Deviant: Courtney & Dustin: A Captive Tale (The Billionaire Voyeur Book 2)

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Deviant: Courtney & Dustin: A Captive Tale (The Billionaire Voyeur Book 2) Page 1

by Rowena

  Deviant: Courtney & Dustin

  The Billionaire Voyeur


  Eromantica Publications



  Part 1


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Part 2

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Part 3

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About the Author

  Also by Rowena

  Mailing List

  Copyright © 2017 by Rowena

  All rights reserved.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or circulated in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Eromantica Publications

  First Edition: March 2017


  Billionaire Errol Jameson is bored. Money has been able to buy him everything, and he constantly needs new challenges.

  He decided to create his own reality show to appease his voyeuristic tendencies, and after pulling off a successful first show with test subjects Calla & Jason, he’s ready to be entertained again.

  His second unwitting duo: Courtney & Dustin.

  Dustin first met the beautiful Courtney at the age of nine. Despite being worlds apart, the innocent pair felt pulled toward each other, their connection later broken by meddling parents.

  Their lives continued to diverge as they got older, with Courtney sticking to more appropriate matches—guys with fat bank accounts—until the two end up trapped together in a freak’s lair.

  According to their captor, the only way out is to give in to mutual carnal exploration, and Courtney would rather drop dead than sully herself with Dustin’s grubby, lower-class hands.

  Can they find another way out? Or will they give in to their captor’s sordid demands?

  This is a somewhat dark, steamy triangle romance. The entire story can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended to read Deviant: Calla & Jason first to enhance the experience.

  18+ only*

  *NB: The story depicted here is intended for mature audiences. It most likely contains coarse language and highly graphic depictions of sex acts meant to titillate and excite the reader. All copulating characters are 18 years or older.

  Part I

  “The sooner you two fuck, the sooner you’re out of here.”



  The Voyeur

  My experiment blossomed beautifully.

  Every aspect of it went off without a hitch, and Calla & Jason—my first test subjects—gave me everything I needed.

  Watching those two go through the motions, blundering through predictable patterns as they pushed and pulled at each other, lamenting their circumstances, but ultimately submitting in magnificent release… what a resounding success!

  But the exhilaration, the high from watching that dance is like a drug, and I need another hit.

  Luckily, I have others readily available to play with.

  In my original planning stages, I went through quite a bit of potential candidates for my reality show, conducting a sort of casting call without the call.

  My ‘actors’ had no clue they were attending an audition, no inkling they had moved to the first and second stages of casting for the role of sexual pawn.

  I ended up with several duos ripe for my entertainment, and now it’s time for another pair to hit the stage and fulfill my sharpened need: Courtney and Dustin.

  Courtney’s a young, petite, naturally blond beauty whose life path has been chosen for her, laid out a long time ago by her upper-middle-class parents.

  She has been groomed to enhance her family’s social standing and increase her own net worth by attaining the unofficial title of Trophy Wife to a multimillionaire, leading her family to richer pastures.

  Dustin’s the sort that mows those pastures—a rugged, muscular lad from a blue-collar family quite happy to live as they’ve been living.

  The last thing Courtney or her family wants is for her to be involved with the likes of him; in fact, they almost guaranteed she wouldn’t fall for him by separating them once they realized the attraction developing between them in their youth.


  How could they have predicted I would take an interest in watching the two of them squirm?

  And now, all that work they’ve put into grooming their perfect little girl for a wealthy man is about to be put at risk as I set my plan into motion to lock these two in place for a bit.


  Let the games begin.



  This can’t be happening.

  What the hell is happening?

  My eyes are totally open—I’ve stretched them and fluttered my eyelashes and strained and strained to see, but all I see is black.

  I realize something is covering them, but I’m having trouble processing that fact right now, especially since I’ve noticed my wrists are stuck together, my hands bound by rope or something.

  It registers that I’m in a moving vehicle, and I keep pushing away the very obvious conclusion to my circumstances here, even when it starts to come back to me where I was before this—the sudden piercing on my skin—like a really mean bug bite—and then my eyesight beginning to waver, my body beginning to droop…

  The moving vehicle I’m in slowly comes to a stop, and I start to fill with hope.

  Silly me—as if my kidnappers are actually taking me home!

  But at the very least, I get to see what’s next and have a chance to figure out what the hell is going on.

  Just great.

