Deviant: Courtney & Dustin: A Captive Tale (The Billionaire Voyeur Book 2)

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Deviant: Courtney & Dustin: A Captive Tale (The Billionaire Voyeur Book 2) Page 6

by Rowena

  My tongue still feels kind of heavy and I wait a few more moments for the fog to lift.

  The buff dude suddenly shoots his arm out, stopping Courtney from hopping over him to exit the bed while he glares at me distrustfully, but she turns to him and says, “It’s Brick! I have to go see him!”

  He reluctantly lowers his hand and lets her pass, his eyes never leaving me.

  I quickly notice Courtney’s bare-bottomed, despite the way she gathers the robe to cover herself, so I caught a glimpse of her clam.

  She throws her arms around me in a tight hug.

  She really has the nerve...?

  “I knew you’d come find me!” she says joyously.

  I pull away gently. “What?”

  “I don’t think that’s what happened,” the dude on the bed says in a firm, deep voice. “I suspect this is the complication. This is how he made things harder.”

  There’s too much I don’t understand here, and I tear my eyes away from the stranger and stare at Courtney—the one familiar thing in this place and time—hoping she’ll open her mouth to make sense of it all.

  “We’ve been kidnapped,” she says, indicating herself and the muscular stranger. “Some billionaire…” She suddenly stops. “I can explain the rest over dinner,” she continues, pointing to the nearby folding table. “You’re probably hungry right now if you didn’t get to eat for the evening before being brought here, like us.”

  It still hasn’t all come together, but I let her drag me over to the table.

  The man on the bed doesn’t take his eyes off me—I feel his gaze boring into me the whole time.

  “Are you coming?” she says to him.

  “I already ate,” he says in a weird tone that makes me turn to look at him.

  He grins at me sort of lewdly.

  If I’m being completely objective, he’s pretty amazing-looking, his symmetrical dark looks kind of stunning.

  I almost don’t blame Courtney for cheating on me with him…if she has, that is.

  I realize I’m still looking at him when his small grin widens, and he suddenly bubbles over into laughter, dramatically transforming his chiseled face.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?” Courtney says.

  “You have to do it… we have to do it in front of him!”

  He continues laughing, practically clutching his stomach, and when I turn to Courtney for clarification, I see that she has turned beet-red and looks embarrassed as hell.

  Somebody needs to explain what the hell’s going on, fast.

  “Welcome!” a strange voice says, coming out of nowhere and making me jump—not just because it was so sudden, but because it’s the creepiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

  I briefly feel like I’m in a Saw movie or something.

  My heart is pounding hard now, and all grogginess has left me.

  Fight or flight has kicked in big time.

  “Courtney, would you like to do the honors?” the weird voice asks. “How about you, Dustin? No? Very well. I have brought you here, Chad, to play a part in my game.”

  The guy I guess is Dustin says, “Chad, huh? Now that makes sense.”

  Whatever that means. But I have no time to puzzle over it as the creepy voice continues.

  “You see, I borrowed Courtney and Dustin for the sole purpose of carrying out a task for me, and since they haven’t yet completed it, I thought it might help to bring you along.”

  “What a dick,” Courtney says quietly, shaking her head as she stares off to the side.

  Dustin finally gets up from the bed to walk over to us, and as he nears, my blood rushes through my body wildly, my heart speeding up even more, but it’s a different feeling than before.

  Dustin starts picking through the food, and it amazes me how casual he and Courtney are in the face of this horrifying voice that seems to come from all corners of this strange room.

  “I still don’t understand,” I finally say.

  “Well, it’s quite simple,” the disembodied voice continues. “You see, I’m a bit of a voyeur; I like watching people get down and dirty. I enjoy seeing two humans reduced to their animal nature, their basest instincts. Naked bodies writhing against each other, joined into one…”

  “Wait a minute…” I begin, starting to put it all together.

  “And I collected these two to amuse me, but alas—they have not yet consummated their emotional connection, though they have amused me in other ways thus far. I did warn them that delaying only meant things would get more complicated, which is where you come in.”

  “You want me to fuck my girl?” I say.

  The guy’s laugh, distorted as it is, is infused with ridicule.

  “No, no, no—silly boy. That would be far too easy. That used to be enough—natural willing participants—but these days, I don’t like easy. You see, I chose Courtney because I know her heart is set on you. But I also know she and Dustin have a history…”

  “Not like that,” Courtney says quickly. “Dustin and I met each other when we were kids. That’s all.”

  “You know very well that’s not all,” the voice says.

  Courtney looks a bit guilty, and I need to know why.

  “In any case, she has quite an aversion to sleeping with him, no matter how much she really wants to, and boy, do I enjoy witnessing her struggle. Which, as you can imagine, is much worse now that the reason she tells herself she can’t do it is you, and well, here you are. So you see, Chad, I have no interest in you and your girlfriend getting more intimately acquainted. Your freedom depends on those two, and when Courtney and Dustin finally get it over with, I will set you all free and you can go back to your regular lives.”

  Okay, what in the entire fuck?

