Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3)

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Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3) Page 7

by Laura Lee

  There are three different contraptions spread out through the open space. The first one is a weird kind of bench off to the right. It almost looks like a neck massage chair, but instead of a set lower seat, the middle section is raised higher with bondage straps attached to each end. A gorgeous naked woman is strapped to the bench, ass high in the air, while a much older—also nude—man ruts into her from behind. I’m pretty sure his dick is up her ass, but I can’t quite tell because his rather large, jiggly belly is getting in the way. I wouldn’t exactly say the woman is unwilling, but I also wouldn’t say she’s an active participant. She’s just lying there, taking it, occasionally opening her mouth to scream. Whether it’s in pleasure or pain, I don’t know.

  The second setup is a sex swing hanging from exposed rafters on the left side of the room. It’s occupied by a young woman with two men about the same age as her sandwiching her in. Her top half is inverted, probably to better accommodate the dick in her mouth. One guy is pounding her from the front, while the one fucking her face is tweaking the nipples on her giant breasts. Just like the first girl, she doesn’t seem like she’s resisting, and she’s definitely awake, but she doesn’t seem to be enjoying it either.

  In the center of the room, there’s a massive four-poster bed. A man with a slightly graying beard is on his back, pumping a hand over his erection. The redhead I followed here approaches him, and they exchange a few words. In the next moment, she lowers the straps of her dress and shimmies out of it, leaving her naked as the day she was born. She then crawls onto the mattress beside him and lowers her head over his cock. He fists her long hair to watch as she Hoovers his dick for a few moments, before slapping her ass, prompting her to climb onto his lap where she rides him, reverse cowgirl style. Without a condom, mind you, which totally ups the ick factor. My eyes widen in panic when her eyes flicker to me, but I don’t think she actually sees me. She’s kind of just staring out into space, going through the motions.

  God. What the fuck did I just stumble on?

  The entire time, Madeline is standing against the wall, observing each coupling, with a look of sick satisfaction on her face. The front door suddenly opens, and none other than Preston Davenport walks in, surveying the room as he stands in the open doorway.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  This is exactly the kind of evidence Kingston needs. I fumble with my purse to dig out my cell, but Preston steps into the house as I open the text window. I damn near drop my phone in shock because my boyfriend follows behind him, saying something to his father. Preston beckons him over to Madeline, and the three of them start discussing who the hell knows what while watching an orgy. Whatever it is, their body language tells me it’s actually a pleasant conversation, which confuses me even more.

  After a few minutes, a fourth naked woman appears from the hallway and approaches Kingston. She trails her talon-like fingernails down his chest, smiling at him coyly. My fists clench as I watch this girl flirt with him, and I could swear he’s flirting right back, seemingly unconcerned that she’s not wearing a stitch of clothing beyond a pair of stilettos. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, he looks like he appreciates that fact. I can’t help but notice how many similar features she and I share, from her small stature to her long dark hair, to her bronzed skin. The only drastic difference is the augmented breasts she’s jutting toward my boyfriend. Preston says something to his son, and both men laugh while leering at said breasts.

  Naked Chick leans into Kingston’s ear, pressing her huge boobs against his torso. As she pulls back, he nods, which seems to excite her. Now, this girl is either a great actress or much happier to be here than the other three working girls in the room. My eyes practically bug out of their sockets when she drops to her knees right there and eagerly starts undoing Kingston’s belt buckle.

  Finally—finally—Kingston places a hand on her wrist as she pops the button on his slacks. She looks confused for a moment as he says something before she stands, once again smiling. Kingston’s hand snakes out and grips the back of her neck, pulling her into him. He can’t possibly be.... Tears well in my eyes when he slams his mouth against hers, and they proceed to engage in some tonsil hockey. Bile rises in my throat, but I can’t look away if my life depended on it. When Kingston breaks the kiss, Naked Chick takes his hand and leads him down the hallway. The entire time this shitshow is going down, a smug smile is plastered across both Preston’s and Madeline’s faces.

