Our Forever Promise

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Our Forever Promise Page 3

by Mary Wasowski

  “Hello to you, Walker. Boy! You are one handsome man.”

  OH MY GOODNESS! I don’t think Walker ever expected this when he first arrived home. Nana is so amazing. But that didn’t stop me from scolding her for being a big flirt that she is.

  “Nana!” I was a bit shocked with her flirting with Walker. He visibly relaxed after that. This was Nana’s way of always lightening the mood when we were in a heavy conversation, like this one right now.

  Walker loved the compliment. “Why thank you Lila, but don’t let Thomas hear you say that. He owns many shotguns and I want to be around to see my baby be born.”

  “Don’t you worry about Thomas. He loves you, and so do I. I am so happy for you Walker. You and my sweet girl are expecting a baby of your very own. You have been blessed with such an incredible gift from God himself. We couldn’t be happier for you. Now I want to jump in the driver’s seat and move along this bus even quicker to California. I can’t wait to hug you all.”

  “We can’t wait to see you too, Lila. I’m sorry about Rosalyn. I guess I’ve been going overboard with all of the wedding plans. I’m sorry if your feelings were hurt. Please forgive me? I shall not hurt your feelings again.”

  “Oh Walker dear, you didn’t. You see, son, Reese is incredibly special to us, and I just wanted to put all my personal touches on her special day. It comes from love, I sure hope you know that. I feel terrible for losing my temper with your…what do you call her? Wedding planner? Anyway, it’s your day too, and you can have whatever you want.”

  “Thank you, Lila. Nothing would make us happier than your delicious Peach Cobbler, Apple Pie, and please don’t forget your homemade Vanilla Ice Cream.”

  “How on earth could I forget that son? You can’t eat pie without ice cream. Now that would be a crime. We love you so much, and we will see you soon.”

  “We love you too.” We both said at the same time.

  As I watched the screen go black, I let out a deep breath. I fell back into Walker’s chest and began to cry. These damn hormones. I can’t help myself these days. I’m unbelievably happy, truly happy for the first time in years, but something still feels off. Walker is now wiping away my tears.

  “Oh baby, I’m so sorry,” he says to me. “Please forgive me for driving you and your family crazy.”

  “Walker, we need to talk.”

  JUST THAT STATEMENT alone made me freeze. I felt my heart drop down into my stomach. I was suddenly afraid about what she would say next. Reese dried her eyes on my sleeve. I steadied myself and waited for her to start talking.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered as she looked into my eyes. “I want you to tell me the truth. You’re not sleeping well, and when I ask you about your dreams, you silence me with sex. Now usually that’s not a bad thing, but I sense that you are troubled and you are shutting me out. Would you please talk to me and allow me to help you?”

  “I’m fine, Reese. You needn’t worry about me. All I’m trying to do is give you everything your heart desires.” She reached for my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Our tongues were dancing as she took me deeper into her mouth.

  Resting her forehead against my own, she whispered, “Oh baby! How can you possibly top what you have already given me?”

  What does that mean? I thought to myself.

  “Walker, I already have everything. I have YOU, and that’s all that I want. I don’t need this big fancy wedding to have everything.”

  “What if I need it?”

  “Then I guess the bigger question, is why?”

  “Reese, what do you want me to say? This is who I am. When you are born into wealth, you have this sense of entitlement that comes along with it. It’s almost expected. I take that back, in my world it’s required.”

  “Well, that’s not how it is in mine, and I will not partake in this overblown grandiose wedding.”

  “WHAT ARE YOU saying?”

  “I think you know, Walker. Until we get to the bottom of what is troubling you, the wedding is off.”

  No, no, no! No way in hell am I going to lose her now.

  “Reese, please baby, you don’t mean that.”