  Fine—the voice broke it down so it’s easy to understand, but it still sort of blows my mind what’s happening here, all the moving parts.

  That I’ve actually been kidnapped, that it’s been confirmed something dire happened to Courtney, that three of us are here to act out some stranger’s sex fantasy…

  It’s a damn lot to process, and I sit there quietly for—I don’t know how long—processing everything. The real reason for Courtney’s sudden disappearance, the terms of her release. Our release. A release.

  The reason she’s in the skimpy bedclothes?

  “Okay, wait—you’re telling me all this time you’ve been here, you two haven’t done anything?” I say incredulously as I look at her.

  It’s kind of hard to believe considering the kidnapper’s request isn’t exactly the worst thing he could have asked, and the person picked out for her—well, she couldn’t have done much better.

  I catch the glance she slides to Dustin, and it says a lot—they have done something. But what?

  If they’d done what the creepy guy wanted, we wouldn’t be here.

  “We tried to negotiate,” she says.

  My eyes narrow as I watch her shifty body language, waiting for her to continue.

  “We’ve...touched, but not like that.”

  I don’t know what to make of that, and I’m almost afraid to ask her to elaborate so I don’t.

  I just wait silently for her to continue, but she doesn’t.

  My eyes return to Dustin, my brain working in the heavy silence as I continue to process our predicament, trying to ignore certain curiosities.



  Man, it’s interesting watching this Chad guy, and I’m tempted to clarify a few things for him.

  “Let me elaborate for Courtney since it seems cat’s got her tongue,” the weird voice says in the silence, and my earlier amusement over the boyfriend’s awkward position gets to stretch on. “By ‘touching each other’ she meant they took turns pleasuring each other with their mouths—soft lips and strong tongues all over wet pussy and hard cock. Courtney appears to have experience in that, if nothing else, and in the afterglow of their powerful orgasms from licking and sucking each other off, I happened to overhear her
informing Dustin that she has never had the pleasure of receiving oral sex. Now, what kind of man are you, Chad, to leave a beautiful woman such as her hanging? As a result, I have decided that before you leave here, you will finally return the favor.”

  “What?” escapes me violently.

  Any grin that had been on my face wipes clean away.

  There I was, enjoying the thought of having Courtney’s boyfriend watch me take her, helpless as I claim her virgin pussy.

  While I’m aware I don’t have the right to protest him touching her—they’re still officially a couple, after all—and while it was obvious she might have been intimate in some way or other with the guy she was seeing before ending up here, it’s quite another matter for me to have to endure him touching at this time, after we’ve had so much time to ourselves over the past week, getting closer than we otherwise would have progressed outside of here.

  The boredom and quiet can get to you, so before we knew it, we were sharing our deepest fears and fantasies, wants and desires—things that might have taken months to learn had we had the chance to approach a relationship normally.

  We even journeyed back to the day we met—the instant attraction, the innocent crush mutually formed once she finished a tutoring lesson to see what the fuss was about outside her home and check out the strangers—my dad and me—up close.

  She grabbed my hand to take me on a tour, and we had a short time to play before I was called sternly back to my father who was there on official business, of course, as their .

  We got a few more days of meeting up before her family made it clear mine was no longer welcome on the premises.

  Courtney eventually went off to an all-girls boarding school, and by pure chance, when she was back home one summer, we ended up at the same party when we were sixteen.

  We found ourselves struck by each other again, a powerful force neither of us understood pulling us together once more…until the guy she was sort of seeing pulled her away.

  We talked about how we felt back then, with Courtney finally admitting she found herself drawn to me as much as I’d been drawn to her, even after her parents said awful things about me and ‘my kind.’

  And over this past week, we have been forced into domestic intimacy—I know what she looks like when she wakes up, I’ve heard her mumble nonsense in her sleep. She’s now comfortable sleeping side by side with me, snuggling up to me, fitting herself in the crook of my arm.

  She’s a sheet hog and an amazing cuddler, and she smells great before she showers and after—just different kinds of aromas.

  We have breakfast and dinners together, figured out how various contraptions work around here together.

  We’re the first and only face we see when we wake up, the last faces we see before bed.

  Despite knowing she was mine the minute I saw her, it hasn’t bothered me too much that she was out there living life without me in the years since, but it’s clear she isn’t happy with where her life has been going—she’ll never be happy with this Brick guy—and there’s no way I’m sitting back and letting that happen.

  He may have had a chance with her before this whole thing, but she’s mine now.

  “Don’t you think it’s fair, Dustin?” the voice says to me.

  No doubt he noticed the change on my face and is getting off on taunting me.

  He loves making people squirm, no doubt, and how I could have thought for a moment I’d be exempt from his shenanigans, I have no idea.

  So far, none of this has been hard on me beyond the initial kidnapping—I’ve been stuck with my long-lost woman and she has been directed to give herself to me. How the hell could I find something to complain about in that?

  But now it’s my turn to wallow in discomfort, it seems.

  It makes me wonder if the voyeur had planned this all along and the whole one-week deadline thing is bogus.

