Pretty Potions and Sexy Spells, Volume 1

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Pretty Potions and Sexy Spells, Volume 1 Page 4

by Juliet Cardin

  “Nay, please do not concern yourself.” She opened her legs wider.

  Balek looked down at her and then at his fully erect manhood. “I...I know not what to do.”

  “Hold me, my lord. Please, just hold me,” she whispered.

  Balek lay down beside her and took her into his arms. Belinda stretched out her legs but kept them apart. She could feel the heat of his erection pressing against her thigh.

  “Mayhap I should fetch someone?”

  Belinda eased her leg up over his hip and tilted herself against him more firmly. “Nay, ’tis all right. Even now my head clears.” She rested her forehead against his broad chest. “Would you like me to fetch your betrothed for you, lord?” Wiggling her hips, she pressed against his erection. “You are ready for her now.”

  Balek released a heavy breath he’d been holding. “Aye, I suppose.” Then— “Nay. I fear I cannot wait. Please Belinda. Would you mind?”

  “Of course not, my lord. Whatever you desire.” Already she could feel the tip of him pushing against the core of her. He was so hot. Opening her legs wider she welcomed his entry. Slowly he pushed inside, the size of him fairly overwhelming her. For a moment she was fearful he would split her in half, but as she forced herself to relax, she felt her body accommodate him.

  “Oh. My lord. How hard you are, how powerful.” His strokes teased her as he slowly pushed himself completely inside before sliding back out again.

  “Aye. ’Tis hard. You have healed me,” he gasped as his stokes began to get faster and faster.

  Belinda arched her back as she felt his hand slip down the length of her body to grasp her bottom. His head bent to her breast and his tongue flicked against her nipple. He took the small hard pebble into his mouth to suckle upon.

  Faster he moved inside of her. Belinda rose up to meet his thrusts with equal measure. His lips now found hers while his hand roamed upward to fondle her breasts. His tongue forced its way into her mouth and emulated the thrusting of his hips. The sensations he created in her made her believe she would surely perish this night.

  It is too much. He is too much. Oh, I love you, my lord. I love you, Balek.

  When her release found her, Belinda was grateful Balek’s mouth covered hers, catching her desperate cries. If he hadn’t he would have heard her declaration of love. Moments later, Balek soon found his own fulfillment. But to Belinda’s great disappointment, he pulled himself out of her before she felt the heat of his release.

  Much too fast, and the moment was over. Balek rolled off of her before he collapsed. “That was incredible,” he said.

  Belinda took a moment to collect herself before she sat up and looked at Balek’s satisfied face. He smiled tenderly at her and she melted. “Aye, ’twas, my lord. It seems you are past your quandary.” When she went to rise up and take her leave she felt a firm hand upon her arm. She looked at Balek and saw him regarding her with heated intention.

  “To make certain, it would be best if I were to take you again,” he said.

  Belinda smiled as she lay back down. “If you wish, my lord,” she said, opening her arms to him.

  Chapter 3

  The next night Belinda was preparing for bed when she once again heard the sound of horses in her yard. She let loose a small cry of delight and opened the door when she heard her name being called out.

  “What is it?” she asked Balek’s man with excitement.

  “Our lord sends for you again Mistress.”

  Belinda shut the door and threw on her cloak. She added a few more herbs and a vial of oil to her sack before rushing back to join the men outside.

  The ride to the castle was as brisk as it’d been the night before, though this time the wind was mild. It wasn’t long before Belinda found herself once again in Balek’s chamber facing an angry, pacing lord.

  Balek waved his hand at his man. “Leave us.” After the door was shut, he turned an accusing eye on Belinda. “You have failed me.”

  Shocked, Belinda glared back at him with barely suppressed outrage. “I beg your pardon, lord. Last night you did take me, not once, not twice, but thrice. And still your rod stood hard when I took my leave of you.”

  “Be that as it may, I could not take my betrothed when she did come to lie with me this eve.”

  Balek looked at her darkly. “You told me I was healed, yet once again I did make a fool of myself. My betrothed...she thinks of me as less than a man.”

