Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot

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Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot Page 6

by Bria Marche

  “Take a deep breath. I’ll go first, if that helps,” he said, quietly.

  “Thanks, but I can do this.”

  The judge read the charges against Jack and asked for his plea. His attorney cupped his hand and whispered in Jack’s ear.

  Jack reluctantly rose and responded, “No contest.” He sat again.

  The judge pushed the bridge of his glasses up higher on his nose and looked over the paperwork. “Is there anyone here who would like to make a victim’s statement?” he asked, looking at the people seated in the gallery.

  “Yes, your honor,” Mia said, as she stood. She trembled at the thought of walking to the podium, which in this moment seemed to be miles away, with Jack’s eyes laser beamed on her. Yet she did, with confidence. Mia appeared well polished and professional. Today was a serious day, and she needed to look the part. Her hair was pulled back in a chignon, and she wore a navy pencil skirt, white blouse and low, navy pumps. She stood at the podium and gave her statement without wavering, or looking at Jack. She wouldn’t give him the time of day, or the satisfaction of seeing fear in her eyes. Aaron rose next, and described how Jack watched the house like a stalker, then came in when Mia left. Who knows what may have happened if Aaron hadn’t been there.

  With a crack of the gavel, the ruling was over and Jack received six months of probation and two hundred hours of community service. He was also fined and the order of protection was put into place. He had to stay away from the house and Mia for a year. There could be no emails, phone calls, texts, stalking, or any means of contact. Jack would be back in court with serious charges filed against him if he violated the order. Their divorce would proceed, but any correspondence from Jack would have to go through Mia’s divorce attorney.

  “Are you happy with the outcome, honey?” Aaron asked, as they drove back to Tarrytown.

  “Yes I am, and I’m glad it’s over. We can go on with our life now, hopefully stress free.”

  “I like that idea. How about a late lunch? We can go anywhere you want.”

  “That sounds good. My stomach isn’t in knots anymore and I’m actually hungry. Let’s go to Amelia’s.”

  “You got it, babe.”


  The lively Mexican music coming from Vic’s purse irritated her to no end. She forgot to remove the phone from her purse before throwing it on the floor behind her seat. She swatted at the floor, but couldn’t reach the purse. “Crap! Why do I always forget to grab my phone when I drive?” She pulled over to avoid swerving into the wrong lane as she twisted her body around the driver’s seat feeling for her purse on the floor. “Hello, Vic speaking,” she said, just before the person on the other end hung up.

  “Vic? Glad I caught you. It’s Max. What’s up?”

  “Max, hi.” Damn it Vic. Take it down a few octaves so you don’t sound desperate. “I’m good, how are you?”

  “I’m good too. Hey, I realize it’s last minute, but it’s such a warm evening. I’d love to pick you up on the bike and take you out to dinner. You haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

  “No, I’m on my way home from work right now.”

  “So how about it? I can be at your place in forty-five minutes. It’s the perfect night for a motorcycle ride. We can buzz around town, then find a nice spot for dinner.”

  “That sounds like fun. Okay, you have a deal, but I get to pick the restaurant.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. See you in a few, bye.”

  “Bye, Max.” I’m really beginning to enjoy this dating thing, Vic thought, as she tried to hit every green light on Main Street. She got home, switched into something sexy, but not too obvious, and freshened up her hair and makeup. Keep it low key, she reminded herself. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and swapped out her pendant earrings for some simple gold studs. She checked herself in the bedroom mirror, making sure she looked wholesome, but a little sexy, in her denim shorts and hot pink tank top. “Okay, this is perfect. He’ll like this look.” She brushed her teeth, gargled with mouthwash, and applied lip gloss as the sound of the Harley pulled into her driveway.

  “Yay, he’s here.” Staying cool and collected was difficult for Vic when just seeing Max increased her heartbeat to an alarming rate. It’s gotta be those damn hormones. She took her time getting to the front door when he knocked. Can’t appear overly anxious. She casually opened the door and smiled at the delectable piece of eye candy standing on her porch. Oh my God, you are the sexiest hunk of manflesh I have ever seen.