  If we had dutifully gotten it out of the way in time, maybe he would have added a complication anyway.

  Who says his word is worth jack shit?

  The man’s a kidnapper, for christ’s sake—he’s obviously a criminal used to getting his way.

  He uses common folk for his entertainment, plucking them from their own lives with no regard for any ripples of disruption. Why should we believe he’ll release us under the terms laid out?

  Then again, what choice do we have?

  “Anything else we should know about while you have our full attention?” I say calmly. “Any more surprises?”

  “Well, then they wouldn’t be surprises, would they? But since you insist. I’d like the three of you to be naked from now on. No more underwear, no more bathrobes. Effective immediately.”

  While I usually give zero fucks about being naked and who sees me, I glance at the other two before beginning to strip down—easy for me since I’m only in a pair of boxers.

  But poor Courtney—she looks so uncomfortable, so mortified.

  She’s looking away, avoiding everyone’s eyes.

  Besides the shower, she has never been fully naked in front of me, and it seems her boyfriend never saw her naked either, and now here she is, about to be fully on display for three men, only one of which has seen all of her, but whom she has never seen.

  I guess it’s kind of a weird position to be in—especially for a virgin.

  She’s probably one of those girls who covered herself even when surrounded by other girls in high school locker rooms.

  I can’t help staring as she sheds the robe, her naked bottom half in view again.

  Then she begins working on the lacy red bra slowly.

  Brick isn’t paying attention for whatever reason—he has turned away from us slightly as he works his own clothes off.

  He has a lot more than us to go—he had on regular clothes: jeans, shirt, shoes.

  I’m not sure when he gets each piece off because my eyes are locked on Courtney and her eyes are on mine, and this is the most emotional strip-tease ever.

  The look on her face melts me—she looks like she’s not sure she’ll live up to my expectations and she’s hoping to see approval in my eyes.

  My chest swells, as does another part of me as she is fully revealed to me.

  God, she is stunning.

  My glimpses of her in the shower never gave me full frontal, and now here she is, filling my sight with her feminine curves and swells.

  Her breasts are perfect, and I want to bring my mouth to them so badly.

  I only stop myself from stepping closer to her and doing so because my eyes are greedy and want to take in more first.

  I let my gaze drift from her perky tits and pebbled nipples to her smooth flat stomach, her tiny waist.

  And then down where I had my face not too long ago, the sight of her pussy lips revving me up more.

  My cock is more than a little impatient to push inside her, and I have no doubt that when the time comes, I’ll have no problem ignoring the eyes on us.

  At some point, I realize she is checking me out too—even though she has already seen all of me.

  I’m not as shy, so I don’t bother with T-shirts for the most part, and I noticed she had a hard time trying to ignore me while shirtless.

  Her blue gaze runs over my chest, my abs, my arms.

  And right now, my cock.

  It’s at obscene attention now, so I don’t blame her.

  But the way she’s looking at it is different, almost like she’s actually starved for it…

  “Well, this is awkward,” Brick says, stating the obvious as he turns around, completely naked.

  He’s much smaller than me in every way—shorter, slimmer, not really muscular, but toned—as if he’s active somehow. Maybe he plays a recreational sport or two.

  I get the impression he limits his diet—like he might be a kale and quinoa guy instead of a steak and potatoes or hamburger and fries guy.

  His package is in its regular state, so it’s hard to tell how he measures up when fully erect, but I gues
s we’ll find out soon.

  I mean, who can look at naked Courtney and not get hard?

  But it soon becomes clear: Brick can.

  “Nice,” he says as he rakes his eyes over her.

  I want to punch him.

  I suddenly get the impression he’s trying hard not to look at me, and when he finally turns to me, it’s like he can’t take his eyes off me.

  I tend to have that effect—I’m a pretty big guy, and I’m not just well over six feet, I’m packed with muscle.

  Looks of approval come from all types when I’m shirtless, male and female, young and old. Whether I’m at the gym or going for a neighborhood run or working on the job.

  “Much better,” the creepy voice says, just as I realize Brick’s now got a halfie. “This should speed things along. Enjoy your dinner!”

  The three of us work through the rest of the food on the table, and once we’re done, Courtney verbally prepares Brick for what’s coming next, just as the gas starts to fill the room.



  When I awaken, all signs of dinner—table and all—are gone, as usual.

  So is every speck of clothing, I soon realize—not just the ones we shed, but the dresser is now completely empty, the drawers helpfully left slightly open so we can see what’s up.

  This guy really wants us to stay naked from now on!

  I admit, the fact that the option has now been taken away is a bit alarming—at least we got to choose between one flimsy piece and another before.

  Courtney’s starting to freak out, saying, “No, no, no,” as she keeps opening and closing the empty drawers, double- and triple-checking the obvious.

  I go to her and place a hand gently on her arm.

  “Court, it’s okay,” I say, and she immediately turns to me and comes into my arms, resting her head against my chest.

  I close my arms around her, soothing her.

  It soon gets uncomfortable with our naked bodies pressed against each other, her soft breasts pressing into me, my cock pressing against her.


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