205 “the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman religion”: Baillet (1691), 11:432.
207 and np lead back to y: G. W. Leibniz, Recherches generates sur I'analyse des notions et des verites, 136.
208 books that were above his level: E. J. Aiton, Leibniz: A Biography, 12.
208 Leibniz also studied Bacon, Hobbes, Galileo, and Descartes: Jean-Michel
Robert, Leibniz, vie et oeuvre, 11. 208 only through work in mathematics later in life: Bertrand Russell, The Philosophy
of Leibniz, 6. 208 stamping on it his own unique impression: Marc Parmentier, La naissance du cal-
cul differentia, 15. 208 in jeopardy of losing his academic position: W. Hestermeyer, Paedagogia mathe-
matica, 51.
209 “can do away with the flaws in the Cartesian doubt”: Paul Schrecker, ed., G. W.
Leibniz: Opuscules philosophiques choisis, 31.
209 and the Latin manuscript Cartesii opera philosophica: Yvon Belaval, Leibniz critique de Descartes, 9.
210 offered Leibniz admittance to the society: Aiton, 24.
211 he would be paid what he was owed: Aiton, 37.
213 Latin name for Germany, making it read: F. Alquie, ed., Descartes: Oeuvres philosophiques, 1:45. Alquie hypothesizes that there is possibility that it was Foucher de Careil who added “Germania” as an explanation of G when he handled Leibniz's copy of Descartes during his visit to the Hanover archive.
213 discussed its finer points at length in letters: Aiton, 84.
213 taken right out of the Fama fraternitatis: Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlighten-
ment, 154.
213 the alchemical society of Nuremberg: Jean-Michel Robert, Leibniz, vie et oeuvre, 14.
214 Clerselier had imposed very strict rules on the copying: Costabel, Rene Descartes, viii.
218 found and dated to several centuries before Phto: See the historical note by Sir
Thomas L. Heath in Euclid, The Thirteen Books of the Elements, 3:438. 220 This made his work even more flawed: Adam and Tannery (1986), X:259.
223 the spheres containing the Platonic solids and the planets: See Pasachoff, Astronomy, 27.
225 the page he was looking at stood for the five regutor solids: The two formulas from the notebook, appearing just above the two sequences of numbers, are mathematical tools for generating the sequences.
227 three-dimensional polyhedron—regutor or not: It fails for a Mobius strip, which is a “pathological” three-dimensional object.
229 banned the teaching of Cartesian philosophy in France: Gaukroger, Descartes, 3.
230 rendered him by “Monsieur Leibniz, a German mathematician”: Baillet (1691), I:xxvi.
231 “by which he could draw attention to himself: Leibniz, Philosophical Papers and Letters, 223.
231 both Cartesian and anti-Cartesian elements at the same time: Yvon Belaval, Leibniz critique de Descartes, 12.
232 “his metaphysics is all these things”: Leibniz to Nicolas Malebranche, Hanover, January 23, 1679, in Leibniz, Philosophical Papers and Letters, 209.
233 “nothing but deductions from Descartes”: Aiton, 56.
233 “only a continuation and elaboration of Descartes' ideas”: Leibniz, Stamliche Schriften und Briefe, 111.1:504-16.
234 English mathematicians with whom he had ties: Aiton, 65.
234 Newton read books about Descartes' mathematics: Boyer and Merzbach, 391.
235 acknowledging the contributions of Galileo, Kepler, and Descartes: E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics, 93.
237 on the history of our understanding of the solar system: The observations were made by an international team of astronomers led by Professor John Seiradakis, the director of the Observatory of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
239 article in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society: Jeffrey Weeks.
“The Poincare Dodecahedral Space and the Mystery of the Missing Fluctuations,” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, June/July 2004, 610-19.
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