Aurora's Doms [Club of Dominance 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Aurora's Doms [Club of Dominance 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Becca Van

  * * * *

  Warm fingers brushed against her temple, bringing her back to the present. Shit! She’d done it again. Her mind had wandered and she hadn’t even consciously stayed in the room while two Doms played with her. What is wrong with me? she screamed in her head.

  “Get her out of the restraints, Derrick,” Garth ordered as he went to work on the cuffs at her ankles.

  She lifted her head and saw that the wax had been removed from her body. She’d been so wrapped up in her thoughts she hadn’t even noticed it. She was a lost cause. From now on the only interaction she would have with a Dom was when she greeted them and signed them in. She was done with the whole Dom/sub stuff since it obviously wasn’t right for her after all.

  Master Derrick helped her to her feet. “Thank you for trying, Aurora. We know you did your best.”

  Aurora saw sincerity in his eyes and felt some of the tension and guilt leave her body, but then he gently gripped her shoulders and turned her toward the window. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes met two sets of male gazes. One a piercing blue and the other a deep, angry aqua color. Her heart stuttered and then pounded out a rapid tattoo inside her chest. She took a step back and bumped into Master Derrick, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of them.

  Her breasts, which had been unresponsive, began to swell, and her areolas pulled into little ruched bumps. Her nipples ached and became hard as they filled with blood, and her pussy clenched as cream began to leak from her vagina. And then she watched as those two sets of cool blue eyes turned to fiery hot.

  She was only vaguely aware of Masters Derrick and Garth exiting the room as Masters Mac and Mike stalked toward her. They perused her naked body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, stopping in strategic places, which only seemed to ramp up her arousal. Aurora had never felt so turned on, not even when she had read her first BDSM ménage story. She felt like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, knowing she should move out of the way but too mesmerized to get her body to obey her brain.

  They were each decked out in tight black jeans and T-shirts and moved with a masculine, predatory grace. And she felt like she was their prey.

  “Kneel, sub,” Master Mac ordered.

  Aurora found herself obeying and knelt before them in the slave position with her head lowered. Her hands trembled as she placed them palm up on her thighs, but it wasn’t with fear or trepidation. It was with arousal.

  For the second time in her life Aurora was turned on by two Doms, and not just any Doms, but the two men she had been hankering for, for so long. Maybe I’m not broken after all.

  Master Mike gripped her hair and tilted her face up. “You can stop this anytime you want, Aurora. You have a safe word and you will use it if you need to.”

  “Yes, Master.” Aurora shivered. Her nipples hardened even more, and juices leaked from her pussy onto her thighs. Oh God, I’m so turned on. Please, please, please touch me.

  “Rise, sub,” Master Mac commanded.

  She rose to her feet.

  “I want you on the spanking bench, baby.”

  Another shudder shook her frame, but she found herself walking toward the bench across the other side of the room. How she was able to move on legs that felt like the consistency of wet noodles she had no clue. When she was in position, draped across it, she held still while they secured her wrists and ankles with the cuffs. Her mind raced as she wondered what they were going to do to her. Her body ached to be filled by them, but she wasn’t sure she should let them. They had ignored her for so long. Why all of a sudden were they willing to see to her needs now?

  “You have been a very bad little sub. Will you take your punishment and please your Doms?” Master Mac asked in a low voice.

  “Yes, Master,” she responded before she could stop herself. Aurora wanted to ask them why they wanted to play with her now, but knew if she spoke out of turn she would displease the two Doms and earn more punishment.

  Warm hands caressed her ass cheeks, and it took everything she had not to wriggle or thrust her ass up into Master Mike’s hands.

  “Do you know why we’re going to punish you, Aurora?”

  “No, Master.”

  Smack. Aurora gasped as a hard hand slapped her ass. The sting radiated heat into her flesh, and the vibrations caused her clit to throb.

