Burn So Good

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Burn So Good Page 13

by J. H. Croix

  She turned back, a look of subtle annoyance flashing across her face. “Of course. I haven’t gotten any recently. Why are you asking?”

  I wisely held my tongue because I’d already had a taste of her irritation on this topic. Cade, on the other hand, didn’t even bother to hold back. “Because that fucking asshole is still texting. Please don’t shut anybody out on this. This is serious.”

  Ella went from annoyed to really annoyed. Resting a hand on her hip, her eyes narrowed. “You don’t need to boss me around. I know it’s serious. I’ve been dealing with it for over a year and a half.”

  With a roll of her eyes and a shake of her head, she spun around, stalking out of the room. At the last minute, she called over her shoulder. “I’m an adult you know, not your kid sister anymore.”

  Amelia had stayed quiet. Glancing to Cade, she sighed. “I know you’re worried, but don’t get all high-handed about it. It won’t help.”

  Cade ran a hand through his hair with a ragged sigh, glancing between Rex and me. Before he had a chance to speak, Amelia added, “It’s not that I don’t understand. I’m just saying, don’t let her feel like you’re taking over everything. That would annoy me, and it’ll definitely annoy her. I know you’re worried. Just back off a little.” She paused and caught his hand in hers, giving it a squeeze before she walked out of the room. “See you tonight.”

  After the sound of their footsteps was beyond earshot, Cade glanced to me and then to his father. “What the fuck? Why is Ella so annoyed about this?”

  “Because she likes to take care of things herself. She was always like that. No need to lecture her on it either,” Rex said, flicking his eyes between us.

  I lifted my hands in mock surrender. “You don’t need to tell me. She already got frustrated with me about it this morning too. But she didn’t take her phone back, so I’m taking that as a win.”

  Cade’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say a word. Rex’s phone rang, conveniently ending this conversation.

  As Cade and I left, walking down the hall over to the fire station side of the building, he paused in the hallway, turning to face me. “This morning?”

  I silently groaned. Fuck. I didn’t need Ella’s overprotective older brother getting on me about her. But, he was her brother, and he was my friend. I couldn’t blow him off.

  “Don’t even start, man. You know how I feel about her.”

  “Actually, I don’t,” he said, sliding his hands in the pockets of his jeans and leaning against the wall.

  Turning to face him, I glanced around, relieved to see no one else happened to be nearby at the moment. “Dude, I loved her, and I still do. How about you let me have a shot at the chance we never got after the accident?”

  Cade was quiet, staring at me for a long, taut moment. He finally nodded, pushing off the wall behind him. “Fair enough. If you…”

  I cut him off. “Man, you don’t ever have to worry about that with me. You should know that by now. I would never do anything to hurt Ella. My biggest mistake was not fighting harder for us after the accident.”

  Cade held my gaze for a few beats and then dipped his head. We turned in unison and walked into the break room at the back.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Lucy Phillips threw her cards out on the table and glared at Maisie. “Jesus fucking Christ. Just when I think I have a good enough hand to beat you, you win anyway.”

  Lucy brushed her blonde hair back from her face and snagged the bottle of wine in the middle of the table, quickly filling her glass to the brim and taking a gulp. I looked down at my hand, which had been decent. Meanwhile, Maisie shrugged and smiled slightly. “I love winning,” she said.

  Lucy, whose attitude belied her almost fairy-like appearance with her blonde hair, blue eyes and petite frame, narrowed her eyes and shook her head slowly.

  “I feel like I’m missing something here,” I interjected.

  Amelia who sat beside me nudged me with her elbow and laughed. “Maisie usually wins. Despite his many flaws, her dad was a hard core poker player.”

  Maisie piped in. “Exactly. That’s how he made his living for most of my childhood. I know how to play, and I know how to play well. I can’t bring myself to throw a game just for the hell of it. We don’t have to play cards every week,” she offered, glancing over to Lucy who still looked put out by the whole thing.

  Susannah chuckled and took a sip of her water. “I think half the fun for Lucy is getting pissed off at you,” she offered to Maisie with a wry grin.