  He stood there, smiling. He wore nothing more than a thin white V-neck tee and faded jeans that were extra tight in all the right spots. His deep brown, wavy hair was wind whipped, making him look deliciously rebellious.

  “Hi, Max, c’mon in. What a fun surprise, a mid-week visit from you.”

  “Wow, you’re beautiful, Vic. I’ve thought about you a lot since Saturday. That was a great day. I hope we can have a lot more like that.”

  “Really?” she asked, as she threw her purse over her shoulder, and jammed the house keys in her pocket.

  “Of course, really. Are you having doubts?”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Then come here.” Max gave her that gorgeous, “come hither” dimpled smile that made her knees weak.

  Holy shit, he makes my whole body shake. Oh yeah, smile back with my teeth showing. No squinty eyed smiles. “Is there something I can do for you, Max?” she asked, trying to be coy.

  “Sure, you can give me a hello kiss.”

  Vic kissed Max softly, then pulled back teasingly. She leaned in again, separating his lips with her tongue. She licked his bottom lip and tugged on it gently with her teeth. Max kissed Vic and let out a deep groan. He grabbed her butt and pulled her closer, as he squeezed each cheek.

  Vic was way over her head in lust with Max. Should I go slow, or just let him throw me down and have me right here on the friggin floor? Every inch of Vic’s body was throbbing, and by the looks of Max, his was too. “Okay… I’m going to go crazy here in about three seconds. Shouldn’t we leave?” Vic asked, in a breathless, raspy voice.

  Max exhaled loudly. “You’re a wicked woman, Victoria Maria Alonso. We can do this dance for a while. It’s kind of hot.” He kissed her again, and gave her a smack on the ass. “Let’s go, babe,” he said, as he led her out the door.

  Vic locked her fingers around Max’s tight six-pack as he drove his Harley through town. Even the vibration of the bike beneath her made her imagine sex with him. Her mind wandered off to the party she was planning. She made a mental note to mention it to him at dinner. I should be ashamed for wanting to test him. But how else can I be sure I’m the only woman he’s thinking of. This isn’t just a casual thing for me. He could be the real deal. I have to know before I become too invested in him.

  Max pulled up and parked the bike in a diagonal spot near the front door of Morey’s. They walked in, arm in arm, and grabbed a booth in the back. It wasn’t as loud there, no TV’s blasting sports on the screens to distract them. Max sat close, and put his arm around Vic as they paged through the menu.

  “Do you know what you want?” Vic asked, casually.

  “What kind of question is that?”

  “I was talking about dinner, you goof. I’m having the cod sandwich with waffle fries. The food is really good here, so I’d recommend anything on the menu. You can’t go wrong at Morey’s.”

  “You sound like an advertisement. Does Morey pay you to promote the restaurant?” The expression on Max’s face and twinkle in his eyes showed he enjoyed the banter they were exchanging.

  “You’re nuts.” Okay, it’s time to nonchalantly bring up the party. “Oh, by the way, I want to invite you to a party I’m having at my house on August 23rd. I haven’t hosted a party in years so I’m way overdue. Besides, I’d like you to meet more of my friends.” Vic talked nonstop, more out of nervousness than anything else. She dipped her waffle fries in the puddle of ketchup that covered a quarter of her plate, as she
described the menu she’d serve on that day. She swirled each fry in the red pool, trying to pick up as much ketchup as possible before jamming it into her mouth.

  Max watched, amused by how animated she was when she talked. Her arms flew in every direction. Her eyes lit up when she was excited, and her voice rose a few octaves. He couldn’t hold it in anymore, and laughed out loud.

  “What? Did I say something weird?” She caught her breath long enough to ask the question.

  “No, it’s just that you’re very animated when you’re on a roll, that’s all.”

  “I’m friggin Puerto Rican for Pete’s sake. What do you expect?” she asked, her eyes bulging.

  He laughed again. “I expect to be surprised by you every time I see you. Not only are you gorgeous, but you’re funny too. I like that about you. You’re going to keep me on my toes, aren’t you?”