  What in the ever-loving fuck is happening right now?

  It takes everything inside of me not to charge after them, telling that bitch to get her hands off my boyfriend. Then again, said boyfriend just kissed her, and he didn’t exactly seem to mind following her down the hallway, presumably to a bedroom. I squeeze my eyes shut to ward off the looming tears. I want to trust Kingston. I honestly do. But what I just saw was pretty hard to excuse, no matter how you spin it. Has he been playing me this whole time? Was that story about his mom just a bunch of lies? Has everything been a lie? I need to get the fuck out of here.

  I pull off my shoes and start booking at full speed back toward the maze. I’m running blindly with tears streaming down my face, landing myself in one dead end after another. I can’t seem to think straight long enough to focus on where I’m going. My lungs burn from the exertion, the soft pads of my feet are sore from running barefoot on pavement, and my heart aches from what I just witnessed. As I round another corner, I slam into someone, soliciting an “Oof!” from both of us. My back scrapes against branches as I fall into a bush before catching my balance.

  “Jazz, are you okay?” a deep voice asks.

  I blink my eyes into focus and find Reed and Ainsley, both looking at me with concern. I feel like a giant dumpster fire right now, so I can’t exactly blame them. It must’ve been Reed that I bumped into because it felt like slamming into a brick wall and not the tiny little pixie that is Ainsley.

  “Jazz.” Ainsley tugs on my arm. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?”

  I furiously swipe at the tears on my face. “Yeah... uh, I’m fine. I just got scared because I’ve been trying to find my way out of this damn maze, and I can’t. I guess I kind of freaked out a bit.” Neither one of them looks like they believe me, but I do my best to control my emotions. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “We were looking for you,” Reed answers, holding out his phone. “Kingston gave me the login for his tracker app when you never returned from the bathroom.”

  I look at the screen, and there are two little green dots right next to each other. Shit, I almost forgot about the tracker he installed on my phone.

  “Why didn’t he come looking for me?”

  If Kingston’s playing me, who’s to say Reed isn’t in on it?

  Reed briefly looks at Ainsley before replying. “Because he’s tied up with something.”

  Yeah, tied up being wrapped around a whore.

  I scoff. “Right.”

  Fuck. Do not cry, Jazz. Do. Not. Cry.

  “He, uh...” Reed grabs the back of his neck. “Said he’ll be a while, so he gave me the keys to his Rover so I can drive you home.”

  Ainsley bites her bottom lip. “Jazz? You ready to go home?”

  Well, isn’t that a loaded question? I’d do anything to go back home, but the thing is, Sperm Donor’s mansion isn’t the place.

  “Sure. I’m tired, anyway.” I sniffle, looking around. “Do either of you know how to get the hell out of here?”

  “Yeah. I’m actually freakishly good with mazes. Piece of cake.” Ainsley taps an index finger to her temple. “Built-in GPS.”

  I throw my hand out. “Lead the way.”

  Ainsley wasn’t exaggerating. She leads us out of the maze without any hesitation or errors. I’m quiet the entire drive back, using exhaustion as an excuse the few times she questioned me. The more I think about what I witnessed at that house of horrors, the more I tell myself to take it at face value. Nobody forced Kingston to kiss that girl. To ogle her naked body with s
uch a lust-filled gaze. To take her hand and disappear into a back room, doing God knows what. Oh, who am I kidding? I know exactly what they were doing.

  Just as we’re pulling in the driveway to my house, a text comes in from my boyfriend, forcing me to choke back a sob. I guess I shouldn’t call him my boyfriend anymore, considering he’s a liar and a cheater. I can forgive a lot of things, but the latter isn’t one of them.

  Kingston: You make it home yet?

  I battle my inner smartass, wanting so badly to respond with something sarcastic, but I manage to control myself.

  Me: Yep. Just pulled in the driveway. I’m tired, so I’m going to bed. Talk to you later.

