Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot

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Insecurity and a Bottle of Merlot Page 18

by Bria Marche

  “Was that an awesome day or what?” Mario asked, his voice sounding exhausted.

  “Yeah, and you know what, bro?”

  “What?” Mario raised his eyebrows and turned his head toward her.

  “We’re going to be the hottest looking siblings at that party.”

  “I’m sure we’ll be the only siblings at that party.”

  “Yeah, but we’re still going to be the hottest.”

  They both dozed off clutching their bags in their hands.


  Vic gathered the girls for lunch at her house on Tuesday. Finger food, sandwiches and sweets filled the table. Chilled Sangria was in the beautiful, cut glass pitcher handed down from her grandmother. Slices of strawberries, oranges and limes bobbed up and down with each pour. A variety of cheese cubes with colorful toothpicks sat on Fiestaware in the flamingo shade of red.

  “This is different, Vic. We always meet somewhere for lunch. What gives?” Karen asked, after air kisses were exchanged.

  “Nothing much. I just wanted my besties here for lunch. I’m going to model the dress Mario bought me Saturday when we went to the city.”

  “Oh cool,” Sasha said, bouncing in her chair. “Everyone is going to the opening Friday night, right?” she looked around, acknowledging everyone’s affirmative nods.

  “I’ll admit, I’m kind of nervous.” Vic wiped imaginary crumbs off the tablecloth as she spoke.

  “We’ll have a great time, hon. You should be proud of Mario. This is what, his third store now?” Mia asked, already knowing the answer, but trying to get Vic’s mind off Max. She popped a handful of green olives into her mouth. “So, go put on the dress. We’re dying to see it.”

  “Okay, but I want you guys to know it was Mario who picked it out. It’s kind of racy, even though I probably would have picked out the same dress. I’m just saying.” Vic giggled and trotted off to the bedroom.

  “Friday night should be interesting,” Tina said.

  They heard the clip clop of heels coming toward them from the hallway. Vic stopped before turning the corner to build the suspense. There were four waiting bodies at the kitchen table with eyes bulging and mouths agape.

  “Okay… here I come.” She was giggling again.

  “Well, do it already, for crap’s sake,” they said, in unison.

  “Holy mother of Jesus and God! You look better than me,” Sasha blurted out.

  Everyone rolled their eyes and laughed at the nonsense that always spewed from Sasha’s mouth.

  The grin spread across Vic’s face as she pranced around like a new filly full of energy and life. The silver, shimmery dress clung to her every curve. Thin spaghetti straps were all that dangerously held up her ample breasts, and they still heaved over the décolletage neckline. The hemline was so short it barely covered the Kardashian sized butt Vic loved and hated, depending on what she was wearing at the time.

  “Oh my friggin God, how are you going to sit in that thing?” Mia asked, her mouth still gaping open with remnants of green olives on her teeth.

  “I have no idea. I guess I’ll stand all night. I’m not putting it on until we get to the after-party anyway. At the grand opening I’ll be casual like everyone else.” Vic was still giggling. “Can you believe Mario picked this out?”

  “Uh… duh… he’s a guy,” Tina said.

  “I’ve got a great idea,” Karen added. “Let’s all change into hot as hell, provocative dresses once we get to the after-party. That way Vic won’t look like a slut all by herself. We can join her. It will be a riot!”

  “Damn girl, you’re hanging out with Sasha too much,” Mia said, cracking up. “But, I’ll admit, it is a great idea. Let’s do it. None of our guys will be able to take their eyes off us.”

  “That’s hilarious, Mia, since you’re the only one with a guy,” Vic said, correcting her.

  “True, but by the end of the night, who knows?”

  Chapter Thirty One

  Friday arrived and the grand opening was in full swing. People lined up to take advantage of the ten percent discount on their merchandise total. Everyone hoped to be the winner of the two hundred dollars in Geared Up Bucks.

  Karen made sure everything ran smoothly, like a well-oiled machine. No hiccups, no mistakes. Today has to be perfect, she thought. Mario was well aware of her business sense and abilities, but she also wanted him to notice her as a single woman interested in him.