  “You need to be punished for letting other Doms play with you. If I ever catch you with another man there will be hell to pay, baby.” He landed smack after smack on her ass, raining blows on each cheek alternately but never alighting in the same place.

  The tension seeped from her body and she became more relaxed with each swat. After the tenth blow, the stinging pain seemed to morph into pleasurable tingles which reverberated from her butt cheeks and traveled around to her pussy. She inhaled deeply and sank into the calm sea of sensation. Her awareness was of her own needy body and the two Doms in the room with her.

  Fingers caressed her slit, rubbing through her swollen, wet tissue and up to her engorged nub. Hallelujah, I have a wet pussy. If I can get turned on then that must mean I’m not frigid. Her clit throbbed in time with her rapid heartbeat and her cunt clenched as if begging to be filled.

  “So fucking wet,” Master Mac rasped. “You like getting your ass spanked, don’t you, sub?”

  “Yes, Master,” Aurora replied. Was that my voice sounding so dreamy and breathy?

  “No one else can make you wet for them, can they, baby?” Master Mike asked as he slapped her ass again.

  “No, Master.”

  “Such an honest little sub.” His hands smoothed over her ass cheeks, making them tingle even more.

  She sobbed with arousal and hoped they would make her come. She was so hot, wet, and achy, and she knew only these two men would be able to quench the fire burning inside.

  “When was the last time you had sex, honey?” Master Mac asked.

  “I–I…” Aurora stammered, and then she cried out when a finger drew small circles on top of her clit.

  Smack. “Answer the question, Aurora,” Master Mike demanded.

  “Never, Master.”

  The hands caressing her ass stopped and the finger massaging her clit halted.

  “Are you a virgin, sub?” Master Mac asked in a hoarse voice.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Fuck me. Send her over, Mac.”

  The finger working her clit began to rub, starting off slow and gathering speed while the hands on her ass gripped and kneaded it, separating her cheeks and stretching her asshole. Aurora whimpered as another finger rimmed around her pussy, gathering cream and creating blissful pleasure. Then that finger began to penetrate her body and the one on her clit moved faster and faster. Her internal walls rippled, sending more cream to drip from her vagina. Her womb grew heavy and her blood heated as her insides grew tauter and tauter. The further the finger slid inside her cunt, the more her need grew, and she tried to force that digit in more. Another slap landed on her ass, this one much harder than the preceding smacks. She cried out when the finger was withdrawn but then mewled with delight as two were pressed inside her body. Then they began to move. In and out they thrust, stretching and caressing her wet flesh while sending shards of pleasure coursing through her.

  The tension inside her grew in mammoth proportions until she felt like she was on the edge looking over the cliff face. And then she was there, right on the precipice, gasping in great gulps of air as she tried to fill her lungs.

  Aurora screamed as bliss assailed her from all sides. Fingers rubbed against her asshole, lighting her up, as others pumped in and out of her pussy and rubbed her clit. Her body shook and shuddered as her cunt clamped down on the digits forging their way in and out of her vagina, the strokes never letting up as she hurtled over the side of the cliff. Cum gushed from her sheath and dripped onto her thighs, and her body trembled as rapture caught her in its snare.

  She’d never felt anything like what she was experiencing right now. Sel
f-induced orgasms paled into insignificance. When the last contraction faded, Aurora became aware of the soothing hands running up and down her body and over her limbs.

  “Such a responsive little sub. You are perfect, baby,” Master Mike praised.

  Aurora shivered and sighed with relief. Relief at finally knowing she wasn’t as cold and frigid as she thought. Master Turner had been right after all. She was a two-men woman and no one else would do. But was she willing to get into a relationship with men who had ignored her for so long? Did they even want a relationship with her? For all she knew they might just want to play and then walk away.

  Why didn’t they fuck me? Is it because I’m a virgin? Are they turned off because I’ve never had sex before? Do they only want to play with me because they saw other Doms with me? Why do they want me now after avoiding me for so long? Am I willing to put my heart on the line for these men? Absolutely!

