Book Read Free

Clan of Redemption

Page 2

by Rushell Ann

  Chapter 2


  Sully was waiting next to her car with that dog sitting right next to her. I was glad that Sully was driving. I wasn’t in any condition to concentrate on the road, especially with what has been happening. Sully’s car was definitely a sign of her own personality; an old beat up Ford pickup. It’s a green color, but with the rust engulfing the vehicle, you wouldn’t know what color it used to be. Sully is a lot like me in the respect that our families have money. You couldn’t tell by the way that Sully lives, but that’s what I like about her. She doesn’t flaunt herself, and she’s practical, sometimes too much. I’ve tried to talk her into buying a different vehicle, but she loves her old truck and she does spend some money on it, like her stereo system. She has the latest and loudest stereo system in her truck, but with no alarm. Go figure.

  I hope that she keeps the volume low tonight, my head is starting to hurt, just a little.

  “Nice color on your hair, Sully,” I smiled.

  “Thanks, I was going for platinum blond, but it lightened a little more than I expected, but I can hang for a while with this.”

  “I like the red strip in the front. It’s actually a little subtle even for you.”

  Sully’s hair is short and spiky in the back and longer in the front. She loves to change up her hair every few months. I like this look a wee bit better than her blue faze.

  “Not everyone can be a beautiful red head like you Jayden.” She frowned at me; I hope she didn’t take my comment the wrong way. Getting Sully to relax after she feels offended isn’t the easiest chore.

  “So what are we going to do with this dog?” Sully bent down roughed up the dogs head, which wasn’t far down. The dog seemed extra tall for a typical dog. Almost looked wolfish.

  “Well Dad said that I could keep him, but I want to make sure that he doesn’t already have a home. Tomorrow I’ll start calling around. Maybe we could take him with us, he can hang out with the truck while were out.” I squatted to pet this dog. He walked over to me and buried his face into my lap. He’s awfully friendly; I wonder where he came from? Something about him seems familiar, like I’ve seen him before, but I can’t remember from where.

  “So, are you a boy or a girl?” As if the dog understood what I was saying, he rolled over onto its back so I could see.

  “Well that answers the question. I guess you’re a boy.” I laughed as I rubbed his belly; he really seemed to like that.

  “He’s a very beautiful dog, what kind of mutt do you think he is Jayden?”

  “Hum, I don’t know much about dogs, but he looks kind of like a wolf, I don’t know, but I love his mask that outlines his face and his ears, they are so soft.”

  “Well let’s get him in the back so we can hit the road, time’s a wasting.” Sully walked to the back of the truck and opened the tailgate. The dog followed her and jumped into the back like he knew he was going with us.

  “Wow, this dog is really well trained. He must have a home, which will be sad, because I’m really starting to grow fond of him.” The dog sat and stared at me with a look I couldn’t quite place.

  “So, Sully where are you taking me tonight?” I asked with hesitation.

  “Jasper’s of course, where else can I let my hair down.” Sully started the truck and laughed a very mischievously.

  What had I gotten myself into; this is might not have been a very good idea.

  “Wow, that ring is gorgeous, where did you get that.” Sully grabbed my right hand.

  “Oh, well I guess my mom had this for me for my 18th birthday, along with a letter, but my Dad wanted me to wait until I come home to read it,” I said.

  “A letter, that sounds creepy,” Sully said.

  “Sully, it’s not creepy, it’s exciting that I get a chance to hear my Mom again after so long, and the fact that she thought about my 18th birthday long before it ever came,” I said and I turned away from her to stare out the window.

  “Man, I didn’t mean it like that. Wrong word choice, I just meant that you get a letter from your mom after she’s already dead. And that reminds me, since it is your birthday today I have something for you, but I’m going to wait until we get to the bar,” Sully said.

  “I know you didn’t mean any harm, it’s just a very hard for me with the recent events.” I turned and smile at her.

  “I know that you don’t want to talk about Logan, but did you hear that his funeral is tomorrow?” Sully said with caution.

  “No, I didn’t hear, but then again I’ve been not taking any calls for the last few days. Do you know where and what time?” I asked.

  “It’s at 11am at that church on the corner by the High School,” Sully said

  “Great, I hate funerals. The last funeral I was at was my Mom’s. Are you going, because I really could use a friend? Listening to people stand up and talk about Logan is going to do a number on my heart.”

