Guilt Trap

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Guilt Trap Page 11

by Dawson, H A

  ‘It’s closed for repairs, though from the info I’ve just read, they haven’t started yet. This article doesn’t say why. It just voices various complaints from the locals.’

  ‘Then get us to the nearest spot.’

  She tapped into her phone. ‘I can’t tell if it’s just the bridge that’s closed, or the roads leading to it.’

  ‘How far is Horrington village from the bridge?’

  ‘At a guess, it’s about half a mile away through farmland and woodland. The road leading to the bridge might be open, at least until the last turn off.

  ‘We might be able to park on the closed section. Take me there. We’ll have to take a chance.’

  Luke was grateful that the roads were quiet, their journey went unencumbered. It made a change from other critical journeys they had made, when the traffic seemed unreasonably busy and the roads were fraught with problems. He assumed it was because they were travelling on rural roads, and hoped their swift arrival would improve matters . He didn’t want to consider getting there too late, the thought of anything detrimental happening to Maddie flitted into his mind, causing a queasy feeling as a his stomach started to knot.

  From what they had learned, Josh was doing his best to replicate what had happened to his sister, which had ended with her suicide. It was a terrible thing to happen, and from what they had learned, his life had been devastated by the difficulties he had faced, with his family and in London. But it was not Maddie’s fault, and seeking vengeance would not solve his agony. It would not change the past, and it was unlikely to dissolve the hurt in his heart.

  He glanced at Imogen. ‘It’s hard to understand how he was able to play the part of best friend and lover when inside he carried so much hatred.’

  ‘He’s a psychopath. It’s what they do.’

  ‘I’d have thought she would have realised.’

  ‘She was obviously besotted.’

  ‘Do you think she was desperate to be loved? After all, she’s thirty-nine and not been in a long-term relationship before.’

  ‘That could have been part of it. Although, some people are very clever and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Who knows, he may have gotten her to change her will too.’

  He raised his eyebrows. ‘Crap! I hope not. That might take some proving if he makes her death look like suicide.’

  ‘Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.’

  Luke agreed, and forcing his attention back on the journey, increased his pressure on the gas and continued along the road. A sign for Horrington came into view. It was half a mile away, on the left.

  ‘The bridge is straight ahead,’ Imogen said. ‘There’s another turn off on the right.’

  He continued ahead, following their hasty plan, and as expected reached a ‘road closed’ sign. No one was about to stop them, so he weaved past the roadblock, and raced towards the bridge.

  Two figures came into view. Josh was on the bridge, at the other side of the barrier, clinging to the side, was Maddie.

  Her face filled with terror.

  ‘Shit!’ Luke said

  Getting as close the to bridge as possible, he slammed his foot on the brakes, and leapt out.

  Before Imogen had stepped out, Luke glanced back yelling.

  ‘Call the police, grab my handcuffs from the glovebox.’

  Trusting she heard, he ran towards the bridge, and ordered Josh away, whilst forcing himself to be composed as possible.

  Fury spread across Josh’s face. He grabbed Maddie’s arm. ‘Come closer and I’ll rip her arms off.’

  ‘No Josh,’ Luke said calmly. ‘I don’t believe you’d do that. It’s not what you want.’

  ‘Don’t speak for me. You don’t know what I want. You don’t know a thing about me.’

  ‘This can be over if you want it to be. It’s up to you. Walk away now, and enjoy your freedom. Otherwise, you could look forward to more time behind bars.’

  Josh did not respond, his posture went rigid.

  ‘What happened to Emma was terrible, and I know from speaking with Maddie she lives with her guilt every second of every day. But killing her will not end your pain. You’ll be ending her life, that’s all. You’ll still hate her for what she did to Emma.’

  He opened his mouth to speak.

  Luke was quick to react. ‘Before you say it, she is a good woman, and you know as well as anyone, she has learned the error of her ways. Yes, one of the reasons she is doing what she’s doing with the bullying foundation is to free her of her guilt, but she is also doing it to help the children – the victims and bullies alike. You know how much she cares for each and everyone.’

  His hardened face softened and his grip on Maddie’s arm loosened.

  ‘I don’t believe you didn’t feel some pride when she got her award. In fact, I’d even go as far as saying a small part of you loves her. If you didn’t, you'd never have sent Jodi out looking for her, after you attacked her. Why did you do that Josh? Why didn’t you want to see her exposed and mortified?’

  Unresponsive, he lowered his head.

  ‘Come away from her,’ Luke said. ‘Please.’

  After a few tense moments, Josh complied, immediately Luke took the handcuffs from Imogen, and clamped them on his wrists. Meanwhile, Imogen seized the opportunity to ran to Maddie and move her to safety. It wasn’t an easy task. She was frozen with terror, with Luke’s assistance and gentle persuasion they managed to slide Maddie through the railings and pull her to safety.

  Maddie collapsed to the ground, huddled into a ball and sobbed with relief.

