Clan of Redemption

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Clan of Redemption Page 19

by Rushell Ann

  Chapter 11


  I had the sensation of falling, or more of being swallowed through the air. Once I could focus my eyes again, I put my hands on my knees and started to deep breath. A wave of nausea billowed up through my stomach and I fell to the ground dry heaving. I could hear voices but couldn’t make out what was being said. All that was going through my head was where were Logan and Blake and did Sydney die?

  “You are not to interfere with them Artemis, this is their own matter.”

  “I gave them this power, am I then to leave them to their own devices, if that were so they would parish and so would I. Brother, what would you have me do?”

  “I think your project is coming around, I’m going to leave so that I don’t know enough to get you into trouble. Hear me sister, your slope is getting slippery.”

  I looked up to see a flash of light that blinded me for a moment. “Who are you?” I said as I looked and saw a woman, well young girl, standing in front of me.”

  “So you don’t recognize where your magic comes from, well that is close to an insult,” she said, as I tried to make out her face. I could see that she was not wearing much in the form of clothing. What she did have on reminded me of a Native American, with a halter-top made out of what could be deerskin and a skirt to match. Her skin was creamy like eggshell with not visible blemishes of any kind. Sully would really get a kick out this outfit, good thing she’s not here. She’s still missing.

  “I apologize if I’ve offended you, it wasn’t intentional, and I’m just a little fuzzy about how I got here and where I am at. My friends…where.”

  “Your friends are fine, they are with my warriors; let’s get you fixed up first before we bring them in.” She moved towards me with her hands out but I was still on my knees. I started to scoot back from her, I wasn’t sure that I wanted this woman to touch me.

  “No offense really but please don’t touch me, I really haven’t had the best experience from strangers trying to help me.”

  “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have left you where you were which I could do if you would like. Let me help you deal with the after affects of your travels, it can be, what did you say “Fuzzy”. She moved close enough to touch the top of my head and within a few seconds my nausea was gone and I could see clearly.

  “I don’t know what you did, but thank you.” I got back on my feet, the feeling of nausea didn’t return, I actually felt good. I looked around and realized we were in a room that seemed to be alive and mutating in subtle ways; the color of walls would change from white to a clear and back to a white.

  “What is this place?”

  “This is just a juxtaposition place that is safe, at least for awhile anyway, we don’t have much time, but I wanted to talk with you about what is happening and I feel that you are not as prepared as you could be.”

  When she talked it was strong and scary but with a hint of sweetness. Part of me wanted to be back dealing with my Grandmother trying to kill me because I felt like this person in front of me was more deadly. In the corner of the room was a large intimidating panther or at least I’m thinking it’s a panther.

  “I really appreciate the help, but I’m confused, who are you and why do you want to help me?” I said as I kept my eye on the cat, its mouth was pulling back to show me it’s large teeth, or a smiling.

  “I am the goddess Artemis; I am the one that made your clan what they are.”

  “I…you’re a in Zeus?” I said as I saw her forehead start to wrinkle. “Wait, I think I remember some of the stories…” She cut me off before I could finish, I think I might have insulted her again. This is usually Sully’s job, to be the instigator.

  “Please stop before you sound like a complete idiot.” She walked over to a table that hadn’t been there a minute ago, picked up something, and walked over to me. “Open your hands; I have a gift for you.”

  I opened my hand and slowly moved it closer to her. “These belong to you, never take them off. It holds the power that allows your people to change shapes. With it, you are protected from most evil.”

  I yelled. “I remember who you are.” Or least I think I did, I seemed to be stuck on her calling herself a Goddess and not anything else.

  “Jayden, let’s try to get past the goddess part, I know it’s all exciting and stuff but you have things that you have to do. Let’s not worry about that right now, you will one day study all you need to but for now, just listen.”

  After I closed my mouth, I sat on a chair that just appeared behind me. “I’m really thirsty all of a sudden, do you think that I could have a glass of water, it’s not like being in front of a goddess wouldn’t make anyone a little freaked out.”

