Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3)

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Fallen Heirs : A Dark High School Bully Romance (Windsor Academy Book 3) Page 17

by Laura Lee

  Before I know it, I’m coming harder than I ever have in my life. Kingston is quick to follow, shouting obscenities as he rides the waves of his release. When he withdraws, he bands an arm around me, pulling me up to the top of the bed with him. We’re a tangle of sated, sweaty limbs as our heads hit the pillows.

  “God, I fucking love you.” Kingston’s chest heaves as he tries to regulate his breathing.

  I nip his chin, which earns me a pinch on my side. “Same.”

  His lips form into a sleepy smile as he brushes some wet hair away from my eyes. “You feel okay?”

  “More than okay.” I run my finger along the length of his eyebrow, down to his jawline.

  Kingston’s hand wanders down my body, and he chuckles when he comes across the fluids trickling out of me. “We should probably take a shower. And change the sheets.”

  I bury my face into his neck, grinning. “Probably. But that would involve standing, and I don’t think that’s an option for me right now. Nap first, clean up later.”

  “Good plan.” He nuzzles his own face into my neck as he hugs me to his chest. The growing erection prodding my stomach is sticky from the lube and our combined fluids, which I should find gross, but I don’t. “Add a second round to the agenda, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

  I wrap my leg around Kingston’s hip, allowing him to slide home.



  The sun has barely risen when I peel my eyes open. I wince as I stretch, my entire body sore from mine and Kingston’s sexcapades last night, including my ass. Especially my ass. While it wasn’t painful during the act, my body is definitely protesting right now. Hopefully, just like the first time I lost my virginity, that will ease with time, because I really don’t want it to be a one-time thing. Who knew butt stuff could be so fun?

  Kingston’s breathing is deep and even, telling me he’s still fast asleep. I smile when I think of the perfect way to wake him. I carefully untangle myself from his arms, sliding down to the middle of the bed. I trace the long vein running along the underside of Kingston’s cock with my tongue. We showered right before we passed out for the evening, so his salty skin still faintly smells like the body wash I love so much.

  Kingston groans as I take him into my mouth. “Well, good morning to you, too.”

  I hum around his girth, making him curse.

  Kingston gathers my hair to the side and watches through hooded eyes as my head bobs up and down. I suck him off just how he likes it: with a lot of tongue, a little teeth, and plenty of suction until he’s wrapping my hair around his fist, pulling tightly as he shoots his load into my mouth. When I’m sure I have every last drop, I release him with a pop and swallow. I sit back on my knees with a smile, wiping a stray drop from the corner of my mouth.

  “I’d like to request that exact same wakeup call every morning once we’re living together.”

  “What?!” I sputter. “Did I miss the part where you asked me to move in with you?”

  Kingston’s mouth kicks up in the corner. “Am I supposed to pretend that’s necessary?”

  “And when exactly is this moving in together stuff supposed to happen?”

  “Ideally, the day after we bring our fathers down.”

  My jaw drops. “Are you conveniently forgetting about the minor fact that we’re still in high school?”

  He laughs. “Are you conveniently forgetting that we’re both legal adults, and I have more than enough money to pay for it?”

  “Not the point, Kingston.” I give him a wry look.

  “Maybe not,” he concedes. “But we’ll need somewhere to go after the feds seize their assets. Charles and my father have been fairly clever hiding their money, but both mansions are in their names individually, so that’ll be one of the first things the feds grab.”

  I stare at him for a moment, dumbfounded. I don’t know why the thought of this happening never crossed my mind. “So, we’ll be instantly homeless?”

  “I’m sure they’d give us some time to get out, but I’m trying to prepare before it becomes a problem.” Kingston shifts our bodies so he’s now hovering over me. “I have a realtor keeping an eye out for new listings. Think about it. We can get a place by the beach if you want. Belle can have her own room and decorate it how she sees fit. Ainsley, too, if she doesn’t wind up shacking up with Reed or going away to school. We’re together practically all the time anyway. What’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that moving in together is quite the commitment.”

