Portal to Passion

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Portal to Passion Page 16

by Nina, Tara

  Nah, he thought with a shake of his head. He doubted she would. Since Maven didn’t answer his summons, finding out how Deveney made it through the mirror fell upon his shoulders. A sudden thought speared his brain. Had something happened to Maven? His gut instinct told him she wasn’t injured, just stubborn like him and ignored him.

  How was he going to convince Deveney to stay? What if her life on Earth was grander than anything he could offer? The questions tormented him and caused his insides to contort. Tor hoped he made the right decision. Without her here, he would be destined to live a lonely, sexless life. With her here, the possibilities were endless.

  A sudden sharp pain shot through his head to stab behind his eyes.

  The vision of a bright-blue ball of energy touching his bedroom door filled his head. If he could laugh right then in his bear form, he would. Somehow he knew Deveney escaped. She’d used magic to unlock the door and he couldn’t do a thing about it.

  He blinked. He sensed her usage of magic through their connection. Did she not realize he would know if she used it to escape? Apparently not. Determination lived strong in her veins. He snorted. He’d expect nothing less from his mate. Tor stalled in his movements. Mate. He liked that term for Deveney. Tor shook the water from his coat and walked through the shallows to stand upon the shore. This little feat of hers made things even more difficult at the palace. He needed to return and make her understand keeping her hidden was for her safety.

  Chapter Eleven

  Deveney snuck down the hall and peeked around every doorway before she proceeded. When she saw someone, she ducked into the nearest alcove or under a piece of oversized furniture and hid. The moment they were gone, she wove her way through the halls to find a door to the outside. The sound of footsteps echoing behind her made her panic and she rushed through the nearest open archway without looking ahead.

  The moment she came face-to-face with two women, she froze. Blowing out a heavy breath, she relaxed. Somehow, she found the kitchen, Nona and Willow.

  “I see you’ve found a way out on your own,” Nona said as she smiled.

  “Yes.” Deveney nodded. “I did.”

  She decided not to mention she’d used her magic to escape. That little bit of information she thought best to keep to herself.

  “That robe fits you divinely,” Willow gushed as she circled Deveney, inspecting the fit.

  “It should,” Deveney replied in a light, friendly tone. “The finest seamstress I know made it.”

  A phenomenal odor teased her nose, causing her stomach to growl loud enough for all to hear.

  “Ah, it seems you are hungry,” Nona said, turning to the large table behind her. She gathered a slice of fresh-cut bread, slathered it with raspberry spread and handed it to Deveney. “Eat this. It should hold you over until I can bring you a nice lunch outdoors. Willow, why don’t you show Deveney to the back garden? I’ll bring her something to eat there.”

  “Come.” Willow took her by the hand. “I’ll show you the way.”

  Deveney followed Willow’s lead through a spacious kitchen, the likes of which she’d never seen. The stove looked to be made of stainless steel and had twelve burners on top and an oven large enough for her to crawl in and lie down if she wanted. Embedded in one wall were several brick ovens. No wonder the bread was so good. She sighed as the aroma of more bread baking filled her nose.

  Tremendous-sized pots and pans hung from racks overhead. It looked as if Nona was set to feed an army if necessary. Pale-pink tile covered the walls with the occasional mosaic of bears interspaced. Stark-white marble lined the floor and she wondered how they kept it so clean.

  At the back of the kitchen, Willow stopped in what Deveney would have called a mudroom, but Willow called a fimus cella.

  “Let me get my work basket. If you like, I could start your sewing lessons while we wait for your lunch,” Willow stated on one rushed breath.

  Obviously the possibility of sharing her love of sewing with Deveney excited the younger woman. Taking a deep breath of fresh air the moment the door opened, Deveney stated with a smile, “Of course, I’d love to get started.”

  Willow practically bounced with excitement as she turned, leaned into a closet by the back door, and pulled out a large wicker basket. “Come on, let’s go.”

