The Vineyard

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The Vineyard Page 20

by Karen Aldous

  Those words punched her so hard she gulped at the power of them. She wanted to believe him. But why couldn’t she? She could feel his eyes caressing her body as they sauntered over it. Her body then closed in towards him like there was a magnet drawing her in. Then his lips covered hers, pressing her softly into a whirl of warm sweet breath, intoxicating her once more. She didn’t want to let go, she was ready to surrender her body again, sliding her fingers through his sun-flecked mane. He held her until they could breathe no more. Thierry was fortunately parking his little toy tractor and oblivious.

  ‘There are no excuses for that,’ he said.

  ‘Me neither’ she confessed, knowing she was sliding under his spell and something wasn’t right. She threw back the remainder of her wine.

  ‘Would you like to come out later?’ he asked, holding her waist and squeezing her playfully.’

  She pecked him on the cheek. ‘I’m not sure we should,’ she answered.

  ‘I disagree.’ He leaned back to the wall, drawing her close and stroking her cheek. ‘I want to get to know you better. Unless of course, you don’t want to get to know me better.’

  ‘I just don’t want to complicate things at the moment with Anton. Maybe once I’ve sorted things out with him. He seems to have taken an instant dislike to you as you know and it could provoke him the wrong way.’

  ‘So, he’s already controlling you and you’re going to let it happen?’

  Lizzie felt her defences rise up. Of course, she wanted nothing more than to get to know Cal better and be in arms permanently, but it was all happening too quickly and her son’s future depended on her.

  ‘No. There are other reasons too.’

  ‘Such as?’ he asked, searching her eyes.

  ‘Well a minor matter of distance. I’ll be going back to France soon.’

  ‘That’s not a reason. We can work something out.’

  ‘Also won’t you be wanting to spend time with your son?’

  Cal straightened, loosening his grip. Lizzie took it as a sign of his inner tension. ‘That’s not until Christmas and then, May next year, but what’s Jack got to do with it?’

  ‘I don’t know. I thought it would be at the top of your list,’ Lizzie said, stepping back as he collected up the glasses.

  ‘He is very much top of my list but I don’t get a say right now. He’s got to finish High School,’ Cal retorted. It was the first time she had heard him so tetchy.

  ‘Right. Ok. Just let me sort things out with Anton, if I can, and then at least I know where I stand.’

  ‘Ok, you’re hurling every obstacle in the way. I’m not going to block your path.’

  ‘I’m sorry, I’m not saying I don’t like you. I do. I’m saying I need to get…’

  ‘It’s fine. Yes, you have a lot to deal with,’ he cut in.

  ‘You’ve done so much already Cal and I couldn’t keep…’

  ‘Listen, the reason I helped, as I told you before, is because I like you. I still want to help you, and Thierry. It’s that simple,’ he insisted

  Her head hung low as she hid moist eyes, touched by what seemed a genuine concern. She just couldn’t be sure.

  ‘Leave Thierry with me, he can help me this afternoon, I’ve brought some pizza with me which I know he will like so, he can share it with me,’ Cal said.

  Lizzie felt uncomfortable. Had she got this right or was she falling into a trap? Thierry was spending so much time with Cal and they seemed to be getting closer. It was one thing for her to give herself to Cal but he had no right to just make assumptions about what was right for her son. He was now expecting her to leave Thierry with him, he’d almost taken it for granted, and Thierry was becoming too attached to Cal. It wasn’t healthy and her son could get hurt. Just because Cal couldn’t have access to his son, he didn’t have the right to access hers. She had enough aggravation with Anton as it was.

  ‘Well, maybe an hour,’ Lizzie agreed, as the boy drove his little tractor over to them, jumped off and hugged their legs but she gave Cal an agitated glare. ‘I’ll come and get him in an hour.’

  So many things played on her mind and continued to bug her. Although there was massive amounts of chemistry between her and Cal, she wasn’t sure if she should take the relationship further, tempting as it was. After all, she needed to sort out things out with Anton before getting herself in too deep and anyway, she didn’t know enough about Cal to really know if he was more fascinated with Thierry and replacing a son, than her. He hadn’t really ever mentioned his son to her and it seemed like a scar that hadn’t healed. And, she was returning to Cannes soon anyway, so it all seemed academic anyway. She would need to speak to Cal and put him straight before things got out of hand.


