Double Your Trouble

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Double Your Trouble Page 5

by Belita Renn

  "No, Saul, please...” She clamped her mouth tightly when he turned, moving his hand closer to her face. With one hand circling her bicep, he dragged her further across the room.

  "She sucked my cock. Did she do that for you, Saul? Nude, with her pink nipples hard, and juice dripping from her curly pubic hair. She sat on Cader's face and drank my seed,” Valo bragged with a confident grin.

  She gasped. “I didn't.” Her tone pleaded for Saul to believe her.

  Saul slapped her, openhanded, hitting her cheek with his palm. She gasped, shocked by the unexpected move and his finger rammed into her mouth. Angrily, she bit down on it.

  Cursing, he released her arm and slapped her hard.

  "Damn it.” Cader warned, grasping Saul's arm, causing him to yelp in pain. “That is still my woman. Would you like your neck broken?"

  It pleased her that Cader defended her. She had never had anyone defend her and it felt good. Her uncle certainly was never around to offer protection, just as he wasn't here now.

  Saul dropped his head, shamefaced, and she felt a moment of vicious, vindictive jubilation. He deserved it for hitting me. I would never have bit him if he hadn't slapped me.

  Heat raced through her veins. Her skin suddenly burned as though it were on fire where the holy water touched her flesh. Vampire blood in my body, eating me inside out! Crying out, she tugged at her clothing, trying to free her body from the wet material.

  "Bloody blast, I didn't think,” Cader grouched.

  "Bloody fool, get her in the water,” Valo commanded.

  She felt the blood mixture hit her mind as a strong drink. Everything became odd, she felt as though nothing were real. Not as strong, the pain continued, and she pulled harder at her clothing. Saul tugged her into the bathing room, and removed her clothing, his hands caressing over her breasts felt odd. She didn't care if he touched her as long as he got the clothing off. When she tried to help, her fumbling hands only got in his way, and he knocked them aside. It was strange that her body didn't respond to his titillation. However, her skin burned as though she had a terrible sunburn.

  Everything was surreal, as though it wasn't happening. Yet, somewhere in her mind, she could feel the burning. Saul lifted her into the tin tub, and dumped cold water over her head. Gana cried out, and covered her burning face with her palms, holding the chilling water cascading over her head against the burning flesh of her face. Saul pulled her hands from her face, and rubbed soapy water all over her skin, then rinsed her off with lukewarm water.

  Once the burning stopped, she couldn't fight them, she felt totally weak and submissive, yet aroused that three men were watching her bath. Saul took his time rubbing the soap over her a second time, stroking her breasts and tickling his fingers through her honey colored pubic hair. His hands followed the curve of her buttocks, and slid between her cheeks. He felt her, stroking everywhere while the two vampires watched with smug expressions. Feeling submissive didn't stop her mind from rambling, or her body from feeling the hands touching her intimately.

  She certainly wouldn't admit this to them, but she saw the vampires as two virile males who wanted her body and it aroused her, but she was stuttering mad also. Deep down, the thought of two lovers tempted her. What is wrong with wanting them to be the two lovers? They are not human, you fool. Angrily, she reminded herself, or was it her conscience?

  Saul dumped cool water over her head to rinse off the soap. After he rinsed away the last of the suds, Cader reached out, and took her hand.

  "Step from the tub now, Gana. Your friend has been helpful. As a reward, we are going to let you decide if we should allow him to live. Would you like us to let him live, Gana?"

  "Yes.” It thrilled her that they had gone to the trouble to reclaim her. It made her feel desirable as no man had. To know they would go to all of this trouble to fetch her, when all they had to do was order her to bathe, stroked her emotions with a feeling of admiration. She immediately dismissed it. They weren't honorable. They had lied to Saul, filling his head with the certainty she was their mistress. But they had said it with pride, and that made her feel good. Saul was a sneak-around-lover; he had never claimed her to be his favorite girl. Not once, even when he was having sex with her, had he allowed anyone to know they had any kind of personal relationship. It had always just been friendship between them as far as anyone in the village knew—not that she had expected him to tell any of his friends he knew her in an intimate way, but it would have been nice for the village to know he had been her beau at least for awhile. As far as the town knew, she had never had a male admirer.