  If I don’t give them a chance I will always wonder what could have been. For the rest of my life, I would regret not being with them.

  Aurora pushed those thoughts aside. She was putting the cart before the horse. Until she knew what they wanted from her, she was just going to have to play it by ear, or go with the flow.

  The cuffs were unclipped from the rings and then she was lifted from the bench. She inhaled Master Mac’s spicy, fresh cologne and sighed with pleasure, resting her head on his shoulder. A blanket was draped over her body, and she snuggled up against his warm, hard frame. This was the first time he or Master Mike had really touched her and it still wasn’t enough. She wanted to be held and loved, to feel their hands and mouths over every inch of her skin, and she wanted to be able to reciprocate by bringing them pleasure with her mouth and hands and body.

  Aurora yearned to have them fill her up but not just physically. She wanted the whole nine yards. Tears pricked her eyes but she forced them back. Aurora wanted to be loved unconditionally, but she wasn’t sure these two Doms even cared for her. For all she knew she was just someone to scratch an itch.

  Chapter Six

  Mac felt so content at having Aurora in his arms. When she rubbed her cheek against his chest and sighed with satiation, pride filled him. He and Mike had made their little sub come, and from what he understood, it was a first for her. But what he wanted most of all was to bury his cock inside that hot, wet little pussy.

  Both he and Mike were amazed to learn that she was a virgin. He’d felt almost unworthy to be touching such a pure, sweet, innocent woman and had nearly walked away, but that would have left her open for anyone else to make a move on her. That was not going to happen while he had breath left in his body. As far as he was concerned she was theirs. Now all he and Mike had to do was convince her she was meant to be with them.

  Mac had wanted to push his jeans down, release his dick, and plunge deep inside Aurora, but her first time shouldn’t be in a club for all to see. It should be in a bed where they could take their time and love her the way she should be. He carried her out to one of the semi-secluded seating areas and sat down with her on his lap. She was such a little thing he barely felt her weight as he held her.

  Mike sat down beside them and handed him an open bottle of water. Mac placed the rim to Aurora’s lips and ordered her to drink. She took a few sips and then sat up a little straighter. The endorphins from their play and her climax were finally waning from her system. She glanced around and then looked at Mike and finally him.

  “How are you feeling, honey?”

  “Good, Master,” she answered, but Mac could hear uncertainty in her voice.

  “What’s going through that mind of yours, little sub?”

  “May I dress now, Master Mac?”

  Mac looked at Mike, who was frowning at Aurora. His brother obviously picked up on their sub’s worry as well.

  “Yes, you can dress, but we need to talk, baby.” Mike handed over Aurora’s clothes and they both watched as she dressed without being self-conscious. Since she had been working in the club for nearly twelve months, Mac assumed she had become comfortable with nudity. When she was dressed she picked up the water from the small table and took a seat in the armchair across from the sofa.

  “What did you want to talk about?” Aurora sipped her drink.

  “We would like the chance to get to know you better, and we want you to come home with us for the weekend.” Mac leaned back in the sofa.

  Aurora frowned, expressions flitting across her face, but she was quite good at concealing her emotions, so he couldn’t work out what was going through her mind.

  “Why now?” Aurora asked and then placed the bottle back on the table and crossed her arms beneath her breasts.

  Uh-oh. Her body language doesn’t bode well for us.

  Mike leaned forward, resting his elbow on his thighs. “Aurora, there were some issues I needed to work through before we could approach you, which I won’t go into here, but suffice it to say, I needed to come to terms with an event which happened in my past which shook my self-confidence. Once I got my head around that, we were free to pursue you.”

  “Why should I be with you since you’ve done such a good job at ignoring me?”

  “Honey, we know you are as attracted to us as we are to you.” Mac clasped his hands together between his legs. “Please, will you give us a chance to get to know you?”