  Luke was regarding her with compassion when Imogen exclaimed. ‘He’s gone,’ she yelled, scanning both directions. Then her head stopped abruptly. ‘Holy cow!’

  He turned to look. Josh was further along the bridge, positioned at the other side of the barrier.

  He was preparing to jump.

  Maddie jumped to her feet and ran towards him. ‘No No No!’ she screamed.

  Josh did not react.

  She arrived breathless and panting. ‘No Josh … please don’t. It’s not what Emma would have wanted. Please don’t waste you life. I … I love you. We can still make it work.’

  ‘Then you’re more stupid that I thought.’

  ‘I can not believe you feel nothing for me.’

  ‘No, you’re right. I do love you.’


  ‘Which is why I have to do this!’ he asserted. ‘I should never have fallen in love with my sister’s killer.’

  Her face scrunched. ‘Don’t say that. I never meant-’

  But it was too late. He sprang from the ledge and plunged to an imminent death.

  Chapter 13

  For days, Josh lay on a hospital bed, attached to machines keeping him alive. His broken bones had been set in casts, and the tears in his tissues and organs repaired. Most seriously, he had received a blow to his head, and so to limit the damage he was placed into a medically induced coma. Maddie had barely left his side and was yet to learn the extent of the damage to his brain, if there was any at all. As illogical as it was, she didn’t want Josh to die.

  It was a senseless yearning.

  He had deceived her throughout their time together, he had tried to kill her in an act of vengeance, an obsession that may remain with him should he recover. Not only would she struggle to trust him, but also, each time she looked at him he would remind her of Emma. It would be the same for Josh, too. It didn’t bode well, their relationship was destined to be ill-fated.

  Yet still, the thought of living apart from Josh left Maddie feeling morose and anxious. She loved him deeply. For the first time in years, she was able to share her deepest joys and fears with someone who didn’t judge her, and someone who loved her for who she was. At least that was how their relationship had appeared. Evidently, she had misjudged him by some margin, but by how much remained to be seen, a question for the future, if they had one together.

  He had confessed, he loved her in s
pite of who she was; yet, still, he sought to take his own life and had jumped from the bridge. His motives to take such extreme action were incomprehensible. All she could surmise, was that he believed that by having a relationship with her, he was betraying his sister in the most heinous way imaginable. Had his life been so vile that he dismissed all ideas of a promising future, or was it a momentary madness, unconsidered and done without forethought? Wanting to believe his love was genuine, she prayed for the latter.

  He had much to live for. He could help with the foundation, working in Emma’s memory, and, in the process, turn his own destructive life around. Was that too much to expect, too simplistic a view? Together, they could achieve great things and alter the approach to bullying in the region. It was a cause worth fighting for, and something, given their histories, they would succeed at.

  She glanced across at him pleading inside, for him to fight for his survival. However, she knew it was unlikely she would get her wish, and if he did recover he may discard her. Alternatively, he may remain in a comatose state or die. Living with guilt upon her conscience relating to the death of one person was hard enough; but it was possible that she would have to learn to live with two deaths, and from the same family no less. If such a thing were to happen, it was also intolerable to conceive how she would get through the next weeks and months carrying such an emotional weight, and feared she would struggle to continue with any degree of passion.

  His survival was indeed a selfish request. She fidgeted on her chair, her eyes shifted from the light beaming through the hospital window, to refocus her thoughts upon Josh. Her attention should be on him. If she had been kinder to Emma, Josh’s life wouldn’t have been ruined. He may have become a successful businessman or a scientist, maybe a father and a husband.

  It was intolerable watching Josh broken and bed-ridden for a moment longer, she left the room, passed a doctor and nurse in a daze, and headed along the corridor for a coffee. Once she had purchased one from the vending machine, she placed it on a low table, slumped onto a chair, and stared blindly into space.

  Minutes ticked by, turning into hours. She didn’t drink and she didn’t communicate with passers by, periodically drifting into patches of restless sleep. While awake all she could think of was Josh. She wanted him to live; she wanted a chance to prove to him she was sorry for his sister’s death; she wanted to tell him she deserved his fury.

  ‘Maddie?’ a gentle voice said.

  Her head jerked.

  A nurse was standing before her. ‘Josh is awake. He started to come around a few hours ago. We didn’t want to wake you and-’

  She leapt to her feet. ‘He’s awake? How is he?’

  The woman nodded. ‘He’s been asking for you. Don’t expect too much. He has a long way to go and isn’t talking fluidly yet, but the signs are good.’

  Not waiting to hear anymore, Maddie trotted along the corridor to his room. Josh was in a propped position upon the bed, and alongside, a woman doctor was monitoring his vital signs. Maddie stood in the doorway, waiting for her to finish, as she departed from the room, slightly apprehensive she smiled at him.

  Despite the days spent rehearsing this moment, she did not cross to the bed, but lost for words, stared at his still figure on the bed. Her heart hammered in her chest, her face scrunched, and her eyes moistened.