  “I really hate to bail on you, but I don’t do funerals. People shouldn’t have funerals, they should have parties when they die. Oh and lots and lots of alcohol.” Sully smiled.

  “I understand, I’m not really looking forward to it myself, but I have to go at least to say goodbye.” I was ready not to talk about it anymore; I was starting to feel dizzy from reality.

  We drove for several miles in silence, I’m sure that’s because neither Sully nor I really wanted to talk about Logan. He was a large part of both of our lives and to talk about it made it more real.

  It didn’t take long to get to Jasper’s, since we live in a small town called Lake Stevens in Washington State. Jasper’s bar is on the outskirts, which is why Sully likes this particular bar because we’re not as likely to see anyone that might now us, that’s the drawback of living in a smaller town. I’m glad that I don’t live in the big city. There’s too much noise and not enough nature for me, but I do like to visit Seattle on occasion and do some shopping, it’s only about an hour drive. I still don't understand the allure of the fish throwing at Pike Place market.

  We were just a few blocks from Jasper’s and it looked like it was going to be busy. The one nice thing about Jasper’s was it wasn’t just for one type of person. You’d see bikers, rockers, preppies, and sometimes an occasional diva. From the looks of the parked bikes down the street I don’t think there’s much but bikers are in the bar tonight. With this crowd, I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on Sully; bikers tend to get her riled up easier.

  We parked on the street a few blocks from the bar. I love this part of town it has that old style feel, with short street lamps that lined the business, to the hanging flower baskets.

  “Sully, since there’s just the two of us, I’m not going to drink tonight. Someone has to stay sober to drive home.” I turned in my seat to look at her.

  “That’s groovy for me, but you won’t have as much fun,” she said determined.

  “Can I have your keys please; once you’ve been drinking I won’t be able to get them from you.” I held out my hand. She sighed and gave them to me with a frown on her face.

  “You be careful with my truck, she’s and oldie but a goodie,” she said.

  “I will be careful; you know I’m a better driver than you anyway,” I said as I slipped out of the truck.

  “Right, granny driving, how is that better.” Sully slammed her truck door. You can do that with the older trucks and it just feels right.

  As we walked up to the bar door I saw the burley bouncer sitting on a stool admiring his biceps. Great, a brainless moron, this shouldn’t be that hard.

  “Hello ladies, can I see some ID?” The bouncer asked. Must be new, I’ve never seen him before.

  “Sure, Bob, here yeah go.” Sully had read his nametag on his shirt while handing him her ID, while I finished in my back pocket for mine.

  “You don’t look twenty one, Maria Lopez,” Bob said as he was reading off her name on Sully’s fake ID. Bob gave Sully that look.

  “So Lopez
is your last name? Huh,” Bob said with doubt.

  “Yeah, I’m adopted.” Sully started flirting with him. She can be very sexy when she wants to. She grabbed his hand and passed him a 100-dollar bill.

  “Well this is definitely you, go on in,” he said.

  Before I could fish out my fake ID, Sully grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in as I stumbled to right my gait. We went to the right, and found a seat at the bar. The bar wasn’t very big, but it always has a great vibe. It’s long and narrow with the bar lining one wall, the pool tables and dance floor towards the back.

  “Did you just give that guy a hundred dollar bill?” I looked at Sully with wide eyes.

  “How else do you think we were going to get in? Our ID’s are really bad, and the regular bouncer isn’t on tonight so I had to improvise,” she shrugged and turned to the bar tender. Sully ordered an Alabama slammer, don’t ask me what’s in that. I ordered a coffee, since I was going to be driving home.

  “Do you have appetizers here?” I asked the bar tender who looked like she belonged in a bar like this. Skin tight jeans, rips sprinkled down the legs, with a skimpy tank that showed off her tata's nicely. Her hair was almost as big as an 80's rocker and her eyes were super smoky. She had it going on. I bet her tips were great.

  “Sure do, chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, and nacho’s if you’re real hungry.” She wiped the counter in front of me and handed me my coffee.

  “Umm how about some mozzarella sticks and chicken strips.” I ordered my food, Sully had her drink and we were ready for trouble. I could feel it creepy towards us. I did a whole body shiver.