  I knew Susannah from growing up in Willow Brook. She’d been a few years ahead of me in high school. At the moment, she was very pregnant and due within the next few weeks. With her strawberry blonde hair, her wide blue eyes and fair freckled skin, she was practically glowing. She was a hotshot firefighter and tough as nails. She’d complained tonight about the frustrations of doing nothing but light duty at the station for the last few months.

  Lucy cast her glare in Susannah’s direction now. “Half the fun isn’t me getting pissed off.”

  Amelia chuckled again. “Sure it is. I work with you every day. You thrive off of getting angry.”

  Lucy finally burst out laughing. “Okay, fine. I might—just a little—have fun giving you a hard time.”

  “Okay, so the deal is Maisie wins every week then?” I asked

  Amelia shrugged. “Not every week. Every once in a while one of us beats her. I figured you might have a shot. I remembered when we were little Cade used to get annoyed when you beat him at rummy.”

  “Uh, that was chance. My card skills are completely average,” I replied, setting my cards down on the table.

  Lucy, promptly proving Amelia’s point, picked everyone’s cards up, started shuffling and immediately dealt another hand. As the cards were dealt, I glanced around the table. Susannah winced slightly, reaching her hand behind her back to rub it lightly.

  Maisie got right to the point. “Are you about to go into labor?”

  Susannah shook her head with a laugh. “No, but I wish. I was telling Dr. Jenkins the other day that I can’t wait for these last few weeks to be over. I’m sick of feeling like a beached whale. I have to pee all the damn time. She’s constantly reminding me I need to stay hydrated when I’d rather not because then I have to pee more. And Ward is driving me fucking insane,” she said with a groan.

  Maisie burst out laughing. “I’ll just bet he is. He doesn’t know what to do with himself around the station these days. Beck was laughing about it the other night. That man is so damn whipped.”

  Susannah smiled softly, but it faded fast. “I love him, but he’s a bit much. I’m too uncomfortable to deal with his hovering. I told him I preferred sleeping on the couch, and you should’ve seen his face. It didn’t matter that I like it because it has that reclining section. So then he offered to sleep out there with me on the other side of the sectional.”

  I glanced to Amelia, wondering if she and Cade were planning to have kids anytime soon. As though she read my mind, she shrugged. “It’s a big fat maybe for us. Every time I hear stories like that, I think maybe not.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll have her little baby boy and forget all of it. Then, you’ll wonder. Max is already getting big and I miss what he was like when he was a baby,” Maisie said, referring to her and Beck’s son. “I can’t believe I’m already pregnant again though.” Maisie’s eyes landed on me. “What about you and Caleb?”

  My cheeks flushed hot, and I glanced over at her, sputtering and then taking a gulp of wine to mask my embarrassment. Maisie winked and caught Amelia’s gaze. “It’s like I told you. Caleb’s ridiculous around her. I might not’ve known you long,” she offered, looking back in my direction “…but Caleb’s been at the station for over a year now. He hangs out with the rest of the crews and us. I’ve never, I mean never, seen him look at a woman the way he looks at you. I’m pretty sure you’re it for him.”

  Lucy smiled slightly. “Perfect. Is it
going to be another one of those sappy second chance things? Although you’re going to have to work to top Cade and Amelia. I was ready to shake them both by the end of it all.”

  Glancing to Amelia, I caught her rolling her eyes. Someone kicked my foot, and I looked around. “Oops. That was me. I was aiming for Lucy. Sorry about that,” Amelia said.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m so happy you and Cade finally got a clue a few years ago,” I said, eager to get the topic off of Caleb and me.

  “Slick, aren’t you?” Lucy asked with a grin and a wink. “Don’t think we didn’t miss you trying to change the subject. There’s no gossip left about Cade and Amelia. They’ve been together three years now.”

  Scanning the table, I saw four expectant pairs of eyes looking back at me. Out of them, I was closest to Amelia, if only because she was my sister-in-law and I’d known her forever. While I knew Susannah, we hadn’t been particularly close. Maisie and Lucy were brand new to me.