  When the younger woman tucked her free arm into one of Deveney’s, it reminded her of Tiara. A moment of sadness swept through her heart. She missed her best friend and prayed for her safety. Looking at Willow’s bright smile, she hoped she’d found a new friend in the young woman.

  Outside, a sense of freedom washed over her. Clean, fresh air filled her lungs. A gentle breeze fluttered her hair and she itched to run barefoot through the dark-green grass. She laughed. She was barefoot. Stepping off the last step, she landed in the softest grass she’d ever felt. A soft and fluffy texture teased her toes. It tickled her feet at first until she got accustomed to the sensation. Looking down, she noted Willow wore no shoes as well.

  “Do your people wear shoes?” Deveney asked.

  “Not all the time,” Willow answered as they continued to walk. “They’re only worn during ceremonies. Even then, most of us tend to wear longer robes to hide our bare feet instead. They’re not known for comfort.”

  The scrunched-up look on her face made Deveney laugh. It amazed her that even in this world, foot fashion still equaled discomfort. Hadn’t anyone discovered a way to make shoes look great and not hurt? She shrugged.

  “How about underwear?” she asked, hoping to learn about their world and customs.

  “Underwear?” Willow’s confused expression said it all. “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

  Deveney nipped at her lower lip as she thought of a way to reword her question, studying her surroundings as she did so. The trees and shrubs were different shades of blues, greens, lavenders and purples. Flowers were everywhere in well-manicured groupings and designs. They varied in variety and shape, and their colors outmatched that of any bouquet she’d ever seen. As they walked, the air filled with a multitude of fragrant smells, which gave her a sense of inner peace.

  “Are there any types of coverings or bottoms women wear, you know…” She fidgeted before she added, “What do you wear to cover your privates? What do you do when you have your female cycle? Do you wear any sort of garment for that?”

  Willow shook her head, her brows furrowed. “I’m not sure about this female cycle. But if you’ll allow me to touch the Amulet of Perception around your neck, it’ll help me understand what you’re asking more clearly.”

  Deveney nodded. They took a seat on a white marble bench between two large purple trees. Willow placed the basket on the ground, turned toward Deveney and lifted her fingertips to the necklace. Vivid colors shone bright. Warmth caressed her skin that gave her a sensation of happiness throughout. Willow was a friend she could trust. This she discovered the moment the woman made contact with the amulet.

  A deep sadness filtered from Willow and Deveney had to refrain from reaching out to the younger woman. Deveney didn’t want to scare Willow by letting her know she somehow read her innermost precious thoughts. Willow mourned for the loss of her sister. In silence, Deveney prayed for her sister’s soul and hoped she could somehow help ease Willow’s pain.

  Within a flash, several of Willow’s happier thoughts came to life in Deveney’s mind, brightening her mood, which made her smile. The younger woman’s hopes and dreams were similar to Deveney’s. She wanted a husband, children and a home of her own as well. They had so much in common. No wonder Deveney liked her.

  The next second, fear entered Deveney’s mind from deep within Willow’s, causing the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. Willow worried for her brothers and Tor and Sven. They needed mates or their fate was sealed to the madness of turning something she called Proprius Bestia. But what was that? She stored the question in the back of her mind to ask later when she got the chance. A white light flashed inside her head
the moment Willow released the amulet.

  She didn’t seem to be aware Deveney read some of her thoughts through the momentary connection. Good. Deveney placed a friendly smile on her lips. This magical feat she’d keep to herself. It might come in handy in the future.

  “The things you call underwear, we don’t have those here. It just gets in the way for sex. As Morphionians, passion is a priority, especially when you’re mated. It is only when you’ve found your lifemate that a female can become pregnant.”

  The matter-of-fact way Willow answered surprised Deveney. She hadn’t expected the younger woman to speak so freely about sex. The sly smile on Willow’s face made Deveney wary.

  “I sense you and Tor made a most magical connection.” Her smile brightened all the way to her eyes. “I think you and I should get started on some small clothes right away.”

  Deveney gasped. Oh god, she knew.