  “So I have something for you but you can’t get all emotional on me, because I hate that.” Sully reached into her leather jacket, which I wasn’t sure how she even could fit anything into any pockets. Sully is a very petite girl, about 5’3” and doesn’t weight more than my big toe, but I would never challenge her to a fight, she is the toughest little thing I have ever met.

  “Ok, I won’t get emotional,” I promised with my fingers crossed.

  She pulled out a small white box and handed it to me.

  “What’s this, you shouldn’t have done this, my birthday shouldn’t be that big of a deal.” I hugged her before I even opened up the box.

  As I opened the box I felt a little faint, I started to slide off the chair and Sully grabbed me.

  “Jayden, are you ok?" Sully asked with regard.

  “Yeah I’m ok, I feel really dizzy. I bet it’s from not eating very much. I’ll be better when the food gets here.” I let Sully help me back onto the barstool.

  “Hey, can we rush that food.” Sully yelled out at the bartender.

  I finished opening the box and inside was a necklace. It was as beautiful as the ring that I had received today.

  “Sully, wow, this is so….unique, why would do you this for me.” I fought the tears welling up.

  “Hey you promised that you wouldn’t get all emotional on me.” She grimaced.

  “Ok, I’m sorry, it’s just so beautiful.” As I absorbed what I was really looking at, Sully yanked on my hand.

  The pendant on the necklace matched the design on the ring exactly.

  “Where did you get this, Sully?” I asked her before she could respond with astonishment in her eyes.

  “Well after my folks died they left me my trust fund and a safety deposit box. I haven’t been able to get up the guts to open it until a few days ago. There were several things inside the box and one of them one this necklace.” She took a drink of her slammer.

  “Oh, Sully, I can’t take a necklace that was left to you by your folks, you need this to remember them.” I started to hand it back to her.

  “No Jayden, it’s for you, I know this is going to sound strange, but the note that was left said that I would meet someone special in my life and to gift it to them. I don’t know what that means, but I want to do what they ask of me and you are it. I know that I don’t show it, but you have always cared for me, for who I am and that alone is special enough. Here let me put it on for you.”

  Sully put the necklace on for me, and I passed out on the floor.

  I must not have been out long, because Sully was picking me up off the floor again.

  “Jayden do you have a fever, you feel really warm?” Sully asked.

  “I don’t think so, but as soon as you put the necklace on I felt warmer. I know that sounds dumb.” I shook my head as to shake the feelings off.

  “This isn’t possible is it, that you give me a necklace that matches what my Mom got me, then didn’t know each other did they?” I asked the bartender for a glass of water while my thoughts were processing. Thank god the bartender didn't see me fall. That probably would have made for a short outing. I took my hand back to stare at the ring a little longer. Those are the same stones, the same design but how could that be, Sully just moved here a few years ago and I know my mom’s never lived in New York. I really wanted to read that letter and find out what it said, maybe her letter would help clear up my questions.

  “Well I’m sure they’re not connected, our families just have similar tastes.” Sully grabbed her drink to toast with me. She seemed to want to blow it off, and I couldn't seem to get over how similar they were.

  “Happy Birthday Jayden. I hope that tonight will be something that you remember forever, and thanks for not being such a prude and coming with me.”

  “You’re welcome I think, but I owe you for getting me out of the house, who knows how long I would have laid there.” I sipped on my coffee, even though it wasn’t a latte. Cream and sugar just aren't the same.