  Was it ok to ask a goddess for something to drink?

  Artemis walked back to the table, picked up a challis, and handed it to me. “Maybe before you drink this you should put that jewelry on. I did mean what I said.” I put the jewelry on, took the cup, and drank from it, reluctantly.

  “You have a chance to take over your clan and make a difference in the world, unlike your Great Aunt,” Artemis said, as she seemed to be so comfortable with her surroundings.

  “My who? You mean my Grandmother Catherine,” I said as I gulped the last of my drink down. Sometimes when you’re nervous, you forget how to swallow.

  “No, I mean your Great Aunt Dolly, she was your Grandmother’s twin.”

  Oh shit.

  “So that’s where that picture came from. I saw a picture of them when they were little. One of them was wearing this same necklace and ring set.” I said as I rubbed my fingers.

  “Yes, they were twins and your Grandmother Catherine was born first which gave her the right to be clan chief, but when your Grandmother met and married your Grandfather it drove Dolly to take revenge of the greatest kind. Right after your mother was born; Dolly murdered Catherine and claimed that Dolly disappeared. She took on Catherine’s identity and raised your mother as her own.” Artemis waved her hand, a stone throng appeared and she sat down.

  “Did my mother know all this?” I asked as I tried to absorb what she was telling me. I had wondered why my Mother wanted nothing to do with her parents but never figured that would be the reason. She never talked about her family, let alone that twins run in the family tree.

  “She knew, it took her many years to come up with her own suspicions but it was her father, your Grandfather that confirmed it for her. I approached your mother in her 16th year and wanted her to come be one of my warriors, she was special, but she turned me down saying that she wanted to have a family one day. I still think she would have been better off with me, but that is the past and she made her choice.” She looked like she really wasn't talking to me but remember things she wished were different.

  “You knew my Mother, I mean you talked to her?” I asked wondering what my mother was like back then. My memories of my mother are far and few between, but to think that she could have chosen an eternity with the gods but turned it down shows me that the memories I do have of her mean so much more.

  “Yes, I came to your mother a few times and we had many meaningful talks, she is a kind hearted forgiving soul.”

  “Is, what do you mean is a kind hearted soul. Do you still talk to her, in what…heaven?”

  “This is not what I brought you here to talk about, and I can’t keep this room hidden forever, you need to make your life choice now,” she said, as she seemed to be talking to herself.

  “Life choice?” What exactly does that entail?

  “It means you can walk away and let your Aunt destroy your family clan or you can take the power that has been past down to you Jayden and remove your Aunt and take your place as clan chief of the Mackenzie clan. I could have let your family die in the massacre, it sure would have caused me less headache, but I’m getting off track. Your family’s people have been given a gift that no other humans will ever receive, an
d if you let this family be run by your Aunt, your family will cease to exist.”

  “Are you saying that if I don’t give up my life to be these peoples ruler, then you will kill them?" I said, as my face started to get red, I couldn’t seem to unclench my fists. Please don’t cry, I could feel the tears starting to swell.

  “I could cook something on those rosy cheeks. You really need to work on that temper, stupid child. I have already been punished for interfering in your clan’s life many years ago, and I don’t intend to let that happen again. Zeus will step in if your Aunt isn’t dealt with,” she said as she studied her nails as if they were a piece of artwork.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking me, I…I had plans for myself, I’m only eighteen. I’m not ready to lead a group of people, I’m still a child,” I said as I kept shaking my head. Did I really feel like a child? No, after my Mom died I grew up rather fast, not that my Dad didn’t try his hardest, but he was always the quiet one in the background, with my Mom running the show. Dad was known for his off handed jokes, or his lengthy stories that would have my Mom rolling her eyes, but for the most part my Mom was the one that kept the home alive with laughter, good cooking, and love.

  Did I really just call myself a child?

