the project." Derrick lived by the motto of keeping his enemies close enough to kill on the spot. As far as he was concerned, Trent was potentially enemy number one.

  "Yes, Mr. Murphy," Trent answered, beaming with excitement.

  "Come, Court. Mary's making dinner," Derrick said, ending the conversation. He did not want his wife around the kid.

  She nodded and rubbed her belly. "I am hungry."

  "Good girl," he said. Maybe she'd finally eat something.

  "Thank you, Trent," Courtney said and went back into the house with Derrick.

  Derrick wasn't sure if he wanted to address his suspicions regarding Trent with Courtney yet. He decided to wait and see what Jack and Carl dug up. But the rest of his staff would be warned to keep a close eye on the kid.


  Two weeks ago Derrick had set up the meeting with Jon Spallone. Jack and Carl had wanted to make Trent "disappear," but Derrick wanted more information about the kid trying to play with the big dogs. He wanted and needed proof. He wanted proof so he had reason to keep Trent tied naked to a chair for a couple of weeks, begging for his very life and admit to murdering his brother. He'd be unsatisfied until he had what he wanted‒someone answering for Darren's death.

  Sauntering into the restaurant, Jon Spallone surrounded himself with three large goons. Derrick snorted. Goodfellas admirer or what? Slicked back black hair, loud three-piece suit, shined up shoes, and his men flanking him. Ridiculous.

  "Mr. Murphy!" Jon Spallone said with gusto.

  Jon was one of those Murphy men who had relished in Darren's attention, the rare times he received it.

  Derrick stood and shook Jon's hand. "Spallone." He motioned to the empty seat across from him. "Sit."

  "Thank you," Jon said gratefully. The excitement radiating off him was overwhelming.

  It annoyed Derrick.

  He motioned for the waitress to order their drinks. Jack and Carl positioned themselves at the bar, closer than they appeared.

  "So what do I owe the pleasure, Mr. Murphy?" Jon asked.

  "I need to know about an old employee of yours, Trent,” Derrick said. He took a seemingly nonchalant sip of the red wine the server placed in front of him.

  "Ah, yes, young Trent," Jon said, following Derrick's lead by taking a gulp of his whiskey on the rocks. "A driven, yet reckless young lad."

  Derrick didn't respond. He didn't need to with Jon, who elaborated without any encouragement. The man loved his gossip. He was terrible at keeping a secret but somehow he knew everyone's skeleton filled closets.

  "Trent’s a good kid. Works hard and will do whatever’s asked of him, but he’s ambitious. Too ambitious. He would stray from his duties for me and for a price take orders from others, whoever he thought could bring him closer to the top." Jon smirked. "Closer to your brother."

  "It worked."

  "Did it now?" Jon drawled. "Well, credit to Trent. He deserves recognition for his ambition." Jack held up his drink in a toast.

  "When you say he would take orders at a price, what exactly do you mean?" Derrick asked, wanting to be clear.

  "Money of course. He wanted money. The kid could be bought. He figured money got him to the top. In some cases it would, but we know with you Murphy men that's not the case. It's loyalty and the ability to
remain low key," Jon stated expertly.

  "Loyalty is a must," Derrick tossed him a bone.

  "Of course," Jon insisted. "You can't be in our position without loyalty." Jon threw back the rest of his drink then waved to the waitress to bring him another. He turned back to Derrick. "I suppose then that Trent has grown up."

  Derrick thoughtfully tried to spin the information. He took another sip of wine. "I haven't worked with him. He's new and my brother was the one who'd brought him on. My wife is the one who has had more one-on-one contact with him."

  Derrick watched Jon's face drain of color.

  "Derrick," Jon whispered, using Derrick's first name. "Keep him away from Courtney."

  "Why?" Derrick demanded. What the hell did Jon Spallone know?

  "There should be no reason for him to be around your wife. If he is, then it's no good. The kid is a climber. The two people he should be dealing with are Jack and Carl. Are you using him for your wife's entertainment?" Jon asked, horrified.

  "Absolutely not," Derrick snarled.

  "Who's with her now?" Jon asked concerned.

  "Don't worry about it. That's my business," he snapped. His wife was with Ryan at a doctor's appointment.

  "Mr...Derrick.” Jon leaned on the table. His forehead developed a sheen of sweat. "I'm going to tell you this because I think you should know. It was kept secret so no one would be embarrassed when it had happened, but with Trent working his way close to Mrs. Murphy, you must know‒"

  "Damn it, Jon, just tell me what the hell you know. This is my wife," Derrick pounded the table, raising his menacingly dark and dangerous voice.

  Jon didn't hesitate further. "While Trent was working for me, he took orders. Nothing major. Little tasks and runs here and there to see how he'd accomplish them. I found out he was also working on the side for Valinti, which as you know‒"

  Derrick interrupted, "Is not allowed."

  "Yes,” Jon agreed. He snagged the new drink from the waitress and took a nervous gulp. "Well, I'd given him a run, fifty-k, to take to Carl for the eight o'clock football game. Apparently Valinti had also given him seventy-five, which he decided to take across town to try and make a killing."


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