  “And?” Kingston’s eyebrows rise. “Are you trying to tell me you’re not sticking around?”

  “We’re eighteen, Kingston.”

  He leans down and sucks on the skin where my neck meets my shoulder. “You and I both know we’ve been forced to grow up early. Age is just a number.”

  I gasp when his lips seal around my nipple. “I don’t know... it’s a lot to think about.”

  Kingston’s tongue dips inside my belly button before peppering kisses down to the apex of my thighs. “What I heard is I need to work a lot harder to convince you.”

  I squeal as he gives me one long lick from bottom to top. “Oh, yeah? How do you plan on doing that?”

  “I’d say this is a pretty damn good start, wouldn’t you?” He circles my clit with his tongue before sucking on my heated flesh.

  My back bows. “It’s a great start.”



  “So... what did Reed think about his Christmas present?”

  Ainsley’s cheeks turn bright red. “He was a big fan. Big, big, fan.”

  I laugh. “And you?”

  “You could say I’m definitely sold on the idea.” Ainsley smiles coyly before throwing her hands up. “Ugh! I don’t understand why Blair can so easily forgive Nate, but not Serena. I don’t get girls who think the hero can do no wrong.”

  I look at the screen and see the headband-wearing brunette bitching about something. Again. We’re two episodes in, and I gotta say, I’m not too impressed so far. It’s basically like the Upper East Side version of Windsor.

  “Yeah, me neither.”

  “Did you get that locket for Christmas? I don’t think I’ve seen you wear it before.”

  I finger the delicate silver chain around my neck. “Yeah, Kingston got it for me.”

  Ainsley lifts the charm from its resting spot over my clavicle. “It’s pretty.”

  “I agree.”

  I leave out the part that it has a built-in GPS tracker, so I never need to worry about being separated from my phone again.

  “When do your driving lessons start?”

  “Right after New Year’s.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  I nod. “More excited than nervous. I’ve driven before—Shawn used to let me practice with his car late at night in a Walmart parking lot. I feel comfortable with the controls and stuff. Just not the whole getting-on-the-road-with-other-cars-and-avoiding-hazards part.”

  Ainsley laughs. “Well, that is kind of the most important part.”

  “Hence, the driving lessons,” I deadpan.

  She grabs the remote and pauses the show when the guys return from playing ball. Kingston sets the basketball down by the door and goes straight for the fridge, grabbing three bottles of Powerade.

  “Did you guys have fun?” Ainsley asks.

  Kingston chugs half the bottle in one go. “We always do.”

  “Ooh, Gossip Girl!” Bentley plops in between Ainsley and me on the couch. “Hit play, Ains.”

  Reed and Kingston roll their eyes while my mouth drops open in shock. “You like this show?”

  “Uh, yeah! What’s not to like? There’s a bunch of hot chicks in it. And everybody’s always banging someone they’re not supposed to be banging. Who doesn’t appreciate some juicy drama?” Bentley looks at me like I’m an idiot.

  I raise my hand. “Me. I could live without it for the rest of my life.”

r-ing,” Bentley singsongs. “At least in fiction. Although, one should never underestimate the power of a good hate fuck. Man, those are the best.”

  Kingston’s emerald eyes light up with amusement. I believe you’re familiar with the concept, they say.

  Quite familiar, my eyes retort.

  Ainsley leans over and sniffs the sweaty boy beside her. “Bent, you stink. Go take a shower.”

  Bentley sticks his nose in one of his armpits. “Eh, it’s been worse.”

  I make a face. “You all reek. It smells like a boys’ locker room in here.”

  Kingston’s eyes narrow. “How would you know what a boys’ locker room smells like?”

  I stick my tongue out. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Considering it definitely wasn’t with me... no. No, I would not like to know.”

  The other three laugh while I shake my head.