  My food came and I ate as Sully ordered another drink. I don’t mind that Sully drinks because I’m not one to judge her. Even though money is not an object to her, she hasn’t had an easy life. Both of her parents died right after she was born and she lived with her Aunt in New York until a few years ago, when her Aunt passed away. Now she lives with her distant cousin here in Lake Stevens. Moving here was not easy for her, she was use to the fast-paced life of the City and her style wasn’t anything but ordinary there, but when she moved here, it was a culture shock for her as well as the people at our school. Everyone thought she was a freak and would tease her as she passed in the halls. I remember seeing her the first few days of our sophomore year. I wanted to walk up to her and make her feel welcome, but I could tell by the look on her face, that wouldn’t have been a smart thing to do. I was glad when I saw her try out for the swim team that gave me the opportunity to make her feel welcome. The event that bonded our friendship was during our first swim practice. The swim team was very welcoming, and no one thought that Sully could swim, so a few of the more popular girls dared Sully to do a trip flip off the highest diving board. The coach would have stopped it from happening, but she was called away from the pool at the last minute. Sully seemed confident enough during her walk out on the board, but at the last minute, I could see in her eyes that she wasn’t so sure. Her dive was excellent, better than anyone on our team, which shocked them all, but made me smile. I had overheard the coach talking in the office to one of the secretaries about Sully and how she had won state with her dives. Once she was in the water all the girls’ mouths dropped open and I clapped and yelled with excitement, until I realized that Sully hadn’t come back up yet and it had been a few minutes. I looked around and all the girls just stood there starring at the water, so I quickly dived in and found her sinking to the bottom of the pool. She had dived so great, but had hit her head on the bottom of the pool, which is a risk with diving. I got her to the pools edge and few people helped her out. I screamed for them to go get help while I did CPR on her. She wasn’t breathing and her face was turning blue. I am so thankful that we all had to take a CPR class to join the swim team, because that day it came in handy. Sully finally came around and spent a few days in the hospital for observation, and the day that she was released I showed up at the hospital to make sure she was ok. The coach had tol
d her that I saved her life and she thanked me in her own way which wasn’t much more than a nod and from that day on Sully and I had been friends.

  Eating that food made me feel so much better, my dizziness started to subside.

  While I had been consuming my food like a ravenous pig, a guy had sat down next to Sully and started a conversation with her; I could tell from Sully’s body language that she was ok with this one. Most of the time, she tells them to beat it, and if they don’t listen she’s been known to throw a few prize punches. She promised that she would be on her best behavior so I wasn’t worried.

  We started playing pool with the random guy that seemed glued to Sully. This could go one of two ways, one-Sully lets the big bad biker win the game, or two- Sully plays dumb and then wipes the floor with them. If the last happens, I won't even get a chance and hitting one of the balls. That's alright, it's always fun to see Sully in action.

  It felt so weird to be out without Logan, I’ve never felt so alone. I never realized how much he really meant to me until he was gone. I’ve always heard people say that, but I guess you don’t understand until you experience if for yourself.

  We played pool for almost an hour, looks like she's letting the guy win. I was bored but I was glad for the distraction. Sitting in my room dwelling wasn’t the best place for me. At least I knew that much about myself. Distraction, distraction, distraction.

  Sully seemed tolerant of this guy most likely because he looked like someone that you shouldn’t be around. I was sitting most of the time people watching. It’s fun to marvel those who tend to drink too much. It’s almost like a ritual mating dance. I did notice one guy staring at me a few different times throughout the night, but I’m sure he wasn’t staring at me. Sully was a very attractive girl, and seemed to collect a lot of attention.

  “I need to use the bathroom, are you ok for a minute,” I said and I rested my stick up against the wall.

  “Yeah I’m fine,” she said without even looking at me.

  I went into the bathroom and was surprised that there wasn’t a line, but there was a big scary looking guy standing by the door. I said hi as I passed by, but he just stared at me. I didn’t know this bar hired security for the bathroom, but who knows what things have been transpiring here. I finished using the bathroom, was washing my hands, and heard the door open. I was sure it was some girly girls, primping themselves for the herd waiting outside. As I raised my head, I saw a guy standing behind me.

  “Ummm I think you’re in the wrong bathroom, this is the LADIES room,” I said.

  “No, I’m in the right room with the right person,” he grabbed me by arm.

  “Excuse me, I’m not looking for a date,” I said as I tried to pull my arm away.

  “You can scream if you want to, but then I might have to knock you out. We're going to leave this bathroom and take a left towards the back door, if you as much as look the wrong way I’ll make sure that your friend Sully feels as much pain as you will,” he told me while gritting his teeth.

  “Who are you? I don’t have much money on me, but you’re welcome to it. And I promise that I won’t tell anyone,” I pleaded.

  “No wrong moves Jayden, I’d hate to hurt your pretty face,” he snarled.

  His grip tightened. I’m sure it was going to leave a bruise.

  Wait, how did this guy know my name?

  I was so scared I couldn’t think, it was like my mind went blank.

  Get it together I told myself, you need to think about this.