  “Well, Max Cole, I guess you’ll have to figure that one out on your own,” she said, making sure to smile with her teeth showing.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sasha set the morning aside to make calls to a few real estate agencies in Tarrytown. She was hoping to work with a buyer’s agent, and wanted to get a feel of their personalities and commitment to the home buyer. She didn’t like the vibe she got from the first real estate agency she called. The woman on the phone sounded distracted and rushed, like she had somewhere else to be. She didn’t take any time to ask Sasha what she was looking for in a home, or even what neighborhoods interested her. Sasha hung up and scratched that company off her list. There were three more agencies to go. She poured another cup of coffee, gave it a stir, and sat back down at Tina’s kitchen table. Redmond Brother’s Realty on Locust Street was number two on her list.

  “Hello, Redmond Brother’s Realty. Josh Redmond speaking, how may I help you?”

  He had a nice voice, a plus in her opinion. Sasha would take notes if the company got past the introductions.

  “Hello, Mr. Redmond. My name is Sasha Renaud, and I’m fairly new in Tarrytown. I’m interested in looking at some homes. Does your company have a buyer’s agent?”

  “Well, first off, Mrs. Renaud, welcome to Tarrytown.” He wrote down her name, and noted she was new to the area. The personal touches were what always reeled the clients in.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt, but it’s Ms. Renaud. I’d rather we got started off without any mistakes. I’m looking to buy a home for myself. I’m single so it’s only me you would be dealing with. I’m looking to buy an older, traditional home in a nice neighborhood.”

  “That sounds great, Ms. Renaud. I’m sorry about the assumption. May I call you Sasha so we can be more casual?”

  “Of course, that’s fine,” she responded, flicking invisible crumbs off the kitchen table.

  “Well, back to your initial question, yes we do have a buyer’s agent. That would be myself, Josh Redmond. This agency has been in my family for thirty years, so we’re very familiar with the Tarrytown housing market. Our company is run by my brother Jake, and me. We have several agents that work with us part time, too. Jake works with the sellers, and I work with the buyers. What I would like to suggest, Sasha, is to meet near our office and go over what you do, and don’t want in a home. There’s no point in wasting your time showing you something that doesn’t fit your personality and lifestyle. We always take our potential clients out to lunch, as a way to welcome them to the neighborhood. That way, we’re in a neutral environment with no pressure and no expectations. What do you say? I have today at twelve-fifteen open if you would like to meet at Tony’s Club downtown. You can tell me everything you’re looking for in a home and I can give you some recommendations. We can start the ball rolling and find you just what you’re looking for.” Josh doodled on his notepad as he went through the script he had programmed to memory.

  “Okay, I can do that,” Sasha said, sounding hopeful. “I’ll have on a yellow dress.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll be watching for you at twelve-fifteen. Bring your wish list. Tarrytown is a great place to live. We’ll find you the house you want. I’ll see you in a few hours. I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

  Sasha began writing down the type of houses she liked. She needed three bedrooms, two baths and a backyard that would be perfect for entertaining. She wanted to live in an older neighborhood where there were a lot of trees. The house had to be original to the neighborhood, a bungalow or a craftsman style, preferably. She looked at the clock on the microwave: 10:15 a.m. If Mia was available, there just might be enough time to check out Aaron’s house before she met up with Mr. Redmond. She wanted to see the neighborhood Aaron lived in since Mia described it to her in detail. That area might be exactly what she was looking for.

  As she ran dripping wet down the hallway, trying not to slip, Mia caught the phone on its last ring. She and Reggie had a nice run earlier, and the morning was a hot, sticky one. A shower was in order before she sat down to send out her photography invoices today. She held the towel around her body, hoping all her vital areas were covered. The blinds were open and Mia would be visible to any passerby on the sidewalk. Luckily, the large towel covered her well. “Hi, Sasha, what’s up,” she asked, while walking back to the bathroom as she talked.

  “Mia, hi. Do you have anything urgent to do this morning?”

  “Urgent? No why?”

