Book Read Free

Hold Me Tight

Page 6

by Faith Sullivan

  “Eric, I think you need some sleep because seriously, dude, you’re off your rocker.” Will comes to a stop, looking at me beseechingly. “Go to her. Bring her back. This isn’t right and you know it. You two belong together. And I don’t even believe in true love and all that bullshit. Don’t let Lauren screw this up for you. Listen to Ben. Hear what he has to say.”

  “You mean he actually talked to Ivy?” I inquire hesitantly, my curiosity aroused.

  “He was so mad at his brother that he went over there last night and peered through the windows. He said he saw Ivy sitting with Tim, their heads bent over some book. But then she got mad about something and started telling him off. Ben was afraid she’d see him standing on the porch, so he took off,” Will recounts in a rush.

  “Wait a minute. She was screaming at Tim?” I question, panicked.

  “Yeah, man. That’s what I’m trying to get through to you. She’s not happy there. She doesn’t want to be there. But where the hell is she supposed to go? She thinks you’ll make her give up the baby if she comes back here.” Will looks at me disapprovingly, and I know he’s right. I deserve every bit of his condemnation for driving her away.

  “I’m not going to make her do that,” I say vehemently. “I was wrong to make her choose.”

  “Well, hallelujah. You’ve finally seen the light,” Will mocks me, rolling his eyes.

  “But I never thought Tim would be making her this upset. She’s not supposed to be getting all worked up like that. I thought arguing with me would make her worse. That’s why somewhere in the back of my mind I figured she’d be better off with Tim. He’s usually so easygoing. He gets along with everybody. I’m the one who’s always bumping heads with everyone around me.”

  I remove my hat and crumple it in my hands. I feel so lost. Every decision I make seems to blow up in my face. I only want what’s best for Ivy, but all I keep doing is putting her in harm’s way. I was willing to stay away from her if that’s what she wanted, if that’s what was best for her. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe she needs me after all.

  “Tell Ben to drag his ass over here. Now!” I yell, turning my back.

  Will immediately takes off through the trees. The incessant dragging noise stops before I hear the shuffling of pine needles as Will tugs Ben forward by the sleeve of his coat, a hopeful expression on both of their faces.

  “You needed me, man?” Ben asks, out of breath.

  “Yeah. Would you give me a lift over to your brother’s place?” I stare blankly at the horizon and the mountains fencing us in.

  “Sure. I’d be glad to,” Ben responds as Will pounds him on the back, eager to get the rescue mission started.

  “Because I don’t think I’m going to be in any condition to drive after I do what I have to do.” I raise an eyebrow at Ben, and Will squints at me in confusion. “Are you gonna be okay with that?”

  “Whatever it takes,” Ben replies stoically, holding out his hand.

  “Jesus Christ,” Will mutters under his breath.

  “Whatever it takes,” I second, firmly grasping Ben’s hand as he looks me in the eye, giving a quick nod of consent.

  You mess with Ivy. You mess with me.

  Tim’s going to wish he never laid eyes on her by the time I get done with him.

  It’s on, old friend. It is so on.

  Chapter Nine


  I’m pregnant. I’m hungry. And damn it, I’m going to eat.

  I rub the sleep out of my eyes, determined not to let last night’s spat with Tim keep me out of his kitchen. I’m still in my pajamas even though it’s almost noon. I’m not going to avoid him any longer. Enough is enough. I’m the one eating for two, not him.

  “Done sulking?” he asks, not even looking up from the pile of bills stacked in front of him as I traipse in.

  “Not quite,” I respond, opening the refrigerator door. “Not until you stop lying to me, anyway.”

  “I’m not lying to you,” he says angrily, slamming his fist.

  I jump at the noise, losing my grip on the carton of orange juice as it spills all over the floor, soaking the bottom of my robe.

  “Shit! See what you made me do?” I glare at him, sopping wet.

  “I didn’t do anything. You are the one who dropped it.” Tim pushes himself away from the table, striding over to the counter to grab a roll of paper towels.