  Mac waited with bated breath. He’d never felt so unsure in his life, and that irked him. He was a Dom and full of confidence most of the time, but he felt like he was dangling on the end of a fishhook about to be cast adrift in the wide-open sea. He glanced at Mike and saw that his brother was just as tense as he was. They had screwed up by ignoring Aurora, and her self-confidence had taken a beating because of them.

  “If I agree to spending time with you and I don’t like what you do to me, will you stop?”

  “Your safe words will work the same in our home as they do here at the club,” Mike answered.

  Mac watched as Aurora’s arms unfolded from across her chest. She pushed her shoulders back and took a deep breath. She released it on a sigh. “Okay.”

  Excitement thrummed through him, warming his blood. His muscles pumped up, and his cock, which had been hard during the scene with her but had deflated to half-mast as they sat talking, surged back to life, pushing against the zipper of his jeans. He rose to his feet and stared into Aurora’s beautiful emerald-green eyes. Mike surged to his feet beside him.

  “Thank you, Aurora. You won’t regret it.” Mac held out a hand to her and waited patiently. He and Mike were going to have to be very careful with their little sub. They needed to earn her trust and help her regain her self-esteem. They would do everything within their power to please her over and over again. He knew the next couple of days and nights would either make or break their woman. If they weren’t careful they would send their little sub running, and if that happened he didn’t think she would give them another chance.

  Her little hand touched his palm, and he enfolded hers in his. Her skin was cool to the touch, and his flesh engulfed hers with its size, but nothing had ever felt so right. Mac moved to her other side as he guided her away from the seating area, and his brother took her other hand in his own. They walked her around the dance floor and skirted people, being careful not to bump into anyone. He was a Dom and the need to protect surged in his heart, filling him with pride. There was no way he was about to let Aurora get hurt. Just as they reached the internal double doors to the great room, Master Turner stepped in front of them.

  He glanced at Mac and Mike then studied Aurora intently. “Are you sure this is what you want, Aurora?”

  Mac glared at Turner, and Aurora stiffened at his side. He hoped she didn’t back out. Her little hand trembled in his, and for a second he was worried she would let go and step back. He squeezed her hand, trying to convey comfort and let her know without verbalizing that he would keep her safe.

  “Yes, Master Turner.”

  * * * *

  Aurora glance
d around the living room and wondered if she was doing the right thing. She looked at the leather sofa and armchairs which had been strategically placed so they faced the wide-screen TV on the wall. The furniture was large and chunky just like the two Doms, but the throw rug on the back of the couch and the pillows on the chairs added a feminine touch and contrasting color. She looked over her shoulder and saw that Mike and Mac were leaning against the wall watching her. Her breath hitched in her throat and her nipples pebbled.

  “Take a seat, Aurora.” Mike pushed himself away from the wall and moved closer. “Would you like something to drink, baby?”

  Aurora sat down on the sofa but on the end, so that only one of them could sit beside her if they chose to. She was still feeling uncomfortable around them and didn’t want to feel like she was boxed into a corner. “Coffee would be nice, thank you.”

  “How do you take it, honey?” Mac asked as he walked toward the door which led to the kitchen.

  “Black, please.”

  “Ah, a woman after my own heart.” Mac smiled and disappeared.

  Mike sat down on the sofa cushion beside her and clasped her hand. She looked into his light blue eyes and wondered why he looked a little sad. Usually she had trouble reading emotions on Mike. He had perfected that cold, blank stare and granite mask Doms usually wore to a tee.

  “Let me explain why we have ignored you,” Mike began.

  Aurora watched his face as he explained about a sub he had been trying to top. Once he was done she leaned back in the sofa and squeezed his hand. “Thank you for explaining, but…”

  “Go on and ask. I’ll answer any of your questions.”

  Mac came back into the living room and placed the mugs of coffee on the table in front of the sofa and then sat in the armchair closest to her.


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