  Lizzie had intended to call Anton that afternoon but she couldn’t bear to deal with him in the mood she was in. Instead, she called Sophie at her apartment in Cannes. Not that she could get a word in. Sophie was so unstoppably euphoric, she hardly paused for breath, filling her in about her date with Charles and his revelation about his wife’s tragedy.

  ‘He seemed to drop his usual shield,’ Sophie relayed, ‘and said to me he would lay himself bare because he thought I wasn’t the type to mess around, that although he was rather reluctant to get involved again with anyone since his wife died, that I was the first girl he had met since who had really caught his attention and he asked me if I would like to see him again.’

  ‘That’s really sweet, Sophie.’

  ‘I know. I can hardly believe it. He’d been so difficult to read but I told him, I thought he was right to be honest and try make a go of it than spend his best years alone and maybe regret not moving on.’

  ‘I agree and just really hope it works for both of you.’

  ‘I’m certain Lizzie. I’ve never felt as certain about someone in my life before and yes I left myself wildly vulnerable and told him that. But he’s going to take me up to the hills on our next date to a little place called ‘La Cave’. Sophie’s voice gave a light shrill and Lizzie’s amusement sounded in approval.

  ‘Well, in all honesty I thought he would be a hard nut to crack that one,’ she said to Sophie. ‘You have obviously won him over with your distinctive charm. I’ve heard the ‘La Cave’ is very good.’

  ‘Oh I hope so. Anyway, enough about me. The salon is busy. How are you getting along and how’s mum?’

  Lizzie gave her account of the recent events and discoveries, revealing Cal’s singledom!

  ‘Oh, I bet you felt the fool!’ Sophie laughed, ‘I did wonder, particularly with the attention he showers on you.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Lizzie enquired, her curiosity stirred.

  ‘Lizzie, he can’t do enough for you and, the way he looks at you.’

  ‘I’ll admit he’s grown on me these last few weeks but Thierry comes first.’

  ‘Hummm, yes, Anton, I suppose. Still the fly that refuses to die! I did have the misfortune of seeing him in the Yacht club. Girl on his arm. Oh, sorry Lizzie, got a call. Speak later sweet. Love to all.’

  Lizzie took a leisurely bath before collecting Thierry. At least Sophie was happy and the salon was reasonably busy. Sophie’s involvement was such good timing. She could only guess that the high salon activity was not just locals but tourists too at this time of year, anxious to keep their beauty routines maintained whilst on holiday. Lizzie felt saddled with guilt, it really was time to get back to the salon. And, even though she resented Anton’s intrusion into her life, she would have to face him too.

  Chapter 25

  Later that evening Cal rested on his sofa. He switched on the TV and then switched it back off again. His mind couldn’t shut off from his night with Lizzie and the few hours they’d shared. And it all happened so naturally. With Michael’s arrival, Lizzie had surprised him with her revelation. He didn’t understand why she thought Caroline and he were a couple but she virtually admitted her feelings at her discovery. Caroline was also keen for them to go out togeth
er too which was a blessing. He’d held back out of respect for her. He had never felt as he did right now. It was hard to imagine that love, and he believed, that’s what he felt, could strike so strongly. And he felt a strong bond with Thierry too. Was that natural, he wondered.

  He was conscious now though that he should tread carefully. He couldn’t risk messing this up. There was too much at stake. Lizzie wasn’t in a good place right now, she had to put Thierry first and he would not want to upset Caroline because his investment in the vines and winery was still important.

  He knew however, his feelings for Lizzie were on a different level to anything he’d known before. There was certainly no comparison with his ex- girlfriend, Alana, and being so young, he obviously thought he loved Kelly, but now he knew better.