  “Deveney, your secret is safe with me. Female Morphionians have this inner sense that tells us when one of us is pregnant. We can tell it in the earliest stages. It’s a gift of the magic the males don’t have. They can sense it once the baby reaches the second phase of growth but not until then. I know how stubborn Tor can be. I grew up in this palace with him and Sven acting as older brothers to me, my sisters and my brothers. It was like we were one big, happy brood.”

  She sighed, then added, “Oh, and as far as the female cycle goes, Morphionian women go into what’s called a phaz. It happens with the changing of the seasons. It’s when our bodies are primed for mating and ready to become pregnant. But we don’t become fertile until we’ve met our lifemate. We’re highly sexual creatures normally. But I hear it’s even wilder and hotter once you’re mated.”

  Heat surged up Deveney’s neck to singe her ears. She’d never expected to discuss sex with Willow. She didn’t look old enough to know about it much less to have any experience in the subject. Curiosity grabbed her tongue and she asked before she could stop the words from exiting.

  “How old are you, Willow? And does your mother know you’re interested in sex?”

  Willow laughed, then cleared her throat and said, “I’m sorry, Deveney. I didn’t realize you were shy. Here in Eximius Mundus, pleasure is a priority among our race. It’s a natural occurrence driven by our inner animals. Food, drink and sex, it’s all most of us live for until we meet our mates. Then we live for mated intercourse.”

  A deep sadness filled Willow’s eyes, which caused Deveney to reach for her hand. Concern filled her voice. “You okay?”

  Willow shrugged as she tugged her hand free, leaned and pulled out a pretty golden piece of material from her basket. Though she tried to sound happy, Deveney heard the hidden pain in her words.

  “Three of my sisters found their lifemates by the time they were fifty. One died in childbirth. The other two gave birth to one boy each and no girls.” When Willow’s gaze leveled on hers, Deveney saw the tears the younger woman struggled to prevent. “I’m in my sixties and haven’t been lucky enough to sense the magic of my lifemate. It may not occur for me. But I fear no pain from that. It’s for my brothers I worry. Only one of the six found his mate last year. Over the next few years, the rest of my brothers will come into their prime of one hundred years. Without mates, they’ll turn into their inner beast. They’ll become Proprius Bestia and I’ll lose them forever.”

  Willow swallowed hard. Deveney hugged her. The next words she spoke were hardly above a whisper, but Deveney heard them. “Tor and Sven turn one hundred within the next six months. Without mates, the first of my brothers will be lost. I’ve already lost a sister. I can’t lose my brothers as well.”

  Wetness touched Deveney’s shoulder when Willow’s tears broke free. Clearly, the younger woman needed a friend as much as Deveney needed one. She tightened her arms around her and stroked her long, golden hair.

  “I have no words that’ll ease the pain over losing your sister. I sense you two were close.” When Willow didn’t respond, Deveney continued, trying to ease Willow’s pain. “It’s going to be okay. There’s a way to save your brothers. I made it here. I’m sure others can as well.”

  When Willow sat upright, Deveney forced a broad smile and brushed a loose strand of hair from her eyes. “All I have to do is convince Tor it can work.”

  A shaky laugh escaped as Willow dried her eyes, shook her hair back from her face and stared directly at Deveney. “Tor’s a hardheaded fool if he makes you go back.” She raised her hand to stop Deveney’s protest. “I’ve known him a lot longer than you. But I sense if anyone can open his eyes, it’s you.” She smiled as she touched Deveney’s cheek.

  Willow straightened, cleared her throat and then handed Deveney the forgotten material in her lap. “Now, let’s get started. We don’t have much time before you’ll need these.”


  “Oh.” Willow smiled and gathered more material, thread, needles and what looked similar to a pair of scissors from her basket and continued. “Did I forget to mention the gestational period for Morphionians is equal to about three to four months in your Earth time? At least that’s what I figured out from a bit of info I gathered about Earth from our connection through the amulet.”

  Deveney’s jaw dropped. No wonder she knew so fast. Not only did the magic tell her, but the baby grew at a much faster rate than normal. Would she be showing soon?