  My feet feel all sticky as I move out of the way when he bends down to mop up the mess. Without even thinking, I remove my robe and fling it over the back of one of the chairs, getting down on my hands and knees to help him. Stubbornly, he ignores me. So I work around him, picking up the saturated clumps he leaves behind. Awkwardly, I tiptoe over to the sink, wringing out the soggy remains before tossing them in the trash.

  “You know I just got done cleaning in here, right?” he grumbles, getting to his feet. “You don’t have to be so—” But he freezes when he turns around, his eyes darting straight to my chest.

  Goose bumps tingle on my bare arms. I forgot I only wore a cami to bed. It’s one of the few remaining items I have left from my old life. When I showed up on Tim’s doorstep, it was nestled against my skin beneath several layers of clothing. It’s the one I was wearing the day I met Eric. And after all that went down yesterday, I just wanted to feel close to him again. Like if I closed my eyes, I could pretend I was curled up next to him under our skylight. Not sleeping under the same roof as his sworn enemy.

  But my pregnant body has clearly outgrown it as I feel my nipples straining against the fabric. It’s nothing but thin, white cotton, and I’m obviously giving Tim quite a show.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” I scowl, trying to cover myself with my arms, hastily reaching for my robe.

  “I’m not. I mean…not anymore.” He coughs, tilting back his head to stare at the ceiling. “But you can’t put that robe back on. It’s all wet, and you’re freezing.” He slides off one sleeve of his flannel shirt then the other. “Here. Take this. I insist.” He hands it to me, keeping his eyes averted.

  Now it’s my turn to get flustered as he strips down to his wifebeater, inadvertently showing off his ripped physique to its best advantage.

  “Um…thanks,” I mumble, taking it from him.

  It feels nice and warm from his body, but I try not to think about that as I slip it on over my shoulders. My fingers fumble with the buttons, but I make sure to button every single one.

  “Don’t mention it.” He gives me a shy smile, scratching the back of his neck. “It looks way better on you than it did on me anyway.”

  I like that he’s being sweet again, but I don’t want him flirting with me. It’s blurring too many lines—lines that shouldn’t be crossed when he still has a lot of explaining to do. He can’t pretend to smooth things over like last night never happened. I resent that he thinks I’m just going to drop it. Yeah right. I’m not letting him off the hook that easily.

  He whistles as he heads over to the supply closet, yanking out a steam cleaner and plugging it in. He runs it back and forth in front of the fridge as I take a seat at the table, examining the mountains of paperwork.

  “So Lauren’s taking care of all of these, huh?” I inquire, recognizing the familiar logos of several of the local utility companies.

  “Is that really how you want to start the day?” he asks dryly. “Talking about Lauren?”

  I lean forward, trying to glimpse his checkbook balance. It’s at least five figures. Damn, he’s doing pretty well for being unemployed.

  “Why are you helping her, Tim?” I question as he finishes up, wiping his hands on his jeans.

  He grunts before retrieving a frying pan from the bottom cabinet. “I could ask you the same exact thing.”

  “Lauren was never a fan of Cassidy. If you loved her like you said you did, why would you get mixed up with the one person who’s determined to ruin her reputation? I would think you’d want to protect her, not expose her secrets.” I cross my ankles, lifting my bare f
eet off the cold floor, waiting for him to answer me.

  But he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches up and pulls a box of pancake batter out of the cupboard. I should shut up. I’m starving, and the guy is cooking me breakfast, but he needs to start talking. And I intend to pick things up right where we left off. He might’ve clammed up after dropping that bomb about Eric not being the father of Cassidy’s baby, but we’re going to have to resume the conversation eventually. And now’s as good a time as any.

  “Lauren called earlier. She’s not happy with where you’re at with the screenplay. I wasn’t going to tell you about it, but if you want to talk about Lauren, let’s talk,” Tim says moodily, mixing the ingredients in a giant steel bowl.

  “Why are you protecting her when you know she’s up to no good? Do really need the money that bad? Tim, you could move somewhere else. Get another job. Anything is better than this.” I watch as his back stiffens and the spoonful of batter he’s holding above the pan hovers in midair.