  Kingston: You sure? I’m about to head out. I can swing by on the way, and you can stay at my place.

  Yeah, right. That’s not happening.

  Me: I’m sure. Really tired. Goodnight.

  Instead of another incoming message, my phone rings. I hold it up as I open the car door, showing Reed and Ainsley Kingston’s name flashing on the screen.

  “I’ve gotta take this. I’ll see you guys later. Thanks for the ride.”

  “Night, Jazz,” they say in unison.

  I take a seat on the front stoop as I hit the button to accept the call. “Yeah?”

  “You sure you’re okay? You sound weird.”

  “How can I sound like anything through a text?”

  I’m pretty sure he growls. “You know what I meant, Jazz.”

  Actually, I’m not sure I know anything about you.

  I sigh, telling myself not to cry again. “I’m fine, Kingston. Just really tired. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Reed said you were crying when they found you.”

  That fucker.

  “It’s no big deal. I just panicked because I got lost. I’m fine.”

  “Why were you in that maze, Jazz?”

  Why were you in that house, Kingston?

  “I thought it looked cool, so I went in to check it out.”

  He’s silent for a moment. “How’d you end up outside when you said you were going to the bathroom?”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “What do you mean, ‘Why does it matter?’ You know I didn’t want you alone for any reason.”

  “Why not? Because you were afraid I’d see you doing something you shouldn’t have been doing?”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “Don’t yell at me.”

  “Don’t piss me off, and I won’t.”

  I unlock the front door and step inside. Thankfully, no one is loitering in the foyer.

  “And on that note, I’m done with this conversation. Goodnight, Kingston.”

  My phone rings one second after I hang up on him, but I decline the call. He tries three more times before sending a text.

  Kingston: Pick up the fucking phone, Jazz.

  Not gonna happen, buddy.

  Kingston: If you don’t pick up the phone, I’m driving my ass over there, and I’ll drag you out of the house if I have to.

  I know that’s not an idle threat, so I move fast. I trade my fancy dress for some black jeans, a matching hoodie, and some Chucks, pulling my hair in a low pony before sliding a beanie over my head. I look like I’m getting ready to do a little B and E, but I suppose blending in is precisely what I’m going for here. I thumb through the contacts on my phone and pull up the one I need.

  The deep voice I know as well as my own answers on the first ring. “Jazz. I didn’t expect to hear from you anytime soon. What’s up?”

  I step into my bathroom and flip on the fan in case anyone’s watching the camera feed. Fuck, for all I know, Kingston is the one responsible for that camera. “I need a favor. Can you come get me?”

  “At your new place?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Well, no... but close to it. I’ll text you the address to a gas station. Can you pick me up there?”

  “Babe, it’ll take me at least an hour to get up there.”

  “That’s fine,” I assure him. “It’ll take me a bit to walk there anyway.”

  “Why don’t you want me to pick you up at your house? Embarrassed to be seen with me?”

  “Not at all. It’s more like I need to get the hell away from this house as fast as possible.”

  He sighs heavily. “Okay, baby. Text me the address, and I’ll haul ass to get you.”

  “Thank you.” I blow out a breath. “Shawn? There’s one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m leaving my phone at home, so after I text you, you won’t be able to reach me. And don’t text me back.”

  He chews on that for a moment. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I’ll explain when I see you. You know I’m good for it.”

  “Trouble with the rich folk, huh?”

  “Something like that. Look, I gotta go. I’ll see you soon. Bye, Shawn.”

  “See you soon, Jazz.”

  I forward the address to the Chevron, then delete our text thread and the call log before setting my phone on the charger. Going back into my closet, I stuff my ID and some cash in my pocket and grab a jacket off the hanger. At the last second, I grab my backpack off the floor and throw a change of clothes into it. Better to be prepared than not. Good thing I’ve taken to running outside lately because I’ve familiarized myself with the area quite a bit. Now, I just need to make sure I stay out of sight during the three-mile walk in case Kingston drives by. I may have a thousand questions running through my head right now, but one thing I’m sure of is that he’s coming for me.