  Alana was more an infatuation, a convenience, an ideal. They hadn’t become as close as he had with Lizzie in the ten years they were together. He couldn’t blame his naval career either. They were never suited and he was so grateful his relationship with her didn’t work out. That would have been a fatal mistake if they had got married. They had only lived together for a year after he left the services, and that was evidence enough that they weren’t right for each other. This time, however, cupid had shot the arrow right through the centre of his heart. He had to find a way to be with Lizzie. Anton had no right to threaten her in that way.

  Cal didn’t even attempt to go back to the bedroom. He couldn’t face returning there just now, not so soon after her presence there. He would lie awake and yearn, so he made himself a hot coffee. He had some thinking to do. He needed to work through some things. For a start, he had stepped over the metaphorical line. He didn’t intend to get involved, not until Caroline was better at least. As soon as he set eyes on Lizzie and then found out she was single, yes he wanted her but he was aware of the risks he would be taking. The possible financial suicide if he was to fall out of favour with Lizzie or her mother. It was not a good move in all reality but wow, he wouldn’t have missed those few precious hours last night for the world and he now had to be patient but keep close.


  His mobile was ringing. Cal had finally fallen asleep and it was morning. He reached for the phone. Charles was on the other end calling from France.

  ‘You texted me last night, what’s urgent?’

  Cal feeling heavy eyed and drowning still in sleep tried to focus. He looked at his watch and slowly registered the time. It was eight fifteen. Realising he had to open up the unit, he dressed quickly, grabbed his keys and with phone to his ear, ran out of the door to the car.

  ‘Your professional expertise.’ His voice croaked. He covered the phone and coughed to clear his throat

  ‘You still there?’ Charles’ voice bellowed.

  ‘Yeah, yep, sorry just got to open up the unit for the builders. Sorry mate, didn’t get a lot of sleeping done last night and I need a strong coffee to wake me up.’

  ‘What the hell keeps you awake at night? You’ve not got a thing to worry about.’

  ‘No, well, I didn’t but I do now. Listen, I need to know what I can do about Lizzie’s ex? I want him out of Lizzie’s hair but I don’t really know how to go about it. Can you help me there?’ Cal drove into Caroline’s drive and up to the new winery where, the builders waited.

  Charles had gone quiet, then said, ‘There’s not much I can do unless Lizzie comes to me to make a case.’

  ‘Well, ok that’s the official route but I’m just searching for ideas, something you can suggest which might ward him off.’

  ‘Without all the mitigating circumstances, I really don’t know Cal. I don’t think there is such a thing as quick fix.’

  ‘Ok, but if you found yourself in a similar position, what would you do to rectify the problem?’ Cal bit his tongue knowing Charles hated being compromised.

  ‘Well, a gun might come in handy, poison, rope? We could take him out on the boat?’

  ‘Ha! Ha! And what was in your breakfast this morning?’ he asked Charles as he jumped out of the Range Rover and over to where the builders waited. He unlocked the doors.

  ‘Cal, I think you would be best just to stay out of sight until Lizzie sorts this out herself.’

  Cal lowered his voice, suddenly aware of the proximity to the house. ‘I don’t like the sound of that. I mean, she really doesn’t need this hassle. Does she really stand a chance if this Anton’s made his mind up he wants his son?’

  ‘Can she come and see me?’

  ‘No Charlie-boy, she’s still here.’

  Charles thought some more. ‘It’s best if they can discuss it in a civilised manner first and come to a mutual agreement. Then, see what the outcome is. If it gets difficult, the alternative is to have mediation in the court.’

  ‘Well, all I know is she is scared.’

  ‘Cal. I don’t know all the background so I can’t comment,’ Charles voiced.

  ‘Fear not. I don’t want to take any unnecessary risks. I just don’t think it’s healthy to do nothing. He strikes me as a bit of a head case and capable of anything.’ Cal paced his part-walled building whilst the builders prepared their tools.

  ‘Tricky Cal. Anyway, when are you coming back this way? Any luck or news with that land? Charles referred back to Cal’s other mission in France.’

  ‘Nothing at the moment. I will find something though. Haven’t heard back from Giroux, I think he’s had a better offer. I’ve still got a lot going on here too.’

  ‘That Giroux land would be ideal, particularly with that derelict villa on it. Anyway, I’ve got a bit more going on here too,’ Charles confessed. ‘I’m seeing Sophie.’