  “It’s not just about the money. It’s more complicated than that. There are other people involved. Even if I cut and run, she’d hurt them, and I can’t let that happen.” He resumes his motion, and the batter sizzles as it hits the pan.

  “But you’re willing to stand back and let her destroy Cassidy?” I ask hotly.

  “I have to focus on those who are alive now. I think Cassidy would understand that.” He roots through a drawer for a spatula, and I can only see his profile, his jaw clenched tight.

  “But who can Lauren possibly be after? Eric’s the one she wants. Everyone else is just collateral damage.” I rack my brain trying to think of every conceivable possibility.

  “I really don’t want you to know all this stuff. It’ll only put you at risk. The less you know, the safer you’ll be, and in your condition, I think you’d be wise to take my advice.” He starts flipping the pancakes, diverting his attention to the task at hand.

  But I need him to look at me.

  I get up and walk over to the stove, reaching over his shoulder to grab two plates off the top shelf. He holds his breath when he feels me leaning over him, my baby bump nudging against his back. I shouldn’t be playing games with him, but I have to. I need to find out what’s really going on.

  “Let me choose for myself,” I implore, holding out a plate to him as he slides two pancakes onto it, briefly meeting my eyes.

  “You might not like what I have to say,” he warns as he fills his own plate before turning off the burner.

  “I’m a big girl. I can take it.” I retake my seat at the table as he follows me over, carrying a bottle of syrup and some silverware.

  “It has to do with Ben and Ryan,” he says gruffly, stuffing his mouth to keep from talking.

  “You don’t mean…?” I ask, a light bulb going off in my head.

  He nods, taking another bite. I wait for him to finish chewing before he responds. “They got involved with each other and Ryan’s dad caught them together. Ryan went ballistic, started doing all this crazy shit.”

  “Like spying on half-naked girls.” I respond, filling in the blanks.

  “Exactly,” Tim concurs, his head turning in my direction. “How do you know about that?”

  “From one of Ben’s lectures,” I respond glumly, suddenly feeling nauseated.

  “Lectures?” Tim questions, crinkling his brow.

  “Yeah. Ryan and I had a similar encounter once. Then another time, we were alone and he lost control. I should’ve reported him, but I didn’t. That’s when Ben told me about what happened to you. How you lost your job over it.” I put my fork down and bite the inside corner of my lip.

  “Ivy, what did Ryan do to you?” Tim pushes his chair closer to mine, placing his hands gently on my shoulders, urging me to face him.

  I don’t resist as I swing my feet around until they bump into his. I don’t know why I’m shaking. It’s all in the past, shoved to the farthest corner of my mind. I never even told Eric exactly what Ryan did to me—not all of it, anyway. I was afraid he’d kill him if he knew.

  I just buried it deep inside after it happened. I was ashamed of myself for letting it get that far. There must have been signs I missed. I’ve known Ryan nearly all my life. For him to just attack me like that, it couldn’t have come out of nowhere. I should have been more careful. I should have checked the closet that day in his room when I thought I heard something fall. I shouldn’t have let him drive me to the gala after my tire was slashed. I was stupid, forgetting how jealous he could be. Then having Will back in town and Lauren catching me with Eric… It all added up to one colossal mistake.

  My lip trembles as it all starts pouring out of me. “I was in his Jeep when he pulled over all of a sudden. I didn’t know what was going on. He acted so fast. One second he was driving and the next he was on top of me. When I realized what he was doing, it was too late. He was too strong. I was vulnerable, and he overpowered me. I made it clear I didn’t want him to touch me. I tried to get him to stop, but he got violent.”

  “Oh God, Ivy,” Tim murmurs, stroking my hair.

  That gesture of kindness on Tim’s part breaks me. My composure weakens and I give in to the emotions I didn’t even realize I was holding back. “He was going to force himself on me…whether I wanted him to or not.” It’s the first time I really, truly admitted that to myself. Not allowing myself to make excuses. Not glossing anything over. Just comprehending the cold, hard truth. Digesting it. Taking it in.

  “But he didn’t, right?” Tim asks, frantically smoothing my hair behind my ears before tipping my chin to meet his troubled gaze.