  Yet, I hadn’t had a circle of friends like this in Portland. I had a few, but my focus had been so narrow—on academics and on fitting into my job after finishing my doctorate—I hadn’t allowed myself much time like this. Even though I was embarrassed and even though this was different, it was nice to relax with their teasing banter.

  Amelia spoke, as if sensing my hesitation. “You don’t have to talk about you and Caleb. But, like I warned you on the way over here, they’re going to ask.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, pushing past my embarrassment. “It’s just, well…” I looked to Lucy and Maisie, uncertain how much they knew of my history with Caleb. “Things ended on kind of a weird note for us before.”

  Maisie and Lucy nodded in unison, Lucy speaking first. “We heard about the accident. I mean, you’re Cade’s sister, and this is a small town. It sounded awful, and I’m sure it was hard.”

  Maisie was quiet and then she nodded slowly. “I bet it was, but you’re here now.”

  My heart tumbled in my chest. It had taken so, so long for me to get to the point where I could easily talk about that accident. Too long. It was such a relief. I didn’t want to dwell on that. Not now. So I addressed their question. “So, well, something’s happening. I guess we’ll just have to see where it goes.”

  Blessedly, that seemed to be enough, and conversation moved on. It was fairly late when Levi arrived to pick up Lucy and Maisie, and Ward arrived to pick up Susannah. Levi Phillips was tall and handsome. With his dark blonde hair and blue eyes, he was a contrast to Ward who I hadn’t met before. Ward was the superintendent for Caleb’s crew. With his almost-black hair and silver eyes, he had a rather intimidating air about him.

  The look he gave Susannah was so hot, it was a miracle she didn’t catch on fire. Meanwhile, she swatted him away when he tried to help her out of her chair. The tenderness in his gaze made my heart clench. When she was standing with his arm firmly around her waist, he glanced over to me. “Ward,” was all he said.

  “I’m Ella,” I returned. “Cade’s sister.”

  “And Caleb’s girl,” Levi added. I knew Levi a little bit. He’d moved to Willow Brook with his family while I was still in high school.

  He flashed a grin when I glanced over, my eyes widening. “Well, the guy can’t shut up about you,” he offered with a nonchalant shrug.

  Lucy nudged her knee against his leg. “Don’t tease her, she’s a little sensitive about it.”

  “Are we ready to go?” he asked with a glance between her and Maisie.

  Maisie had carried the empty water and wine glasses over to the sink and turned back. “Sure thing. Beck texted and told me Max is already asleep. I love it when I have girls’ night, and I can get home without worrying about putting him to sleep.” She looked to Susannah. “Enjoy your last few weeks of sleep,” she offered with a wink.

  Everyone said their goodbyes and shuffled out with Levi calling over his shoulder to Amelia. “Cade said he’d be here soon. He was helping somebody change a flat tire in the parking lot when we left.”

  The door slammed shut behind them, and Amelia walked over to the sink, transferring the empty glasses into the dishwasher. The kitchen was quiet, and I leaned back in my chair, taking a deep breath and considering that I should plan to stay here tonight. I’d had a few too many glasses of wine.

  “The guestroom is all yours,” Amelia said, glancing to me just as there was a knock at the door. Her eyes caught mine again, her brow knitting in confusion.

  “Come in,” she called. Looking to me, she shrugged. “Cade doesn’t knock, so I don’t know who the hell this is.”

  When the door opened, Caleb stepped through. “Levi texted me he didn’t have room to take three of you home, so I thought I’d stop and see if you needed a ride.”

  Amelia looked from me to Caleb and then smiled brightly. “I’m sure she does.”

  I knew he was stone cold sober if he was here to give me a ride, and I knew exactly what I wanted. I stood and carried my empty wine glass over to Amelia. She rinsed it quickly and set it in the dishwasher before giving me a quick hug. Stepping back, she smiled. “Let’s have dinner next Wednesday.” She glanced to Caleb. “You’re welcome to come too.”

  My head was nodding along without even thinking. It was so nice to be back where I could see her and Cade regularly. “Of course. Thanks for tonight.”

  Amelia flashed a wry grin. “Now you’ll be expected whenever we get together.”