  ‘Well good for you Charlie-boy. It’s about time and she’s a nice girl. Good choice. I hope that pans out well for you. Excellent news.’

  ‘Thanks mate so do I. We’ll see, and don’t leave it too long to get yourself out here.’ Charles rang off.

  Cal put his phone in his pocket and looked back to the men getting to work on skimming the plasterboards on the stud walls. His mind was unable to focus on the winery this morning and he yearned to see Lizzie. He now didn’t know how he would motivate himself to continue with working on the winery and getting out to spray the vines. His priorities were changing because Lizzie and Thierry were rising to the top of his list, occupying his thoughts. He would speak to her today. Try to persuade her to deal with Anton in her way rather than Anton’s. It was selfish he realised but with a control freak like she said he was, it was possibly the only way. She had to stay ahead of his game and work something out. He knew he had no right to interfere and he would risk that accusation but if it meant she and Thierry were both safe and happy, then he would at least feel he had tried.

  Chapter 26

  Lizzie dropped her mother off at the hairdressers at eight thirty. Her mother gave her a light kiss. ‘Go back to bed, you look like you could do with some sleep. Leave Thierry here with me.’

  ‘Mum, honestly, no. You don’t want Thierry here being a nuisance whilst you’re having your hair done.’ Again Lizzie had not slept well. The excitement in her belly continued to keep her mind active. ‘Ring me when you need collecting,’ she added.

  Lizzie left her mother and drove to the supermarket to get in much-needed food supplies. Thierry, she decided, was just the right age to want to help and, for once, they enjoyed the shopping together rather than shopping online like she’d started getting used to. Thierry sat in the trolley for the first part, chatting away telling her he ‘lubbed Mummy and Grandma and, Daddy Cal’. She stopped the trolley dead. His words sent her into near shock. She swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in her core. She wasn’t sure what to tell him other than to put him right saying Cal was just a very good friend, not his daddy. She chose not to make it an issue right then.

  When they arrived back with the shopping, Caroline breezed into the hall, heading straight for the mirror and began tampering with her new hair style. ‘Do you like it?’ her mother asked.

w did you get home? Leave it alone. Yes, it looks lovely.’ Lizzie looked at her curiously as she followed her son, clutching bags and closing the front door with her foot and heading for the kitchen.

  ‘Oh Keely, my hairdresser, she ran me back, had a cancellation. One thing which irritates me when she blow dries my hair is that she always manages to dry it flat. I’ll just push it this way a bit.’

  ‘It looks fine.’ Lizzie shook her head.

  ‘I’ll just lacquer this bit. It will drop again otherwise when I have a bath.’ She teased the front of her hair and sprayed it. ‘I hope I don’t lose it if I have to have Chemo.’

  ‘Mum, you look beautiful, and I’ve told you before, there’s no point in worrying until you have to. You may not have to have chemo and if you do, you may not lose it. I looked it up.’

  ‘You are right of course,’ her mother agreed as she watched her daughter and grandson in the mirror skip past her to the kitchen. She gave a concerned look as she followed them. ‘Darling, I haven’t seen Cal since Wednesday, since you two went out. Is he ok? Was he ok on Wednesday evening?’ Caroline scooped up her grandson and planted a warm kiss on his cheek before sitting him on the oak kitchen room chair next to her.

  ‘You shouldn’t be lifting him like that Mum. You’ve had surgery,’ Lizzie told her. Then she gave her account. ‘He was fine. I haven’t seen him either, perhaps he’s just busy with the builders.’

  ‘Yes but he does usually come in to see Thierry at least once a day.’

  ‘I’m sure he’s around. Do you want a tea or coffee?’

  ‘No thank you. I’ve had two drinks already this morning at the hairdressers.’

  ‘I’ll take Thierry over to the park. We’ll pop in to Cal’s on the way.’ Lizzie tried to convince her mother all was fine. Lizzie knew exactly why Cal was keeping his distance however, but her mother didn’t need to know they had extreme difficulty keeping their hands off each other.

  She so wished circumstances could be different and they could be together, but Thierry was her priority.


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