  “I’m taking my bathroom.” Kingston points to Reed and Bentley. “You assholes can take one in the main house.”

  “Fine,” Bentley grumbles, grabbing the sports bag he brought with him. “You’re lucky I had the foresight to bring a change of clothes. Although, I’ve never had any complaints about walking around in the buff.” He winks.

  Kingston peels off his sweaty shirt and throws it at Bentley’s head. “Get out of here and go clean up, dick. The sooner you do that, the sooner we can all eat.”

  I absolutely do not check out Kingston’s ripped abs or imagine tracing each ridge with my tongue.

  Kingston points to the corner of his mouth as he’s walking to the bedroom. “Baby, you have a little drool right here.”

  I flip him off. “Bite me.”

  He chomps his teeth. “Anytime, anyplace, sweetheart.”

  Ainsley hops off the couch. “I’m going to go change real quick too.”

  Reed chuckles as he notices the giant stain on her shirt. “What’d you do?”

  Ainsley scrunches her button nose. “Jazz made me laugh while I was taking a sip of my soda. Pepsi came out of my nose and dribbled all over my shirt.”

  Now, he’s full-on laughing. “Sexy. I’m sorry I missed that.”

  “Oh, shut up.” She follows Bentley out the door but pauses at the threshold when she notices Reed isn’t right behind her. “You coming?”

  “Gimme a sec.” Reed and Ainsley share a loaded look.

  She nods, seemingly picking up on whatever he was silently throwing down. “Just come up to my room when you’re done.”

  I look at Reed questionably once we’re alone. “What’s up?”

  He takes a seat on the couch next to me, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “Ainsley told me that she told you about my... uh... preferences.”

  “Oh. Um... okay. And?”

  “I wanted to say thanks for your discretion. And for encouraging her to talk to me. I feel much better about the whole thing.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “It’s no big deal, Reed. Really. You make her so happy, and that’s all I care about. I’m just glad you believe that now.”

  He clears his throat. “There’s one more thing.”

  I raise my brows. “Yeah?”

  “I... uh... wanted to apologize for the whole video thing. That night in Donovan’s pool house. I didn’t record it because I was being a perv, or I wanted to leak it. I did it for Kingston.”

  I frown. “Why? So he could leak it?”

  Reed shakes his head. “No. So he could see what we all saw from the start. That you’re different. That he’s different when he’s with you. But Kingston was on a mission to push you away as fast and as hard as humanly possible because you complicated things. I wanted him to have a reason not to do that. By seeing for himself how he looked at you, how you’re both so freakishly in sync with one another, even when you thought you hated each other. I didn’t want him to miss out on what could’ve possibly been the best thing that’s ever happened to him.”

  I smile softly and squeeze his hand. “You’re a good friend, Reed.”

  “So are you, Jazz.” He gives me a sad smile. “When Carissa died... Ainsley was a mess. She’d been burned so many times by girls pretending to be her friend, but they were really just using her to get closer to one of the guys, or me. But Carissa wasn’t like that. She was everything a best friend is supposed to be, the one girl in the world who truly understood Ainsley. Who didn’t want anything from her but friendship. They even had the ballet connection. When Ainsley lost Rissa, she was devastated. It killed me watching her break like that. And though she got better with time, I didn’t realize how much she was still hurting until the day she met you.”

  I quirk my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  “She stood taller. Smiled wider. I don’t know... it’s just like she was more alive than she had been in the two years prior. You did that, whether you meant to or not.”

  I dab at the corners of my eyes. “Shit. You’re making me cry.”

  “Everything okay in here?”

  I jump, startled by Kingston’s voice. I didn’t even hear the shower turn off.

  Reed stands up and heads toward the door. “I’m gonna go clean up. Be back soon.”

  I nod. “’Kay.”

  “Why are you crying?” Kingston pulls me up from the couch into a hug. “Do I need to kick Reed’s ass?”