  Belinda was shocked. “Surely she did not say so, lord?”

  “Nay, she does not say so with words, but her eyes do accuse me.”

  Balek went to stand before the fire. Belinda saw his shoulders sag and she suddenly felt badly for him. She removed her cloak and set it aside, then she retrieved the herbs and oil from her bag. She poured some wine into a cup and added the herb she’d used last night. She approached him cautiously, the vial of oil grasped tightly in one hand, the wine in the other. “Drink this, my lord.”

  Balek turned toward the soft sound of her voice. He regarded her a moment, then took the wine from her trembling fingers. He lifted the cup to his lips and drank back the entire contents before once again throwing it across the room in anger.

  Belinda watched his chest heave up and down. He was angry, but too, his pent up desire was frustrating him greatly. He desires me. She held up the vial of oil before him. “Undress and I will ease the ache within you, lord.”

  “Aye,” he said, roughly yanking the shirt off of his chest.

  Belinda set the vial on the floor at her feet and undid the ties of his tight leather breeches. She sank to her knees and tugged them down around his ankles. Balek stepped free of them and Belinda tossed them aside. As she turned back she found his manhood right before her face. Though his member lay soft before her it was still of great size. She knew once she plied him with the oil, and the herbs she’d given him took effect, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

  Without taking her eyes off of him, she reached out and snatched up the vial of oil. Uncapping it, she poured some into her palm. Once recapped and set-aside, she rubbed her hands together briskly. When she reached out to grasp him she heard his great sigh of satisfaction.

  It didn’t take him long to come alive in her hands. Belinda leaned forward and blew hot breaths upon his cock. When she chanced a quick glance upward, she could see Balek’s head thrown back in ecstasy. His hands tangled themselves in her hair and he guided her toward him.

  Gently she took him into her mouth. She could feel his body grow tense. The pressure of his hands on her head became more insistent as he urged her to take him deeper into her throat. She suckled upon him for a few minutes then ran her tongue up and down the length of him. When he tried to guide her mouth once more fully upon him she released him and turned her head away.

  “Do not stop. I beseech you,” he gasped.

  Belinda waved her hand back and forth before her face. “I grow so hot before the fire, my lord.”

  “Then remove your gown.”

  She turned back toward him with a satisfied smile. His manhood bumped gently against her cheek but she ignored it. “Are you certain?” she asked. “Perhaps I should fetch your betrothed? It shouldn’t take long for me to find her room, rouse her from her bed and wait for her to dress before I bring her to you.” The tip of her tongue flicked out and licked the tip of his cock.

  “Nay,” he said quickly. “’Twill take too long. Remove your I beg you.”

  Belinda stroked his velvet skin for a second. “Oh, all right, my lord. If you insist.”

  “I do. I do.”

  Belinda rose slowly to her feet. She lifted the hem of her dress while Balek watched her with anticipation. When her dress was to her hips he could wait no longer before reaching out and helping her. Her shift flew up over her head next with record speed. In his haste he tossed the garment too close to the fire and Belinda bent quickly to retrieve it. But before she could rise she felt her hips grasped tightly. Backwards she was pulled a
nd she felt startled for a moment until she felt the heat of Balek’s manhood behind her.

  “Hold,” he said between gritted teeth. “I must sheath my sword.”

  Belinda could feel the tip of him press up against her passage. Remembering the great size of him, she relaxed her body and dropped her head down on her hands. She spread her legs wider as she felt him begin to enter.

  “Ahh, my lord. How big and strong your mighty weapon is.”

  “The better to satisfy you,” he said, pushing deeper inside.

  “Yes. Conquer me, my lord. Breach my walls.”

  “Aye, I will batter them down with my ram.”

  Deeper he plunged while Belinda steadied herself against his passionate assault. “Oh, your ram, my lord. ’Tis so mighty.”

  “Ah, wench. Surrender to me. Surrender now.” Faster and faster he pumped.

  “I yield. I yield.” Belinda cried, her release coming with force. She felt Balek tense up and become completely still. He held on just long enough for her to complete her climax before he withdrew. She could feel his hot, sticky spurts upon her bottom before he collapsed beside her.