  "We need to talk, and put an end to your insecurity about our relationship. Come with us so we can talk and come to an agreement,” Valo coaxed. It sounded as though he intended to ask for her hand in marriage.

  She nodded. At the moment, she was angry with Saul and didn't care what he thought of her relationship with the two males. Let him think she had found a better replacement for him.

  "You wanted us to come for you,” Cader stated. His deep timbre made her want to curl up in his lap like a contented kitten. But that was never going to happen, if she could control her physical reaction to them.

  "Yes, don't hurt Saul. You said you weren't like that woman.” Her friend stood to the side watching with a smug expression on his face. She was angry they had used Saul to get to her. She had always known his constant attention to sexual encounters was excessive. At one time, she had warned Saul that his carnal thoughts would bring him trouble. Never had she thought she would be the one to receive the backlash from his lustful greed.

  Cader escorted her back to the front room. He dried her with a soft linen while she stood in the middle of the room surrounded by three clothed men. They put a loose fitting gown on her, their hands stroking her body in the process, keeping her physically stimulated, then they escorted her from the house with Saul following.

  Valo took her in his arms, and she felt suddenly secure. It was almost as though her body felt it belonged within his embrace. Claiming her lips, he thrust his tongue into her mouth, and caressed the interior. A shiver raced down her spine, awakening her flesh to the awareness of soft skin over the hard frame. Her fingers pressed into the flesh at his waist. It felt good to have him beneath her hands. Feeling the coolness of the skin beneath his clothing reminded her he wasn't a normal male. However, the sweep of his tongue across the roof of her mouth banished the thought of his lack of humanity. Her body trembled with tension. An ache between her thighs revealed a growing sensual desire. Gana felt her sex growing wet and she tried to resist. She tried to remember he wasn't a man. Her clit throbbed, and she admitted she didn't really care if he was a monster. She wanted the kiss to continue, and she wanted to continue feeling the stimulation in her body.

  Valo lifted her in his arms; never breaking contact with her lips. Wind buffed against her back and hair. It felt as though they were moving, but she never felt movement of his body. Her hair fluttered around the sides of her head. Cold wet strings slapped against her cheeks forcing her to keep her eyes closed. The cold breeze chilled her skin and only the band of his arms around her back provided escape from the cold air against her flesh.

  When he set her down and withdrew his lips, she was at the castle entrance. The moonlight enabled her to see the blue-black stone edifice looming over her. Feeling a sense of unreality, she stared at it, knowing it shouldn't be before her. She had been in her home only moments ago.

  Valo nudged her to advance toward the structure's entrance. When she didn't move, he slid his arm around her shoulders, and held her against his powerful chest. He smelled of lemons, as fresh as the air after a spring rain.

  Chapter 4

  Her damp hair and body shivered in the chilly night air. Valo smoothed her hair, then kissed her lightly on the lips. He held her hand and escorted her into the great hall, where a low-burning fire flickered in the hearth. It was the strangest feeling, she wanted him physically, and she wasn't afraid of him. Of co
urse, she had saliva in her from the kiss to calm her fears.

  "Go to the fire and warm yourself,” Valo instructed.

  Gana sat on the chair beside the fire and looked at Valo. “Where is Cader?"

  "Making sure your friend gets home."

  "He killed Saul, didn't he?” She felt resigned, Saul was dead and she probably would be soon as well. There was no one coming to her rescue.

  "No, we promised to send him home, Cader is erasing his memory. He may remember caressing your body, but he will believe it was a fantasy. Cader likes to do little things like that for people."

  "You are nothing but a monster."

  He chuckled. “I can smell your lust, my dear. You want me."

  "No. It is merely a reaction to your influence."

  "Oh no, we have not made you want us. That is all you, sweetheart. You want to stay with us and be our mistress."