  A local catering service had snacks and beverages set up along the street in front of the store entrance. Every dog owner was given biscuits for their beloved pets. Water bowls were filled with fresh water every half hour for those thirsty pooches. Free face painting and small toys were given to the kids. Helium balloons tied to the potted evergreens swayed in the breeze. Even the local TV station and Daily Gazette stopped by to take pictures and get a quick interview with either Max or Mario. Mia ran around snapping candid shots and videos for their own memories.

  Everyone pitched in to get the store off to a great start. Vic and Max bumped into each other constantly, she, stocking shelves, he, helping customers. They politely apologized each and every time. Sideways glances and smiles lit the girl’s faces as they deliberately found ways to push Vic and Max together.

  The first day wound down, and the crowd dispersed by five-thirty. At six o’clock the store closed with everyone sighing from exhaustion. The grand opening was a huge success with total sales of $6239.00 for the day. It was cause for celebration and the after-party would begin at seven- thirty.

  The trunk of Karen’s car was filled with gorgeous dresses sheathed in garment bags. Shoe boxes and handbags sat on the floor in the back seat. The girls left first for the Inn Along the Hudson to change clothes and freshen up. They rented one room for the night just to have a place to shower and change. Aaron, Max and Mario stayed behind to restock, straighten up and close the store.

  The two double-bed suite they reserved was crowded with women. Glamorous dresses lay across the beds. Shoes were tripped over. Non-stop chatter filled the room. They took turns speed showering and applying makeup in the brightly lit bathroom. The large dresser with a full sized mirror was their staging area for hair and primping. By seven-fifteen the girls were transformed into Cinderella’s on their way to the ball. Mia took individual pictures of each of them and a group shot using the timer and tripod. They were indeed like sisters. Each had their own distinct beauty and quirky personality, but they all had the same amount of love in their hearts, with a little extra waiting to be appreciated by a good man.

  “My God, if the way we look doesn’t stop some living, breathing man in his tracks tonight, we don’t have a damn prayer,” Tina said.

  They each gave a nod of approval to the others and headed toward the elevator.

  A sandwich board by the outer doors of the Stonewater Grille congratulated Geared Up for opening its new store in town. A message on the board said the Grille was closed to the public tonight, but the owners of Geared Up welcomed invited guests to their private after-party being held on the canopied terrace. Mia snapped a few shots of the sandwich board to add to her photo collection for the day. A memory album would be assembled for Mario and Max, compliments of Mia James, photographer extraordinaire. The five beauties stood in front of the double doors that led to the party. They could hear guests reveling on the other side. By the sound of it, there was quite a crowd.

  “Are you lovelies ready to go in?” Sasha asked, looking stunning herself.

  They gave each other the once over, checking for lipstick on their teeth, toilet paper on their heels or any possible clothing malfunction. They were good to go. Sasha pulled one door open, nodded to Mia, and she opened the other. They entered, strutting in like they owned the place, and by the expression on everyone’s faces, they did. Whispers, gasps, and wolf whistles echoed throughout the restaurant and terrace. Max and Aaron were spellbound, while Mario cupped his hands around his mouth and yelped like a coyote between shouts of approval. A slow appl
ause erupted into loud cheers. Heads bobbing up and down in nods of uh-huh-oh-yeah, told the girls they were a unanimous hit with the crowd, especially the men.

  Vic’s eyes did a targeted laser beam right at Max to check his expression. He stood frozen in place with his mouth wide open. He definitely needed assistance peeling his eyes off her. Vic was certain she saw a string of drool drop to the lapel of his sports jacket. Aaron wasn’t much better. The stupid, halfcocked smile plastered across his face made Mia burst out laughing. The two men needed to be leashed tonight. Mia knew Aaron would be on her like a fly on shit. Even Mario perked up and took notice of Karen’s beauty. It was as if he just had an epiphany. He may as well have slapped himself across the head and said “I could have had a V8.”