  I half laugh, half sob into his chest. “No. Reed’s awesome. We were just having a little heart-to-heart about your sister.” I wipe my eyes as I look up at him. “He really loves her. You know that, right?”

  Kingston brushes some hair away from my face. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Is she gonna be okay when everything with your dad comes to light?”

  “Sadly, I don’t think she’ll be surprised.” His Adam’s apple bobs. “But yeah, it’ll fuck with her. Probably a lot. She’s too much of an eternal optimist for it not to.”

  “At least you know she’s in good hands with Reed. Right?”

  He nods. “I can’t think of anyone better to be there for her.”

  I smile as I rest my head against his chest. “Me neither.”



  “Kingston, you might want to take a look at this,” Reed suggests. “Madeline just walked into your dad’s corporate office.”

  Kingston and I join Reed at the breakfast bar and watch the feed of my wicked stepmother standing in front of Preston’s desk.

  “Isn’t she supposed to be in Colorado?” I ask.

  “Charles said they’d be there through the new year.” Kingston frowns. “I guess he decided to come home early. Dude, rewind it a bit and turn up the volume.”

  We watch as Madeline walks into his office and shuts the door behind her.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” Preston says, reclining in his chair. “I wasn’t expecting you back for at least a few more days.”

  Madeline glares. “Well, I’d hate to disappoint you, Preston, but plans change when you find out your lover is screwing your daughter!”

  “Oh, shit,” Kingston, Reed, and I say in unison.

  Kingston’s dad laughs condescendingly. “Jealous?”

  “Hardly,” Madeline scoffs. “Why would I be jealous of my own child?”

  “Why?” Preston’s brows lift. “Oh, I don’t know... maybe because she’s twenty years younger, her tits and ass are a helluva lot firmer, and she works my cock over better than you ever have? The young ones are always so eager to please. Maybe we should call Peyton in here so she can give you some tips.”

  “How dare you!” Madeline seethes.

  “Damn, that was brutal,” I remark, totally engrossed in the drama. I guess I lied to Bentley last week about it not being my thang.

  Preston looks at his perfectly manicured nails. “If I were you, I’d choose your next words very carefully. This conversation is already testing my nerves. Now, I’m assuming there’s a reason you’re back in town early? Would you like to share with me what that is?”

he crosses her arms over her ample chest. “I came to make arrangements to send Peyton’s things overseas.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “Because she’s going to finish out high school at a lovely French boarding school. She’s flying there as we speak.”

  “What?!” Kingston and I shout in unison.

  Preston steeples his fingers. “And why pray tell, would she need to leave the country so quickly?”

  “She didn’t have a choice unless she wanted to be cut off!” Madeline shouts. “After my husband had to clean up that little message you left her, she told us everything. The inheritance arrangement you two had, how she hired those two dead boys to attack Jasmine, how you helped cover it up. How you were forcing yourself on her.”

  He laughs. “Oh, Madeline, don’t pretend Peyton doesn’t share your favorite form of currency. Who do you think she learned it from? I didn’t force your daughter to do anything. She was a consenting—and quite enthusiastic at times—participant.”

  “She can’t legally consent in the State of California until she’s eighteen.”

  “Last I checked, she is eighteen.”

  Madeline narrows her eyes. “Peyton said you’ve been taking advantage of her since she and Kingston broke up the first time. She was still a minor then.”

  “Really? And where’s her proof of that? It’s a bitter little girl’s word against mine, and I say we didn’t start fucking until after her last birthday. Now, as for your other accusation, I have no idea what message you’re referring to, but if I did, I’d say Peyton should probably take it seriously and that if someone needed to teach her a lesson, France isn’t nearly far enough away to protect her.”

  She straightens. “Charles is incredibly displeased you violated your agreement. Daughters are off-limits. How would you like it if he seduced Ainsley?”

  Reed and Kingston are both squeezing their fists so tight, their knuckles are white.


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