  "Do I have a choice?"


  "Then my answer is no."

  Strolling to a side table, he poured a liquid from a decanter, and approached her with the glass extended. “Here, I think you need a drink. It will make the drugged feeling pass."

  Gana took the glass and eyed it suspiciously. She dipped a finger into the liquid and sniffed the alcohol.

  "It's wine,” he volunteered.

  "Thank you.” She took a sip and felt the liquid heat flow to her stomach, then move outward through her body. Calm replaced the tension in her body.

  "Sorry about our little game, but when you live as long as we have, you tend to grow bored."

  "Game? You thought it was funny scaring me to death?"

  He shrugged. “Not funny, merely fun playing with you. I could not believe you were smart enough to bathe in blessed water. You are our most imaginative adversary thus far."

  "Thank you ... I think."

  He dipped his head. “It was a compliment. In the two hundred years I have been around, no one has thought to bathe in holy water. It forced us to be inventive. You cannot know how wonderful it felt to be forced to use our imaginations.” He watched her with a considering gaze.

  "I suppose I am to say it is all right, no harm done."

  Her head was starting to clear. Looking at her arm, she noticed a pink glow, as though she were sunburned. “But I was burned."

  "You only had a diluted drop of our blood in you. Can you imagine the pain you would have inflicted upon us, had you tossed that water as you had planned? You were merely punished for being cruel by your own hand. Do not blame us for that pain.” He dared her to contradict him.

  Gana decided it would be prudent to hold her tongue, but she wouldn't apologize for trying to escape them. They weren't human. It wasn't her fault they were parasites living off humans. Attempting to escape was a natural reaction to their unnatural existence.

  "Did you choose a bedchamber?"

  "Yes, the last one on the upper hall. Even as the best, it is in lousy condition,” she admitted resentfully. The words came out, although she wanted to stop them. The cause, no doubt, was from his influence.

  "We can get new furniture. You can replace everything in the castle, purchase new clothes, jewelry, anything you wish can be yours,” he offered.

  Gana knew a bribe when she heard one. “Why? What do you want?” she asked suspiciously.

  "You, as our mistress."

  "No. The answer is no."

  He sighed. “Resist my temptation all you wish, but you will be begging for my cock before long."

  "I don't care what you tempt me with, I will not agree to be your mistress,” she stubbornly insisted. She didn't want to be attracted to him; he wasn't human. She couldn't even call him a man. Oh he has a magnificent male body, but he isn't a real man. He is closer in relationship with a bug, a tick, or a flea. She tried to think of more ways to insult him.

  "Stubborn wench,” Cader hissed, entering the doorway.

  "My friend, I believe she is going to need convincing.” Valo advanced to the hearth with lazy grace. He leaned his shoulder against the mantel and fiddled with a ring on his pinky finger. His hypnotic gaze locked with hers. “We could put you completely under and bend you to our will, as we did your friend Saul. I doubt you failed to notice how dazed he acted. He followed directions without question, but had few thoughts of his own, because we didn't allow it. The only thing he did voluntarily was to caress your body. That had been something he desperately wanted to do, so we allowed it. Did you notice he did it guilt free, which is why he was happy to oblige. He had no fear of reprisal.” A half grin lifted the side of his mouth and revealed a long canine. “While you were visiting him today, we read that it was what he wanted in his mind."

  "How did you know about that visit?"

  "We were listening to you. We can hear from great distances."

  "What did you do to make Saul act that way, guilt free I mean?” She raked her fingers through her hair and untangled the tresses. They were certainly interesting to talk to. Imagine having the ability to remove one's guilt.

  "He was deeply in our thrall. It is easily done.” He glanced at Cader leaning casually against the doorframe, and nodded. Pushing away from the door, Cader strolled out. “Allow us to give you a demonstration."

  "What are you planning to do?” She looked suspiciously from Cader's receding back to Valo.