  “I’m sorry it’s last minute, but will you call Aaron and ask if I can take a quick peek at his house? I’m meeting with a Realtor at twelve-fifteen and if Aaron’s house and neighborhood is like I’ve envisioned, then that’s the area I want to see.”

  “Sure, no prob. I’ve got some paperwork to do, but that can wait. I’ll call Aaron now, and get right back to you. I have a key to his house, so I’ll pick you up and we’ll head out. Believe me, you’ll fall in love with the neighborhood. It’s like you’re in a Currier and Ives print.”

  “Oh goody, that’s what I pictured. We can be neighbors soon. How fun would that be?”

  “To be honest, Sasha, I can’t wait to sell my house and move in with Aaron. You’ll understand what I mean as soon as you see his place. Okay, get ready. I’ll call you back in ten minutes. Out.”

  Sasha tossed her wish list in her purse and threw on shorts and a tank top. She sat at the bathroom vanity and braided her long, black hair. The humidity did strange things to it otherwise. Mia called back and said she was on her way. Sasha went outside and waited on the porch for the familiar sound of Mia’s Camaro to come up the street. That car couldn’t be confused with anyone else’s. The deep sound of the exhaust was as distinct as a person’s fingerprint.

  “Hey, Mia. Thanks so much for doing this, I really appreciate it. I want to have a vision in my head when I explain to Mr. Redmond what I’m looking for,” Sasha said, as she climbed in the passenger seat. “Ouch! Son of a bitch, this seat is hot. I think I just burned the back of my legs off.”

  “Sorry, hon, the seats are black leather. It’s also ninety degrees outside. So you’re meeting with one of the Redmond brothers?” Mia asked, with a smirk on her face as she backed out the driveway.

  “Yeah, why? Is there something wrong with them?” Sasha was worried now, and having second thoughts.

  “Which one are you meeting with?” Mia asked, still smiling.

  “Josh. I guess he takes care of the buyers, and his brother Jake takes care of the sellers.”

  “Oh, he’ll take good care of you, I guarantee it,” Mia said, with a chuckle.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Okay, I’ll stop toying with you since you haven’t lived here long enough to know the stories. I’ll give you a quick rundown of the Redmond brothers of Tarrytown. Josh and Jake are twins. They’re fraternal twins, so they don’t look that much alike, but my God.”

  “My God, what?”

  “Those boys are the Tarrytown tramps. Every woman in Westchester County that has a pulse, has either had sex with one, or both of them, or wished they had.”

��Oh gross. That sounds too much like Jack. I’m going to cancel the appointment with him,” Sasha said, now thoroughly disgusted.

  “No, go ahead and meet with him. It should be a real trip. They’re both good at what they do,” Mia said. “In real estate, I mean,” she added, laughing. “You have to meet them, Sasha. They’re both really gorgeous. Even if you don’t hire Josh, you’ll get a free lunch. Where are you meeting him?”

  “At Tony’s Club. Should I cancel?”

  “No, just go. Take notice of all the women staring at you though. Tony’s fills up at lunchtime. It should be a real kick to see how many girls are drooling and wishing they were in your shoes.”

  “Oh for God’s sake Mia, how hot can he be?”

  “Hotter than that seat you’re sitting on. He’s smokin’ hot, sister… and I mean smokin’ hot. Wavy blonde hair with summer streaks in it, enormous brown eyes, dimples to die for, and a perfect tight ass. You get the picture.” Mia turned onto Aaron’s street. “Okay, enough about the Redmond boys. Pay attention now. Isn’t this the prettiest street you’ve ever seen? Living on Oak Terrace Lane is like announcing you’ve arrived. It’s one of the most beautiful streets in town. And check out the houses. If you want traditional, here it is, sister. There’s cottages, craftsman style, Victorians and awesome bungalows. Okay, here’s Aaron’s house. What do you think from the outside?”

  “Oh my God. This is exactly like the image in my mind. It’s like a storybook house.”

  “Isn’t it? In my opinion, Aaron has one of the nicest houses in town, other than the big mansions, that is. This home was his grandparents place, then he bought it after they decided it was too much for them. They were so happy to keep this wonderful house in the family.”


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