  What the fuck is going on with Jazz right now? I don’t buy the tired excuse for one second. Reed said she was definitely upset when they dropped her off, and he doubts it had anything to do with getting lost. Why was she in that maze? Did Jazz see my dad and me as we passed through? More importantly, did she overhear our conversation? Is that why she’s ignoring me?


  All these unanswered questions are driving me crazy. Thank God Reed found her when he did. Who knows what could’ve happened if my dad and I ran into Jazz? Or, if she made it through to the end of the maze and stumbled on that house? My father was on a mission to test my loyalty. If Jazz saw what was actually going on in that house... there would’ve been no coming back from that, on several levels.

  At least now, my plan can move forward. I may have had to do some things that made me uncomfortable tonight, but I gained quite a bit of ground in the process. As far as my dad is concerned, fucking that woman proved to him that my feelings for Jazz aren’t as deep as he thought. That while I’m possessive of her, it’s because I don’t want to share my toys, not because I’m hopelessly in love with her.

  I scrub a hand down my face, shaking my head. I still can’t believe they’re running a prostitution ring. He didn’t divulge many details, and I wasn’t going to risk suspicion by pushing it, but he did say what happened in that house only scratched the surface of what he has going on. That sex sells, and he’s become incredibly wealthy because of that. He hinted at more business opportunities that he and I could tackle together. When I asked about Charles’ involvement, he simply said Charles wasn’t involved in everything, and he planned on keeping it that way. When I inquired about where the women came from, he assumed I didn’t like what I saw and said, “There’s plenty to choose from if you’d like a more diverse selection.” That’s when he called that Latina chick over, telling her to give me the golden treatment.

  There was no way in hell I would find out what that meant in the middle of a sex den, especially in front of my father and Madeline, so I asked if there was somewhere more private we could go. Thankfully, he confirmed there was and told the girl to show me to a bedroom. According to my dad, that room is for clients who require the utmost discretion to indulge certain inclinations, and they pay handsomely for privacy. I’m guessing those preferences are pretty questionable considering what was going on o
ut in the open like it was perfectly normal. Knowing my dad, though, he probably just didn’t want his fuck buddy, Madeline, to see my dick because then, she’d dump his ass so she could attempt to ride me.

  I shudder at the thought. I have nothing against a hot MILF, but that woman is the true definition of a femme fatale. No pussy is worth your inevitable demise. Okay, maybe one pussy could take me down, and I’d likely be smiling the whole way, but that’s less about the organ and more about the person attached to it. Christ, the guys were right. I am pussy-whipped. Not that I’d ever admit it, especially to the owner of said pussy. I’m having a hard enough time dealing with all these goddamn emotions she makes me feel.

  Like right now, I feel crazed as I park my Rover in front of her house. I don’t know why, but my gut tells me that something is very, very wrong, and the longer I wait, the worse it’s going to get. Thank God Reed thought to drop my car off before he and Ains drove back to his place in hers. My Agera or my bike aren’t exactly quiet, and anyone inside would’ve heard me coming down the road.

  It’s late, so I use the key Peyton gave me long ago to let myself inside through the garage’s side door. I creep through the mudroom and into the kitchen, careful to listen for any signs of people. I’ve taken this route so many times when I used to sneak into Peyton’s bedroom at night, the darkness doesn’t impede me one bit. This time though, I bypass Peyton’s room entirely and stop in front of Jazz’s door. I press my ear against the wood and hear nothing but silence. I test the handle, breathing a sigh of relief when I find it’s unlocked.

  The second I open the door, my panic increases tenfold. The bedside lamp is on, so I can see Jazz’s phone resting on the charger. Both the closet and bathroom doors are wide open, so it’s pretty apparent Jazz isn’t here. I check the game room across the hall and the basement and back yard for good measure, but I know it’s pointless. Jazz isn’t anywhere on the property, and she intentionally left her phone behind so I couldn’t find her.


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