  After a few moments, Maddie whimpered his name.

  Josh turned his head. His face oozed love and appreciation as their eyes met. She hurried to his side and clutched his hand. Tears dripped down her cheeks. With quick breaths she voiced her love and anxiety.

  ‘Sorry,’ he croaked. ‘Forgive me?’

  Delighted to hear his entreating tones, Maddie smothered his torso with her body and cried in his arms, and every so often, she glanced towards him. It was too much to take in. Not only were there positive signs relating to his health, but he also appeared full of remorse.

  Eventually, she pulled away. ‘Are you certain I’m what you want? It’s not going to be easy. We have a lot to work through.’

  Whilst he was struggling with his movements and his words, she sensed from the expression on his face that he was confident with his decision, as his eyes bright with his love. Not wanting to stress him unnecessarily, nor do anything to hinder his recovery, she said nothing more, and as she ran her fingers across his skin, she repeated her words of love.

  ‘Love you,’ he managed.

  She held tight his hand, forced a straight face, and stared assertively into his eyes. ‘I know you do. But don’t ever do that to me again, Josh. I was scared witless. I thought I’d lost you.’

  His nod of his head was almost imperceptible.

  ‘I mean it.’

  ‘I was stupid.’ He paused and gathered his breath. ‘You were kid.’

  ‘I was. I’ve learned my lesson Josh, and if there was anything I could do to bring Emma back, I would. I hope you know that.’

  Josh nodded.

  ‘I deserved what you did to me.’ She cast him a wry smile. ‘But I didn’t deserve to die.’

  A frown formed on his face. ‘Help me get better.’

  ‘I will. Not everyone will be on our side, though. Luke and Imogen are perplexed by your behaviour, and if I’m honest, I am too. I need to be able to trust you again.’

  He opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out.

  ‘We’ll talk later. For now, I just want you to get better.’

  Solemnly, he nodded his head. She was convinced by his reactions and sorrowful tone. Of course, given his history there was every chance he was speaking untruths. Either way, it was worth taking a chance.

  Love didn’t come along very often; she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity, and if anything untoward did happen, she would cope. She was a strong woman with a strong mind.

  ‘I want you happy,’ he said.

  ‘We will be, because we love each other.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Now rest.’

  Josh smiled and shut his eyes.

  He was a beautiful sight. He was the man she loved, and regardless of how others viewed her decision, he was a man worth fighting for.

  * * *

  * * *

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  H A Dawson - Catalogue

  Girl on a Train

  Luke Adams investigates Book 1. Client:- Megan Armstrong

  Megan is a tolerant woman, from this vindictive mental abuse she has reached the limits of her endurance. Now she makes good her bid for freedom. She is determined to have a new life on her own terms, despite the consequences. The arrival at the destination she has chosen for her new beginning has an unnerving resonance within her psyche. The effects are physical, her stressed mental state and the hallucinations are smothering her resolve. What can she do, there is neither recognition of the vague faces, nor any recollection of the violence that ensues.

  Editorial Comments

  A detective novel with neat twists and turns, well paced, satisfying page turner. psychological suspense and thriller themes based on a male/female team with an unconventional attitude. There is a good rapport between the male detective and his younger female assistant, contributing to some entertaining banter, offsetting their clients emotion and peril. The storyline emphasises female emotions and attitudes that may occur under duress, but not to the exclusion those of the male protagonists. Statistically ther
e are no two identical people alive with identical psychological profiles.

  One Big Lie

  Luke Adams Investigates book 2. Client :- Leanne Stark

  Decades have past since Leanne's grandmother inherited a vast house after a fatal shooting. These events have remained a tight secret, never broached nor discussed. Leanne grows up believing her mother is dead, that is, until her grandmother dies. She is confounded by the protracted deception, and a gnawing sense of betrayal. The consequences of her grandmother's actions span generations; the locals struggle with the emerging truth; greed, death, and revenge linger. Desperate for consolation Leanne sets herself a quest to uncover this mysterious past. For professional backup, she engages the successful team of Luke Adams and Imogen Morrison.

  Silent Screams

  Luke Adams Investigates book 3. Client :- Brittany Handley

  Brittany lives on edge, her life is shortening at a terrifying pace she urgently needs a kidney transplant. Michelle her mother is due for release from prison, but why has she avoided any contact with Brittany. The pressure's mounting, close to it's limits, amidst some very suspicious behaviour from hospital staff. Is there some unscrupulous scheming in these hospital corridors?

  Naive Retribution

  Luke Adams investigates book 4. Client :- Jade Horton

  Jade's experiences amounted to nothing when a new torment crashed into her comfortable life. Someone knew her intimately, but she hadn't any clues to this person's identity. It seemed impossible for a stranger to gather such extensive knowledge of her life history, it was the threat of a stalker that reinforced her anxieties.


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