  Hours passed and the party hummed along perfectly. Guests mingled and offered congratulatory handshakes and pats on the back. The scent of cigars wafted through the air from the terrace. Waiters whisked by with trays of Champagne and assorted hors d’oeuvres.

  “Hey, babe, you wanna get lucky later?” Aaron whispered in Mia’s ear. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. “I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you in my life, Mia. That’s for damn sure. You take my breath away.”

  “Aaron, I love you so much. And hell yeah, I want to get lucky later,” she said, laughing. “I know one thing for sure.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I’m already lucky. I have to pinch myself every day to make sure I’m not dreaming.” Mia nudged Aaron when she saw Vic walk down the hallway and enter the ladies room. Max followed her, lingering in the area, waiting for her to exit. “I wonder how this is going to play out,” Mia said.

  “Oh for the love of crap! How am I going to go to the bathroom?”

  “Excuse me?” A meek voice from the next stall startled Vic.

  “Shit… I’m sorry. I didn’t realize anyone else was in here. It’s just that my dress is so friggin tight. I’ll manage.” Okay, so I’ll have to squirm and twist until I have my dress up to my waist and then my Spanx will have to go down to my knees. Maybe then I can sit, for crap’s sake. If my damn ass wasn’t so big…

  Max paced the hallway. His hands were jammed in the pockets of the perfect fitting, somewhat tight, pants he wore. His forehead showed deep furrows of anxiety. What the hell is she doing in there for so long? The door swung open. It was the other woman. Max smiled and moved down the hall a bit. He didn’t want to look like a ladies room stalker. Five more minutes he paced, hoping he didn’t seem overly conspicuous. Finally, the door opened again. Vic came out, grumbling and cursing under her breath about the damn dress. She pulled and twisted at the seams as she walked. Vic didn’t look up until it was too late and plowed right into Max. He was stunned. She was humiliated. They both turned a deep crimson red.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake, I’m so sorry, Max. I should watch where the hell I’m going. It’s just this stupid… ”

  He gently put his fingers over her ruby red lips. “Shhh… Vic… you’re a vision of beauty, like a goddess. I can’t take my eyes off you, and I really don’t want to either. I’ve never felt like this before. My heart is pounding through my chest right now.” He took her hand and pressed it against his chest. “Can you feel how hard it’s beating?”


  “I can’t keep up this facade any longer, Vic. I need you in my life. We have to come to terms with this. Can we go somewhere and talk?”

  “Tonight isn’t the right time, or place, Max. This is a celebration party. It’s about the store’s grand opening, not us.”

  “How about tomorrow? I’ll come to Tarrytown after we close. Let me buy you dinner. Please say yes.”

  She stared a hole in the floor while different scenarios played out in her mind. Anything would be better than the way things are now. What do I have to lose? “Okay, call me when you’re on your way. I’ll meet you at Morey’s.”

  Time stood still as neither knew what to say next. Max spoke first, “Okay then… I guess we’ll talk tomorrow night. Vic?”

  She looked up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He smiled and went back to the party.

  Chapter Thirty Two

  The party ended at one a.m. Everyone was exhausted, but exhilarated. It had been quite a day. A few stragglers lingered. The building was about to close, but Aaron, Mia, Max, Mario and Vic remained. They sat at a table with wine stains covering the cloth, and drank coffee before they went their separate ways. They laughed about the evening, especially when the girls walked in and all jaws dropped.

  “I’ll admit, that was a classic move for the five of you. We should have expected it,” Aaron said, laughing.

  “Yeah, Aaron, you should have seen the expression on your face. Damn… ” Vic snickered, with a sideways glance toward Max. “And you, Max, your mouth hung open for at least thirty seconds.”

  They roared with laughter at the men’s expense.

  Vic scanned the room, pretending to gaze beyond Max. She noticed the corners of his mouth turning up. He smiled, knowing full well what she was doing. He gave her a wink. Relief swept across her face. Good… I didn’t overdo it.

  “I guess it’s time to head home. It’s been a long first day,” Mario said. “Sis, are you ready?”