  “I’m sorry, but I do. After everything we have been through to be together, a wedding could make or break us? Or is it something that you’re afraid to tell me? I’m going with the second choice. You don’t always have to take on the weight of the world on your shoulders. Trust me to listen and help you when you need it. We are supposed to be partners. I will not begin another marriage standing on the outside, looking in. I’ve been down that road before with Samuel, and I will not do that with you.”

  “Do you honestly feel that’s what I’m doing?”

  “In some ways, yes. Please talk to me, and convince me that what I’m feeling is just crazy pregnancy hormones, and we are okay.”

  “Reese, we are always okay, please believe that. I love you more than my own life, and would lay my life down for you. I trust you with all that I have. I just wanted to show the world that you are finally mine.”

  “I am yours, Walker. I always have been. We don’t need a five hundred plus guest list to prove that. Now, for the last time, please let me in? I want to know what’s hurting you.”

  Reese never looked so determined. She was right. I was shutting her out, while she was trying to break down my walls of resistance. I was keeping her at a safe distance to protect her, but I’m doing the opposite and hurting her feelings. I just didn’t want to freak her out about my nightmares, my visions of my father, and now even my thoughts of regret involving my history with Elizabeth. I was afraid it would be too much for her to bear, but my girl was so much stronger and was now fighting for us.

  “I love you, Reese. You know me so well, and I’m sorry if my distance has hurt you.”

  “I love you too, but you need to trust me to help you. Are you ready to tell me what’s been bothering you?”

  “Yes, I am.” I took a deep breath and told her the truth. “I’ve been having a recurring nightmare starring my father. He comes to me almost every night and asking me for forgiveness, no begging. I refuse him each and every time. I’m still so angry with him for what he did to us. Even with his death, I can’t bring myself to move beyond his malicious attempts to keep us apart. I didn’t want to tell you any of this because he caused you enough pain, and I couldn’t bear it if you were hurt again.”

  “Oh Walker, that’s impossible! Your father will never be able to hurt me again. Do you want to know why that is? Because I won’t let him. I made so many mistakes back then, I lost count. The reason why your father was able to do what he did to me, to us, is because I gave him permission to do so. He claimed my fear of him, and the love I had for my family, and used it against me. It’s time I take responsibility for the part I played in our break-up.”

  “What do you mean? It was mine and Elizabeth’s fathers that did this to us, not you.”

  “Walker, I am partially responsible for this, and let me tell you why. A few months ago when you told me he was dead, I won’t lie to you, I didn’t shed a tear over it. I blamed him for everything, but then Nana enlightened me when I was finally able to reveal the truth to her. She was disappointed in me because I didn’t have enough faith in our family to reach out to them so they could help me fight your father. That goes for you as well. I accepted my fate, and it was these legs that walked out your door that morning. The only thing I’m thankful for was that you weren’t there to see it. You would have known that I was lying. All you ever asked of me was to trust you, and I didn’t, not where it should have mattered and counted the most.”

  Reese continued explaining herself. “I wasted so many years being angry and blaming him. I should have been stronger and leaned on those who loved me and those who would have helped me if given the chance. With you back in my life, and our baby growing inside of me, all I can do is forgive. I have forgiven him, and I urge you to do the same. Love and hate go hand in hand, these feelings can make or break you. I choos
e love to be the driving force behind anything I do from this moment on. I’m done living in the past, and for your own peace of mind, you should too. I love you. I choose you…forever.”

  WEARING MY HEART on my sleeve, my imploring pleas fell on to his fallen expression. Walker was silent and wasn’t responding to me. I pushed him enough, so I decided that I was done talking about this, at least for now. My man needed to be comforted, and of course, I was still marrying him.

  He still wore the look of apprehension all over his beautiful face. I couldn’t hold back any longer and took him in my arms. This time, I was the one that was holding him tightly to my body. We held on to each other until he released his arms from my waist and stroked my cheeks with his fingers. Gazing into each other’s eyes, I was lost. I closed mine for a brief second until he commanded me to open them.

  “Look at me, Reese, and don’t turn away.” He requested with a strong undertone to his voice.