  She stared down at her tummy. Panic sliced through her. That gave her less time than she thought to convince that stubborn man of hers that she was his lifemate.

  * * * * *

  What was she doing in the garden? He needed to get her back upstairs and out of sight. He feared it was the only way to keep her safe. Out here she was too exposed, too visible. He had to keep her hidden until he formulated a workable plan for bringing more women through the mirror and presented it to the clans. Without it, there would be chaos. Men would demand mates immediately, which he couldn’t blame them, but it had to be done in a proper fashion. Not just any woman would do. They had to be like Deveney. They had to have magic living within their chakras.

  Looking at her, he couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking. If he lowered the shield he held around his mind, he could read Deveney’s thoughts, but he couldn’t take the chance of her hearing his.

  Tor stood in the trees, hidden from view. Slow and steady, he ambled closer. Their chatter and laughter touched him, causing his anger over her being outside to wane. It seemed the two formed a friendship. The closer he got, the clearer their conversation.

  They chatted about clothing. He listened. How to stitch a straight, tight line? Should the gap between stitches be short or long? What? Was Willow teaching Deveney to sew?

  The domestic sight made him pause. He sat back on his haunches and stared. Since the death of her sister, Alanisa, Willow hadn’t smiled and seemed withdrawn from the thing she loved to do most…sew. Nona told him many times she worried over her youngest cub.

  Though he spoke with Willow on several occasions, he’d been unsuccessful in cheering her. She’d always laughed and smiled at his jokes but after Alanisa’s death, there seemed to be little or no happiness left in her.

  But now, here she sat in the garden with Deveney teaching her to sew. And if he didn’t know better, the golden robe Deveney wore was a one-of-a-kind Willow creation. That brought a slim smile to his bear-shaped lips. Somehow Deveney retrieved Willow from the dark spot she’d slipped into while mourning the loss of her closest sister.

  But still… He sighed. She shouldn’t be out of his room. If word spread of her existence, she’d be in grave danger. So many men hovered on turning Proprius Bestia, he wouldn’t put it past one to attack her out of jealousy. Every hair on his thick skull stood on end. On reflex, his sharp teeth bared. No one would hurt her. He’d see to that.

  He surveyed the area and sniffed the air. The gardens were empty. This had to be the work of Nona. On most days, the gardens contained at least a dozen peopl
e from staff to visitors. Nona must have cleared the area for Deveney once she escaped his room. He’d have to speak with her about not immediately returning Deveney upstairs. Noting the plates stacked on the ground, he knew she’d eaten. One step, then two, he closed the distance between them. He knew the moment Deveney sensed his presence.

  She sat upright, back straight, chin tilted, and looked across her shoulder at him. In slow motion, a sly smile brightened her face, sending an arrow of pride to his heart. His woman looked beautiful and as if she belonged in his gardens.

  Watching her moisten her lips spiked a surge of raw, animalistic need deep in his core. Hunger for her rumbled through his gut and ignited his lust. Deveney stood, handed her sewing to Willow then walked his way.

  In an attempt to see if she was easily intimidated, Tor reared onto his hind legs. As man, he stood at seven feet, as bear, almost eight. Lifting his head, he growled long and fierce just to test her fear. She didn’t miss a step. No hesitation stalled her movements. When she reached him, she tilted her head back, extended her neck to a position he knew had to be uncomfortable, and smiled.

  There wasn’t an ounce of shake in her hands when she reached to stroke his belly fur. Her touch sent a chill down his spine. Slow and gentle, she ruffled his fur against the grain, making it stand on end. When he shivered from head to toe, causing the fur to fall back into place, she hugged him, rubbing her face in his coat.

  Tor froze. No one ever touched him as bear. Being the fiercest and largest of the bears no one ever got this close, rubbed his fur or hugged him. Didn’t she know she was supposed to be afraid? He tilted his head and released the angriest-sounding growl he could muster. Her closeness set him on fire and melted his heart. This proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they belonged together. Now if he could only convince her to stay.


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