  “You are young, but your heart is that of your mother’s. You will be good to your people and show them the way of old. To embrace what gifts I have given them, to help them help the world. Everyone has to grow up and you might think you’re a child but you are ready, even your mother agrees.”

  “My Mother! You’ve talked to my mother, how, when?” I said frantically.

  “Remember who you are talking to, I am a goddess and I talk with whomever I want.”

  Goddess Artemis stood from her stone throne and walked up to me.

  “I forget myself sometimes Jayden, your mother has taught me more about being human than anyone ever could have. She wants you to embrace your gift as well and stop your grandmother before she destroys all of your clan. Take a moment, think about it, but I need your decision soon. This room can only be hidden for a while and I was forbidden from ever interfering in your clan’s affairs, but I couldn’t let you die, not yet anyway. Apollo would be upset with me that I didn’t listen to his oracular future that he sees for you. Enough talking, decide.” She threw her hands in the air, as if to throw me aside.

  “If I said yes, would I have to live here, I mean in Ocean Park; could I finish my goals, I really want to go to school,” I asked.

  It was hard for me to concentrate looking at this beautiful glowing essence of a girl, who could kill me with a look.

  Artemis laughed. “You think that I am going to make all your decisions for you, you are so young. If you decide to lead your people, and take your place as clan chief, you make all your own decisions. I have helped you this once, but it can’t happen again. Your life is yours to lead and the lessons learned are yours and yours alone.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but ok, ok I will take the job, but what about Sydney, can you save her?” I pleaded.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that, and I’m sorry girl, once death has touched you I cannot take it back.”

  I felt my face get hot again “But you saved me, you are a goddess, you can do anything that you want,” I screamed the last part at her.

  Artemis took a deep breath “Grace, your daughter is not as much like you as I thought. Jayden, I saved you before death had touched you. Your friend Sydney, well it was too late.”

  “I need her, she knows more about our magic then I do, she was our healer. I know nothing about what she did, I can’t…she was the closest thing to my mother that I have left.” I couldn’t help but start to cry and put my hands over my face. Why does this goddess get to talk to my mother and I don’t? I know it sounds childish but I have wanted to talk to her for so long.

  I felt a warm hand on my head and one on my chin.

  “I miss you more than you can even imagine.”

  “Mother,” I sobbed through blurry eyes as I lifted my head.

  “Yes dear, it’s me. Oh Jayden, it’s so good to hold you,” My mother said as I grabbed her even tighter.

  As the sobbing started to recede, I pulled away from her to look her in the face.

  “So, your dead but I can touch you? I want to stay with you; I want to be dead too.”

  “Jayden, don’t say those kinds of things. You have a long life to live, and I’m not truly dead.”

  “Not dead, you’re not dead….but..but you were killed.”

  “I was saved my Artemis, and kept here until you turned of age. If she wouldn’t have saved me, my Aunt would have found a way to kill me and I worried that you would have been in the cross fire.”

  “Grace, I think this is a mistake,” Artemis said as she started to pace.

  My mother let me go and walked over to Artemis.

  Is this some sort of goddess crushing on my Mom?

  “You have been so good to me, please don’t be upset. I told you this is what I wanted many years ago. I have enjoyed your company for many years and I consider you a good friend, but this is my daughter, I have to take my place beside her. If you wouldn’t have saved me those years ago, well I would be truly dead now.”

  “Grace, you make me forget myself, I am a goddess, not a sniveling girl who should care about feelings, but I do so care about yours. I know it’s time for you to go, it’s just…hard to let go. Enough of this!” She seemed to be having an inner struggle, I wasn’t wanting to hang out much longer.

  It looked like Artemis was crying, but she turned her back to both of us, quicker than I thought possible.

  “You daughter has chosen to lead your people, so go before I change my mind and keep you both because I can.”

  My mother winked at me and walked up to Artemis and hugged her from behind.

  “Thank you for all that you have done for me and mine, and you are welcome to invade my dreams anytime you want, my friend!”

  With that, my Mother walked up to me and opened her hand to me. I took it and stood with her.



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