  His eyes were dominant. Walker was completely drawing me in, and I willingly submitted. Lifting me easily into his arms and carrying me up to our bedroom, he kicked the door shut behind him and locked the rest of the world out. My anticipation level was rising as he remained silent. Never taking his eyes off of me, he began to remove me from my clothing. I lay there in our huge California King sized bed completely bare and exposed to him. He shrugged off his suit and climbed his way up to me.

  “You are so beautiful, Reese Mitchell. You have my heart…forever.”

  His words were my undoing as he plunged two fingers inside my wet clit and began working me over with his skillful and sensual touch. Holding my arms above my head as he worked me over, I was surrendering more and more to Walker. He was a physical lover, showing me every erotic and carnal desire for me. He expected no less in return.

  “Let me hear you, baby. Come for me.”

  Oh, I did! I screamed out his name as I hit my release. Walker wasted no time and entered me with a force that had my hips rising to meet his powerful thrusts. He was pounding into my sensitive flesh. I could barely hold on when he pulled out of me and flipped me onto my stomach. This time a bit more gentle, he raised me up onto my hands and knees and took me from behind. I could feel my wetness tightening around him as we came together. Never releasing me from his hold as he poured into me, he stayed connected with my body until every last drop of his release was now inside of me. I was wrapped in his cocoon with no means of escape. How I wanted to remain here forever. I loved this man unconditionally with everything that I had.

  “Are you okay, baby? Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No sir! I loved everything we just did.”

  “I’m sorry for today. I know I’m a beast, but I promise we will come to an understanding about the wedding. Whatever you want, Reese, I want to give you. Your happiness is all that matters to me. You let me know when to show up, and I will be there.”

  “Promise me something?” I kept my eyes trained on him as I asked my question.

  “Anything.” He responded quickly and kissed me.

  “Stop apologizing for being you. You are perfect. I love you for all that you want to do to make me happy. I also want you to relax and know that you have already made all my dreams come true.”

  MY BODY ANSWERED “yes” for me, and I made love to Reese again. I had to forever show her that she was all I would ever need to feel completely whole again. Too many years spent apart from her, and both of us just existing in our separate worlds. We are together now and for the rest of our lives. I don’t need to have a fancy wedding or a thousand press releases to prove anything. Reese was here with me right now and in our bed. She’s been mine since the minute our eyes met that day in the NYU library.

  Our past is in the past. I have to try to come to terms with it and not let it come between us again. She nearly gave me a heart attack when she said she wouldn’t marry me, but that was her subtle way of proving a point. I know I’m stubborn and can be controlling, but I would never control her. She has a beautiful mind, and she has no problem ever voicing how she feels. I heard everything she said to me today.

  I held her in my arms, as she soundly slept. She was falling deeper and deeper into a contented sleep. A small smile now appeared as her eyelashes began to flutter. Oh I will love her until I take my final breath. I silently prayed to the heavens that tonight, I would find the same peace.

  I WASN’T SURE what time it was. The clock had been turned around, and the drapes were shutting out the rest of the world. No doubt, Walker did this on purpose. Whenever we were at odds, he always seemed to lock us in our own private bubble and keep all others out. To be with him yesterday was all that I wanted. It was no sacrifice on my part. He had been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders when he didn’t need to be. I meant everything I said to him. I loved him, I would stand by him, and his love alone was all that I would ever need. Oh, my stubborn man! Just get that through your head and we will be fine.

  My muscles were sore from all the positions he had moved me in. Who needed Yoga classes when Walker Reed was your personal Kama Sutra instructor? Giving my body a good stretch, I made my way into our bathroom to shower and then off to find my man. The hot spray from the multi showerheads felt like heaven on my body and massaged my sore muscles. I put on a cotton tank dress with sandals to match. I had no plans to go anywhere today, so I thought I would be as comfortable as possible. A breakfast tray filled with my favorites was now waiting for me. My eyes scanned the room to find vases of wild flowers mixed with roses placed on each side of our bed. My dressing table also had flowers placed on it, and of course Walker’s signature move: one long stemmed rose on my food tray accompanied with a note.