  Belinda took a moment to catch her breath before she rose up to look longingly at Balek. “’Twould seem you are healed again, my lord.” She waved her hand toward his rod, which was even now growing thick with wanting.

  Balek sat up and peered down at himself with amusement. “Aye. What say you, Belinda,” he said, gathering her into his arms and nuzzling her neck with hot kisses. “Might I interest you in another round of swordplay?”

  “My lord. How insatiable you are.” Belinda laughed, laying back upon the rug and smiling contentedly.

  Chapter 4

  It was three days before Belinda decided that Balek would not send for her again. Each night she had paced the floor of her tiny cottage and awaited the sound of his men’s approach. And each night she had gone to bed disappointed.

  Forlorn, Belinda finally threw herself down upon the bed tucked against the corner of the room, her fisted hand coming down hard upon the quilt.

  Damn you Balek. Even when you are gone from my sight, your presence does haunt me.

  Less than an hour later, after she had finally drifted off to sleep, Belinda heard a hard knock at her door. She sat upright in bed, immediately alert.

  “Who goes there?” she yelled, her heart pounding anxiously.

  “’Tis I. Your lord,” a deep voice said.

  Belinda didn’t waste a moment. She leaped up and hurried across the floor to throw the door wide. She patted her hair into place as Balek strode briskly past her into the room. She watched him as he came to a halt before the dwindling fire in the hearth. When he placed his hand upon the mantle and dropped his head, she knew that her plan had not failed. He was not a man who had found satisfaction with his betrothed. Nay, he was a man who was greatly frustrated.

  Belinda approached him cautiously. “My lord? Why do you come here at this late hour?”

  Balek spun around to face her, his face a picture of defeat. “I cannot take my betrothed,” he said.

  “But when I did take my leave of you, your rod stood firm, even after three trysts.”

  “Aye, I know it. But ’twould seem I cannot perform without your ministrations.”

  Belinda licked her lips as she pondered his dilemma. “Did you attempt to take her this night?”

  “Nay. I thought about it but I grew fearful of making a fool of myself again.”

  Belinda knew if it were anyone but she standing before him, he would never have admitted as much. “Perhaps the problem is not you, my lord.”

  Balek shook his head. “Aye, ’tis. I have even tried to lay with three serving wenches in the castle but still have the same problem.”

  “Really?” That was a surprise to her. “If you wish my lord, I could perhaps give you the herbs to add to your wine and the vial of oil. Your betrothed could minister to you in my stead.” She was taking a big chance here, but she had to follow through with her plan.

  Balek stared at her with a shocked expression. “I cannot ask my betrothed to ply my rod with oil and take me into her mouth. She would swoon if I did.”

  Belinda couldn’t imagine a woman not wanting to do anything and everything in her power to have a chance to lie with him. “My lord, when we did lie together in this very room months ago you did not have a problem getting your manhood hard. Indeed, I did not then put any herbs into your wine and I did not massage you with oil or take you into my mouth.”

  He contemplated this for a moment. “Aye, you are right. Though I am loath to admit this to you, that was the last time I did lie with a woman before sending for my betrothed.”

  That statement pleased Belinda greatly. “Really?”

  Balek reached out to tenderly touch her cheek. “Really.”

  She smiled up at him. “Then take me now, my lord. Take me as you did that night, without any herbs and wine. Without any vial of oil and without me taking you into my mouth.”

  He looked a little disappointed over her last few words. But then he placed his hands upon her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “Aye. I will then,” he said, accepting her challenge.

  He swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. Belinda lay back and watched as he divested himself of his clothing. Then he lifted up the hem of her shift and helped free her from the garment.

  Belinda drank in the sight of his muscular body. He is so perfect. As her eyes traveled down the length of him, from his handsome face to his broad chest, to his slim hips and lower... Oh my. “My lord.”

  “Aye,” he rasped, his voice thick with desire.

  Belinda sat up. “You are large and hard.”