  “Sure, bro, I’ll catch up with you in a minute.” Vic said good night to Aaron and Mia, and walked out to the terrace. She breathed in the scent of the nearby Hudson River. Crickets chirped, and the echoes of frogs lingered in the crisp, night air. Vic needed a few minutes to clear her head. There may be a chance with Max after all, but her truth had to be told first. Max deserved that. Deep insecurities about Max and Mia haunted Vic. The guilt about his accident weighed heavily on her. He must have been wondering why I treated him so indifferently that night as he drove the dark highway on his motorcycle. If only I wouldn’t have pushed him away…

  “Vic? What are you doing out here alone?”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. Deep in her own misery and guilt, Vic didn’t hear Max come up behind her. “Max, you scared me. I had no idea you were standing there. I’m leaving now, I just needed some fresh air.”

  He came closer until they were only inches apart. His breath warmed her skin. The scent of Montblanc Legend filled her nostrils, causing her heart to skip a beat, or two. Vic’s knees wobbled, ready to buckle at any second.

  “Mario is waiting for me. I should go.” I can’t do this until I come clean with you, Max.

  He backed away and leaned against the railing, his arms crossed out of frustration. “Okay, if you say so. I’ll see you tomorrow night at Morey’s, right?”

  “Yes, at Morey’s. Good night.”

  “Good night, Vic.”

  The drive back to Tarrytown wasn’t long. Aaron took his time because of the late hour and the dark road. “Did you have fun tonight, honey?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it was great. I’m so happy for Max and Mario. The store is going to be a huge success. You’re staying over tonight, aren’t you?”

  “Sure, babe. What do you think about living together? Full time, I mean. Are you ready for that, to give up your house and live with me?” Aaron reached over the console and squeezed her hand. “Our dreams are coming true, honey. All that’s left is marriage and a family.” He glanced at her and smiled.

  Those dimples and perfect white teeth stole her heart months ago, but now Mia was overwhelmed with joy at the thought of marrying Aaron. “I’ll live with you in sin for a while, Aaron, but you better make an honest woman out of me before too long. I don’t want to be the talk of the town. I have a reputation to uphold, mister.”

  “So, that’s a yes?”

  “Of course, it’s a yes. I love you, now get me home so you can ravish me like you promised.”

  “Yes ma’am.”


  Max watched the clock all day even though the store kept him busy. He had new employees to work with
and customers to help. The thought of actually spending time with Vic later had him nervous. He wasn’t sure how it would go, but he was certain tonight would tell if they had a chance to start over, or not. Max rang up purchases and stocked the shelves. Boxes of tee shirts needed to be opened and prices had to be set. Mario sat in the back room going through the wholesale catalog. They needed snowshoes, cross-country skis and cold weather camping gear. Max straightened out the tent display and lined up the sleeping bags along the wall. He checked the mountain bikes outside on the rack to make sure they all had price tags.

  “Hey, Max, you wanna grab some lunch? My stomach is growling, dude.”

  “Sure, Buckley’s is pretty good. It’s just down the street. I’ll tell the kids we’re leaving.”

  Max and Mario were getting close. They shared the same work ethic and outlook on life. Work hard, play harder. But, at thirty-seven, Max wanted more. He wanted Vic.

  “Mario, do you mind if I speak candidly?”

  “You mean about Vic?”

  “Is it that obvious?” Max rubbed the furrows in his forehead. “Damn… it’s hard to get a read on her. We’re meeting later, and I don’t have a clue what to expect.”

  “Here’s what I can tell you about my sister. She’s crazy about you, that much I know. Vic is thirty-three years old. I’m sure that messed up biological clock ticking in her head is throwing alarms off every day. She had it rough growing up, being the only girl with three brothers. We gave her a lot of shit, and I think she still carries some of those scars. It’s hard to believe, as beautiful as Vic is, she has one ounce of insecurity, but she does. She puts on the hard facade to cover it up. Go easy on her, Max. Vic loves you, and I’m certain that love is mutual. You guys can work it out. I wouldn’t mind having my business partner as part of our family someday. Take it slow, and give her a little slack. She’ll come around. Now, enough about Vic, let’s have lunch.”


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