  As he opened the bathroom door, the guy that I had saw standing next to the door was right in my face and grabbed my right arm. Great, how am I supposed to get away when there are two of them? Sully was around a corner so she wouldn’t see me, I could try to kick them and run. They didn’t look like guys that would flinch even if I kicked them. They were dressed all in black with dusters jackets that hung almost down to the ground. As one of them turned towards me, I thought I caught a glimpse of something shiny under his arm. I really hope that’s not a gun.

  “Now there are people out this door that are smoking, if you make even a peep we’ll have to hurt them too, and you don’t want anyone else to get hurt do you Jayden?” he asked me on a sneer.

  “Hey, how do you know my name? What’s going on? What do you want with me? I think you have me confused with someone else.” I was frantic and hopeless knowing that if they knew my name, then this wasn’t a mistake but I had to try.

  “Carl, you weren’t supposed to use her name. You idiot.”

  “What does it matter anyway, were killing her regardless.”

  “Kill me, what? Wait, you don’t have to kill me.”

  “It’s your destiny to die,” said the first guy named Carl.

  As we were walking out the back door, I heard Sully call my name. Thank god, she saw me, but I didn’t want to turn around. I was afraid of what these two big guys would do to her.

  We passed the people congregating outside with no problems, but that’s when I really started to panic. I started to feel dizzy and I must have been passing out, but I felt like I was flying for a minute. One of the guys picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and that’s when I saw Sully running out in the alley screaming my name. I’m not sure how I was able to manage it, but I reached into my pocket and grabbed Sully’s keys and tossed them onto the pavement. Maybe Sully could follow us and call the police. The two guys were running at top speed now. I knew we were traveling fast, but it didn’t feel bumpy like you would expect, maybe that’s because I was half in and half out of consciousness. They finally stopped in some dark alley that didn’t look familiar to me. Not that I’m familiar with all the dark scary alleys in town, or any for that matter.

  They flung me to the ground and I woke up a little bit when the pain from my tailbone shot up my spine. That’s going to leave a bruise.

  “Ouch, did you have to throw me down so hard. Have you two even had a broken tailbone? Let me tell you it really hurts,” I yelled.

  “We want your ring, and necklace. Be quick about it or we will just cut it off,” the second big guy barked.

  “My ring, is this what this is about, some jewelry that was given to me, so you two are just some thugs trying to make some money?” That’s great, being robbed on my birthday, this is turning out to be a great year.

  As I started to pull the ring off, my necklace started glowing bright.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” One of the none descript egg heads asked me.

  “Me, I’m being robbed, other than that, nothing,” I said as I realized my necklace was really amping up the glow.

  “Well that’s a cool feature,” I said out loud.

  "She doesn’t know about them yet, does she?” the larger one said to Carl.

  “No, and if you don’t shut up I’ll have to kill you too.” It sounded like he meant that.

  “Now take them off or I’ll shoot you first then I’ll take them off.” He threw a cloth pouch at me and instructed me to put them inside.

  “We can’t touch them right?” the dumber one asked.

  “You idiot, are you trying to get us in trouble?” He smacked the big guy at the back of his head.

  I slowly started taking off my necklace when I heard growling coming from behind the two guys.

  “What the hell?” Carl turned to look but the dog leaped onto his chest before he was fully turned around.

  “Get this dog off me Brent!” Carl said.

  Brent must be the other guy’s name, not that I really cared since they wanted to kill me. Everything happened so fast, but it seemed like it was moving in slow motion.

  Brent reached in his jacket and pulled out his gun and pointed it at Carl’s chest. Brent could not shoot because he would probably hit Carl too. Carl fell to the ground grabbing at the dog trying to get him off. The dog went for his throat and with one quick swipe ripped it right out, blood went everywhere.

  It was so disgusting.

sp; As soon as Carl was dead, the dog turned to me and growled, but not in the same way as he had with the bad guys. Before I could get up, Brent took a shot at him and the dog yelped and hit the ground.

  “Now you’ve done it, you got Carl killed! You’re going to pay for that, now take off your necklace and ring.”

  I reached over to the dog and he was still alive, but the shot was to the chest and he was losing a lot of blood fast. I had to think fast, I reached to my right and saw a large rock. I grabbed the rock and pulled my arm back to throw it at him. He lifted his arm and aimed the gun right me.