  Oh, my crazy man, how I love you so much. What are you up to? With my curiosity now piqued, I wanted to snoop to find out what my surprise was. Our baby had other ideas. My belly was beginning to growl, so I followed Walker’s orders and enjoyed my delicious breakfast. Glancing at the clock, it was only nine thirty, but it felt much later than that. I finished off my tea, and then looked for Walker.

  “Good morning, Ms. Mitchell,” I heard as I walked down the stairs.

  “Good morning, Priscilla. I’m looking for Mr. Reed.”

  “He’s waiting for you in the rose garden. He asked me to walk with you until we reached the entrance. I have instructions to place this blindfold on your eyes and then you will wait for Mr. Reed to continue on with your surprise.”

  “Are you serious? Blindfold me? Come on, Priscilla, what’s going on?”

  “Oh Ms. Mitchell, you know I am not permitted to say, but I can assure you that you will be pleased.”

  “Okay, Priscilla, I will play along. Lead the way.” I giggled practically the entire way to the rose garden. I couldn’t imagine what Walker was doing out there, but didn’t care to question it. I already loved it and didn’t care what it was.

  “Okay, Ms. Mitchell, this is where you have to put on the blindfold.”

  While Priscilla placed the covering on my eyes, I took in the smell of the fabric. It was laced with his cologne. Oh my goodness, he certainly knows how to draw me in. I felt the anticipation rising, as I waited patiently for Walker. I was beginning to climb out of my skin when strong arms engulfed me. My panties were already drenched and dripping with desire. My arousal was evident with this little game we were playing. Goosebumps were lining my arms as he drew closer to me.

  “You smell like me,” he whispered in my ear as he tasted my earlobe, and then moved on to licking my neck.

  “Wasn’t that the idea of the blindfold?” I shyly asked.

  “It was, but I always want my personal mark and smell on you. Don’t you know that by now? Take my hand, my love, and let me show you your surprise.”

  With our hands entwined in one another, he gracefully guided me to where I wasn’t sure. Although I couldn’t see him, I knew he was happy.

  “We’re here Reese. I’m going to remove your blindfold now, but don’t open your eyes until I tell
you, okay?”

  “Okay. You know you are driving me crazy, right? Are we alone out here? Because I need you inside me, like right now.”

  “Be careful, my love, on what you wish for. I may just have to fulfill that request.” He nipped my shoulder as I let out a small yelp.

  “Open your eyes, baby,” he whispered into my ear as I slowly opened my eyes.

  “Oh my goodness, Walker! How did you do this?”

  I knew we were in California, but our garden had now been transformed into an exact replica of our meadow in Georgia. Rows and rows of wildflowers lined the back stretch of the garden. New trees were planted where there were none yesterday. A gazebo now stood at the end of a rose-lined aisle. Intricate lights and flowers were covering the breathtaking altar. The first thought that came to mind was marrying Walker under it. This had been my dream all along, and now it was here before my very eyes. I had never seen anything so beautiful in all my life, and my beautiful soon-to-be husband had once again made me the happiest woman in the world.

  “Say something, Reese. Do you like it?”

  “I love it, Walker. How can I not? It’s our meadow. Thank you so much. I love you. How did you do this in so little time?”

  “You know I love the spotlight, but I can’t take all the credit. I had a team to help me pull this off for you. After you fell asleep last night, I expedited all the plans that I had in place for the wedding. I designed the gazebo myself and had it built a month ago. I planned to have this placed in our garden, and it would just be a special place for you and I to share, but then the idea hit me. We could get married under it. I thought this would be much better than a big stuffy reception room, don’t you agree?”

  “I agree!” I screamed aloud with so much joy in my heart. “And there is nothing I want more than to marry you right here in our new garden. I love you, Walker.”


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