  Balek looked down at himself with surprise. “Well, look at that.”

  “I am, I am,” Belinda said. “Quickly, my lord, mount me.” She lay back upon the sheets and opened her legs to him.

  When he hesitated she grew alarmed. Would he hurriedly don his clothing and race back to the castle to bed his betrothed? Surely he must feel that he is really and truly healed for she had not used the herbs or oil upon him this night. Would he leave her? As she watched him with trepidation she was shocked when instead of throwing on his clothing he instead dropped to his knees beside the bed and grasped her ankles with his hands.

  “My lord?” She sat up and gaped at him.

  He smiled at her questioning glance. “I think it only fair that I should now take you with my mouth,” he said. “Do you agree?”

  All Belinda could do was mutely nod her head and collapse with relief. A few seconds later, she was arching up off the bed when she felt Balek’s lips upon her. “Ah, my lord. What are you doing to me?”

  Balek lapped at her sensuously before answering. “Inflicting you with the same brand of torture you used on me. Surely, you do not object?” His mouth once again lowered to her core.

  “Nay. Nay, lord.” Before Belinda could gather her wits she felt one thick finger find its way inside of her. She gasped aloud when she suddenly felt another...and then another. He worked his fingers back and forth inside of her imitating the movements of intercourse and Belinda groaned at the sensation. She looked up at him and saw he was watching her face intently.

  “Do you surrender to me?” he demanded.

  “Aye, lord. Aye.” She only wanted to end this torment.

  Smiling in triumph, Balek withdrew his fingers and guided his thick manhood toward her passage. Belinda felt his deep plunge and sighed with satisfaction. He pumped her with long strokes, quickening his pace with every thrust, until she was panting with desperation. Moments later, her climax crashed over her. Balek continued to move while she rode out the waves of passion, then he withdrew to seek his own release. Soon, they lay side by side upon the bed breathing heavily with exertion.

  “I do believe I am healed,” Balek said with wonder. He lay with her for a while and then rose from the bed to dress.

  Belinda propped herself up on an elbow to watch him. Sh
e couldn’t help but be worried. “Do you go to seek out your betrothed, now that you are healed, my lord?”

  “When we are alone together like this you do not need to call me lord.” He had told her this many times before but Belinda always ignored his words.

  When we are wed I shall call you by your name. She had made the vow the night he had taken her virginity and she had never forgotten it, or given up her hope of them being together.

  But he had not answered her question.

  She didn’t want to ask him again, for like a coward she feared his answer. Of course he will go to her now. She is his betrothed...not I.

  Balek, now fully dressed, bent down and kissed her on the head. Only when she heard the door click shut did she notice he had left her a pouch of coins upon her table.

  Chapter 5

  Just like a whore he had paid her. And then stolen home to his betrothed like a thief in the night. Belinda stomped up the pathway toward the castle with the pouch of coins grasped tightly in her fist. She hoped Balek had gone to his betrothed last night after he had left her. And she hoped he had swallowed back a large cup of the wine she knew the woman would have on hand. And then, just when Balek was certain he could now take his betrothed, the herbs would take effect and render him impotent. Ah, the thought of it. His humiliation would be sweet, sweet revenge for what he had done to her last night. Paying her off like a whore, indeed.

  Her anger helped to ease a little of the guilt she’d been feeling since Balek’s betrothed had arrived. Unbeknownst to him, Belinda had received a visit from the woman as she’d passed by her tiny cottage with her escort on the way to the castle.

  Pleading an upset stomach she had been given directions to Belinda’s cottage and knocked upon her door early that afternoon. Belinda remembered the encounter quite well. At first she had been shaken when the comely young woman had introduced herself as Balek’s betrothed. But it was her bizarre request that had given Belinda the largest surprise.

  Lady Katrine was the woman’s name, and it had stunned Belinda greatly when she had told her that she and Belinda were actually distantly related. As Katrine’s escort had waited patiently outside, Katrine revealed that their fathers had been cousins. What a shock it had been for Belinda to hear those words for she had thought she was alone in the world. The two of them had taken an instant liking to one another.


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