  I’m coming to again, and I suppose that’s good news since that means I’m still alive.

  I almost immediately register I’m not in a car anymore—my body is curled up on a hard ground that isn’t moving.

  Also good news: no more blindfold! Colors and shapes are starting to register.

  And oh my god… my hands are free! My legs, free!

  I kick my feet a little.

  I realize I can stand if I want—that is, once my sight totally focuses and my brain fully clears—I’m still feeling kind of upside down.

  I’m just attempting to stand when I hear a masculine sort of chuckle echo through my new location.

  My eyes immediately turn toward the direction of the sound, and then I actually pause to rub them in disbelief.<
br />
  “What the hell?” I say as my eyes focus on a familiar and very handsome face. “Did you do this? Maybe I shouldn’t even be surprised—it figures you’d do something like this eventually. Brute.”

  His grin only widens, revealing a slight dimple on one of his cheeks, and even with the possibility that I’m staring my kidnapper in the face right now, I can’t help but notice how striking he is.

  His good looks have always been hard to ignore, but it’s even harder now that he is fully grown up and has all the beautiful edges and planes of a capable man.

  I had to turn away from him in our youth, but now I’m been forced to look at him for longer than a few seconds, taking in his broad, muscular frame as he sits there staring at me, his impossibly symmetrical face focused in my direction.

  The way he’s looking at me sure doesn’t help soothe any of my sudden ruffles, and his expression both infuriates and intrigues me.

  He looks like he’s smirking, savoring undisguised pleasure at my predicament.

  “So you really are a caveman,” I continue. “You know, I always got that impression, but here you are—you actually threw me over your shoulder and dragged me back to your cave!”

  “Cool it, Princess. I’m not behind this,” he says in a smooth, deep voice that ruffles me even more. “I got dragged here too after being knocked out, so I’m definitely sitting here against my will.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, one minute, I’m closing up shop, and the next, I’m waking up here. In this.”

  He gestures carelessly at our...I guess, enclosure? It’s hard to tell what this is we’re in.

  It really does remind me of a cave, but it looks pretty civilized, actually—there’s a queen-sized bed in one corner, covered in some gorgeous vivid linen, a set of ornate drawers near the foot of it the cozy-looking bed, and a segment of the room looks dedicated to personal care, with a shower and everything.

  But the whole place feels...earthy. Like we’re underground.

  The walls don’t just look like rock to fit in with the designer’s theme of ‘the modern natural world’ or whatever, it feels like they are.

  And you know what? How the hell did we get in here? Because as normal as it looks as far as a room goes, there’s no exit or entryway. No door, no windows.

  “Okay, so you’re saying you were also kidnapped. Anyone else here with us?” I say a little louder.

  “It’s just you and me,” he says as he shakes his head, and I notice how shiny his thick, dark hair is.

  But I start getting suspicious again—especially since he’s sitting there looking so calm.

  I hope he doesn’t think I forgot how things were when we were kids, the way he propositioned me later, in our teens.

  I hope he doesn’t think I bought his story just because he fed it to me.

  Okay, why did that feel dirty?

  “Why the hell should I believe anything you say?”

  He shrugs those broad shoulders of his lazily, as if he doesn’t give a heck whether I believe him or not, and his expressions sends the same message.

  It’s actually a pretty good indicator he’s telling the truth.

  But my brain has limited info, and all of the details—the fact that he was attracted to me what feels like a lifetime ago, the fact that he belongs to a class of brutish blue-collar folk, the fact that he and I are suddenly trapped here alone—it all adds up to...

  “Hello, Courtney,” a weird voice suddenly says, and I jerk in fear then spin on my heel, trying to locate the source of the sudden intrusion and ignore the goosebumps raised the strange voice by the strange voice on my skin.

  I can’t tell where it’s coming from because it seems to have entered the room by way of speakers, and I can’t pinpoint the direction because speakers are all around, though I can’t see any.

  The odd voice fills the room—male but definitely distorted, although I suppose there could be some freak who sounds like that naturally.

  I don’t respond, waiting for the voice to continue, even though part of me wishes I never have to hear it again—it’s really creepy.

  “I see you’ve awakened and registered the circumstances,” the voice continues. “Dustin is telling the truth—he had nothing to do with this.”

  Isn’t that what Dustin’s co-conspirators would say?

  I mean, if he decided he’d whisk me away to have his way with me at last, he obviously hired people to help him—at least one other person. He couldn’t have done all of this himself.