  “You’ll have to shoot me first, because I know you’ll shoot me if I give my jewelry so what’s the difference.” I knew this was the end of my life. I didn't have time to really ponder that, but I wasn't going to give this guy what he wanted, at least not while alive anyway.

  “Ok, I’ll shoot you first and find away to get the jewelry off your dead body. It can’t be that hard.”

  I closed my eyes; I knew this was it, but I was hoping that it didn't hurt, or that I die fast. What happens after you die, is there a heaven, and if so what’s it like and would Mom be there waiting for me? What if this is all there is? What happens now? I don’t want to die.

  I heard something hit the pavement and I was afraid to open my eyes.

  “You can open your eyes now, it's ok.” This voice was not familiar to me.

  I slowly opened my eyes and saw the second guy that was trying to kill me, sprawled out on the pavement next to the other one. This man that saved me walked over to and put his hand out to help me up.

  “Are you ok, are you hurt?” the strange man said to me as I stood up.

  “I’m ok, a little dizzy still, but I think I’m ok,” I said.

  “Did you knock that guy out?” I asked still leery of this guy, I wasn’t sure who he was or where he came from.

  “I found a crow bar up the street before I got here, just in case I needed it.” He wiped dirt from my back.

  “I was lucky you happened to be close by. Where did you come from?” I asked while trying to keep my teeth from braking from the chatter. I didn't feel cold.

  “I was at the bar and I had just come out of the men’s room when I saw them dragging you out the back door. You didn’t look like you wanted to go with them, so I followed you, but they lost me after a few block, but I heard the dog and the commotion and found you again. Is that your dog?” the strange man asked.

  “Oh no, the dog, I forgot about him for a second…they shot him, I have to get him to a vet!” I hurried over to him and knelt down. The dog was still alive, but barely.

  “It’s ok, I’ll get help and we’ll fix you up good as new…You saved my life.” Tears started to well up in my eyes.

  “Well he’s not the only one that saved your life, not that I want any credit.” He bent down next to me to check out the dog’s condition.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, you did, and I can’t thank you enough.” I was just about to ask him his name when I heard wheels screech to a stop.

  “Jayden are you down here.” Sully yelled from the entrance of the alley.

  “I’m down here Sully, the dogs been shot, get your truck down here," I yelled back.

  Sully pulled her truck into the alley. Sully ran over to me and put her arms around me.

  “I’m so glad to see you, I thought I lost you!” Sully said as she pulled back from me. I could see real fear in them.

  “What happened, who are you?” Sully asked the guy next to me.

  “We don’t have time for this we have to get to an emergency vet before this dog dies. Help me lift him into the back of the truck,” I commanded.

  Sully and the strange guy and I lifted the dog into the back of the truck. A few times the dog yelped out in pain. I wished there was another way to get him into the truck, but what choice did we have. Sully had a tarp in the back that we laid down to give the dog a little cushion.

  “There’s an emergency vet office two blocks down on 2nd, the entrance is in the alley.” I heard the good Samaritan say.

  I jumped in the back of the truck with the dog.

  “I’m riding with him.” I looked up at Sully who was closing the tailgate.

  “Ok Jayden, but you hold on, because I’m going to drive very fast.” She still seemed to be shaking.

  “Where did that guy go?” I asked as I looked around.

  “I don’t know, he was here one minute and then gone.” Sully ran and jumped in the truck. I looked back to the two guys splayed out on the black pavement wondering if I should call the police when we get the dog fixed up, and also wondering who the mystery man was that helped me.

  Well whoever he was, I was glad that he was there or I would be dead right now. I tried to picture his face but it seemed fuzzy, maybe it was all the adrenaline pumping through my body. My first concern is this dog; please don’t die. If Sully drives fast enough maybe, he can make it. I sat crossed legged in the back with the dogs head in my lap. I stroked his head wondering how he found me, how he knew where I was. He saved my life. I closed my eyes and prayed to whoever was listening not to let him die, while I had my hand rested just under his chest. I could feel the blood oozing out and down my hand. “Please don’t let him die, I need him with me, I’ve had too many deaths in my life,” I said to anyone listening.