  I shake my head, tears cascading down my cheeks as I see relief wash over him. “But it doesn’t matter,” I whisper forlornly. “It still felt like he did.”

  Tim’s hands slide up and down my arms, reassuring me. “That piece of shit is dead, do you hear me? Dead.”

  “Don’t,” I mutter, taking a deep breath.

  “Does Eric know about this?” Tim asks defiantly.

  “Yeah, he knows,” I respond like it’s no big deal.

  “And he hasn’t castrated him by now?” Tim presses. “That’s not the Eric I remember.”

  “Well they beat the crap out of each other, if that makes you feel any better,” I say, dabbing my eyes with the cuff of his shirt. “And that’s as far as it goes. You know what the Prices are capable of. Ryan is virtually untouchable. His father has every judge in the county on speed dial. Any charges I bring against him wouldn’t stick. And if I did pursue it and Ryan kept provoking Eric, we both know what would happen. Eric would be behind bars and Ryan would be walking around scot-free. Don’t delude yourself like your brother and believe in some fairytale type of justice. You know the Prices get away with everything.”

  “But it doesn’t make it right. If we all stood up to them, maybe we could take them down. If you came forward, so would Ben. You wouldn’t have to face the firing squad alone,” Tim urges, his voice animated.

  “What do you mean so would Ben?” Instinctually, I inch closer to Tim, placing my hand on his chest.

  “Ivy, you’re not the only one Ryan’s done this to. My brother is so screwed up because of him. The only reason I keep holding my tongue is that Lauren threatens to out Ben if I speak up. She’ll take away everything he’s worked so damn hard for—his place on the team, his scholarship opportunities, his self-worth. She’s even okay with destroying Ryan if she has to. That’s how sick and twisted she is. She doesn’t care what she does to her own family.” Tim keeps going and going, his heart thudding against my fingertips.

  We’re both unburdening our secrets, telling each other things we’ve never shared with anyone. It has to be a release for him. It was for me. He probably hasn’t told anyone the real reason he’s hiding out here, forgotten and off the grid. He gave up everything to save his brother. That has to count for something.

  “Tim, it’s going to be okay. I promise.” I reach up and cradle his face with my hand. “After I have thi
s baby, I give you my word. We’ll see what we can do. I’ll stand with Ben when he’s ready. First, let him get his full ride at some Division I school. Then we’ll go after them. Once they can’t hurt him anymore.”

  “You’re amazing, you know that?” Tim whispers, his hands finding my waist as he rests his forehead against mine.

  It feels so good to be held by a man, even if it’s not the right man. I close my eyes and get lost in the moment. If I pretend hard enough, maybe I can convince myself I’m in Eric’s arms right now and not Tim’s. I’m sick of crying and bemoaning my fate. I need this right now. I crave the comfort that Tim is so willingly to give me. It’s just a hug. I can allow myself one hug.

  But Tim doesn’t stop there. Instead, he cups my chin, tilting his head. I feel his warm breath tentatively hovering over my lips. What is he—?

  My eyes flutter open just as his mouth meets mine.

  I don’t have time to think as the back door is kicked off its hinges and Eric comes storming in, grabbing Tim by the back of the neck before slugging him right in the face.

  Chapter Ten


  “How dare you think you can touch her, you piece of shit!”

  I knock Tim off the chair, and we tumble to the floor. I can vaguely hear Ivy yelling above us, begging me to stop. But I can’t. He’s taken too much from me. He has to pay.

  I get in another punch to Tim’s ribs before he comes alive, hurling me off of him. He staggers to his feet, getting a firm grip on the front of my coat before slamming me against the wall. The impact is jarring, and for a moment, I’m rendered senseless. He presses his advantage as his hands find my neck, cutting off my air supply.

  “Are you gonna knock it off now?” he bellows, his right eye already starting to swell from the sucker-punch I landed.

  “Tim, let him go! Please! He can’t breathe!” Ivy screams, pounding on Tim’s back.

  My eyes are locked on Tim’s as we engage in a silent battle. Somehow he always manages to kick my ass whenever we fight. I’m bigger, but he’s a lot more agile, figuring out my next move before I even make it. I hate how he knows my every weakness.


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