  "Convincing you to agree to be our mistress is our only goal at present. Cader merely intends to give you another example of our ability to enthrall, so you will understand we are gifting you with freedom."

  "Why don't you find someone willing?"

  He shook his head. “There is no intense gratification in a totally amenable consort; they want something in return in most cases, just as the vampire you killed wanted our protection while she killed. But a lover that is averse, yet motivated to submit in spite of her resistance ... ah, a sweet conquest. You want a man with a firm hand, adding your unwillingness to be our mistress, combined with your physical attraction to us, you, my dear, are the perfect choice. You will be a great conquest."

  "You are going to blackmail me into being your mistress?"

  "You misunderstand on purpose.” Valo's voice hardened with anger. She realized she had gone too far and had insulted him.

  Her body tensed, and she scanned the room for a place to run.

  "Absolutely not. Do not make me angry with your foul language.” His deep voice was harsh with animosity. “I can punish you in ways you have only dreamed. A total submissive is not what we want. I was speaking of seduction. We know you want us, yet you resist that attraction. You don't wish to desire inhuman beasts, but you do. The conquest is in overcoming your aversion to our race. We are no different from other men in wanting to be accepted. Disliking us because we are Carpathian is the same as an aversion to anyone from France. Once you realize it is mere prejudice controlling your aversion, it will be possible for you to move beyond it."

  Gana pursed her lips and refrained from responding.

  Valo pushed away from the hearth and strode to her, he took the goblet from her unresisting hand. He moved to the sideboard, then returned to her with fresh wine. “Drink this. You are already motivated to remain with us; you merely do not admit it. We intend to bring that motivation to your attention, and perhaps enhance it. As for being our mistress, I do not believe you will be able to resist your attraction to us.” He gently stroked his finger from her cheekbone to her lips.

  "How will my acceptance be a conquest?” She accepted the cup and drank. She was already being submissive and part of her liked it. Although she complained, and he allowed it, when he ordered her to do something, she did it without question. Just as his order to protect them had prevented her from telling Saul about them earlier. If she had revealed their presence, Saul might have resisted their use of him in aiding in her capture.

  "Any seduction of a lover is a conquest.” He shrugged. “It is merely a word. It means nothing of importance. I am only attempting to express the emotion a lover feels wh
en they are finally accepted."

  "Oh, that I believe I understand.” Was it possible she was only feeling dislike because they were different? If they were human, would she want them for her lovers? Yes, indeed. Can they really help her overcome her objections? Suddenly, she wanted them to remove her guilt as they had Saul's. Only then would she know if she could accept them as men. “But first there would need to be trust."

  His dark eyes studied her face with deep admiration. “I believe I know a way to solve your doubts about trusting us."

  Once she was dry, Cader returned, and they carried her to the dungeon. They stripped her clothes from her body and chained her to the wall with her arms and legs spread wide. Her heart pounded hard enough to shake her breasts, and she wondered if they were going to torture her now. Had she been a fool to trust them? She braced herself against the fear mounting in her body. Gana inhaled deeply and struggled against the panic rising within her chest. Her heart thundered in her ears while she waited, and they quietly discussed what they were going to do.

  Cader nodded at something Valo said, then turned toward her. He advanced with long, sleek strides to where she stood lashed to the wall. “Relax, we are not going to harm you. To become comfortable with us, you need to be at ease with your body. This will help. You want a firm hand and I can provide it,” Cader stated, as though he knew everything. Stopping before her, he held out a fingertip, and stroked it across her turgid nipple. Her shocked gasp brought a smile to his lips. Leaning forward, he kissed her lightly, then swept his tongue into her mouth.

  "I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere. Shall I bring some guests to watch?"

  Her fear evaporated during the kiss. “Would you? I would really like an audience to witness my humiliation,” she mocked sweetly, knowing there would be too much of a danger to their safety to risk bringing more villagers.

  "It is not our intent to embarrass you, beautiful lady. We wish to make you happy, and satisfy your lust. After you trust us, of course.” His gaze lingered on her lips, “Are you relaxed now?"


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