  She waved us out. I heard Caleb say goodbye and then felt his presence behind me as I stepped through the door. It was cool and damp out tonight. It had rained this afternoon, but the sky was clear now. The air held an earthy, woodsy scent I associated with autumn.

  I paused at the foot of the stairs leading down from the small deck. Taking a deep breath, I leaned my head back to look up into the night. The stars glittered above with wispy clouds moving slowly across the sky. A half moon was rising behind the mountain ridge in the distance as I looked forward again. I took another deep breath and let it out, glancing to Caleb. He didn’t say a word. He simply caught my hand in his, and we walked to his truck.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I hadn’t wanted to let go of Ella’s hand in the car, but by sheer practicality, it had been necessary to start my truck. She was quiet as I drove through the falling darkness, my hand resting on her thigh with our pinkies hooked together.

  Nothing could’ve stopped me from coming to pick her up tonight. Another run of messages from Lance had fired me up. I was furious with him, annoyed with the delays in getting him charged, or whatever the fuck they were going to do. As far as my feelings for Ella though, the more I worried about her and the effect it had on her, the more my heart twisted sharply with the knowledge of how much she meant to me and always had.

  I’d boxed my feelings away for her because I’d thought I had no other choice. Now she was back, here to stay, and I’d be damned if I let this chance slip through my fingers again. I was also determined to wipe that haunted look out of her eyes for once and for all.

  I rolled my truck to a stop in front of my house, glancing over to see Ella asleep. Though her pinky was still hooked through mine, her head was dipping down to her shoulder. I eased my hand free of hers and climbed quietly out of the truck. Bundling her into my arms, I moved carefully in the hopes that I didn’t wake her. I needn’t have worried. She was sound asleep, her breath coming soft and steady as I carried her up the stairs.

  I stripped her down to her underwear, my cock reacting to the sight of her breasts and the flare of her hips. Not tonight. She was out like a light, and I’d be more than content to simply sleep beside her. Climbing into bed with her, I pulled her close against me and tumbled into sleep.

  I came awake in the darkness. I had to piss like nobody’s business, but I didn’t want to move. At all. Not with Ella’s warm, lush body curled up against me. I sifted my fingers through her hair where her head rested on my shoulder, wishing I didn’t need to
untangle myself. But nature called.

  I moved slowly, sliding out from under her leg thrown over mine and easing her head on the pillow. Taking care of matters quickly, I returned to the bed. I was relieved when she instantly shifted, curling up against my side again. I glanced at the clock to see it was only three in the morning before I fell back into a deep sleep.

  The next time I woke, it was to the feel of Ella’s hands traveling down over my abs and her lips following them. Though my mind was barely online, my body was in the thick of it. I groaned at the feel of her palm curling around my cock. I heard myself murmuring her name, my breath coming out on another groan as she dragged her tongue from the base of my cock to the tip.

  Darkness had shifted to light, the silvery rays of the early sun angling through the windows just above the mountains. Ella was shrouded by the comforter, and I needed to see her. I slid it down, managing to lift my head just as she lifted hers. Her dark brown hair was a tousled mess, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes bright green with a hint of mischief in them.

  “Good morning, Caleb,” she murmured, her tongue darting out for another swipe at my cock.

  I meant to say something, but my words were lost in a groan when she swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, swiping up a drop of pre-cum. I meant to watch this, to enjoy the sight of it, but lust was lashing at me and sensation was barreling through me. When her eyes fell closed, and she leaned over, drawing me into the warm suction of her mouth, my head fell back against the pillows. I buried my hands in her hair and hung on as she proceeded to drive me completely wild.

  She teased me with her tongue, her loose fist gripping my cock. Just when I thought she was going to give me more, she drew back again, her tongue sliding up and down each side of my cock and teasing my balls, which were drawn tight and on the edge of release the whole time.

  I lost sight of everything, my focus narrowed to nothing but sensation. By the time she drew me back into her mouth, I was on the verge of exploding. But that wasn’t what I wanted. Not just yet. I snatched onto a thread of control, tightening my grip and groaning her name. Lifting my head took immense effort, but I managed it and was rewarded with the sight of her swiping her tongue along her lips.


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