  The temperature outside had dropped a bit but all I could feel was a warmth coming from my stomach. Time seemed still as a memory leaped forward. Logan and I were running through the woods, it was a race that he was determined to win. When I realized that he was going to win the race, I shot through the underbrush to the left and ended up finishing first. I opened my eyes to see that I had passed out alongside the dog.

  “Jayden, wake up, are you ok?” I heard Sully ask me as she shook my shoulders trying to wake me.

  “Huh, what, where are we?” I said while trying to get my bearings.

  “We’re at the vet’s. They went to get a stretcher. Are you sure you’re ok, maybe we need to take you to the hospital too.” She jumped into the back of the truck.

  Just as she did that, three people ran out of the building with a stretcher and came to the back of the pickup.

  “So what happened to the dog?” One of the people asked.

  “He was shot in the chest,” I said, still not completely coherent.

  One of the girls jumped up into the back of the truck and started to check out the dog.

  “I see lots of blood, but I can’t find a wound,” she said as she looked at another one of the people.

  “Let me take a look.” The one that jumped into the back of the truck was the doctor, I could she her name with a DVM on the end.

  The vet looked and looked, but finally looked at me.

  “Are you sure he was shot, are you girls trying to play a prank, because it’s not funny,” the vet sounded anode.

  “Hey, now just back off doc, we aren’t playing around. I saw the wound myself when we loaded the dog into the back,” Sully said with anger.

  “Well then young lady, you climb back here and you show me where this supposed gunshot is.” The vet said as she scooted over to give Sully room to climb in.

  Sully climbed into the back and went through the dog’s fur, while I tried to regain my composure. I heard Sully and the doctor talking but I couldn’t focus my eyes yet. I started to sit up a little and that’s when I realized that I had something cold and metal in my hands. I slowly opened my right hand and there lay a shiny piece of metal I could only figure is a bullet. I quickly closed my hand.

  “Well I guess the blood must be from my attacker, because the dog bit the guy. Sorry to waste your time. Sully we should probably get going it’s getting late. I’ll stay back here with the dog while you drive. I knew I wasn't going to be able to move much yet.

  “But Jayden, he was shot, I saw…”I didn’t let her finish.

  “It was a mistake, let’s go,” I growled.

  “Ok, ok,” she
said quietly.

  “Sorry doc, I really thought the dog was shot, we weren’t trying to play games.” Sully helped the two people out of the back of the truck and closed the gate.

  She hoped in to the truck and took off down the road, but she pulled over a few blocks away, and got out.

  “Ok Jayden, what the hell is going on here.” Sully sounded really anger.

  “Look, Sully.” I opened my hand to show her the bullet.

  “What is that?” Sully asked as she reached and grabbed to take a closer look. The bullet and squished and didn't look much like a bullet, but not having seen one after it comes out I really didn't have anything to compare it to.

  “It’s the bullet that was in the dog, I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “So where did his bullet hole go?” Sully asked while she still stroked the fur trying to find the entry point.

  “I have no idea, this is all a little strange, those two guys wanted my ring and necklace and they said a few weird things to each other too.”

  I sat and told her the whole story.

  “I’m totally confused. When I saw you leaving with those two guys, that guy we were playing pool with us tried to stop me.” Sully just sat in the back of the truck.

  “We should probably get going, it’s getting late,” I said as I started to get up.

  Even though the dog wasn’t hurt anymore, he still seemed exhausted.

  “Do you think they knew where you live?” Sully asked me.

  “If they knew my name, and your name I’m sure they do, but why are people after me and what is it about my necklace and ring that they want?” I was hoping for an answer, but I knew she didn’t have one.

  “Hey Sully, how did you find me?” I asked as I started to get into the truck.

  “When you tossed the keys, I went to the truck and the dog jumped out and barked at me, he started to run in the direction that those guys were taking you, so I got in my truck and followed. "He did loose me but I knew you were in the general direction.” Sully stared at me then started the truck.

  “I feel so sleepy. I just want to curl up in my bed.” My eyes were starting to burn a little.

  “Sully, would you feel comfortable staying at my house tonight, it would make me feel safer. I have a blow up mattress in my closet.” I would offer her to sleep in my queen bed with me, but I was a restless sleeper and had a history of punching her in the middle of the night.

  “Sure, I don’t want you to be alone tonight anyway,” she told me as she drove towards home.