  “I brought you two here for my amusement,” the creepy voice continues.

  I notice even Dustin’s brows furrow in confusion, and at that moment, I totally believe he had nothing to do with this because his face looks pretty much exactly how I imagine my face looks right now—well, the swarthy, chiseled male version…

  “How long you stay here is completely up to you,” the voice says.

  “Okayyy,” I say quietly, dragging out the word in my impatience to try to nudge him along.

  Like, just out with it, already!

  Whatever I have to do, let me know so I can get back home and get ready for my date with Brick this evening; I have a feeling he’s finally planning to propose tonight.

  God, it took him long enough.

  I’ve been working on him for a while, but soon, the life I’ve been bred for will be within my grasp.

  “It’s quite simple,” the owner of the creepy voice says. “The sooner you two fuck, the sooner you’re out of here.”

  Some sort of laugh-cough escapes me—a disbelieving chortle, quick and sharp. But then it doubles up on itself, and I’m soon bubbling over in laughter, probably on the verge of hysteria, considering it’s all slowly sinking in that this whole thing is actually real.

  I’ve been kidnapped by what I can only presume is a stranger, considering I can’t see him or hear what he really sounds like.

  I have no clue where I am, and I’m trapped with a virtual stranger—someone I’ve encountered a few times throughout my life and found myself grudgingly attracted to, someone who was also obviously very attracted to me back then and still is now.

  And sure, Dustin’s not exactly the worst candidate for the kidnapper’s demand, considering how easy he is on the eyes, but still.

  When I catch myself and find my voice again, I say, “Sir, there must be something else I can offer,” remembering that it’s easier to catch flies with honey.

  My family isn’t rich, but they’ll figure out a way to pay a ransom.

  Plus, my (possibly) soon-to-be fiancé is loaded, hence why we picked him for me.

  I’m sure he’ll pay to get me back.

  Now that I think about it, it totally makes sense that I’m here.

  I’m a fairly easy target, I guess—I look like I’m from money, and I’m most certainly marrying into money one way or another.

  So of course there was a chance someone would kidnap me in order to obtain just that.

  “There’s nothing else you can offer me,” Creepy Voice says with finality, sending double shivers through me.

  “But my family will pay any…”

  “Courtney Heather Palmer, I. am. a. billionaire,” he says, punctuating each word.

  It still takes a few seconds to sink in that money isn’t on the table, and once it does, part of me briefly wonders why I couldn’t have met this billionaire outside of the cave-room.

  Brick isn’t a billionaire—he’s a millionaire who stands to inherit a multi-million dollar empire from his father. Brick’s net worth is estimated to be about a quarter of a billion once his dad croaks.


  There I go again!

  Sometimes, I feel a little bad about thinking this way, but it’s second nature now; it’s how I’ve been raised.

  Now that I’ve processed that we’re dealing with an eccentric super-rich guy, it registers that he called me by my full name.

  Not that it’s weird he would know it—you can
’t just go kidnapping people all willy-nilly—you have to do your research.

  But—and I acknowledge I might just be slowly losing it here—he said it almost with intimacy, as if he’s familiar with me beyond some calculated reward.

  But I don’t know any billionaires.

  “Why? Why are you trying to make us… do that? What’s it to you?”

  “It seems I’m just wired this way,” he says with what sounds like false regret, even through the distortion. “I get a kick out of watching, but apparently, especially when the subjects are under duress.”

  I’m considering the information, about to ask another question when another realization creeps up on me—Dustin’s constant stare burning into my body.

  I don’t know how long his eyes have been locked on me, but they definitely are now, and he’s definitely not daydreaming.

  His eyes don’t even move when I stare back into them, confirming he is fully present and aware.

  But then I have to glance away—way too much heat beaming from those gorgeous brown eyes of his.

  His gaze sends a ripple through my body, one that builds and concentrates into a single stream slithering down until it rests in my core, awakening regions usually asleep.

  Of course, he wouldn’t think twice about carrying out the billionaire’s terms—what’s a roll in the hay with an old crush for our freedom?

  Still, even though the task seems simple enough, I can’t just hop on it, so to speak.

  I’m a virgin.



  I was so confused and freaked initially—not entirely unexpected, considering the circumstances.

  I mean, there I was, in a minor physical struggle with some unseen person before blacking out, and then I wake up in some strange room?


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