  We drove back home in silence, neither one of us knew what to say, from what had just happened. When we pulled up to the house, the dog was still laying in the back of the truck. I got out hoping that he was ok, but he was still sleeping.

  “Sully, we have to figure out a name for this dog, I can’t keep calling him dog!” I shook the dog a little and he popped up as if nothing was wrong. He jumped out of the back and trotted up to the front door.

  “So, what are we going to tell your dad?” Sully asked before we walked in the door.

  “Nothing, if he finds out, he’ll never let me leave the house again.” I opened the door.

  As I opened the door I remember the letter my mother left for me, I was so excited to read it, but I had to get cleaned up first, I had blood everywhere.

  “I’ll get some towels from the downstairs linen closet, if you will take the dog upstairs to the bathroom and run some water in the tub,” I said as I looked toward the credenza.

  I went and got some towels and brought them upstairs, the dog was being so good for Sully, just sitting in the tub while she washed him off. Thank goodness my Dad was a heavy sleeper. Not sure how he'd take it seeing this much blood on his daughter.

  “He just jumped right in the tub when I turned the water on. I’ve never seen a dog that likes to take baths, he’s pretty cool, for a dog,” she said and then frowned when he shook and soaked her with water.

  “He defiantly knows how to make friends,” I chuckled.

  He jumped out of the tub and I towel dried him off. He has so much hair it will take a while for it to dry.

  “Now I have to clean up, the blood probably won’t come out of this shirt, not that I would ever want to wear this again. I guess I’m going to have to go shopping with you Sully, my hooker shirt is thrashed,” I said as the dog licked my face.

  “Yeah and maybe even get you a stun gun,” Sully said.

  “I need to take a shower, so the blow up mattress is in my closet and the pump is next to it, I’ll be done shortly,” I said as I started to undress.

  “What about Saska?” Sully asked as she was about to shut the door.

  “What’s Saska?” I asked.

  “A name for the dog, I just thought of it,” Sully said. I thought about it too, and the dog did look more wolf than domestic dog.

  I thought about it for a moment, and I liked it.

  “That’s a great name for him, Saska it is. It’s nice to have a name for him.” I smiled as Sully shut the door.

  The shower felt so good, I just stood there and let the water pound on my shoulders, I could tell that I was going to be sore tomorrow and more so the next day. At least I’m still alive; this whole night could have turned out way different. I washed out the scraps on the palms of my hands, making sure to pick out any small rocks that got impeded.

  I started wondering about that guy that showed up and helped me, who was he and why did he help me? My head was starting to hurt again with questions. The thought that kept coming back to me was Logan, and how much I missed him. The way he would smile at me as soon as I opened my door in the morning when leaving for school. He had that smile that would make you feel like whatever was going on in my life was going to be ok. Even though we spent so much time together, I never grew tired of him, I always wanted him around. He always seemed to know exactly how I was feeling and what I needed to make me feel better.

  I wonder if I would have been at the lake that day with him, could I have saved Logan they way it seems that I saved the dog. I’m still not sure that I saved that dog, but how else would that bullet have ended up in my hand, and where did all that blood come from? I need to rest my mind for the night, but not before, I read my mother's letter.

  I got dressed put some ointment on my hands, covered them with bandages and went downstairs to retrieve the letter. I was so nervous I stopped in front of the credenza and just stood there staring at it like it was a rare artifact that was to never be disturbed. Would the letter tell me about my mother’s death? I won’t know until I open it, but can I open it. I think I stood there for almost an hour, until I felt something wet on my hand. Saska had come downstairs and was sitting next to me. When I looked down at him, I could have sworn that he was smiling at me. I felt a smile creep from my mouth.

  “Ok, ok, I’ll open it and stop procrastinating.” I told the Saska. He rubbed his head on my hand.

  I took the letter and headed up stairs. I crawled into bed and Saska jumped up and curled up next to me. I didn’t mind that he was sleeping next to me, but he was still a little damp, but he didn’t smell like wet dog, his smell was something familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I sat in bed for a few minutes, shaking, not sure how I was going to actually open the letter. Sully was already passed out on the floor, snoring loudly. I’m so glad she’s here with me, I felt fear, fear that things were changing, fear that something big was happening in my life and I couldn't stop if I wanted to.


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